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发表于 2020-8-31 13:20:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
nit1  Where did you go on vacation?



go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里go to the mountains去爬山

go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营

quite a few相当多study for为……而学习go out出去   

most of the time大部分时间taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴

of course当然feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物      

in the past在过去walk around四处走走because of因为

one bowl of… 一碗……         the next day第二天drink tea喝茶     

find out找出;查明go on继续something important重要的事

up and down上上下下          come up出来take photos照相


buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 taste + adj. 尝起来……   

seem+(to be)+ adj.  看起来……                           keep doing sth.继续做某事

arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点    到达某地 decide to do sth.决定去做某事

tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事forget to do sth.忘记做某事

try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力去做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/                              dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事                                     so+adj.+that   如此……以至于……

stop doing sth. 停止做某事                                      start doing sth.开始做某事

Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢?                         look+adj. 看起来……                                             


(一)Section A

1. Where did you go on vacation?  你去哪里度假了?


_____ do you _____ ______? 你从哪里来?   

_____does he______? 他住在哪里?

2)go on vacation意为“去度假”。

I want ____ ____ ____ ____in Hainan this winter. 今年冬天我想去海南度假。

2. visited my uncle  看望了我的叔叔.



I visited my grandmother last week.  上周我去______了我的外婆。

Do you want to visit Shanghai?     你想______上海吗?


e.g.: These visitors come from America._______________________

3. buy anything special  买特别的东西。(P2)


拓展:buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 意为“给某人买某物”。

My uncle_____ _____a bike. = My uncle_____ _____for me.


Do you want anything from me?         

I can’t say anything about it.  

3) anthing special表示“特别的东西”,形容词修饰不定代词时后置。如:

Is there________ ________in this book? 这本书里有新的内容吗?

4. Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? 哦,你去有趣的地方了吗?



Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?


anywhere意为“在任何地方”,常用于否定句和疑问句中。  如: I can’t find it anywhere.

somewhere意为“在某处;到某处”,常用于肯定句中。  如: I lost my key somewhere near here.

5. We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里拍了不少照片。

take photos 意为“照相;拍照”。如:

We______ ______on the Great Wall.我们在长城上照了相。

辨析:quite a few与quite a little

quite a few 意为“很多;不少”,修饰可数名词复数;

quite a little 意为“很多;不少”,修饰不可数名词。如:

He stays here for _____ _____ _____days.   

There is _____ _____ _____water in the bottle(瓶子).

6. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 我大部分时间只是待在家里读书休息。

most of the time意为“大部分时间”,其中most为代词,意为“大部分;大多数”。

拓展:most of…意为“……中的大多数”,它作主语时,谓语动词取决于most of后所修饰的名词。如:

Most of us_____(be)going to the park. 我们大多数人要去公园。

Most of the food_____(go)bad. 大部分的食物都变质了。

7. Everything tasted really good!所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!


The food tastes really great. 食物尝起来棒极了。

8. Did everyone have a good time? 大家都玩得很开心吗?

have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 玩得开心 (+ doing)

We had a good time visiting the the Great Wall.

= We enjoyed ourselves visiting the the Great Wall.

= We had fun visiting the the Great Wall.

9. How did you like it?  你觉得它怎么样?

How do/did you like……? 意为“你觉得……怎么样?”,

用来询问对方的观点或看法,相当于What do you think of……?

How do you like your new job?  = _____ _____ _____ _____ your new job?

10. Did you go shopping?  你们去购物了吗?

go shopping意为“去购物;去买东西”,同义短语为do some shopping. 如:

I usually go shopping on Sundays. 我通常星期天去购物。


go skating 去滑冰                    go hiking 去远足

go sightseeing 去观光                go fishing 去钓鱼

go swimming 去游泳                 go boating 去划船

11. I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family. 我和家人一起去了乡下一个朋友的农场。

A friend’s farm是名词所有格形式。


The red bike is Alice’s. 那辆红色的自行车是爱丽斯的。


1)单数名词词尾加’s ,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加’s   

the girl ‘s pen女孩的钢笔         women’s shoes女鞋         on Children’s Day

2)复数名词以s结尾的只加 ’  

the students’ reading room学生阅览室               Teachers’ Day教师节


John’s and Kate’s rooms.  约翰和凯特(各自)的房间。   

Lily and Lucy’s father.   莉莉和露西的爸爸(同一个爸爸)。


a map of China一幅中国地图              the name of the story那个故事的名字

12. Still no one seemed to be bored. (即使这样)仍然没有人看起来无聊。(P3)


Everything seems easy. 一切似乎很容易。

拓展:a. seem+adj. “看起来……”。     You seem happy today.你今天看起来很高兴。

b. seem+to do sth. “似乎,好像做某事”。      I seem to have a cold.我似乎感冒了。

c. It seems/seemed+从句 “看起来好像…;似乎…”。如:

It seems that no one believes you. 看起来好像没有人相信你。




I’m ______with what he said.我对他说的话厌烦极了。

I find the story very_______.我发现这个故事太无聊了。

Section B

1. What activities do you find enjoyable? 你发现什么活动让人快乐?(P5)


Students like outdoor activities.  ____________________________

2)enjoyable形容词,意为“愉快的;快乐的”。 如:

I’m sure we will have an enjoyable vacation.  我确信我们将会有一个愉快的假期。

2. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。

arrive不及物动词,意为“到达”。arrive in表示到达较大的地方,如国家、省、市等;arrive at表示到达


辨析:arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点

get to +地点            reach+地点

I _________(到达) school at 8:00 o’clock yesterday.

3. …so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel… 因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩上去。

decide to do sth. 意为“决定做某事”。

They _____ ______ ______the museum.他们决定去参观博物馆。


He can’t decide when ______ ______(leave) 他不能决定何时动身。

4. My sister and I tried paragliding.姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。


She is trying my bicycle. 她正在试骑我的自行车。

拓展:try也可用作名词,意为“尝试”,常用短语“have a try”,意为“试一试”。

I want to have a try. 我想试一试。

辨析:try doing sth. / try to do sth.

1)try doing sth. 尝试做某事,表示一种尝试、做做看的想法,不一定付出很多努力。

2)try to do sth.尽力、设法去做某事,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成,强调付出努力设法去完成。

I ______ ______ him, but no one answered. 我试着给他打电话了,但没有人接听。

I’m ______ ______ ______ English well. 我正尽力把英语学好。

5. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。太刺激了!

1)feel like意为“给……的感觉;感受到”。其后常接从句。

He feels like he is swimming. 他感觉像在游泳一样。

拓展:feel like还可意为“想要……”,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。即:

feel like sth. 想要某物 如:Do you feel like a cup of tea now? 你现在想要一杯茶吗?

feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

如:Do you feel like ______ (take) a walk in the park with me? 你想跟我在公园散步吗?


exciting  意为“令人兴奋的,使人激动的”, 一般修饰某物。

excited  意为“感到兴奋的,激动的”,  一般修饰某人。

The story is_________(exciting, excited).   

He told me the_______ (exciting, excited) news.

Sarah was_______(exciting, excited)to see the singer.

6. There are a lot of new buildings now…现在有许多新的建筑物……

building  可数名词, 意为“建筑物;楼房”。

build 动词,“建造,建筑” (built,built),

7. I wonder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。

wonder此处是及物动词,意为“想知道;琢磨”。其后常接who, what, why等疑问词引导的宾语从句。

1. I wonder _______________. 我想知道那个男孩是谁。

A. the boy is who                        B. who the boy is

2. I wonder what they were doing here. 我想知道他去哪里了。

8. I really enjoyed walking around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。


a. Do you enjoy your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗?  

b. I enjoy reading books. 我喜欢读书。(enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事)

拓展: enjoy oneself =have a good time = have fun 玩得开心 (+ doing sth.)

2)walk around 意为“四处走走”。

He’s just walking around the village. 他只是在村庄里随便走走。

9. What a difference a day makes! 一天的变化有多大呀!

difference可数名词,意为“差别,差异” ;其形容词形式为different,意为“不同的;有差异的”。

a. What is the difference between this book and that book? 这本书和那本书的不同点是什么?

b. My schoolbag is different from yours.  我的书包和你的不一样。  ( be different from  意为“与……不同”)

10. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.


1)want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”。

2)start doing sth. 意为“开始做某事”,同义短语:start to do sth.

Tom started learning English last year. Tom去年开始学英语。

3)a little 意为“一点儿”,在句中修饰动词、形容词或副词。也可以修饰不可数名词。

a. I can draw a little, but only as a hobby. ______________________________

b. It’s a little cold outside.  ______________________________

c. He can speak a little English. ______________________________

4) take the train意为“乘火车”,take在此意为“乘坐”。

11. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.


