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小学英语新标准第十一册Module 6 uint 1 《I’ve got some Chinsese chopsticks》 教学设计

发表于 2021-10-18 09:29:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
主题是“Letter from abroad”。 它以话题“Compare culture differences”为主要教学内容的阅读课,能用英语调查并描述自己和其他同学所拥有的东西。通过学习本课课文激发学习的兴趣,同时学会如何与笔友写信、交流,陶冶情操。通过本单元的学习激发学生用英语表达自己爱好的欲望,提高英语口语生活化。
单词:chopsticks  difficult  city  answer  Finish
句型: He has got a Chinese kite.
I have got some Chinese chopsticks.
Have you got a book about America?
知识目标:学习目标语句 I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks.
My brother has got a Chinese kite.
Have you got a book about America?
能力目标:能够听说读写本单元句型;能运用所学语言描述自己或他人拥有某物;能用 have got 询问对方,回应对方。并将所学语言运用到真实语境中。
【教学重点】:掌握句型     I’ve got  a/some ….
She/He has got   a/some….
Have you got   a/some …?
【教学难点】:1. 能灵活运用have got 的句型。
2. 能运用到实际生活中写简单的信件。
【教学方法及策略】:教师通过情境法自然而然的将学生引入新课。通过任务教学法、小组合作法让让学生逐渐理解、掌握本课的重点,同时在While-reading中渗透Fast Reading 、Skimming、Perusal的阅读技巧,让阅读课更加扎实有效。
【教     具】:点读笔,卡片,课件。
Step 1  Warm up
       1、Say hello to everybaby .
        2、Guessing game
(Show a kite to the students, review the word ”Chinese kite” , then let them close their eyes , teacher put the kite into a student’s  schoolbag. Then let other guess : who has got the kite ?  )
[设计意图:在这个环节中,运用这个游戏活动,能够集中学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造英语学习的氛围,同时又复习巩固了已经学习的知识:Have you got…?为新授开了个好头。]
Step 2 Pre-reading
    Show a letter , and introduce to the Ss : This letter is from teacher’s new pan pal , She is Lanlan .She’s got long red hair, blue eyes .(show a picture about lanlan ,  teach the key words and important sentences)
Step 3 While reading
1.        Listen to the whole text and answer two questions
A. Who wrote this letter?
B. Where is she from?        
2.        Fast Reading : let the students skim the whole text and do some match .
3.        Skim: read the letter again with your partner , then answer these questions:
①、Where did Laura meet Daming?
②、What colour is Laura’s hair?
③、What colour are her eyes?
④、What food does she like?
⑤、what has her brother got?
4.        Perusal: Fill in the blanks:
Read once more , fill the key words in the blanks (four students in one group) , and solve the new words.
5.        Retell
Make the sentences disappear, let Ss try to retell the text with the key words on the PPT
[设计意图:在这个环节中通过pre-reading的教学,运用两个简单的问题,让学生整体感知课文内容,训练了学生的听力,为帮助学生理解整片课文内容做好铺垫;在while-reading 环节中,教给学生阅读的技巧,如:Fast Reading 、Skimming、Perusal。让问题先行,引导学生寻找细节,在阅读过程中进一步理解课文内容,为后面知识的综合运用做好铺垫;在填空练习环节中,设定阅读任务,使学生进一步注意到重点单词、句型,加强了本课重难点的学习。]
Step 4 Post-reading
    If you are Lingling ,please write a letter to Laura, and answer the two questions ahout Laura in your letter.
[设计意图:在本环节中,让学生找出Laura留给lingling 的两个问题,并假设你是lingling,你将怎样给Laura回信。最终将学习的目的落实综合运用的写上,锻炼孩子书写的能力,综合运用所学知识。]
Step 5 Home work
1、Listen to the text ,then read by yourself.
2、Write the letter to your friends .
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