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发表于 2011-7-26 19:18:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
浙江越秀外国语学院是经国家教育部批准建立的全日制普通本科高校,也是浙江省目前唯一独立设置的外国语学院。学院座落于历史文化名城、鲁迅故乡——绍兴,1981年由“和平老人”邵力子的侄子、绍兴市著名教育家——邵鸿书先生创办,印度著名诗人泰戈尔中国唯一的学生魏风江先生曾任首任校长。先后曾荣获省级“依法治校示范校”、“平安校园”、“毕业生就业工作优秀单位”、 “保卫工作创新单位”等荣誉称号。学院现占地649亩,校舍建筑面积21万平方米,馆藏图书89万册,建有多媒体室、语音室、计算机中心、卫星闭路电视系统、外语调频广播、图书馆、体育馆等现代化外语教学设施,以及27个具有仿真职业氛围、设备先进的校内实习实验基地。学院现有全日制在校生8200余人,专任教师451人,副高以上职称教师141人,享受政府特殊津贴的博士生导师2人,同时聘有来自美国、英国、加拿大、日本、韩国、俄罗斯等国家的外籍教师50余名。学院下设英语、东方语言、西方语言、涉外经管、国际交流、成人教育等六个二级学院,开设英语、日语、韩语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语等八个语种20余个外语及相关涉外专业,是浙江省开设外语语种最多、外语人才培养规模最大的外国语学院。办学近三十年来,学院秉承“和成·育秀”的校训,致力于“成功的应用型外语人才”的培养,坚持以生为本,积极培养学生的外语应用能力、专业实践能力、综合职业能力,毕业生受到了社会广泛的欢迎。Brief introductionZhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, a sole foreign languages university in Zhejiang Province, is a full-time university of bachelor degree approved by the Ministry of Education.Located in Shaoxing, a historic and cultural city of China and ancestral place of Luxun, Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages is established by Mr.Shao Hongshu* in 1981 with Mr.Wei Fengjiang* as the 1st principal, and has been awarded as a Provincial Model of Running College by Law, Safe Campus ,a Model of Graduates Employment, and Initiative Model of College Security.Covering a total area of 649 mu and with a construction area of 210,000 square meters, Yuexiu has multimedia classrooms, language laboratories, computer centers, closed-circuit satellite TV system, a stadium and a library with a collection of 890,000 books. It has 27 on-campus training bases equipped with modern facilities to simulate professional atmosphere.There are 8,200 full-time students and 451 teachers, including 141 associate professors and professors, 2 doctoral advisors receiving government allowances. And there are around 50 foreign teachers from the USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Russia working in Yuexiu. The 6 colleges of Yuexiu, namely, College of English Language, College of Oriental Languages, College of European Languages, College of International Business and Management, College of International Exchange and College of Adult Education, offer 8 foreign languages* and 20 foreign language-related majors to the students. Yuexiu is the largest foreign language university covering the most foreign languages in Zhejiang Province.Since its establishment nearly 30 years ago,Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages has been adhering to the motto of Harmony,Integrity,Cultivation and Success,and striving to cultivate successful and practical talents of foreign languages. It adopts the students-based strategy to develop the students’ abilities of language application, professional practice and vocational competence. , and the graduates of Yuexiu are popularly approved by the society.* Mr.Shao Hongshu(1910—1990), a well-known educator in Shaoxing, is the nephew of Shao Lizi who is famous in Chinese history for pursuing peace all his life. * Mr.Wei Fengjiang (1911-2004), is the only Chinese student of Tagore.* The 8 majors of foreign languages refer to English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian Spanish
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-26 19:18:00 | 只看该作者

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