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发表于 2020-8-31 13:17:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
      Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Section A

1.educational adj.“教育的;有教育意义的”(—educated adj.“受过教育的;有教养的”—education n.[U]“教育”(注:当有形容词修饰时,其前可用不定冠词))

eg:This is an educational film.


(  )1.I like to watch talk shows because they are ______ .

A.meaningless  B.boring  C.educational  D.simple

2.plan n.“计划”vt.“计划”的用法


     make a plan for sth.“为……制定计划”


          on/for sth.打算……,想要……;考虑到……


         to do sth.计划/打算做某事

eg:She didn’t plan on/for so many guests.


(  )1.What _____ you plan _____ this evening?

A.is;to watch  B.do;watch  C.are;watch  D.do;to watch

3.hope,wish,expect,look forward to的区别


             to do sth.希望做某事

hope    that从句(真实语气) 希望……

        for sth.  想要某物

eg:We hope that you can get here early tomorrow.


             to do sth.希望做某事

    wish     sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事            

             that从句(虚拟语气) 希望……

             for sth.  想要某物

             sb.+sth./adj. 祝愿某人……

eg:I wish I were a flying bird.



    expect     to do sth.期待做某事

              sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事

              that从句 期待……

eg:I expected to finish the work by May.

⑷look forward to(doing)sth.指以特别愉快的心情而期待着。

eg:We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


(  )1.What time do you expect her ______ ?

A.arrive  B.is arriving  C.arriving  D.to arrive

(  )2.—You look sad.What has happened?

     —Everyone _____ us to win the match,but we lost.

A.expects  B.expected  C.hopes  D.hoped

(  )3.The TV shows is terrible.I _____ it.

A.can’t stand  B.love  C.don’t mind  D.like

(  )4.They hope _____ in the city at about two P.M.

A.to arrive  B.arrive  C.that arrive  D.them arrive

(  )5.I expect _____ back in a week.

A.be  B.to be  C.to being  D.that be

(  )6.I hope _____ a TV reporter one day.

A.be  B.to be  C.being  D./

(  )7.—I slipped on the stairs.I think my arm is broken.     

     —Oh!I ______ .

A.do not hope so  B.do not hope  C.hope not   D.do not hope

(  )8.—What do you want to be in the future.

     —I _____ to be a doctor.

A.think  B.hope  C.stand  D.do

(  )9.Do you plan _____ the news tonight?

A.watching  B.to watch  C.watched  D.watch

4.happen vi.“发生”“碰巧”的用法



    Sth. happens to sb.“某人发生某事”

eg:I hope nothing has happened to my friend.



    It happens that从句...(=从主+happens to do sth.)

eg:It happened that she was busy then.(=She happened to be busy then.)

区别:happen,take place


eg:What happened to your leg?

⑵take place一般指有计划,事先安排的事件、事情的发生,没有偶然性。此外,take place还有“举行”的意思。

eg:Great changes took place in my hometown last year.


(  )1.She hoped nothing bad would happen _____ him.

A.on  B.to  C.in  D.for

(  )2.We happened _____ her at the station.She looked worried.

A.meets  B.meeting  C.to meet  D.meet

(  )3.—What _____ Mary?

     —She broke her arm.

A.happens to  B.happens on  C.happened to  D.happened on

(  )4.I want to know what happened ____ him last night.

A.for  B.to  C.with  D.by

5.stand vi.“站立” vt.“忍受,忍耐,经受”

⑴  vi.“站立”


stand up起立,站起

stand by袖手旁观;支持或援助

stand for代表

stand out突出,显眼

eglease stand up.

⑵vt.“忍受,忍耐,经受”(+sth./doing sth.)无进行时,常用于否定句、疑问句中。

eg:I can’t stand being kept waiting.


stand against反对

eg:Could you stand to go there again tomorrow?


(  )1.Stop this rock music,please.I’m afraid some people can’t _____ the noise.

A.stand  B.hear of  C.think  D.listen

(  )2.—What do you think of soap operas?

     —________ .But my mother likes them.