1)wait for意为“等候”,其后可接人或物。

Tom was waiting for a bus over there. Tom在那儿等一辆公交车。

2)over介词,意为“多于;超过”,相当于more than。

My father is over 40 years old. 我的爸爸年纪超过40岁。

There are over eight hundred students in our school. 我们学校有超过800个学生。

3)  too many意为“太多”,其后接可数名词复数。 He always has too many questions to ask me.

辨析:too many + 可数名词复数           意为“太多... ”

too much + 不可数名词             意为“太多... ”

much too + 形容词                  意为“太... ”

I have________________homework to do today.

12. And because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.


辨析:because of与because

because of意为“因为,由于”,后可接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。

He lost his job because of his age. 他因为他的年纪丢了工作。


I didn’t buy the shirt because it was too expensive. 我没有买这件T恤,因为它太贵了。

13. My father didn’t bring enough money… 我爸爸没带足够的钱……


bring意为“带来;拿来”, 指从别处带到说话者所在地。

take意为“拿走;带走”, 指从说话者所在地带到别处去。

2)enough 意为“足够的,充分的”

1. 用来修饰形容词或副词,一般置于被修饰词之后。

2. 用来修饰名词时可放在形容词前面或后面。如:

We have enough time to do our homework.  我们有足够的时间做我们的作业。

The box is big enough. 这个箱子足够大了。

14. …because we forgot to bring an umbrella… 因为我们忘了带雨伞。

辨析:forget to do sth.与forget doing sth.         

forget to do sth.  意为“忘记要做某事(事情还没做)” 如:

Don’t forget to close the window. 别忘了关窗户。

forget doing sth.  意为“忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了)”如:  

I forget closing the window. 我忘记关窗户了。

15. About one hour later, we stopped and drank some tea. 大约一小时后,我们停下来喝了些茶。

1)one hour later  一小时后 ;  一小时前__________________


3)drink及物动词,意为“喝;饮”; 还可以作名词,意为“饮料”。

16. Did you dislike anything? 你不喜欢什么东西吗?


Mary ______ the hamburgers. 玛丽不喜欢汉堡包。   

I  _____  ______  computer  我不喜欢玩电脑游戏。

17. Why not?   为什么不带呀?

why not意为“为什么不呢”,一般用在疑问句中,表示提建议;why not后面需跟动词原形。

注:“Why not + 动词原形?” 相当于“Why don’t you+ 动词原形?” 如:

Why not go to the party with me?

=Why don’t you go to the party with me? 为什么不和我一起去参加聚会呢?

__________ take a walk? = __________ take a walk? 为什么不去散步呢?

18. Everyone in our class took a bag with some food and water.


with介词,意为“具有;带有”。 此处介词短语with some food and water作bag的后置定语。


“和……一起’    如: I often go to school ______ my friend. 我经常和朋友们一起去上学。

以(手段、材料),用(工具), 如: Cut the apple with a knife. 用刀切苹果。

19. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.  我的双腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。

So …that… / such…that…(如此…以致)引导的结果状语从句

So + adj./ adv.+ that…                                 

1. He is ____lovely a boy____we love him very much.

A. very, that         B. too, to              C. as, as            D. so, that

2. The little boy is so young that he can’t go to school.  _________________________________

20. 常用的感叹句的结构:

1)What +adj.+ 复数名词 / 不可数名词+主语+谓语!   

2)What +a/an+adj.+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!

3)How +adj. +a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!  

4)How+adj./adv. +主语+谓语!  

1. What an interesting book it is!  = How interesting a book is!  那本书多么有趣啊!

2. ____a clever girl she is!     

A. Who            B. What          C. How           D. Where

3. _____clever a girl she is!                           

A. Who            B. What          C. How           D. Where

4. ______important jobs they have done!         

A. What           B. Who           C. How           D. Where

5. _____sweet water it is!                                

A. Who           B. What           C. Where         D. How

6. _____interesting the dog is!                        

