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外研版英语初中八年级下册Module 4 Unit 3 精品教案免费下载

发表于 2021-4-1 19:41:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 4 Seeing the doctor
Unit 3 Languagein use
1.能够正确使用下列单词和词组:cough,fever, headache, stomach, ache, stomach ache, toothache, ill, this, since,cold, catch a cold, take sb.’s temperature, fast food, health, take part insth., well, heart, active, pet, member, , then, daily, weak, exercise。
2. 能正确使用现在完成时与for since引导的时间状语连用的结构。
3. 能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。
4. 能够针对不健康的生活习惯或行为给出适当的建议和看法。
能正确使用现在完成时与for since引导的时间状语连用的结构,以及读懂关于饮食和运动习惯的短文。
本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。
Step1. Warming up
Askstudents to think of three situations in their lives that started in the pastand still continue. Tell them to write them down. For example:
Ilive near my grandparents.
Istudy at this school.  
Ihaven't seen my glasses.
Readthe sentences in the box as a class and ask students to tell you what"for" and "since" mean.
Askstudents to rewrite their three situations, using the present perfect and"for" or "since", so that they can tell people how longthis situation has been happening. For example, I’ve lived near my grandparentssince I was born./ I’ve studied at this school for many years./I haven't seenmy glasses since the weekend.
Monitor and help as necessary. Then askthree or four students to write some of their sentences on the board asexamples.
Step2. Pre-task
For & Since
Tell students to look at the sentencesin the language box and tell you where '"for" and "since" goin a sentence.
Draw students' attention to the feetthat these words are frequently used with the present perfect. Point out thatthe difference between “for" and "since" is as follows:
for + (length of time); for three weeks, forfive minutes, for three centuries
since + (when the situation started);since winter, since my birthday, since this morning
Read the questions to the students. Thenask them to listen and repeat. Help with pronunciation and intonation as appropriate.
Step3. While-task
1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer thequestions
Have students read the questions andwrite their answers, using complete sentences. Monitor as necessary.
Put students in pairs to take turnsasking and answering the questions.
Ask individual students to report to theclass about their partner's answers.
2. Complete the questionnaire abouthealthy living. Use since or for where necessary.
Have students read the questions andthink about their answers for a minute.
Tell students to write their answersusing "since" or "for" wherever appropriate.
Have students compare answers with theirdesk partner and correct each other's spelling and grammar. Ask them to focuson the correct use of "since" and "for" in particular. '
Put students with a different partner totake turns asking and answering the questions.
Ask students to report back to the classabout their partner's answers to the questionnaire.
3. Complete the sentences.
Put students in pairs.
Tell them to read the short dialogues anddecide how many of them could be at the doctor's.
Check ideas as a class.
Ask pairs to complete the conversationswith words in the correct form, using the time expressions to help. Tell themall the words are "have + participle" forms.
Check answers as a class.
1).been/felt   2). seen     3). walked      4). been        5). have; had
4. Complete the passage with the wordsand expressions in the box.
Play a vocabulary game (see"Methodology tip" below) to review the words and expressions in thebox.
After reviewing the words andexpressions in the box, put students in pairs to complete the text.
Check as a whole class.
1) well    2) coughs   3) exercise     4) last food  5 )weak  6) cold    7) stomach ache
5. Complete the conversation with the sentences inthe box.
Have students read the conversation andcomplete it with the sentences in the box. Tell them to refer to Darning'sconversation with his doctor in Unit 1 if necessary.
Have students compare answers with a partner. Check answers as a whole class.
Work in pairs. Read out the conversation
Put students in pairs to practice theconversation between Bill and his doctor. Set a time limit of five minutes.      [XXK]
Ask volunteers to perform for the class.
If you wish, ask students to role-playthe conversation without referring too closely to the script, making any smallchanges they like.
1). CanI help you?
2). Howlong have you been like this?
3).That’s that.
4).What's wrong with me?
6. Read the passage and match the problems with the advice.
Tell students to cover the passage. Readthe three pieces of advice given below the passage, either as a class orindividually.
Using the advice as clues, ask studentsto guess what the problems are. Write their ideas on the board.
Play the recording for students tolisten to and try to match the problems with the advice.
Have students then read the three problems and check theiranswers.
Allow them to compare answers with theirpartner before checking as a whole class.
Ask students to read the problems andadvice again and tell you if there are any new words.
Check meanings using a dictionary or bylooking at the context.
Work in pairs. Do you have similarproblems? Talk about your advice.
Ask students to think of a problem theyhave (tell them they can make one up), with what they eat or with how much timethey spend on the computer or on video games. Encourage them to use theirimagination.  
Ask them to write down the problem andhelp with any words they may need.
Put students in small groups to take turnsexplaining their problem and then asking for and giving advice.
Ask a member of each group to report tothe class about some of the problems and the advice they gave in their groups.
Discuss the advice as a class.[来源:§§Z§X§X§K]
1) ---b; 2) --- a; 3) --- c
7. Listen and complete the passage.
Make sure the students read the passagecarefully before listening so they know exactly what they will be listeningfor.
As a class, discuss what kind of wordsstudents will need to use to complete each gap,
Play the recording for students tolisten to and complete the sentences. Play the recording twice if needed.
Allow students to compare answers withtheir desk partner before playing the recording one more time.
Check answers as a whole class.
1).awful  2). very tired    3). three days  4). headache
5).stomach ache    6). drink more water   7). three times  8). stay in bed
Step4. Post-task
Around the world
Read the passage with the class. Askthem to find words with meanings related to health. Check students know themeaning of these words.
Discuss with the class how importantthey think the work of the WHO is. Find out if they think it would be good towork for the WHO or not.
Ask students to close their books and,with their desk partner, try to remember as much as possible about the passage.
Elicit as much information about thepassage as possible from the class and write it on the board.
Allow students to read the passage againto check if the class has forgotten any information.
Module task
Doing a survey to find the most suitableexercise for you.
8. Work in groups. Do a survey to findwhat exercise your group members do and the effects.
Tell students they are going to do asurvey. Ask them to read the questions and predict the most popular answer toeach, writing their answers down on apiece of paper
Have students keep their predictedanswers secret and hand them to you.
Ask students to make a table to writethe results of their survey.[来源:学科网ZXXK]
Divide the class into four or fivegroups. Tell them to ask the questions within the group and note down the answers.
When they have finished, form new groupsof four or five by taking one student from each of the groups and putting themtogether. Tell them to exchange information to complete the class picture.
Still working in their groups of four orfive, students write a paragraph summarizing their class's answers to thequestions. Collect the paragraphs and make an information poster. Ask a student toillustrate the poster with a graph.[来源:学科网ZXXK]
9. Decide what exercise Is the mostsuitable for you.
Have students look at the differenttypes of exercise their classmates named in the class survey.
Tell them to choose the type of exercise they think is the mostsuitable for them and think of reasons.
Tell student to write two or threesentences explaining their choice.
10. Talk about you’re your decision andyour decision and your reasons with the rest of the class.
Ask individual students to read outtheir sentences.
Write a passageabout doing sports.

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