A.I like them  B.I enjoy them  C.I can’t stand them  D.I don’t agree

(  )3It’s too hot in the classroom.We can’t ____ it.So we all ____ up and go out of the classroom.

A.mind;stand  B.stand;stand  C.sit;stand  D.sit;sit

6.What do you think of/about...?“你认为……怎么样?”(=How do you like...?)用于询问某人对某事的看法。

eg:What do you think of your new computer?

区别:think about,think of,think over

⑴think about“思考,考虑”“回想或想起”表示回想过去的事情;考虑某事、某计划是否切实可行。

eg:①I often thought about what you said.

  ②I’ll think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow.

⑵think of“考虑;关心;想要,打算;想出,想到;想着;想起”

eg:①Who thought of the idea?

  ②I can’t think of his name.

  ③Lei Feng always thought of how he could do more for the people.

  ④For a moment,I thought of playing football.

⑶think over“仔细考虑”

eg:Think over,and you’ll find a way.

注:⑴think of和think about都有“考虑”“对……有某种看法”的意思,此时,二者可以互换。

    ⑵作“想起”讲,think of侧重于无意记起或有意无意想起。think about侧重于突然想起。

eg:①Don’t think of/about me any more.

  ②What do you think of/about me?


(  )1.—What do you think of the talk shows hosted by Zhou Libo?

     —________ .I watch them every week.

A.I love them  B.I can’t stand them  C.I don’t like them  D.I hate them

(  )2.—What do you think of game shows?

     —_______ .They’re very boring.

A.I don’t mind them  B.I don’t know them  C.I love them  D.I can’t stand them

(  )3.What do you think ______ this movie?

A.at  B.of  C.off  D.on

7.mind vt.“介意”的用法



    never mind别介意,没关系


   Would/Do you mind not doing sth.?请不要做某事好吗?答应时,一般用No,of course not./No,not at all./Certainly not./No,please do.回答。不答应时,一般用Sorry,you’d better not...或I’m sorry...回答。


(  )1.—Would you mind cleaning the blackboard?

     —________ .I’ll do it in a minute.

A.OK  B.Yes,of course  C.No,not at all  D.No,you can’t

(  )2.Would you mind _____ the window?

A.open  B.opens  C.opening  D.to opening

(  )3.Do you mind _____ the windows?

A.my close  B.my closing  C.to closing  D.close

(  )4.I don’t _____ what to eat at all.You can decide yourself.

A.mind  B.like  C.have  D.want

(  )5.I don’t _____ if he can buy some clothes for me.

A.mind  B.stand  C.like  D.see

8.follow v.“跟随;沿着……路前进;领会,听懂;听从,遵循”(—following adj.“下面的;接着的,其次的”)


follow after追求,模仿

follow the example of以……为榜样

eg:①I didn’t follow.Could you explain it again?

  ②I followed your advice.


(  )1.Speak slowly,Mr.Wang.I can’t follow you.(同义替换)

A.understand  B.hear  C.listen  D.expect

9.learn v.“学,学会”(+sth./to do sth./从句)


learn from向……学习

learn...by heart用心学习……,熟记,背诵

learn...by oneself自学

learn one’s lesson from从……中吸取教训


(  )1.My classmates are trying their best _____ all the subjects to make great progress again.

A.learned  B.learning  C.to learn  D.learn

(  )2.The foreigners learned a lot ____ the history and culture of China on this trip to China.

A.on  B.about  C.in  D.during

10.区别:one day,some day,the other day

⑴one day“有一天”指过去或将来的某一天。

⑵some day“有一天”指将来的某一天。

⑶the other day“几天前”(=a few days ago)只指过去。

eg:①He will be a doctor one day/some day.

  ②You’ll come to see the importance of English some day.

  ③One day I met Tom on the street.

  ④We went the countryside the other day.


(  )1.If we try our best,our dream will come true ______ .

A.one day  B.any day  C.at time  D.some other day

11.区别:let's(包括说话者本人)和let us(不包括说话者本人)引导的祈使句中的反意疑问句

eg:①Let’s do homework,shall we?   

