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2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.
Ⅴ. Teaching Aids
1. A tape recorder
2. The blackboard
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
T: Yesterday we finished Unit 12. In this unit, we learned how to tell what we are supposed to do. Now tell me some things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.
S1: We’re supposed to do our homework every day.
S2: We’re supposed to raise our hands before we talk.
S3: We’re supposed to come to class on time.
S4: We are not supposed to be late for class.
S5: We’re not supposed to eat in class.
How do you feel about parties? Happy?  Excited?   Nervous?
S1: Nervous.
T: Oh, so parties make you nervous.
S1: Yes.
T: Class repeat. Parties make me nervous.
Ss: Parties make me nervous.
T: Now what about school vacations?
How do you feel about them?
S2: Happy.
T: So, school vacations make you happy.
S2: Yes.
StepⅡ 1a
This activity introduces new vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language.
Step Ⅲ 1b
This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
Ask students to read the instructions.
Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin’ Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon. Look at the sample answer.
Let a student read the completed sentence, and then say, You will hear the missing words on the recording. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.
Play the recording the first time. Students only listen carefully. Play the recording again. This time fill in the missing words.
Check the answers with the whole class.
The Rockin’ Restaurant: sad, tense
The Blue Lagoon: relaxed, sleepy
Step Ⅴ Summary
In this class, we’ve learned some important words, such as sad, energetic, stressed out. We’ve also learned the target language I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Oh, really?
Loud music makes me energetic. Not me!
Loud music makes me stressed out.
Step Ⅵ Homework
Review the target language.
Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design        

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section A
The First Period
Target language
A: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.
B: Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.
A: Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Second Period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Key Vocabulary
tense, have fun, angry, cry.
(2)Target Language
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
That movie made me sad.
2. Ability Objects
(1) Train students’ listening ability.
(2) Train students’ speaking ability.
3. Moral Objects
Enjoying yourself is very important. But no matter what hobbies you have, do remember they must be good for health and study.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points
1. Key Vocabulary
tense, angry, cry.
2. Target Language
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
That movie made me sad.
3. Structures
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points
1. The target language
2. How to train students’ listening ability.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.
2. Pairwork.
Ⅴ. Teaching Aid
A tape recorder
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework. Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c.
Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity 1a and Activity 1c.
SA: I’d rather go to the Rockin’ Restaurant because I like to listen to loud music while I’m eating.
SB: Really? Soft music makes me relaxed.
SA: Not me. Soft music makes me sleepy.
Step Ⅱ 2a
This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
Look at the pictures. Ask, What are they doing? Please guess. (In Picture 1, two women are eating and smiling. Maybe the

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food is very delicious. In Picture 2, the two women are crying. Maybe they are seeing a sad movie. In Picture 3, one of the two women is very tense that because of the loud music. In Picture 4, one woman is waiting for the bus or someone. Waiting makes her angry. )
Correct the answers with the class.
The pictures should be numbered in this order: (down)
3 2 4 1
Check the answers with the class.
√ Waiting for her made me angry.
√ She said that loud music made her tense.
   Loud music makes me happy.
√ Loud music always makes me want to dance.
√ It was so sad it made us cry.
√ Sad movies don’t make me cry.
They just make me want to leave!
   It made me sad.
Step Ⅳ 2c
This activity provides oral practice using the target language.
Look at the sample conversation between
Tina and John. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?
Tina: Well… yes and no. She was really late.
SA: Did you have fun with Li Ping last night?
SB: Well…yes and no. She was late again as usual.
SA: So, waiting for her made you angry.
Where did you go?
SB: We went to a small restaurant. It was quiet and clean. The food was delicious. The soft music made me very happy.
SA: Did you go to see a movie?
SB: Yes. We saw Love Me Once More,
Mother. It was a very good movie. It was also moving and sad. It made us cry.
SA: Really? You sound just like my mother.
Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus
Look at the grammar box. Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
That movie made me sad.
Write on the blackboard:
             makes me         . Let students work alone. Then ask some students to read their sentences.
S1: A quiet place makes me sleepy.
S2: Loud noise makes me tense.
Pay attention to the sentence with wanting to dance at the end. Say, Sometimes there is a phrase like want to dance at the end instead of an adjective. For example,
Loud music makes me want to leave, Ask students to make up sentences with the following sentence starters: Long movies make me     . Hot weather makes me       .
Give students two minutes to finish the sentences. Then ask some students to read their sentences.
S1: Long movies make me want to leave.
S2: Long movies make me want to cry.
S3: Hot weather makes me want to go swimming.
S4: Hot weather makes me want to drink a lot of water.
Let students make up any other sentence using the verb make to talk about how things affect them.
Step Ⅵ Summary
In this class, we’ve learned key vocabulary tense and the target language Loud music makes me tense. Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.
Step Ⅶ Homework
Get students to write some sentences according to the target language.
Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section A
The Second Period
1.Target language
Loud music makes me tense.
Loud music makes me want to dance.
That movie made me sad.
2.…makes me…
Long movies make me…
Hot weather makes me…

