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新人教PEP版小学三年级下册英语《Unit Three At the zoo》教案教学设计

发表于 2020-2-17 17:38:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Unit Three At the zoo

本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书三年级下册第三单元。单元主题为At the zoo(在动物园)。主情景图通过孩子们和老师一起去动物园观察动物的来引出本单元的主题:描述动物的特征。
A部分共三页,分三课时。第一课时为情景对话和练习部分。Let’s talk部分Mike和Amy跟着Miss White观察了长颈鹿,通过他们的对话引出了三会单词:tall, short, fat, 两会单词giraffe, so。同时呈现了本单元描述动物整体特征的句式:Look at that giraffe. It’s so tall. 在画一画,玩一玩的练习中,陈洁和John分别画了自己的动物,并使用重点句式来描述其特征。学生可以通过这样的活动来操练刚刚在对话中学习到的重点句式。第二课时为重点词汇和重点句型呈现,孩子们继续在动物园里游玩,发现了猴子和熊,从而呈现出三会词汇:tall, short, fat, thin,以及在Let’s talk中出现的描述动物的特征的句式:Look at that monkey. It’s fat. Let’s do是个指令活动,学生需要根据指示做到变胖、变瘦、变高、变矮的动作,从而操练重点单词。第三课时为语音学习,通过听一听、读一读、唱一唱,读一读、听一听,听一听、写一写三个活动,让学生理解并掌握字母i在单词里发的短音/ ɪ /。
B部分共四页,分两课时。第一课时仍然呈现情景对话和练习。Miss White 带着孩子们观察大象,孩子们开始描述它具有的具体特征。在此过程中呈现三会词汇:long, short, big, small,两会单词children, tail,以及描述动物具体特征的句式:It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. Make a monster是个游戏活动。学生两人一组,利用身体部位卡片来拼图。一人说特征,一人找图卡,拼出对方描述的怪物。以此来操练重点句式:It has... 第二课时以孩子们描述鸵鸟的特征来呈现三会词汇:short, long, big, small, 以及重点句式:It has a small head. 并通过一个TPR动作反应活动Let’s do,来练习这些重点词汇。之后的阅读练习、听一听判断正误、看一看、连一连的练习以及歌曲都用来巩固练习本课的重点词汇及句型,与C部分合为一个课时。
1.词汇:学生能够听、说、认读单词:tall, short, fat, thin, big, small, long                                                                                 
        能够听懂、会说单词:giraffe, so, children, tail
2. 句型结构:能够听懂、会说句型It’s (so) tall/short/... It has...
           能够认读句型It’s (so) tall/short/... It has...
3. 字母与语音:知道元音字母i在单词中的短音发音/ ɪ /。
1. 能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型It’s (so)... It has...描述动物并听懂别人的描述
2. 能够正确说出元音字母i在单词中的短音发音/ɪ/, 并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。
1. 具有热爱动物、保护动物的意识;不乱逗玩动物或乱投喂动物等
2. 了解有关动物保护的知识
3. 能够逐步做到见到符合发音规律的词能拼读,听到符合发音规律的词能拼写。
1. 能够听、说、认读单词:tall, short, fat, thin, big, small, long
2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型It’s (so) tall/short/... It has...
3. 知道元音字母i在单词中的短音发音/ /。
1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型It’s (so) tall/short/... It has...来询问或回答、猜测物品的位置。
2. 能够正确说出元音字母i在单词中的短音发音/ɪ/, 并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。
第一课时:A. Let’s talk. Draw and say.
第二课时:A. Let’s learn. Let’s do.
第三课时:A. Let’s spell.
第四课时:B. Let’s talk. Make a monster.
第五课时:B. Let’s learn. Let’s do.
第六课时:C. Story time. B. Start to read. Let’s check. Let’s sing.
fat的基本含义指人或动物是“肥胖的”,是个形容词,既可用作主系表结构中的表语,也可以用在名词之前,作定语。如:The cat is fat.(作表语)Look at that fat dog.(作定语)但需要注意的是,一般我们不用fat来形容人,因为这样显得很没有礼貌。表达此意更礼貌的说法是 plump(丰满的) 或 chubby(胖乎乎的、圆润的),其中 chubby显得更加口语化。形容某人因为块头过大或体重过重而出现健康问题时常用 overweight 和 obese。obese 还是医学术语,用以形容某人极度肥胖或过重。还有些美国人在形容某人体形较胖时会使用wide(宽的), 如:Oh, I’m so wide. (唉,我太宽了。实际意思是:唉,我太胖了)