  ②Let us do homework,will you?


(  )1.Let’s _____ for a walk,shall we?

A.to go  B.going  C.go  D.gone

(  )2.—It’s sunny today.Let’s go mountain climbing,______ ?

     —Good idea!

A.shall we  B.will you  C.won’t you  D.aren’t we

(  )3.The assistant won’t let you _____ the cinema if you haven’t a ticket.

A.enter  B.to enter  C.entering  D.entered

Section B

1.mean vt.“意思,意味着”(—meaning n.[C]“意思,含义”—meaningful adj.“有意义的”—meaningless adj.“毫无意义的;意思不明确的”)

eg:I think the movie is meaningless.


(  )1.I like to watch talk shows because they are ______ .

A.meaningless  B.boring  C.educational  D.simple

(  )2.The talent show is _____ .We all like watching it.

A.boring  B.serious  C.meaningless  D.wonderful




eg:You have to show your idea by action.


(  )1.Since the new law was publicized(公布),the old one would be out of _____ .

A.action  B.order  C.hearing  D.tune

3.区别:be famous for,be famous as

⑴be famous for+事物“以……而著名”

⑵be famous as+身份“以……而著名”

eg:①China is famous for its silk.

  ②Mo Yan is famous as a writer.


(  )1.We’ll have dinner at Hanghai Restaurant,which is famous _____ its food.

A.of  B.to  C.for  D.with

(  )2.China is famous ______ the Great Wall.

A.of  B.for  C.as  D.at

(  )3.Li Huan is famous _____ his songs _____ a university teacher.

A.as;as  B.as;for  C.for;as  D.for;for

4.rich adj.“富有的”


   be rich in盛产……

   the rich富人

eg:①She is one of the richest women in the city.

  ②This country is rich in oil.


(  )1.Although he was very _____ ,he was always afraid to spend more money.

A.ugly  B.handsome  C.rich  D.poor



eg:The trees turn green.


eg:Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.


eg:The days are getting longer and longer.


eg:His dream finally came true.


eg:Mr.Zhang is growing thinner.


eg:After he heard the news,his face went pale.


(  )1.My daughter wants to _____ a pianist when she grows up.

A.become  B.get  C.turn  D.go

6.success n.[U]“成功”[C]“成功的人或事”(—successful adj.“成功的”—successfully adv.“成功地”—succeed vi.“成功”)


be successful in...在……方面成功

    be successful in (doing) sth.(=succeed in (doing) sth.=have success in (doing) sth.)成功地



(  )1.He is successful _____ studying English.

A.on  B.in  C.for  D.to

(  )2.Sally had a huge ____ in the concert,and then she became a famous _____ pianist.

A.succeed;success  B.success;succeed  C.successful;success  D.success;successful



eg:Too much work is no excuse for absence.


eg:There are many reasons for animals dying out.


eg:I don’t know the cause and effect.


(  )1.—What was the _____ of your English exam last week?

     —I got full marks and won first place(名次)in my class.

A.result  B.reason  C.advice  D.suggestion

8.luck n.[U]“运气”(—lucky adj.“幸运的”(反义词:unlucky)—luckily adv.“幸运地”)

eg:Good luck to you.


(  )1.They were _____ to lose the football game.

A.lucky  B.unlucky  C.lucky  D.unluckily



eg:The girl is looking for the lost dog.


eg:They set out to look for the missing child at once.


(  )1.We always get ____ in the Zhengzhou train station.

A.lose  B.losing  C.lost  D.losted

(  )2.I gave you a map so you wouldn’t _____ .

A.get lost  B.get lose  C.get losing  D.get losted

10.come out“(太阳等)出来,出现;(花)开放,发芽;(书)出版;发表;放映,播出”


    come up提出;走近;走向前

come in进入

come on加油;快点

eg:①Some flowers have begun to come out.

  ②The stars came out as soon as it was dark.


(  )1.Jack is a popular writer.His new book will _____ this September.

