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外研版英语八年级上册Module 11 Unit 3 精品教学设计免费下载

发表于 2021-4-21 19:44:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 11 Way of life
Unit 3 Language in use
1.能够正确使用下列单词和词组:cap,chopstick, toy, video game, gift, surprise, immediately, difference, accept,tradition, 等。
2.掌握以下句型结构:…youmust say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.
  You can buy it and eat it in special fish andchip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with yourfingers!
  At the bus stop you must not push your wayonto the bus.
1.能够正确使用must,mustn’t, can, can’t, need, needn’t
能够正确使用must,mustn’t, can, can’t, need, needn’t
Step1 Revision and lead-in
Check the homework. Then ask students to listen to a teenagertalking about his life.
T: As a teenager, there are some things you must or mustn’t/can’tdo. Now we’ll listen to a passage. A teenager is talking about his life. Listencarefully and check the things he must and mustn’t do.
Ask students to listen to the tape and choose right answers.
Then ask students to listen again and answer the questions inactivity 2.
Go through the answers with the students and play the tape againto check their answers.
Step2 Grammar practice
Reviewing the use of must,mustn’t, can, can’t as follows. Show the following.
You use must to talkabout something you're strongly advised to do. You often use it when youtalk about safety instructions.
You must  fasten your seat belt.
Must not,(mustn't)
You use must not, (mustn't) to talk aboutsomething you aren't allowed to do or you're strongly advised not to do.
You mustn't lean out of the window.
Then ask students to do activities 2—7. Check the answers with theclass.
After this, ask students to read Sings around the world on page103 and then work in pairs and guess the meanings of the signs in activity 11.
Step3 New words and expressions  
Learn the new words by asking students to do activity 9.
T: Let’s play a game. Guess what it is! Work in groups, one groupchooses a word or an expressions from the box and describe it to the class. Theother group should guess the words or expressions in turn. The one who got itwill win the game.
Then ask students to finish activities 8 and 10.
Check the answers with class.
Step4 Module task
In this procedure, students will work in pairs and discuss theadvice for foreign guests to a Chinese family and then write the advice down.
The Chinese will nod or bow slightly as an initial greeting.Handshakes are also popular; wait, however, for your Chinese counterpart toinitiate the gesture.
   If you visit a school, theater, orother workplace, it is likely that you will be greeted with applause as a signof welcome. In turn, you should respond by applauding back.
   Avoid making expansive gestures andusing unusual facial expressions.
   The Chinese do not use their handswhen speaking, and will only become annoyed with a speaker who does.
   Some hand gestures, however, arenecessary. They are outlined in the next two points.
   To summon attention, turn your palmdown, waving your fingers toward yourself.
   Use your whole hand rather than yourindex finger to point.
   The Chinese, especially those who areolder and in positions of authority, dislike being touched by strangers.
    Acknowledge the most senior person ina group first.
    Smiling is not as noticeable in China, sincethere is a heavy emphasis on repressing emotion.
    Members of the same sex may holdhands in public.
    Public displays of affection, such askissing, between the sexes are frowned upon.
    Do not put your hands in your mouth,as it is considered vulgar. Consequently,  when in public, avoid biting your nails, removing food from your teeth,and similar   practices.
    Pushing is common in lineups.
    Spitting in public is acceptable.
    Blowing your nose with a handkerchiefis also acceptable.
Dress Code:
    Casual clothes are acceptableeverywhere, although smarter clothes can gain more respect. Revealing clothesshould be avoided.
Give the students a few minutes to the advice. Ask some studentsto read their passages before the class.
You must bow or nod when you greet people.
You mustn’t touch the older.
You must use your whole hand rather than your index finger topoint.
You can’t hold hands of the opposite sex in public.
You must blow your nose with a handkerchief.
Ask students to
1. revise this Module.
2. finish the rest activities in the workbook.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-21 19:49:05 | 只看该作者
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