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:38:54 | 只看该作者
A. Let’s talk. Draw and say.
在Let’s talk部分,Miss White带着学生们在动物园参观动物,张鹏和Amy观察了长颈鹿和熊,并描述了它们的特征,由此引出本课时的重点词汇:tall, short, fat,二会词汇:giraffe,以及描述动物特征的句式:It’s so tall. 在Draw and say的练习活动中,John和陈洁分别画了一个动物,并用It’s…句式来描述。以此为范例,希望学生可以画出自己的动物并进行描述。
1. 能够听懂、会说单词:tall, short, fat
2. 能够听懂、会说句型:It’s so tall!
3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型It’s…来形容动物。
4. 能够乐于使用英语进行交流。
能够听懂、会说单词:tall, short, fat.
能够听懂、会说句型:It’s (so)…。
2. 难点
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 动物图卡。
Step 1 Warm up
1. TPR活动,边说指令,边做动作。
Teacher:Boys and girls, Let’s do something actions. Do with me, please. Clap your hands, clap your hands. Stamp your feet, stamp your feet. Wave your arm, wave your arm. Sit in your seat, sit in your seat.
Step 2 Lead in
Teacher:Boys and girls, what’s this? Yes, this is a tree. What are these?These are flowers. What are these? Yes, these are animals. Where is it? Yes, It’s the zoo.
2. 展示课文中的图片,谈论图片显示的内容,引入本课新授知识。
Teacher:Look at this picture. Where is it? What can you see? Who are they?
Step 3 Presentation
1. 播放课文录音。学生认真倾听,并准备回答问题。
Teacher: Boys and girls, now let’s listen to the dialogue. After that, you should answer a question: What do they see at the zoo?
Teacher: Who can answer the question now?
2. 再次播放对话录音,检验学生的答案。
Teacher:Now, let’s listen to the dialogue again, and check your answer.
Step 4 Practice
Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.
2. 出示长颈鹿和熊的图片,针对本课重点单词及句式同学生进行问答交流,以操练本课新授知识。
Teacher:What’s this? Yes, It’s a giraffe. Let’s read it one by one. What’s this? Yes, it’s a bear. Boys read it, please. Girls read it. What does the giraffe look like? Yes, it’s so tall. Are you tall? Is …(说一个班里学生的名字) tall? What does the bear look like? Are you short? Is …(说一个班里学生的名字) tall?Pay attention, class. We shouldn’t say that a person is fat. That’s not good.
3. 出示动物图片,请学生快速说出其英语名称。
Teacher: I’ll show you some pictures of animals. Please say their name quickly.
4. 再次出示动物图片,请学生尝试使用It’s…句式来描述。
Teacher: You know the name of the animals. What do they look like? Please say something about it. You say it’s tall. It’s fat. It’s short.
5. 游戏:猜一猜。请某一学生说出某种动物的特征,其他学生来猜这种动物。
Teacher:Let’s play a game: Guess the animal. I will ask one student to come to front and describe an animal. Other students guess what it is.
Step 5 Summary
Teacher: Chen Jie and John draw their animals and introduce their animals to us. Can you draw and show your animal? Please say one sentence to tell us its looking.
(    ) 1. giraffe          A.                B.

(    ) 2. bear            A.                B.

(    ) 3. cat              A.               B.

(    ) 4. tall              A.                B.

(    ) 5. fat               A.                B.

(    ) 1. Look _____ that giraffe.
       A. at          B. to       C. /
(    ) 2. It’s _____  tall
       A. to          B. at       C. so
(    ) 3. It’s short ______ fat.
       A. at          B. and      C. so
1. The cat is so fat.
        2. The giraffe is so tall.        3. The bear is short and fat.
4. My father is tall.        5. My sister is short.        6. My mother is tall.
一、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B
二、1. A 2. C 3. B

Unit Three At the zoo
A. Let’s talk
giraffe                                bear

It’s so      .                 It’s            and           .   


