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发表于 2012-11-1 22:39:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(考试时间:120分钟     满分:150分)

1.               2.             3.             4.             5.            
(      ) 6. A. Tom is a student.      B. Tom is a teacher.       C. Tom likes school.
(      ) 7. A. He saw a film yesterday.     B. He didn’t see the film.  C. He had a good time.
(      ) 8. A. She works hard.   B. She teaches well.   C. She is a good woman.
(      ) 9. A. School ended a little earlier.                          B. School ended as early as usual.
C. School didn’t end so early as usual.
(      ) 10. A. Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it.          B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.
C. Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either.
III. 根据你所听到的单词,完成对话, 第个对话读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
(      ) 11. -- What day is today?
-- It's          .
A. Monday                    B. Friday                 C. Saturday
(      ) 12. -- What class is Linda in?
-- She's in Class          .
A. Three                      B. Four                  C. Five
(      ) 13. -- What's the weather like today?
-- It's          .
A. sunny                      B. cloudy                 C. windy
(      ) 14. -- How did you come here?
-- I came here by          .
A. bike                        B. bus                    C. car
(      ) 15. -- Is Peggy a writer?
-- No. She's a           .
A. doctor                      B. policewoman            C. scientist
IV. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)
(      ) 16.What would she like to be          ?
A. A doctor.         B. A teacher.           C. A soldier.
(      ) 17.The train will arrive in Shanghai at          .
A. 18: 00         B. 20: 00        C. 12: 00
(      ) 18.Our teacher is speaking to          .
A. her friend         B. Jim’s mother          C. Jim’s father
(      ) 19.The flight number of the plane leaving for Nanchang is CA          .
A. 308          B. 038            C. 380
(      ) 20.Jane has been to          .
A. a children’s school       B. children’s home      C. a disabled children’s home
V. 听对话,选择正确答案 (回答21-25题)。对话读两遍。(5分)
(      ) 21.Who is this phone call for?
A. Fred.      B. Alice.        C. Mum.
(      ) 22.What’s the weather like today?
A. Cloudy.        B. Sunny.        C. Windy.
(      ) 23.Where are they going?
A. To the school.       B. To the beach.      C. To the farm.
(      ) 24.What are they going there for?
A. Visiting the farm.      B. Taking a walk.      C. Having a picnic.
(      ) 25.When will they start tomorrow?
A. At 6: 30.         B. At 6: 45.       C. At 7: 15.
VI. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分)
People in Britain     86      about 430 million tons of waste every day, and put about 85 percent of the waste into the land. This harms the environment and     87      up a lot of space. It’s difficult to find     88      land to put the garbage in. At the same time, dealing with the waste costs too much money.
Every year, people in Hong Kong produce about 5 million tons of waste. Of all the garbage, about 35 percent can be recycled while the      89     can’t.
The garbage produced every day has become a serious problem around the world. How shall we     90      with it?
VII. 选择填空(20分)
(      ) 26. They think             important for you to learn English well.
A. that’s           B. it’s              C. you’re               D. this
(      ) 27. --             the population of the U.S.A.?
-- It             about 296 million.
A. What is, was       B. What is, is        C. How many is, was      D. How many is, is
(      ) 28. -- Have you returned the library book            ?
-- Yes, I’ve             returned it.
A. already, already        B. yet, yet          C. already, yet         D. yet, already
(      ) 29. -- Hello, this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr. Black?
-- Sorry. He             the Xuanwu Lake Park.
A. has been to         B. went to          C. has gone to         D. will go to
(      ) 30. It             that their living conditions             not very good in those days.
A. seem, are         B. seems, were          C. seems, are        D. seem, were
(      ) 31. We are short             energy and water             the over population.
A. of, because         B. of, because of          C. in, because          D. in, because of
(      ) 32.             of the students             boys in our class.
A. Two fifth, are      B. Two fifths, are       C. Second fifthes, is        D. Two five, is
(      ) 33. – We’ve lived here             1990.
-- So you’ve lived here             about 17 years.
A. since, for           B. for, since           C. for, for           D. since, since
(      ) 34. Don't make             noise in public. It is a kind of pollution.
A. too many           B. much too           C. too much          D. so many
(      ) 35. Look! There is a pet dog             on the playground. Let’s go and play with it.
A. lies               B. lie                 C. lay              D. lying
(      ) 36. -- I asked her, “Do you study English here?”
-- I asked her             she studied English here.
A. that               B. what               C. if              D. how
(      ) 37. He’s lived in Beijing for 10 years,             he?
A. isn’t              B. wasn’t              C. hasn’t           D. didn’t
(      ) 38. Trees can also prevent the sand from             toward the rich land.
A. moving            B. to move             C. move           D. moved
(      ) 39.             the sun was shining,             it wasn’t very warm.
A. Although, /          B. Because, /          C. Even, /         D. Although, but
(      ) 40.             bad weather it is!
A. What              B. What a              C. How              D. How a
(      ) 41.             people went to Beijing to watch the 2008 Olympic Games.