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Third Period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Key Vocabulary
owner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered.
(2) Target Language
How do you feel about pollution?
It makes me kind of angry. How about you?
It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.
2. Ability Objects
(1)Train students’ integrating skills.
(2)Train the ability of expressing students’ own opinions.
3. Moral Object
In our lives, we should express what we feel clearly.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point
Train students’ integrating skills.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point
How to improve students’ integrating skills.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Fast-reading method.
2. Groupwork and pairwork.
Ⅴ. Teaching Aids
1. A projector.
2. The blackboard.
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
T: Yesterday we learned the target language. The structure is… makes me…
Now who can make sentences using the structure?
S1: Light colours

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make me relaxed.
S2: Loud noise makes me tense.
S3: Loud music makes me energetic.
T: Very good.
Step Ⅱ 3a
This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.
owner n.所有者;业主     scientific adj.科学的
pink adj.粉红色的         lighting n.照明;照明设备
knowledge n.知识;学问   serve v.服务;招待
design v.设计;构思    uncomforable adj.不舒服的; campaign n.运动;        endangered adj.有灭绝危险的;
Read the words and get students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.
Check the answers with the whole class.
1. Red makes most people hungry. It makes them eat faster.
2. They want people to eat quickly and leave so more people can come in.
3. Answers will vary.
1. owner—person who owns something
2. uncomfortable—not comfortable; uneasy
Step Ⅲ 3b
This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Ask three students to read the sample conversation in the box to the whole class.
SA: The seats are very hard. The white walls make me stressed.
SB: Is it this classroom?
SA: No, it isn’t.
SC: Is it a hospital?
SA: Yes, that’s right.
Go through the instructions with the class.
Give students a sample conversation.
SA: There are a lot of people every day.
The loud noise makes me tense.
SB: Is it a mall?
SA: No, it isn’t.
SC: Is it a supermarket?
SA: No, it isn’t.
SD: Is it a market?
SA: Yes, you’re right.
Step IV Part 4
This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.
Ask a good student to tell students how he/she feels about pollution. For example, I hate pollution. Loud noise makes me tense. Smoking makes me very angry.
Endangered animals make me sad. I think pollution is very terrible.
Get students to read the instructions by themselves. Have students complete the work in groups of three. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed.
Review the task. Ask a few students to share the results of their surveys.
Sample answers
How do you feel about…        You        Li Ping        Zhao Qiang
Pollution        angry        angry        angry
heavy traffic        worried        tense        angry
loud noise        tense        energetic        want to leave
Endangered animals        sad        cry        angry
Smoking        angry        want to leave        uncomfortable
people who keep you waiting        angry        worried        angry
Step Ⅴ Summary
In this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, uncomfortable. We’ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Finish off the exercises on pages 53~55 of the workbook.
2. Ask students to choose some places they know and talk about how they feel about the places.
Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section A
The Third Period
Target language
A:How do you feel about pollution?
B: It makes me kind of angry. How about you?
A: It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Fourth Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Key Vocabulary
mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out
(2) Target Language
Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?
Yeah. And it made me sick.
2. Ability Objects
(1) Train students’ speaking and listening ability.
(2) Train students’ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.
(3) Train students’ ability to use the target language.
3. Moral Object
Not all the most expensive things are the best ones. Sometimes we shouldn’t believe all of ads.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points
1. Key Vocabulary
mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out
2. Target Language
Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?
Yeah. And it made me sick.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points
1. How to train students’ speaking and listening ability.
2. How to use the target language.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Listening method
2. Groupwork to make every student works in class.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
1. A tape recorder