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:39:08 | 只看该作者
A. Let’s learn; Let’s do
在Let’s learn 部分,Chen Jie和张鹏继续跟着Miss White游览动物园,他们看到了长颈鹿和猴子,再次呈现重点句:Look at that monkey. It’s fat!以及重点词汇:tall, short, fat, thin. 这四个单词的其中三个在上课时中已经出现过,在这课时里要求学生做到能够认读。同时,这四个单词为两对反义词,在设计教学活动时可以进行这方面的练习。       
Let’s do是一个TRP活动,学生边听口令:Be fat. Be thin. Be tall. Be short.边以动作来呈现指令的内容。这样在有节奏地重复指令中进行TPR活动,调动了学生多种感官参与到重点词汇的操练中来,既检验了学生对于重点单词意思的理解,又检验了学生听、说重点单词的能力。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:fat, thin, tall, short。
2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:It’s…
3. 能够积极参与活动,并乐于在活动中使用英语。
能够听懂、会说、认读单词:fat, thin, tall, short。
2. 难点:
能够准确使用fat, thin, tall, short来描述动物的特征。
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
Step 1 Warm up
1. TPR活动:Be a cat。学生边说边模仿所说的动物的样子。
Be a cat, meow, meow, meow.
Be a dog, woof, woof, woof.
Be a pig, oink, oink, oink.
Be a cow, moo, moo, moo.
Step 2 Lead in
1. 创设要去动物园的情境,出示动物图片,复习已经学过的动物名称。
Teacher: Do you like animals? Where can we see so many animals? Yes. Let’s go to the zoo. Look, so many animals. What’s this? Is this a monkey?...
Step 3 Presentation
1. 播放课文录音,回答问题。
Teacher:Amy and Zhang Peng are at the zoo, too. What do they see? Listen and find.
2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。
Teacher:Listen to Amy again. Read with her.
3. 展示课文中出现的动物图片,请学生尝试描述。
Teacher: What’s this? Is this monkey fat? What does the giraffe look like?
Step 4 Practice
1. 以游戏操练单词。
(1)Ido you say. 教师做动作,学生说出单词。
Teacher:Let’s play a game. I do you say. When I do this, please say tall. When I do this, please say short. This is for thin, and this is for fat.
(2)I day you do. 教师说出单词,学生做动作。
Teacher:This time I say you do. I will say the word. You do correct actions.
2. Let’s do. 完成课文第二十五页Let’s do的活动。播放指令录音,学生边听边说边做动作。
Teacher: Now let’s do actions together. Listen carefully first. Then do the correct actions.
Teacher:Now let’s do it in groups. I’ll choose the best team.
3. 选词填空。展示更多的动物,学生选择本课中学习的四个形容填空补全句子来进行描述。如展示一只很胖猫,呈现句子:Look at the cat. It’s _______. 学生需要选择fat来填空,并读出句子。
Teacher:Look at these animals. What do they look like? Please choose the correct word.
4. 让学生做一个小小导游员,带领其他同学游动物员,注意使用本课学习过的重点知识。学生先小组讨论确定自己的导游词。然后,请各小组派代表到前边展示自己的导游词。最后选出最佳导游员。
Teacher: I want to choose a guide. He should introduce the animals in the zoo to us. You can talk in group first. Then let’s find the best one.
Step 5 Summary
Teacher:What a beautiful zoo! Are you happy, boys and girls? Let’s chant        !
Look at the monkey, the monkey, the monkey.
It’s thin, thin, thin. It’s thin, thin, thin.
Look at the giraffe, the giraffe, the giraffe.
It’s tall, tall, tall. It’s tall, tall, tall.
Look at the panda, the panda, the panda.
It’s fat, tat, fat. It’s fat, fat, fat.
Look at the bear, the bear, the bear.
It’s short, short, short. It’s short, short, short.
I love animals. What about you?
一、 将下列字母按正确顺序排列组成单词,并写在相应图片的下方。
1. a t f          2. l a l t           3. i t h n        4. s o h t r

(   ) 1. The girl _______ A. fat     B. thin

(   ) 2. It’s _______ A. fat     B. thin

(   ) 3. The giraffe is ______. A. tall    B. short

(   ) 4. The bear is ________. A. tall    B. short

(   ) 5. This monkey is _______. A. fat   B. thin

(   ) 1. The tree is so tall.