A. Million            B. Million of             C. Millions of           D. Millions
(      ) 42. -- Mr. Li, math is too hard for me.
-- Xiao Dong, work hard             you’ll find it easy.
A. but                B. or                  C. and                  D. so
(      ) 43. You'd better ride a bike to go to school             taking a bus every day.
A. instead of          B. instead            C. thanks to             D. because of
(      ) 44. Though the workers are tired, they don’t want to stop            .
A. working             B. work            C. to work              D. works
(      ) 45. Every student is             to obey the school rules.
A. suppose            B. supposed            C. should             D. ought
VIII. 口语交际(10分)
(A) 完成对话
A: Have you ever been to Beijing?
B: Yes, I have. I went there in 2002.
A:    46   
B: Around two months.
A:    47   
B: It’s modern and ancient. There are many places of interest.
I love it very much.
A:    48    I have visited the Great Wall, the Palace Museum
and the Ming Tomb.
B: The food is delicious, too.
A: Yeah. There are lots of restaurants in Beijing.
B:    49    And the market is too crowed.
A: It used to be.    50    The traffic has become better because of more ring roads and subways. The air is fresher and
B: Really? I hope to visit it again soon.
(B) 从II栏中找出与I 栏相对应的答语
(      ) 51. The population is growing too fast                 A. Since last week.
(      ) 52. Have you noticed the dead fish in the river?         B. It’s my pleasure.
(      ) 53. Thank you very much.                          C. So it is.
(      ) 54. Would you like to be a greener person?             D. Yes. Pollution causes too many problems.
(      ) 55. How long have you been like this?                 E. Of course, I’d love to.
IX. 完形填空  从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案(10分)
Dear Li Wen,
Thank you for your letter. It is a pleasure to hear from you again. In your letter, you told me that you had so many friends that you had to take part in a birthday party every few weeks. I think it is __ 56    to have or take part in one's birthday party. However, as a student, it is not good to spend    57    time and money on it. I know now that   58   birthday is in a few weeks' time. Since you said you were getting tired of   59   one's birthday in this way, perhaps it's    60   good chance to change it. You can invite your friends and have a simple party   61   a birthday cake, some drinks and fruits at home. You can    62   them you prefer some small but meaningful presents made by hands such as a (an)    63   , a bookmark and so on. After all(毕竟) , the most expensive present may not be the    64   present, as friendship can't be bought with money. The presents    65    are made by your friends themselves might be kept in your mind forever. The party wouldn't last long. One hour should be enough, don't you think so? And I am sure you will have a good time on your birthday.
Best wishes to you and your friends!
(      ) 56. A. tiring           B. boring          C. interesting         D. surprising
(      ) 57. A. too much        B. much too        C. too many          D. many too
(      ) 58. A. you            B. your            C. his               D. her
(      ) 59. A. congratulating    B. celebrating      C. holding           D. joining
(      ) 60. A. a               B. the            C. an                D. one
(      ) 61. A. of              B. on             C. with              D. for
(      ) 62. A. talk            B. speak           C. say               D. tell
(      ) 63. A. computer        B. card           C. TV set             D. MP3
(      ) 64. A. good           B. bad            C. worse              D. best
(      ) 65. A. whose          B. what           C. which              D. who
X. 阅读理解(40分)
Shang Wenjie was born in 1982 in Shanghai. Her parents divorced( 离婚) when she was two. Her hard childhood made her a quiet girl and she always depended on herself.
In 2004, she graduated from Fudan University and worked at a French clothing company. She had a good pay and lived a comfortable life, but she wanted more.  She had a great dream.
Shang dropped her job and went to Hangzhou to take part in the "Supper Girl" competition. However, she didn't win. She didn't give up and traveled to Chengdu for the competition. This time she practiced hard and made it to the top 20. Still not satisfied with the result, she turned to Guangzhou for the competition again. This time, she made it! She got a ticket to the final competition in Changsha.
Shang had no professional ( 专业) voice training, but during the competition, she won more fans. Many of her fans were college students and young professional women. In their eyes, Shang was their Cinderella( 灰姑娘) .  They wanted to help her make her dream come true and they really did it.
(      ) 66. Her parents divorced in 1984.
(      ) 67. She dropped her job because she didn't have a good pay.
(      ) 68. She got a ticket to the final competition in Changsha.
(      ) 69. She went to Hangzhou to take part in the "Super Girl"  competition and made it to the top 20.
(      ) 70. All her fans are college students and young professional women.
You go to the airport to meet a friend named David You don't know what airline he is on, but you know the time he should arrive. He told you he would arrive from Bangkok at 17 s 15. Here is the Arrival Information Board.