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2. The blackboard
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework. Get some pairs to act out their conversations about how they feel about a place, Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.
Step Ⅱ 1a
This activity introduces new vocabulary.
Pay attention to the four pictures. Ask,
Check the answers with the class.
The photos should be numbered in the following order:4 3 1 2
1. slogan——striking and easily remembered phrase used to advertise sth.
2. mysterious--full of mystery
Step Ⅲ 1 b
This activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside the classroom.
Go through the instructions with the class.
Make sure students know what to do. Get students to make lists individually. Ask some students to read their lists to the class. Have other students put up their hands if they have the same item on their own lists.
Three products students like更多免费教案下载绿色圃中小学教育网www.lspjy.com 分站www.fydaxue.com
computer (26)jacket    (20)    watch    (35)
Three products students don’t like
fast food   (8)coat    (32)science book (23)
Step Ⅳ 2a
This activity provides listening practice with the target language and introduce new vocabulary.
Go through the instructions and make sure students understand what to do. Now you will hear about some more products and what people think of them. Write Yes in front of the product if the person likes it.
Write No in front of the product if the person doesn’t like it.
Read out the name of each product. Get students to repeat it. Listen to the conversation and finish the task.
Play the tape the first time. This time students only listen. Play the tape again.
Let students write Yes or No in front of each product to show whether or not the people on the tape liked it.
Check the answers.
1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. No
Step Ⅴ 2b
This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.
Go through the instructions with the whole class. Look back at the two lists in Activity 2a. Get students to put up their hands if they don’t understand ANY of the words. If necessary, explain new vocabulary. Read each item to the class. Look at the sample answer and invite a student to read the matching parts to the class.
Easy Care Shampoo--It didn’t work.
Check the answers with the class.
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
Step Ⅵ 2c
This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions for this activity aloud to the class.
Get students to look back at the list of products they made for Activity lb. Invite a student to read his/her lists to the class.
Three products he/she likes
Computer     jacket      watch
SA: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?
SB: Yeah. And it made me sick.
Now work with your partner. Make up conversations like this one, using the products on the list you made for Activity 1b.
Ask students to work in pairs. While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help as needed.
Call out several pairs to give their conversations to the class.
Conversation 1
SA: Have you ever had a computer?
SB: Yeah. And it made me excited.
Conversation 2
SA: Have you ever eaten fast food?
SB: Yeah. And it made me uncomfortable.
Step Ⅶ Summary
In this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out. We’ve also learned the target language Have you ever had a Twisty Treat? Yeah. And it made me sick by listening and speaking.
Step Ⅷ Homework
Talk about some products using some words in this class, and write down the conversations.
Step Ⅸ Blackboard Design
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section B
The Fourth Period
1. Target language
A: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?
B: Yeah. And it made me sick.
2. Three products students like
computer (26)jacket (20)watch (35)
Three products students don’t like
fast food (8)coat (32)science book (23)

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Fifth Period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge

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(1) Key Vocabulary
aim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane
(2) Practise reading an article.
(3) Practise writing something using the target language.
2. Ability Objects
(1) Improve students’ integrating skills—reading skill and writing skill.
(2) Improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.
3. Moral Object
We are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Point
Practise reading and writing using the target language.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point
1. How to improve students’ reading ability.
2. How to improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Reading method to improve students’ reading ability.
2. Discussion method to improve students’ speaking ability.
3. Pairwork to make every student work in class.
Ⅴ. Teaching Aids
1. A projetor
2. The blackboard
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
Revise the target language presented in this unit. Check homework. Get some pairs to read out their conversations.
(1)SA: Have you ever had a jacket?
     SB: Yeah. And it made me beautiful.
(2)SA: Have you ever bad a science book?
     SB: Yeah. And it made me tense.
Step Ⅱ 3a
This activity provides reading practice using the target language.
Teach the new words. Show the new words on the screen by a projector.
aim u.瞄准;打算       aim at瞄准;针对
specially adv.特别地;   useful adj.有用的;有益的
instance n.例子;实例   for instance例如;比如
product n.产品;制品   confuse v.混淆;辨不清;使困惑
mislead v把……引错方向careful adj.小心的;
lead v引导;致使;领导  plane n.飞机
Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.
Look at the article. Let a student read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student it providing a good model for the rest of the class.
Read the instructions to the class. What’s the article about? Do you agree with it?
Get students to read the article again and answer the two questions. Get students to do the work individually or in pairs.
While they are working, go around the classroom offering help as needed.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Elicit examples given in the article for the advantages and disadvantages.
The article is about advantages and disadvantages of ads.
Advantages of ads: help you compare different products; help you save money.
Disadvantages of ads: make our cities and countryside look ugly; ads can be confusing or misleading; can lead you to buy something you don’t need.
1. pros and cons-the arguments for and against
2. for instance-for example
3. sales-the offering of goods at low prices for a period
4. confuse-put into disorder; mix up in the mind
5. mislead-lead wrongly; cause to be or do wrong
6. at times-from time to time; now and then; occasionally
Step Ⅲ 3b
This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
A sample article:
Some advertisements tell the truth and some don’t. For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tried it and it didn’t work. It made my friend really mad. A few days ago, I tried Starshine Toothpaste. But it wasn’t whiter than white. It tasted terrible. I’d never use it.
Yesterday my sister tried Beauty Cream and it worked very well. She said it made her skin very soft. So I’ll try it tomorrow. Now, do you think it is right not to believe everything we read?
Now write the article on the blackboard as an example.
Step Ⅳ 3c
This activity provides writing practice using the target language. Go through the instructions with the class. Ask students,
Do you know what the word slogan means?
For example, for the shiniest hair ever is the slogan of Easy Care Shampoo. Help students answer the question. Tell them the Chinese meaning if necessary to make sure they understand the meaning.
Have students make a list of their favorite products, then try writing a slogan

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to go with each product. Tell students how to do this work. First ask a student to name a favorite product. Then let students suggest a variety of possible slogans to go with it. And then cross out the ones that don’t tell the truth.
Step Ⅴ Part 4
This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.
Look at the three pictures. Ask, What can you see in the pictures?
(In Picture 1,we can see a man jumped out of a plane. In Picture 2,we can see a lot of smoke. The air is polluted. In Picture 3, some men are riding horses.)
Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the example in the box.
Get a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.
SA: I would love to jump out of a plane!
SB: Not me. This picture makes me feel tense!
Discuss the three pictures in pairs. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed. Have several pairs say their conversations to the class.
Sample conversations
SA: There is a lot of smoke in the picture.
SB: Yeah. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
SA: I would love to ride a horse.
SA: Not me. The picture makes me tense.
Step Ⅵ Summary
In this class, we’ve done much practice reading and writing as well as speaking.
Step Ⅶ Homework
1. Read the article in Activity 3a again.
2. Complete the article in Activity 3b.
Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section B
The Fifth Period
A sample answer to Activity 3b:
Some advertisements tell the truth and some don’t. For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tried it and it didn’t work. It made my friend realty mad. A few days ago, I tried Starshine Toothpaste. But it wasn’t whiter than white. It tasted terrible. I’d never use it.
Yesterday my sister tried Beauty Cream and it worked very well. She said it made her skin very soft. So I’ll try it tomorrow.
Now,do you think it is tight not to believe everything we read?