(   ) 2. The cat is thin.

(   ) 3. The mother is short.

(   ) 4. The girl is tall.
一、tall, thin, short, fat
二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 4. B
三、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. √
Unit Three At the zoo
A. Let’s learn

Look at that _________. It’s ___________!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:39:20 | 只看该作者
A. Let’s spell
本部分分为语音学习和单词书写两部分内容。通过听一听,读一读,唱一唱的活动,展示四个语音例词:big, pig, six, milk, 让学生通过听、读、拆音等练习体会并掌握字母i在单词中的发音,本课时主要学习其在闭音节里发的短音/i/。而本活动中的韵句,以包含字母i的四个语音例词big, pig, pink, is为主要内容,有点像中文的绕口令,很容易激发起学生学习、挑战的兴趣。之后的读一读,听一听活动,通过两个相似的单词来挑战学生的听力,让他们在区分中进一步体会字母i的发音。听一听写一写的活动通过描红单词,使学生初步掌握单词的书写要求并辨认字形。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读、书写单词:big, pig, six, milk。
2. 能够了解元音字母i在单词中发的短音/ ɪ /。
3. 能够根据元音字母i的发音规律拼读含有本字母的单词。
能够听懂、会说、认读、书写单词:big, pig, six, milk.
能够了解元音字母i在单词中发的短音/ ɪ /。
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
Step 1 Warm up
1.TPR活动: Be fat.学生跟着节奏,边说边做动作。
Teacher: First, let’s do some actions.
Step 2 Lead in
Teacher: Let’s play a game. I want a volunteer to come to the front. You should mime an animal and introduce it. Other students should guess what animal it is.
Step 3 Presentation
1. 展示猪的某一部分,接着让学生猜一猜。
Teacher: I’ll show a part of an animal. Guess what it is.
2. 出示完整的猪的图片,讨论它的样子。
Teacher:This is a pig. What does it look like? Is it big? What colour is it?
设计意图:延续猜动物的活动,使环节之间衔接流畅。通过讨论图片,展示出本课时的语音例词pig, pink, big。
3. 板书语音例词,请学生读一读。
Teacher: This is a big pink pig. Spell with me, b-i-g, /b/ / ɪ / /g/. Read it one by one, please. Now, please spell pink, p-i-n-k /p/ /ɪ/ /ŋ/ /k/. Boys in these two lines read it please. pig, p-i-g, /p/ / ɪ/ /g/.
Teacher: Read these words, what can you find? They all have a letter i. I sounds / ɪ /. Look at my mouth, read after me, / ɪ/.
Step 4 Practice
1. 播放韵句,学生跟读并表演。
Teacher: I have a chant about the pink pig. Listen carefully. I see a pig. the pig is big. The pig is pink. A big pink pig. I see a pig, A big pink pig. Who can say it quickly? Have a try, please.
2. 看口型,猜单词。教师说出四个语音例词中的一个,但不出声,学生通过观察老师的口型,猜出单词,并大声读出来。在这里练习教材中提供的四个语音例词big, pig, six, milk,再加上韵句中的pink。
Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. I will say a word. Look at my mouth carefully. Guess what word it is. And try to say it loudly.
3. 快速抢读。展示含有字母i的单词图卡(six, pig, gift, milk, big, it, is, pink, this等),学生快速反应,并以拼读的方式读出单词。
Teacher: Now, I’ll show the cards of the words. You should say it quickly. And please say it like this. big, b-i-g, /b/ / ɪ / /g/ .
4. 听一听,写一写。根据听到的内容,在四线三格上描红书写相应的单词。
Teacher:Now, please listen and write. Write the word that you heard. b-i-g, /b/ / ɪ / /g/,six, s-i-x, /s/ / ɪ/ /ks/, pig, p-i-g, /p/ / ɪ/ /g/,milk, m-i-l-k, /m/ / ɪ/ /l/ /k/.
5. 编写语音小韵句,学生学唱。
Teacher: It’s chant time. Listen first, then say it.
i, i, i, / ɪ /, / ɪ /, / ɪ /. I is for big.
i, i, i, / ɪ /, / ɪ /, / ɪ /. I is for pig.
i, i, i, / ɪ /, / ɪ /, / ɪ /. I is for pink.
I see a big pink pig. The pig is big and pink.
6. 表演韵句。给学生练习的时间,鼓励他们加入自己的动作,也可以小组合作,选择小组展示韵句节拍的方式,来有创意地表演韵句。
Teacher:Now,let’s work in group. Please act the chant out. You can choose the way to show it.
Step 5 Summary
Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly. Please say it loudly.
Teacher: Well done. Let’s chant together.
1. big   pig            2. gift  milk
3. it     is            4. this   six
5. fit    hit            6. kite   it
1. b__g                             2. s__x