Airline From Scheduled
(预定到达时间) Due
(实际到达时间) Remarks
BA London 16:45 16:45 Arrived
LH Frankfurt 17:00 16:55 Arrived
TG Bangkok(曼谷) 17:15 20:00 Delayed
CX Hong Kong 17:30 17:30
JL Tokyo 18:00 18:00
QF Sydney 18:10 18:10
AF Paris 21:50 —— Cancelled(取消)
AA New York 21:55 23:45 Delayed
BA—British Airways(英国航空公司)           JL—Japan Airlines
LH—Lufthansa(汉莎航空公司)(德国)          QF—Qantas(澳大利亚航空公司)
TG—Thai Airways International(泰国国际航空公司)           AF—Air France
CX—Cathay Pacific(国泰航空公司)(香港)             AA—American Airlines
(      ) 71. You arrived in the airport at 5:00 p. m. How long should you wait to meet your friend?
A. 4 hours.        B. 15 minutes.        C. 3 hours.         D. 45 minutes.
(      ) 72. What will happen to the flight from Paris?
A. It will arrive late.           B. It will not arrive today.
C. It will arrive on time.        D. It will arrive early.
(      ) 73. How many flights will arrive from Asian cities?
A. One.         B. Two.           C. Five.         D. Three.
(      ) 74. If a flight is "delayed", it means the plane will be________.
A. changed             B. early            C. late            D. on time
(      ) 75. Which airline has David taken?
A. TG.            B. LH.           C. QF.         D. JL.
Are you a healthy kid? "Yes, I eat a lot, "you might say. But sometimes eating a lot doesn't always mean a strong body. On May 19, 2006, there was a report from the China Nutrition and Health Association for Children(中国儿童营养健康协会). It talks about some problems of Chinese kids' food and health.
The report says that kids in China eat too much fat. In 1992, kids aged 12-17 ate 38 grams of animal meat each day. Ten years later, it was 102 grams each day. Too much fat makes children unhealthy.
The report also says that Chinese Kids don't have enough vitamin A and minerals(矿物) 质) such as zinc(锌)and calcium(钙). Vitamins and minerals are important to the body. For example, calcium helps build strong bones and teeth and vitamin A is good for eyes.
Want to have a strong body? Try some of these foods from now on.
Eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes. They are rich in vitamin A.
Milk, cheese, yogurt and fish. They are rich in calcium.
Pork, peas and peanuts. They are rich in zinc.
(      ) 76. According to the report, animal meat is rich in________.
A. minerals           B. vitamin        C. calcium             D. fat
(      ) 77. If we want to have strong teeth, we should eat more________.
①peas ②milk ③eggs ④fish ⑤meat ⑥yogurt
A.①②③    B.①⑤⑥        C.②④⑥        D.③④⑤
(      ) 78. Eating carrots and eggs is good for our_____.
A. eyes              B. bones        C. teeth             D. ears
(      ) 79. From the passage we learn that________.
A. fat is more important than vitamin A             B. kids should eat more meat
C. kids prefer vegetables to meat                  D. kids in China have an unhealthy eating habit
(      ) 80. The writer gives this passage to________.
A. introduce the work of the China Nutrition and Health Association for Children
B. tell the changes of the eating habits of Chinese kids
C. suggest a healthier eating habit
D. give advice on how to protect kids' eyes
Jane is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university. But her family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her.   81   So she spends a lot of time on her QQ. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made lots of friends. 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
   Last years Jane made a very special friend on QQ.   82   He and Jane were both interested in rock music. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other.   83   He was a tall, good-looking young with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends.
      84   Jane asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. But when David finally stood before her, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old named Jim!

(      ) 85. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Jane is in a rich family but she feels lonely.
B. Jane and David chatted on QQ happily and became good friends.
C. Jane went to see David on her business trip to San Francisco.
D. Jane didn’t know David was only twelve until she visited him.
91. Trees can stop the wind from             (blow) the earth away.
92. It’s difficult for me             (find) a job.
93. In the past three years, we             (help) thousands of people return to a normal life.
94. You ought to             (turn) off the lights when you leave a room.
95. My main job is             (help) spread the message about protecting the environment.
96. Lily has             great             in learning English. (取得进步)
97.                         has become a serious problem. (空气污染)
98. The program also             homeless people             houses(为…提供…).
99.                         (到目前为止), we have helped thousands of people return to a normal life.
100. The music is too noisy, could you please             it             (调小声).

There are many kinds of pollution around us,     101      air pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. The are     102     our health in many ways.
Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can    103      sore eyes and     104     problems.
With the increase in population and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of litter into the land. In the fields, farmers use too many    105     which destroy the soil. Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.
Noise pollution can make people     106    . For example, people may lose their hearing if they work in a     107     place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure    108     .
Working in strong, changeable light for a long time may cause some kinds of    109     . It makes people feel terrible and is especially bad for the eyes.
With less pollution, our planet will become     110     and our health will be better. Let’s be greener people.
XIII. 看图写句子(10%)

111              112                  113               114               115  
111. plant, now                                                                             
112. they, meet, at, tomorrow                                                                  
113. should, before meals                                                                     
114. play, for three hours                                                                     
115. eat, last night                                                                           
“保护环境,人人有责”,请以How to Be a Greener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的文章,并适当发表你的看法。(80词左右)
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