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Sixth Period
Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
(1) Fill in blanks and make sentences using list, lead, compare, keep out, taste.
(2) Finish the table according to the diary.
2. Ability Object
Train students’ writing ability.
3. Moral Objects
We should believe in others. We shouldn’t be selfish.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points
1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.
2. Finish the table.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point
Make sentences using list, lead, compare, keep out, taste.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
1. Teaching by explanation.
2. Speaking method
Ⅴ. Teaching Aids
1. A projector.
2. The blackboard.
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Revision
Check homework. Get a few students to read the article in 3a. Then have a student read his own article.
Step Ⅱ Part 1
This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.
Look at the words in the box. Get a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meanings of the words.
Please fill in the blanks with the words.
In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.
Get students to fill in the blanks on their own.
Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers. Show the answers on the screen by a projector.
1. I need a new jacket. This one doesn’t keep out the cold.
2. Customers say the food at the restaurant tastes terrible.
3. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price.
4. Working hard at English can lead to a good job.
5. Wait before you buy that watch. Let’s compare prices in another store.
Have students make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that
are meaningful. Walk around the classroom.
Collect a few students’ answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students correct the mistakes.
Sample answers
1. Don’t forget to list his name.
2. All roads lead to Rome.
3. Let’s compare your

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translations with the model translation on the blackboard.
4. It’s very windy. Please shut the window and keep out the cold.
5. Look at the bread. It tastes sweet.
Step Ⅲ Part 2
This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.
Go through the instructions for this activity with the class.
Check the answers with the whole class.
sad        angry        annoyed        surprised
Early morning        mid-morning        Late-morning        Lunch time
1. home here is an adverb, means at, in or to one’s home or country.
2. annoy——make rather angry(esp. in passive), for example, be annoyed with sb.
Step Ⅳ
This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.
Ask two students to read the conversation aloud.
SA: They make me scared.
SB: Really? They make me hungry.
Get all the students to read the conversation again. Ask, What makes the cartoon funny? Help students to explain. The second fish is intelligent enough to take the bait from the hook without getting caught.
Get some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
In this class, we’re done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit.
After class, please make sentences with the words in Activity I in your exercise books. Then finish off the exercises on pages 55~56 of the workbook.
Step Ⅵ Blackboard Design
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Self check
The Sixth Period
Sample answers to Activity 1:
1. Don’t forget to list his name.
2. All roads lead to Rome.
3. Let’s compare your translations with the model translation on the blackboard,
4. It’s very windy. Please shut the window and keep out the cold.
5. Look at the bread. It tastes sweet.

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
The Seventh Period
Reading: The art of giving
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
Key Vocabulary
wedding anniversary, vase, host, hostess, feminine, proper, acceptable, embarrass, let’s say, ahead of time
Text: The art of giving
2. Ability Objects
Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text.
Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.
Learn the words and phrases from the context.
3. Moral Object
Giving a gift is an art. Money is one of the gifts we can give others. But we must know money is not everything. So only when it is proper can we give someone money as a gift.
Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points
Key vocabulary
Train students’ reading ability.
Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point
Train students’ reading and writing skills.
Ⅳ. Teaching Methods
Fast-reading to improve students’ reading ability.
Careful-reading to get the detailed information.
Pairwork and groupwork
Ⅴ. Teaching Aid
A projector.
Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Key Vocabulary
This activity introduces the key vocabulary words. Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.
Wedding n.婚礼;结婚        anniversary n.;周年纪念日
co-worker n.同事;           let’s say比如说(用作插入语)
orange adj.&n.橙黄色(的); vase n.花瓶
host n.主人;房东            hostess n.女主人;女房东
ahead adj & adv.在前;向前;ahead of time提早
arrange v.整理;布置;排列   feminine adj.女性的;女子气的
Read the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.
Step Ⅱ Part 1
This activity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.
Look at the picture. Ask, What’s happening in the picture? Let students describe the picture.
Step Ⅲ Part 2
This activity encourages students to read for the main idea.
Paragraph 1 Giving and receiving gifts isn’t easy.
Paragraph 2 Some gifts, such as flowers and plants, are usually welcome.
Paragraph 3 Giving money may be a good gift but may have problems.
Paragraph 4 Follow a host’s suggestion or you may be rude.
1. feminine—of, like, suitable for, women
2. gift voucher—supplied with some articles (eg petrol, cigarettes), to

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