A.come up  B.come in  C.come on  D.come out

(  )2.The great writer has written many stories for children.It’s said that a new one will ____ at the end of this month.

A.go out  B.come out  C.look out  D.run out

(  )3.Han Han is a popular writer.His new book will ______ this September.

A.come up  B.come in  C.come out  D.come on


  more than+数词(=over)  “超出,超过”

  more than one +n “不止一个”作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。

eg:—Do you think him naughty enough?

  —I’m afraid he’s more clever than naughty.


(  )1.—How many new desks and chairs are there in your school this year?

     —There are over 3,000.Each of us has one.

A.less than  B.most  C.more than  D.as many as

12.dress up装扮,乔装打扮

eg:He dressed up as a cowboy.

区别:dress;put on;wear;be in;try on

⑴dress“给……穿上衣服”宾语为人。强调动作。dress sb.给某人穿衣服,get/be dressed穿衣服

eg:He can dress himself though he is only five years old.

⑵put on“穿上”宾语为衣服。强调动作。反义词为take off。

eg:He tried on his coat and went out of the office quickly.


eg:The girl is wearing a blue skirt today.

⑷(be)in(=be wearing)“穿着”宾语为颜色或带有颜色的衣服。

eg:The girl in a blue coat is my brother.

⑸try on“试穿”宾语为衣服。强调动作。

eg:She tried on her new dress.


(  )1.Most British high schools children _____ uniforms at school.

A.wear  B.dress  C.put on  D.dress up

(  )2.She likes to dress _____ like a boy.

A.to  B.up  C.at  D.in

(  )3.—What _____ they _____ of Amanda?

     —They love her.

A.do;think  B.are;think  C.does;think  D.is;thinking

(  )4.To find the truth of the accident,the woman reporter___and interviewed the villagers quietly.

A.jumped down  B.gave up  C.looked around  D.dressed up


结构为:in the+基数词世纪+几十年代的复数

eg:in the 1990s/1990’s


(  )1.About two thirds of the students in our class were born in the ______ .

A.1990s  B.1990  C.2090s  D.2000

14.take one’s place代替

eg:Who’s going to take your place at the meeting?


(  )1.John will never be able to ______ in our hearts.

A.dress as  B.come out  C.instead  D.take your place

(  )2.Jack’s father is too old to work.And so he has to take ____ place to work for his family.

A.him  B.their  C.his  D.them


eg:She told me over the telephone about it.


(  )1.—Can I join the club?

     —If you are _____ ten,you can.

A.over  B.on  C.from  D.for

(  )2.There are _____ 3 rooms in this house.

A.over  B.more  C.on  D.above






   eg:To say is a thing,to do is another.(说是一回事,做是另外一回事。)


eg:①It is important to learn English well.(学好英语是重要的。)

②It is necessary for us to do the job well.(我们做好这项工作是必要的。)

③It is a great honor to be invited to give a speech here.被邀请在这儿发表演讲是一个极大的荣幸。


(1)to do表示特定,具体,将来的动作。常只用不定式作宾语的动词有(记忆口诀:想要拒绝忘记,需要努力学习;喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始)want,wish,hope,long,expect,desire,intend,decide,ask,


  eg:①He refused to help me.(他拒绝帮助我.)            

    ②She has agreed to come tomorrow.(他已同意明天来.)

(2) 不定式较长时,作宾语,也可用it代替,放在后面。

  eg;I find it difficult to do the job well.

(3) “特殊疑问词﹢不定式to do结构”具有名词特征,可作宾语。

eg:①She didn't know whether to go or not.      ②They haven't decided when and where to build the school.


eg:①I want to do nothing but play the computer games。

  ②I have no choice but to wait。



eg:①My job is to sweep the floor.      

  ②His goal was to enter the key university of Beijing.

  ③The first question is how to find a better way to learn English well.


eg:To see is to believe.


eg:①The first thing to do is find her.

