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冀教版七年级下册英语《Lesson 33 Class opening》精品教案

发表于 2021-3-24 21:12:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lesson 33
Class opening
1.      Greeting.
2.      Duty report.
3.      Sing “ Find a friend.”
4.      Play “ The Story Game”.
Step1: Presentation
1). Discuss:
Where is Canada? (East of China.)
How far is Canada from China? (About 8500 kilometers.)
What do they speak in Canada?
Where do Jenny and Danny live?
2) Li Ming is coming to Canada to learn English.
How does he come? By train or by plane?
Who will come with him?
Where does he live?
Step2: Practice
1.      Books closed! Ask some questions: Why is Li Ming coming to Canada? Who meets him at the airport? Play the audiotape.
2.      Check the answer.
3.      Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.
4.      Students listen and repeat.
5.      Get some students to act out the dialogue.
6.      Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at an airport.
Step3: Presentation
Show some pictures.
Teacher: What’s this? It’s a living room. What do you usually do in the living room? Talk about the kitchen/bathroom/bedroom.
Step4: Drill
Teacher: Living room.
Students: Living room.
Teacher: This is the living room.
Students: This the living room.
Teacher: Kitchen.
Students: This is the living room
Teacher: Bathroom.
Students: This is the bathroom.
Step5: Practise.
1.        Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.
2.        Students listen and repeat.
3.        Talk about the pictures.
Class closing.
1.      Finish off the activity book.
2.      Practice the dialogues in this lesson.
3.      Preview Lesson 34.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-24 21:12:19 | 只看该作者
Lesson 34
Class opening
1.       Greeting.
Remember to greet your students with phrases they have learned.
2.       Duty report.
3.       Act out the dialogue in Lesson 33.
4.       Sing “Find a Friend”.
What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper?
I would like      .
Mine, yours.
Step1: Presentation
Show some pictures.
Teacher: What’s this? It’s a stove. We cook on the stove.
Look at this picture. It’s a refrigerator/sink.
Step 2: Drill
Teacher: Stove.
Students: Stove.
Teacher: This is the stove.
Students: This is the stove.
Teacher: Refrigerator.
Students: This is the refrigerator.
Step3: Presentation
1.       Draw a big clock on the blackboard.
Teacher: (Point to the clock.) What time is it now?
Students: It’s seven o’clock.
Teacher: Right. It’s seven in the morning. It’s time for breakfast. I would like some bread and eggs for breakfast. What would you like for breakfast?
Student1: I would like some eggs, toast and jam.
Teacher: What would you like? (to student2)
Student2: I would like
2.Talk with a volunteer about mine and yours as follows:
Teacher: (Hold up your pencil.) This is my pencil.
This pencil is mine. It’s mine.
Where is your pencil? (to the volunteer)
Volunteer: (Hold up his/her pencil.)
Teacher: (Point to your pencil.) This is my pencil.
That is your pencil. This is mine, That is yours.
Step4: Practice.
1.       Drill
1)Teacher: I would like some eggs. What would you like?
Student1: I would like some bread. What would you like?
Student2: I would like some bread. What would you like?
Student3: I would like some juice. What would you like?
2) Teacher: (to A) This is mine. That is yours.
Student A: (to B)This is mine. That is yours.
Student B: (to C) This is mine. That is yours.
2.       Books closed! Ask this question: What would Li Ming like? Play the audiotape.
3.        Check the answer.
4.       Play the audiotape again as the students follow along in their student books.
5.       Students listen and repeat.
6.       Get some students to act out the dialogue.
7.       Make up a similar dialogue then act it out in front of the class.
Class closing
1.       Finish off the activity book.
2.       Practice the dialogue in this lesson.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-24 21:12:29 | 只看该作者
Lesson 35
Class opening
1.      Greeting.
2.      Duty report.
3.      Review the dialogue in Lesson 34. Get some students to act out the dialogue.
4.      Sing the song “ He’s Wearing Red Pants”.
5.      Ask and answer.
Student A: (to B) Do you go to school by bus?
Student B: Yes, I go  to school by bus. (to C) Do you go to school on foot?
Student C: No. I go to school by bike. (to D) Do you go to school by bike?
Student D: Yes.
Time to go to school.
Boots, mitten.
Always, usually, sometimes ,often, never.
Step1: Presentation.
Draw snow on the blackboard.
Teacher: What’s the weather like today? It’s snowy.
Wear your boots and mittens! (Draw a pair of boots and mittens on the blackboard.)
Teacher: I come to school by bike every day. I always come to school by bike.
Tom usually comes to school by bike.
Mike sometimes comes to school by bike.
Jim never comes to school by bike, He comes to school by bus.
Step 2: Practice
1.        Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.
2.        Practice the dialogue.
3.        Present. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and read sentences and dialogues.
4.        Action chain.
Teacher: Do you usually go to school by bus?
Student1: Yes, But sometimes I walk. Do you usually go shopping by bike?
Student2: Yes, But sometimes I take a bus. Do you go to school on foot?
Student3: NO , I never walk . Do you ?
5.        Chant “ How Do you Go to School?”
Let’s sing a song.
Step3: Practice
1.      Listen to the audiotape.
2.      Learn the song line by line.
3.      Sing together.
4.      Explain that gone and done mean over.
Class closing
1.      Finish off the activity book.
2.      Practice the dialogue in this lesson.
3.      Preview Lesson 36.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-24 21:12:38 | 只看该作者

Lesson 36
Class opening
1.      Greeting.
2.      Duty report.
3.      Ask volunteers to act out the dialogue in Lesson 38.
4.      Chant “How Do you Go to school?’
5.      Ask and answer.
Student A: (to B) Do you go to school by bus?
Student B: Yes, I go to school by bus. ( to C) Do you go to school on foot?
Student C: No, I go to school by bike. (to D) Do you go to school by bike?
Student D: Yes
Triangle, circle, square, line.
Always , usually , sometimes, never.
Step1: Presentation
Draw the pictures to show shapes or use real objects.
Step2: Practice
1.      Drill
1). Teacher: This is a triangle.
Students: This is a line.
Teacher: This is a line.
Students: This is a circle.
Teacher: Square.
2). Teacher: I always come to school by bike.
Students: I always come to school by bike.
Teacher: Sometimes.
Students: I sometimes come to school by bike.
Teacher: Usually.
3) Teacher: Let’s put a circle for usually.
Students: Let’s put a circle for usually.
Teacher: A square for sometimes.
Student: Let’s put a square for sometimes.
Teacher: A triangle for always.
2.      Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.
3.      Practice in groups, make a chart like this lesson and make a survey. Brainstorm some questions the students can use to make their charts and write the questions on the blackboard.
4.      Play “Never never”. Instead of check marks, ask the students to draw the shape you call out . For example: I sometimes walk to school. Circle! (The students draw a circle in fewer than half the boxes and Xs in the rest.)
Class closing
1.      Finish off the activity book.
2.      Sing “The snow Is Falling”.
3.      Preview Lesson 39.

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