3. m__lk                            4. p__g

(    ) 1. hi     six         (    ) 2. chicken   China
(    ) 3.six     pig         (    ) 4. five  milk
(    ) 5. gift    big         (    ) 6. it    this
一、1. pig 2. gift 3. it 4. six 5. fit 6. it
二、1. big 2. six 3. milk 4. pig
三、1.F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T
Unit Three At the zoo
A. Let’s spell
big         pig              six      milk
I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink, a big pink pig.

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:39:30 | 只看该作者
B. Let’s talk; Make a monster
本部分在A部分的单词及句型学习的基础上,继续学习如何描述动物的特征。之前学习过的是描述体态特征,使用形容词及句式:It’s…。本课时中主要强调动物某一身体部位的特征,使用句式:It has…。在Let’s talk部分,Miss White 继续领着孩子们参观动物园。他们看到了大象,纷纷描述大象的特征,引出本课时的重点句式:Come here, children. It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. 学生除了要复习上课时学习到的形容词之外,还可以复习到上学期学到的身体部位类单词。同时,需要能够听懂、会说单词:children和tail。
Make a monster是一个手工制作活动。吴一凡和Mike在利用身体部位的图卡拼出一个monster(怪物)。学生可以准备一些身体部位的图片,然后做两人小组活动,由一人发出指令,另一人拼出怪物。也可以以画图的方式来完成此活动。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:It has…
2. 能够听懂、会说单词:children, tail。
3. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。
4. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来描述动物的特征。
能够听懂、会说、认读句式:It has…
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 动物身体部位图卡。
Step 1 Warm up
1.播放歌曲:Head shoulders knees and toes.
Step 2 Lead in
1. 展示动物的某一个身体部位,来猜动物。
Teacher: What’s this? It’s an eye, a big eye. What animal is this? It’s a cat.
Teacher:These are two ears. The ears are big. Look at the nose, it’s so long. And this is a tail. It’s short. What animal is this? Yes, it’s an elephant.
Step 3 Presentation
Teacher:Now, look at this picture. What can you see in this picture? Boys and girl are children. Say with me, children. Who are they? What are they talking about?
Teacher: Now listen to the tape to find the answer. Yes, they are talking about an elephant.
Step 4 Practice
1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。
Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
2. 再读课文,针对课文内容进行讨论。
Teacher:Who wants to read the text?
Teacher: What does the elephant have? Yes, it has a long nose. It has a short tail. Read after me, please, tail, tail. Does a bird have a tail? Does a cow have a tail? Does a monkey have a tail? Do you have a tail? Does the elephant have a tail? Is its tail long or short?
3. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。
Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best group.
3. 游戏:猜猜它是谁。教师给出动物的特征,请学生猜出动物。
Teacher: Now, let’s play a game: Who is it? I will say something about an animal. Please guess what animal it is. The first one, it has long ears, big eyes and a short tail. What is it? It’s big and fat. It’s black and white. It has small eyes and a very short tail. What is it? It’s very tall. It’s brown. What is it? …
4. 展示一个Monster的图像,并介绍,请学生以组为单位设计自己的Monster并介绍。
Teacher: Look, this is a monster. My monster has two big heads, a small body, long hair and a big mouth. Draw your monster and introduce it. You can do it in groups. Then we put our monsters in our classroom.
设计意图:孩子们的想象力是无穷的。这样的设计能极大地激发他们的创造力和想象力。由于每个人的作品都不同,所以在介绍怪物的时候,自然也就需要运用要不同的句式,描述不同的特征。在介绍的过程中, 学生们就自然掌握了本课时的重点句式内容。
5. 展示万圣节的一些装饰,简单介绍万圣节,请学生描述其代表性的南瓜灯和怪物。
Teacher: Look at these pictures. This is a holiday. It’s Halloween. We can see pumpkins and monsters. What do they look like? Please say something about it.
Step 5 Summary
I like monsters. What about you?
It has a long nose, long, long, long.
It has a big mouth, big, big, big.
It has small ears, small, small, small.
It has a short tail, short, short, short.