A. Who           B. What           C. Where         D. How

21. My classmates told me to keep going, so I went on.


1)tell sb. (not)to do sth. 意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事。

The teacher ______ ______  ______ ______ the window just now. 老师刚才告诉我们擦窗户。

2)keep doing sth. 意为“继续做某事,一直做某事”。

She______  ______ TV for two hours last night. 昨晚她持续看了两个小时的电视。

22. Everyone jumped up and down in excitement.  大家都兴奋地跳起来。

up and down 意为“上上下下;来来回回”,在句中作状语。

They looked me ______ ______ ______.  他们上上下下打量我。

He walks______ ______ ______ in the room. 他在房间里来回走动。



(      )1.---Do you have______to say for yourself?   

---No, I have______to say.

A. something; everything      B. nothing; something      

C. everything; anything      D. anything; nothing

(      )2. Paul and I______tennis yesterday. He did much better than I.

A. play             B. will play             C. played          D. are playing

(      )3. He went into his room and ______to work.

A. begins           B. began               C. beginning      D. to begin

(      )4. I don’t want to go to the museum, it’s too_______.   

A. relaxing        B. boring               C. bored          D. beautiful

(      )5. I didn’t go to the mountains ______the bad weather.  

A.so                 B. because of           C. because        D. but


1. I did my homework yesterday. (改为否定句)      

I _________  __________ my homework yesterday.

2. She went to New York on vacation. (就划线部分提问)      

__________did she __________ on vacation?

3. Vera visited the Great Wall last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ Vera ________ the Great Wall last Sunday?

4. He was at home this time yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)      

______ he at home this time yesterday?

5. The students had fun in the park.(改为同义句)      

The students_________ __________ __________ ___________ in the park.



1. stay________    2. study ___________ 3. stop__________     4. decide________  5. write________

6. feel________    7. has___________   8. find__________      9. come________   10. are________

8. went_________  9. spent_______    10. played_______     11. called_______   12. wore_______

13. bought_______  14. sold_______  15. enjoyed_______    16. got_______      17. ran_______


(     )1. — How ________you ________your summer vacation?    — I visited Xi’an.

A. do,spend               B. did,spend                   C. did,spent

(     )2.________did you go on vacation?

A. Where                   B. What                         C. Who

(     )3. There ________a small boy ________in the comer,and I helped him find his mother.

A. was,crying              B. is,cry                        C. was,cries

(     )4. Can you help me ________a taxi?

A. look                     B. give                           C. find

(     )5. Do you want ________the music club?

A. join                   B. joining             C. to join

(     )6. What did they decide ________then?

A. do                    B. to do               C. doing

(     )7. We had great fun ________in the water.

A. play                   B. played             C. playing

(     )8. That was too expensive,________I decided not to buy.

A. because               B. so                  C. if


         Molly spent her summer vacation in China with her parents last year. They visited a lot of famous ___1___, such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. She ___2___ Beijing for a week. She ___3___ the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, Tian’an Men Square ___4___ the Summer Palace. They ___5___ went to the zoos and the parks.___6___ was cloudy, but not rainy, so it ___7___ not too hot. They ___8___ great fun playing in the zoos and the parks. Molly learnt a lot ___9___ Chinese history. She said, “It is interesting to visit China. I ___10___ China very much.”

(       ) 1. A. parks     B. gardens        C. cities        D. countries

(       ) 2. A. stayed    B. stayed inC. livedD. lived at

(       ) 3. A. made     B. criedC. felt          D. visited

(       ) 4. A. and   B. OrC. But          D. until

(       ) 5. A. too       B. eitherC. so           D. also

(       ) 6. A. It         B. ThisC. That         D. They

(       ) 7. A. is      B. areC. were       D. was

(       ) 8. A. have      B. did             C. had          D. do

(       ) 9. A. about     B. at              C. for           D. in

(       ) 10. A. hope     B. visit            C. like          D. decide

五. 阅读理解

      Last week,the teacher told us that there were many old things in the museum. So we decided to go and see them. Yesterday we went there on foot because the museum was not far from our school,and the weather was warm. The sun was shining. We walked down Zhong shan Road and turned left at the second crossing (十字路口). We found it on the left. It was between a bookshop and a library.

Many people were there, but most of them were students. When the guide explained (讲解), we listened carefully. There we learned a lot.


(        )1. The teacher told them about the museum yesterday.

(        )2. It was a sunny day when they went to visit the museum.

(        )3. They went to the museum on foot.

(        )4. The museum was far from their school.

(        )5. Most of the visitors were students.
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