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外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Unit 3 精品教学设计免费下载

发表于 2021-4-21 19:36:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 9 Population
Unit 3 Language in use
能正确区分a,an, the的用法,并能正确使用;区分million,billion
Step 1 Revisionand lead-in
Look at the picture and read the numbersaloud to practice how to read the numbers.
Step 2 Language practice
To master thestructure of the grammar
Step 3 Match thecountries with their populations
1. Match the countries with theirpopulations in groups.
2. Read your answers to Activity 1 to thewhole class.
3. Now listen and check.
Step 4 Read the chart and answer the questions
Read the chart and answer the questions.
1. Which city had the largest population in2000?
2. Which city’s population will increasemost from 2000 to 2025?
3. Which city will have a larger increase inits population, New York or Mexico City?
4. Which city/cities will have the biggestpopulation problem? Why?
Step 5 Learning to learn
To learn how to see a table and a chart
Step 6 Write a, an or the where necessary
1.     Readthe passage carefully.
2.      Then use the articles to fill in the blankswhere necessary.
Step 7 Completethe sentences with the correct form of the words in the box
First read the sentences and use the rightform of the words from the box to fill in the blanks.
Step 8 Completethe diagram showing population problems
1.      Read the diagram.
2.      Use the words from the box to complete thediagram.
3.      To get the answers from the Ss.
Step 9 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from thebox
1.      Read the passage and master the details in the passage.
2.      Use the words to fill in the blanks.
3.      Get the right answers from the Ss.
Step 10 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressionsin the box
1.      Read the sentences and understand the meanings.
2.      Choose the correct form of the expressions.
Step 11 Listen and choose the best summary
To let the students master the summary.
Step 12 Listen again and choose the correct answer

  • Joining a car club is     cheaper / more expensive than having a personal car.
  • People in car clubs pay     for / don’t pay for a car when they drive.
  • People in car clubs     sometimes / never take a bus or ride a bike.
  • People in car clubs     probably are / aren’t healthier.
Step 13 Work in pairs and discuss this question
Do you think carclubs would be popular in China?Why? Why not?
Step 14 Around the world
To know about theworld population and water.
Step 15 Writing
1. To prepare tomake your graph in groups.
2. To make yourgraph and present your graph to the class.
3. Write aparagraph to describe your graph.
Step 16 Exercises
Do some exercises and draw the answers fromthe Ss.
Step 17 中考链接
Dosome exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools.
Step 18 Summary
Let the students say what they have learnt in classby themselves.
你认为自己应该为严重的水污染做哪些事, 写一篇60词左右的短文。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-21 19:41:43 | 只看该作者
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