(    ) 1. It has a _______ tail.  A. short     B. long

(    ) 2. It has a _______ tail  A. short      B. long

(    ) 3. It has ______ eyes.   A. big       B. small

(    ) 4. It has ______ ears.    A. big       B. small

(    ) 5. She has _____ hair.   A. long       B. short

1. It white. It has long ears. It has a short tail.
2. It’s thin. It has a long tail.
3. It’s big. It’s fat.
4. It has big ears and a long nose.

(     )        (     )         (     )        (     )
  Hello. My name is White. I’m white. I have big eyes, small ears. I have a long tail. I like mice(老鼠). I like fish. What am I?
(    ) 1. This is a cat.
(    ) 2. This is a dog.
(    ) 3. It is white.
(    ) 4. Its eyes are big.
(    ) 5. It has a short tail.
一、ear, eye, tail, nose
二、1.B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5.B
三、2. 1. 4. 3
四、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
Unit Three At the zoo
B. Let’s talk
big   small                          long   short

It has small eyes and big ears.          It has a long nose and a short tail.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:39:39 | 只看该作者
B. Let’s learn; Let’s do
John和陈洁在Let’s learn中继续参观动物园。他们看到了鸵鸟,并描述它的样子,由此引出重点词汇:small, big, short, long. 这四个词汇在前边几课时的学习中已经出现,学生理解不成问题,主要是帮助他们达到认读的程度。Let’s do和A部分的Let’s do相似,是个与身体部位与形容相关的指令性TPR活动。主要内容是把眼睛睁大、眯小,把胳膊伸长、缩短。在活动中练习本课的四个重点单词。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词small, big, short, long.
2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:It has….
3. 能够积极参与活动,并乐于在活动中用英语进行交流。
能够听懂、会说、认读单词small, big, short, long
能够听懂、会说认读句式:It has…
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
Step 1 Warm up
Teacher: I’ll will divide you into four groups. If you did well, I will draw a part of the body for you. For example, I will draw an eye. Next time I will draw another eye, then a nose, an ear. At the end of the lesson, which group gets more parts of the body will be the winner.
2. TPR活动。
Touch you nose. Touch your head. Touch you eye…
Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Wave your arm...
Step 2 Lead in
1. 游戏:I say you do. 请一队学生到前边,教师说出身体部位名称,前一同学需要用教师所说的第一种身体部位与后一位同学的第二种身体部位相接。
Teacher:Let’s play a game. I want five students to come to the front. I will say some parts of the body. You should connect the parts. For example, I say hand, head. The first student should use your hand touch the head of the second student. The winner will get a part of the body for your group.
Step 3 Presentation
1. 游戏:猜动物。教师或学生来描述一种动物的特征,其他学生来猜出这种动物的名称。最后猜出鸵鸟。
Teacher:Another game for you, guess animals. I will say something about the animal. You try to guess. It has big ears, a long nose and a short tail. What is it? Yes, it’s an elephant. Who can try?
Teacher: It has a small head, a big body, two long legs and a short tail, what is it?
Teacher:What animal is it? Let’s listen to the tape and look at the picture. Yes, it’s an ostrich.
3. 再次播放课文录音,跟读,学习本课重点词汇。
Teacher:Listen to the tape again and read with it.
Step 4 Practice
1. 游戏:I say you do。教师说出small, big, short, long, fat, thin几个单词,学生做出相应的动作来表现。
Teacher: Let’s play a game. I say you do. Look at these six words. I will say one of them. You should do correct action to show it.
2. 游戏:I do you say。教师做出动作,请学生说出相应的形容词。
Teacher: This time, I will do the actions. You say the correct word.
3. 游戏:What’s missing?出示六个形容词,然后快速消失一个,请学生说出消失的是哪个单词。
Teacher: Now let’s find what’s missing. Look at these six words. Read it, please. Now, one word is missing. What is it?
4. 游戏,猜单词。乱序出示字母,学生猜出单词,并按正确顺序排列单词。
Teacher: I’ll show you some letters in wrong order. Please guess what word it is. Say it and spell it. For example, I show you a, f, t. You should say fat, f-a-t.
5. Let’s do. 完成教材第二十八页的活动。首先,教师发出指令,学生做出相应的动作。然后,两人小组活动,学生之间互相发出指令做动作。最后,全班一起边说指令边做动作。
Teacher: Let’s do actions together. First, I say you do.
Teacher: Now, do a pair work. Do actions in pairs.
Teacher: Let’s do actions together.
Step 5 Summary
1. 展示不同的动物,学生描述其特征。
Teacher:Look at these animals. What do they look like?
2. 总结各小组表现,谈论其小组获得的“人物”形象。
Teacher:Look at the“body”of your group. What do you have? Which group is the winner?