  ②The only thing he could do was tell the truth.



eg:①I have something important to tell you.(不定式与被修饰名词构成被动关系。)

   ②His wish to be an artist has never come true.( 不定式与被修饰名词构成同位关系。)

   ③He is the right man to do the job. ( 不定式与被修饰名词构成主动关系。)

   ④The little girl was unhappy because she had no friends to play with. ( 不定式与被修饰名词构 成主动关系。)(注:若不定式为不及物动词,其后须加上相应的介词。)



eg:①We set off early that morning to catch the first bus.(目的)

   ②To get a good result,she worked very hard.(目的)

   ③I feel it an honor to be invited to the party.(条件)

   ④She was very happy to get the first prize.(原因)

   ⑤He worked hard only to fail.(结果)

注:⑴不定式常用在so as 或in order后,与它们一起作状语,表示目的,但so as引起的不定式不可置于句首。eg:In order to avoid mistakes,check your homework.        


eg:He hurried to the station ,only to find the train had left.

⑶“形容词+enough+不定式”和“too+形容词或副词(不表情感)+不定式” 也可作结果状语。         

eg:①He is old enough to go to school.  ② He is too weak to raise the stone.

但“too+表情感形容词(pleased,ready,glad,willing,anxious等)+to do”表示肯定意义,too前面可用only,but等词修饰。

eg:①They were (only) too anxious to leave.(他们只是太急于离开了。)

   ②She is(only)too pleased to go home.(她非常高兴可以回家了。)




⑵后接动词不定式作宾补的常见的动词短语有:call on,would like/love,arrange for,depend on等。

eg:①She wanted me to arrive there early.

  ②Our headmaster call on us to work hard.

(3)动词不定式可作感官动词(吾看三室两厅一感觉即:五看see,look at,watch,observe,notice三使(let,make,have)两听hear,listen to一感觉feel)后接不定式作宾补时,不定式符号to要省略,但如果句子变被动结构,必须带to.表示动作的完成。

eg:①He made them climb the hill.      

  ②They were made to climb the hill.



(一)主语+系动词+表语(adj为convenient/easy/expensive/difficult/hard/impossible/pleasant等)+to do.(注:to do常用主动表被动,其中do为vt,主语为to do的宾语。)

(二)主语+find/think/consider/believe/make等+宾语+adj+to do.(注:其中to do常用主动表被动,其中do为vt,主语为to do的宾语。)

eg: ①He is easy to fool.  

   ②The man is easy to work with.

   ③He find the problem difficult to work out.

(5)“特殊疑问词+不定式to do”具有名词特征,可作宾补。(谓语动词多为show,know,teach,tell等。)

eg:I’ll tell you how to get there


不定式可以作评注性状语或插入语,放在句子前面、中间或末尾。常见的有to be frank,to be honest,to tell the truth,to begin with,to start with,to be short等。

eg:To begin with,I think you are wrong.


(  )1.It takes me half an hour ______ the piano every day.

A.play  B.playing  C.to play  D.played

(  )2.Our teacher often asks us _____ questions in groups.

A.discuss  B.to discuss  C.discussing  D.discussed

(  )3.I haven’t decided when ______ a holiday yet.

A.took  B.taking  C.to take  D.take

(  )4.We must do everything we can _____ our earth cleaner and safer.

A.made  B.to making  C.make  D.to make

(  )5.It’s nice of you _____ me with my English.

A.help  B.helping  C.to help  D.helped

(  )6.Please tell me _____ next.

A.how to do it  B.what to do it  C.how do it  D.what do it

(  )7.—Which dress do you like best,Madam?

     —Sorry,I can’t decide _______ now.

A.to buy which one  B.buy which one  C.which one to buy  D.which to buy it

(  )8.Mr.Smith asks the students _____ in the river,because it’s too dangerous.

A.swim  B.to swim  C.not to swim  D.to not swim

(  )9.I think _____ easy _____ English every morning.

A.that;keep reading  B.it’s;keep reading  C.that;to keep reading  D.it;to keep reading

(  )10.Our teacher told us ______ carefully in class.

A.listen  B.to listen  C.listens  D.listened

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