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新目标八年级上册英语Unit4 How do you get to school说课稿

发表于 2013-5-18 10:31:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
新目标八年级上册英语Unit4 How do you get to school说课稿
(3)新目标英语八年级上全英文说课稿Unit4 How do you get to school?
Good morning, everyone! I am *** from Experimental Middle School of ***. Now I’ll say section A (from 1a to2d) of Unit4.It’s from Grade8(I) in Go For It! The title is “How do you get to school?”.  I’ll say the lesson from four parts: 一、Analysis of teaching material 二、Teaching methods 三、Guide of studying ways 四、Teaching precedure.
一: Analysis of the teaching material
(一) Status and function
1. The main topic of Unit 4 is “transportation”. In this unit, the Ss will learn to talk about kinds of transportation, how long it takes to go places, and how far apart places are. This is a topic that is related to their daily life. So it can raise their learning interests and improve their spoken English.
(二) Teaching aims and demands
1.       Knowledge Objects
In this lesson, Ss should master the new words “take, subway, train, forty…” etc. At the same time, they should know how to use these sentences “How do you get to school? How does he get to school? How long does it take?”and know how to answer these questions.
2.       Abillity Objects
In this lesson, I’ll mainly train the Ss listening and speaking abilities and develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.
3.       Moral Objects
In this lesson, the Ss should learn how to work with others and help each other, how to impress their own ideas during the communication.
4.Teaching keys and difficulties
According to the teaching aims, I think the focus of this lesson is the new expressions and help the Ss to communicate with each other. The difficulty is to distinguish the use of “take”.
二、Teaching methods
In this lesson, I’ll mainly use the “task-based” teaching method, and it will be used in the whole lesson. I think it’s helpful to develop the Ss’ thought. I’ll also use “situation communicating” method. It can provide enough listening and speaking situations for Ss. I think good teaching methods are the keys to success. www.rr365.com
三、Guide of studying ways
In order to guide the Ss better, develop the Ss’ abillities, in this lesson, the Ss will learn how to be a good language learner , and how to communicate with others. It will be very helpful for their learning in the future. I think good studying ways can help the Ss to be good language learners.
四、Teaching procedure
1. Warm-up
In order to form a better English surrounding for Ss, attract the Ss’ attention, I’ll begin my class with an English song—The number song. It can also help the Ss finish the teaching task of Part2a and 2b more easily. I think a good beginning is a half of success.
2. Presentation
Let the Ss look at the picture .
Ask: What is the boy doing? Where is he going ? How does he get to school? Help the Ss answer: He often rides a bike to school. (He often goes t
o school by bike.)
Then use these pictures to teach other transportations “take the subway, take the train…” After that , I’ll ask the students to make dialogues like this :
A:How do you get to school?
B:I get to school by bus.
A:How does he get to school?
B:He gets to school by train.
Encourage them to use different words and find out the best group.
This activity can not only help the Ss grasp the usage of target language, but also can help the Ss learn from each other. It can not only improve the Ss’ speaking and listening skills, but aslo improve their ability of working with others. The Ss at this age enjoy showing themselves, so it can also improve their studying interests, I think it’s most important during studying, because interest is a best teacher.
3. Listening practice
Ask the Ss finish 1b. I think it’s easy for them to do it after Part 2. In order to improve their reading ability, I will ask them to read the dialogue , because listening is insparable from reading.
4.       Discussion
Tell the Ss: The transportation we choose mainly depends os how far the places are, different distances, we’ll choose different transportations,and different transportations ,
It will take different time.
Then let the Ss look at the list, ask them to discuss : “How do they get to school?”
Finally, ask the Ss to practice in pairs like this:
A:Har far is from Wang Min’s home to his school?
B:It’s 500 meters
A:How does he get to school?
B:He gets to school on foot.
A:How long does it take?
B:It takes 5 minutes.www.rr365.com
This activity can help them learn to work together with others and can improve their speaking skills. The most important thing is that it can improve the Ss’ ability of solving problems, it’s a kind of important ability for both their daily life and future life.
5.       Listening practice
In Part Four, Ss have understood different ways of transportation takes different time. In this step, I’ll ask the Ss to name the five ways of transportation first. It can help them finish it more easily. Then play the tape, while the Ss listening , I’ll go around the classroom and help the Ss who have trouble in listening . It can not only help the Ss who have trouble in listening, but also help the teachers go closer to the Ss. I think the closer the teachers go to the Ss , the better the students will learn.亲其师,信其道。If necessary, I’ll play the tape again. Finally, check the answers.
6.       Do a survey
Ask the Ss to do a survey : How far is from your partner’s home to your school? How does he (she) get to school? How long does it take? Then report it .
7.       Homework
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