(    ) 1. I have big eyes, a ______ nose.
        A. small          B. long       C. short
(    ) 2. I have _______ legs. I have short hair.
        A. big            B. long       C. small
(    ) 3. The dog is fat. But the cat is _______.
        A. big            B. small      C. thin
(    ) 4. It has a ______ body and a small head.
        A. tall            B. long       C. big
(    ) 5. My father is ______. My mother is short.
        A. tall            B. long       C. small

一、long, short, big, small, tall, short
二、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
Unit Three At the zoo
B. Let’s learn

It has a small head and a short tail.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 17:39:51 | 只看该作者
B. Start to read; Let’s check; Let’s sing. C. Story time
Start to read中,教材展示了四种动物的图片,分别是金鱼、老鼠、狗和熊猫,同时出示了四个句子: It’s small and thin. It’s big and fat. It has a long tail and big eyes. It has a long body and short legs. 学生需要猜一猜这四句分别对应是哪个动物,再说一说,选一选。这个活动主要检验学生能否正确认读本单元的两个重点句式:It’s…和It has … Let’s check部分包括两个练习活动。第一个活动为听录音判断正误。第二个活动为看一看,连一连。活动提供了一幅猫捉老鼠的图片。学生需要认真观察图片中动物的特征,并选择与之对应的形容词。这个活动的目的旨在考查学生对于重点单词的认读和理解。
Let’s sing的歌词内容是在动物园,呈现了cat, rat, monkey, giraffe四种动物,并通过描述他们的活动及特征呈现了单词:fast, fat, short, tall。学生在学唱歌曲的同时,一方面熟悉了四种动物的名称,另一方面也进一步操练了形容词的使用。
Story time还是我们的老朋友Zoom和Zip之间的故事。这次,他们两个比谁认识的动物多。他们边画边说,直到Zoom把猩猩认成了猴子为止。故事内容极其简单,绝大部分内容都是动物名称的罗列,包括老虎、狮子、狐狸、狼、斑马、马、猩猩和猴子。这些动物都有相似的地方,在学习故事的时候,要指导学生使用形容词来描述它们的具体特征,以区分这些动物。此外,还要向学生渗透保护动物的意识和观念。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。
2. 能够听懂故事,并表演。
3. 能够会唱歌曲At the zoo。
4. 能够完成阅读、连线、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、动物图卡。
Step 1 Warm up
播放B部分的Let’s do,学生边做动作边重复指令。
Big, big, big! Make your eyes big. Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.
Step 2 Lead in
1. 猜动物。教师说出动物的特征,请学生猜出动物。
Teacher: Now, let’s guess the animals. It’s black and white. It’s fat. What is it? It’s long. It has no legs. What is it? It’s thin. It has a long tail. It likes bananas. What is it?...
2. 说一说你最喜欢的动物。
Teacher: What animal do you like? Can you say something about it?
Step 3 Presentation
1. 展示动物图片,简单讲解有关野生动物保护的知识。请学生说一说看到的动物的名称。
Teacher: Look at these animals. Do you know the name of them? Please say their name quickly.  
2. 播放故事视频,学生认真观察。
Teacher: You know so many animals. What about our friends Zoom and Zip? Let’s watch a story about them. Then try to answer: Who knows more animals?
3. 学生跟读故事,之后针对课文内容进行交流、讨论:
Teacher: This time please read the story.
Teacher: How many animals does Zoom know? What does he say? How many animals do you hear in the story? What are they?
Step 4 Practice
Teacher: What animal is it? Say it quickly.
Teacher: Look at the tiger and the lion. What’s the difference? What about the fox and the wolf? Can you find the difference between the zebra and the horse? Look at these two animals. Which is the gorilla? What’s the difference between the gorilla and the monkey?
