| What is he / she going to do when he/ she grows up?
| How is he / she going to do that?
Report : My friend is going to be a/an…. He is going to…. 这一环节是为了充分调动学生学习积极参与讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣,教育学生要从小就树立远大的志向,并为实现自己的理想而努力奋斗,梦想成真要从现在开始做起。变师生互动为生生互动,从而使师生间建立起一种民主、平等、和谐、合作的关系,提高教学的情感层次。 Step Ⅳ Reading 阅读是交际,培养阅读能力是为了学会快速掌握自己所需要的信息,以适应当今高速发展的信息社会需要。我是这样处理教材的。先让学生带着两个问题。借助多媒体打出以下问题:1. What is Tian Tian going to be when she grows up? 2. Where is she going to move? 阅读此文,快速找出答案,检查答案之后,再让学生完成课本上的划线任务。接着,老师再和学生一起细读此文,并解决文章中的生词、词组及一些重点句型。然后,老师进一步针对课本内容,提出问题:(借助多媒体打出问题) 1. What’s she going to be when she grows up? 2. Why is she going to move to Paris? 3. How is she going to do that? 4. When she is rich, what is she going to do with the money? 5. Where is she going to retire? 并叫学生单个回答,以此检查学生对课本的掌握情况。 StepⅤ Pairwork 再让学生以Pairwork的形式巩固与强化本课重点句型。以伦敦奥运会为话题,让学生设想如果有机会成为奥运会志愿者,你打算怎样做?为下一课的学习打下铺垫。 Step Ⅵ Summary 我采用先由学生通过观察、比较重点句型,发现规律总结出be going to 的用法,之后由教师补充的形式完成本节重点语法的归纳,是为了使学生产生一种“课虽终,理义明,温其故,晓其新”的感觉。 Step Ⅶ Homework 为了检查学生的学习情况,培养学生运用所学知识解决问题的能力;我要求以“My Future”为题,写一篇短文谈论自己的人生理想, 以及为实现这个理想要付出哪些努力。既检验教学的效果,对有问题的地方,采取及时的补救措施,也对学生进行评价。 五、板书设计
| Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.
Section A 2a-4
What is he/she going to be when he/she grows up?
He/She is going to…
How is he / she going to do that?
Where is he/she going to move/work?
He/She is going to move/work…
I am
going to do
He/ She/ It is
dream job
grow up
for a year or two
at the same time
travel all over the world
a part-time job