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新人教PEP版三年级上册英语Unit 3 Look at me! 第六课时教案教学设计

发表于 2020-9-18 22:09:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
B. Start to read; Let’s check; Let’s sing. C. Story time
Start to read部分包括两个活动,第一个活动Find and say. 教材展示了很多糖果,在糖果间散落着糖果样的字母。Mike从中发现了字母。活动画面符合孩子的兴趣点,但略有些杂乱。学生需要在这些纷乱的玩具图片中找到字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii。这是一个复习字母的字形的活动。接下来的read and count活动中,教材在小丑的南瓜上印满了身体部位类的单词。学生们需要数一数,有几个arm, 有几个ear, 等等,把数字写在相应的单词的后面。这个活动可以帮助学生熟悉单词的字形,将字形、字义与字音统一起来。
Let’s check部分也包括两个活动,第一个活动Listen and number中,学生会听到四组对话。涉及到Look at me. This is my nose. Let’s go to school. How are you? This is the arm等本单元的重点句式。他们需要判断所听的内容是否与图片呈现的内容相符。这检验了学生能否听懂本单元的重点句式与对话。第二个活动Look and match. Chen Jie,Sarah, John和Mike在游戏池里游泳。他们有部分身体露在水面上。学生需要将水池下方列出的单词与其身体部位一一对应。这检验了学生是否能够正确认读并理解身体部位类单词。
Let’s sing部分提供了一个歌曲Head, shoulders, knees and toes。这也是一首经典英文儿童歌曲。歌曲中呈现了head, shoulder, knee, toe, eye, ear, mouth, nose等身体部位类单词。学生可以边唱边指向相应的身体部位,在唱中巩固所学的知识。
Story time展示了一个发生在Zoom和Zip之间的有趣的故事。他们决定做一个木偶。先做了头,再做了身体,加上了胳膊和腿。可他们在玩木偶的时候,木偶突然活了,跑掉了。故事中展示了句式:Let’s make a puppet. Good idea. First, make the head. Let’s play with the puppet. 在这样内容简单有趣又有意义的故事里,学生能够享受到阅读的乐趣,复习已知的知识,并扩展自己的表达。为他们之后深入的文本阅读奠定了基础。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。
2. 能够听懂故事,并表演。
3. 能够会唱歌曲Head,shoulders, knees and toes。
4. 能够完成阅读、排序、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、身体部位图卡
Step 1 Warm up
1. 播放歌曲:ABC songs。学生一起跟唱,并做字母操。
Teacher: Let’s listen to a song. Sing the song together. Let’s do the actions together.
Step 2 Lead in
1. 你能发现什么?呈现教材19页Find and say的图片,让学生从中找出字母,看他们能找到多少。
Teacher:Look at this picture. Can you find the letters? Say them.
Say them.
2. 乱序出示组成单词的字母,请学生猜出单词,主要出现身体部位类的单词。最后呈现puppet。
Teacher: Look at these letters. Put them in order, you can see a word. These four letters make the word hand. Look at those letters. Guess, what word is this?
Teacher: What about these six letters? What word is this? It’s the puppet.  
Step 3 Presentation
1. 导读,引入故事,播放故事视频,学生认真观察。
Teacher: Do you like puppets? Sarah and Mike make a puppet. Zoom and Zip make a puppet, too. What happens? Let’s watch the video about the story.
2. 展示故事图片,与学生讨论故事的内容。
Teacher: What’s does Zoom want to do? Yes, he wants to make a puppet. Does Zip want to make a puppet? Yes, she says: Good idea. That means it’s good to make a puppet. What do they make first, a head or a body? Yes, then make a head first. And what do they make? They make the body. Zip finds the –arm and the –leg. (此处尽量让学生回答)When they play with the puppet, what happens? Yes, the puppets runs away. He says: Goodbye!
3. 再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。
Teacher: Watch the story again. Read with it.
3. 学生自由读故事。
Teacher: Read the story freely.
Step 4 Practice
1. 两人合作,表演故事。
Teacher: Now, let’s act the story out. We’ll find the best pair.
Teacher: Look at the puppet. What’s this? Yes, this is the ear. This is the ...
3. 学唱歌曲head, shoulders, knees and toes.
Teacher: This is my head. These are my shoulders. These are my knees. These on my foot are my toes. Let’s sing a song about them. Listen carefully.
Teacher:Let’s listen to the song again and sing with it. (学生跟唱)
Teacher:Let’s sing the song together.
Teacher:Sing the song and do the actions, please. (学生边唱边出做动作)
3. (1)完成Start to read中的Read and tick活动。
Teacher:You know your body well. Look at the body of the clown. There are so many words on his body. What are they?(请学生读一读小丑身上的单词)How many arms are there? Let’s count. Oh, there’s one. Let’s write one here. Now count the words and write the numbers.
Teacher:Show me your answer, please.
(2) 完成教材30页Let’s check中Look and match活动。
Teacher:You did a very good job. Can you match the parts of the body and the words? Look at the picture and words. Match them, please.
Teacher: Show me your answer, please.
5. 完成Let’s check中的Listen and tick or cross活动。
Teacher: (先带学生熟悉题目中的图片内容,为完成听力练习做准备)(出示最后一幅图)Oh, what’s this? Is this a head? Is this a body? Look at the clown. What does he point to? Is that his ear or his eye? What do Mike and Chen Jie do? What do Sarah and John say?
Teacher: Now you should listen to four dialogues. Then look at the pictures. Number them according what you hear.
Teacher: Show me your answer, please.
Teacher: Can you act the dialogue?
Step 5 Summary
播放歌曲Head,shoulders, knees and toes. 学生齐唱。
Teacher: We know our body very well in this unit. Please be good to your body. Let’s sing the song head, shoulders, knees and toes together.
(    ) 1. f___t    A. ou    B. oo      C. ow
(    ) 2. h___d   A. ee    B. un       C. an
(    ) 3. h___d   A. ea    B. ee       C. aa
(    ) 4. ___r    A. ee    B. ea       C. ae
(    ) 5. m__th   A. in    B. eo      C. ou
                                A. mouth     B. eye
                                C. ear        D. nose
                                E head

1. Hello. Zoom.
2. Very well, thanks.
3. Hi, Zip. How are you?
4. Let’s make a puppet.
5. Good idea!
(    ) 1. Hello.
        A. Hi                    B. Goodbye.
(    ) 2. How are you?
         A. How are you?          B. Very well.  
(    ) 3. Let’s play!
         A. Great!                B. Nice to meet you.
一、1.B 2. C 3. A 4.B 5. C
三、1, 3, 2, 4, 5
四、1. A 2. B 3. A
Unit 3 Look at me!
C. Story time

Let’s make a puppet.
Good idea!
First, make the head.
Let’s play with the puppet.

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