设计意图:故事中的八种动物两两比较,为了区分清楚,学生必须认真观察,之后再使用本单元的重点句式:It’s... It has...来进行描述。这个活动给学生提供了真实的交际情景来使用句式,帮助学生提高他们的口语表达能力。
2. 完成Start to read活动。展示四种动物的图片及描述的句子,请学生说一说,连一连
Teacher: We can say the differences between two animals. So great! Now, let’s match the sentence and the animal. You can do it in pairs. One student says the sentence. The other says the animal.
3. 展示第二十页Let’s check中的照片,完成Listen and tick的判断活动。
Teacher: Now listen to the sentences and find what animal it is. Tick the correct animal.
4. 完成教材第二十一页Look and number活动。
Teacher: You find the correct animals. Now, look at this picture. What can you see in this picture? Look at these words below the picture. You should match the picture and the words. Say a sentence like it’s... it has... to show it.
Step 5 Summary
播放歌曲At the zoo,讨论歌曲内容,学生跟唱。然后练唱,展示歌曲。
Teacher:Where can we see many animals? Yes, at the zoo. Let’s listen to the song at the zoo.
Teacher: What do you see at the zoo? What do they look like? Sing the song with the video, please.
Teacher: Now who wants to show the song? You can do some actions when you sing the song.
Teacher:Boys and girls, animals are our good friends. We should love them, protect them. Let’s help them forever.
设计意图:通过听、学、唱、表演几个层次的活动,保证学生会唱歌曲, 同时向学生传达热爱动物、保护动物的意识。
(    ) 1.  A. tall        B. fat       C. giraffe
(    ) 2.  A. long       B. nose     C. eye
(    ) 3.  A. tail        B. short     C. ear
(    ) 4.  A. panda      B. lion      C. big
(    ) 5.  A. zoo        B. small     C. long
(    ) 1. Look _____ that giraffe.
       A. at           B. to        C. with
(    ) 2. It ______ a long nose.
       A. so           B. has       C. have
(    ) 3. It’s _________.
       A. a  short      B. short ears   C. short
(    ) 4. It has big ______.
       A. a ear         B. an ear      C. ears
1. big  is  it  and  fat (. )
2. at  the  look  elephant (.)
3. tail  has  a   it  short (.)
4. is  it  so  big  (.)
   I have an animal. I like it. It is brown. It is not so big. It is not so tall. It has a tail. It’s not so long. It’s not so short. It has two big ears. It has two big eyes. It has a nose. The nose is good. It can run. It is fast. I like to play with it. Its name is Bingo. It is a dog. Do you have a dog?
(    ) 1. I have a dog.
(    ) 2. The dog is big.
(    ) 3. The dog has two big eyes.
(    ) 4. It has a short tail.
(    ) 5. I like Bingo.

Look at the __________.
It is ________________.
It has ___________________.
Look at the ______________.
It is ________________.
It has _________________.

一、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
二、1.A 2. B 3. C 4. C
三、1. It is big and fat.  2. Look at the elephant. 3. It has a short tail. 4. It is so big.
四、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
Unit Three At the zoo
C. Story time
How many animals do you know?
The small one is a monkey.
The big one is a gorilla.

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