
标题: 北师大版小学四年级英语第一学期全套教案集DOC [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56
标题: 北师大版小学四年级英语第一学期全套教案集DOC


周次        日期        教学内容
1        9.2—9.6        Unit 1 My classroom Part A
2        9.9—9.13        Unit 1My classroom Part B
3        9.16—9.20        Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A
4        9.23—9.27        Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B
5        9.30—10.4        National day (Vacation)
6        10.7—10.11        Unit 3 My friend Part A
7        10.14—10.18        Unit 3 My friend Part B
8        10.21—10.25        Recycle One and Revision/Comment
9        10.28—11.2        Unit 4 My home Part A
10        11.4—11.8        Unit 4 My home Part B
11        11.11—11.15        Unit 5 What would you like? Part A
12        11.18—11.22        Unit 5 What would you like? Part B
13        11.25—11.29        Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A
14        12.2—12.6        Unit 6 Meet my family! Part B
15        12.9—12.13        Recycle Two Revision and Comment
16        12.16—12.20        General Revision
17        12.23—12.27        General Revision
18        12.30—1.3        Oral Test
19        1.6—1.10        Final English Test
20        1.13—1.17       

班:46人   优秀学生:
班:27人   优秀学生:

Teaching aims of unit 1:
Enable the students to describe their classroom. E.g.: This is my classroom. It’s big.
Enable them to describe the colour of the things in the classroom. E.g.: The door is green. /The windows are yellow….
Grasp the TPR activities, such as Clean the classroom /door /window /board.
Learn to sing the song: in the classroom.
Grasp the letter from A to I, and enable them to read the letter begin with these letters.
Learn to read the words and sentences from Part A and B.
Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and Let’s chant.
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time Good to know.
Know we should respect the other people and be considerate of the others.
Learn the cooperation.

Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn                Let’s do                        C Let's sing
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                Let’s chant                C Good to know
Lesson 3:        A Read and write
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn                Let’s play                C Let’s find out story time
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk Let's play                        C Let’s check
Lesson 6:        B Read and write                        C Task time

Lesson 1
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: classroom, window, door, picture, light, board.
Grasp the indicated words and do the TPR activities, such as: open the door.
Learn to sing: In the classroom.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words in the classroom: classroom, window, door, picture, light, and board.
Enable them do the TPR as freely as they can.
Word cards.
Tape and recorder.
Student’s cards.
(1) Warm-up.
a. Oral practise:
T: Hello, A! Welcome back to school!
A: Hello, Miss Yu! Nice to see you, again.
T: Nice to see you too.
b. Meet some new friends----Zhang Peng.
          Patten: Who’s this boy /girl?        Who’s this woman /man?
                How many students /desk/ chair can you see?
Let’s count the numbers.
(2) Presentation.
Presentation of the new words.
Show them a picture of classroom. And introduce it for them and show out these words properly. Enable them to grasp them correctly. (When they learn board, enlarge to blackboard.)
Where is the picture /pig…?
Game time.
Show me the window /picture /door….
Presentation of the new phrase.
Open the door. Sweep the floor. Turn on the light. Clean

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

the window. Put up the picture. Clean the board. And enable them do the TPR activities correctly.
Do as I say. And follow the tape.
(3) Learn to sing.
        In the classroom.
(4) Consolidation and extension.
AB’s Let’s learn
Go over the content of Let’s do and the song.
Preview Let’s talk and let’s chant.

Lesson 2
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences “Let’s go and have a look. We have 6 new lights. It’s near the door.” And enable them to use these sentences in the scene fluently.
Enable them to know the meaning of the chant and can sing it with the recorder.
Know the culture.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences “Let’s go and have a look. We have 6 new lights. It’s near the door.”
Enable them to chant after my leading of the way.
Recorder and tape.
Teaching picture.
(1) Warming-up.
Let's do.
Ask and answer.
Where is the…? It’s on /in /under the….
(2) Presentation.
        a. How many brooms/ books(in the little library) do we have?
          Let’s go and have a look.
          Draw some ants or other little animals on the blackboard, but they cannot see them clearly. So I can lead out the sentence “Let’s go and have a look” to learn.
        b. Where is the (someone’s) desk?
          Look, it’s near the door. (Repeat this sentence.)
(3) Drill.
        Practise in pairs and let me that they had understand the meaning of these two sentences.
(4) Listen and read.
        Read the passage and make a dialogue like that.
(5) Let’s chant and have a rest.
(6) Assessment.
        Page Two

Lesson 3
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letters from A to E and also the words begin with these letters.
Finish the work on Page Six in SB “Write and say”.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the letters from A to E and the words begin with these letters such as ant, apple, hand, beef, boy, ball, cat, cake, car, doctor, duck, desk, egg, elephant, bed.
To write these letters correctly in the grille.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s chant.
Let’s act. (Or oral practise)
(2) Listen and read.
Listen to the tape and repeat.
Read after me. A A [ei] ant, apple, hand….
Finish the work on page 6 in the SB.
(3) Assessment.
        AB Page 3

Lesson 4
Teaching aim:
Grasp the words: computer, teacher’s desk, fan, wall, floor.
Finish the game: Bingo and the work Let’s find out.
Understand the story.
Difficulties and importance:
1. Grasp the words.
Tape and recorder.
Teacher’s words card.
Colour pen.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s chant.
Oral practise.
What can you see in our classroom?
I can see….
(2) Presentation.
Learning the new words.
Read after me.
@Teacher’s desk—a teacher’s desk—a yellow teacher’s desk—We have a yellow teacher’s desk. –We have a yellow teacher’s desk in our classroom.
@wall—white wall—The wall is white.
(3) Game time.
Finish the game in SB Let’s play.
Let’s find out.
(4) Story time.
        Understand the story.
(5) Assessment.
        AB Page 4

Lesson 5
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences “Let’s…. Let me….” And can use them in the sense.
Finish Let’s check.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences “Let’s…. Let me….”
Tape and recorder.
Teaching picture.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do.
Chain work—Describe the classroom
Sam says.
Guessing game. One student stands behind the other one and do something, let the other one guess what he or she does. And the other students in the class appraise “Yes” or “No”.  
(2) Presentation.
        Let’s…. –Let’s clean the classroom.
                        --Let’s clean the windows.
                        --Let’s clean the desks and chairs.
Let me…. –Let me open the door.
                  --Let me clean the board.
                  --Let me put up the picture.
(3) Listen and read.
Listen to tape and repeat.
Read the passage in groups.
(4) Show time.
        Let’s act.
(5) Assessment.
Let’s check.
AB Page 5

Lesson 6
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letters from F to I, and also the words begin with these letters. (Especially the words “Farmer” and “Idea”)
Enable them can write these letters and draw something to be pursuant.
Finish the Task time.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

letters from F to I, and also the words begin with these letters. Such as fish, French fries, farmer, girl, goose, good, hot dog, hamburger, hat, ice-cream, ice water, idea.
To write these letters correctly in the grille.
Tape and recorder
(1) Warm-up.
Look and find out. (I write the word and letters begin with A to E on the blackboard. Let them find out that I read.)
Chain game. (Words chain)
(2) Listen and read.
Listen to the tape and read these words.
Read after me.
@F F [f] fish, French fries, farmer….
(3) Draw time.
Finish Write and draw.
Finish Task time.
@ Colour the picture.
@ Introduce the picture as your classroom.
(4) Assessment.
        AB page 6
Find and read.
Group assessment.

Teaching aims of unit 2:
Enable to describe their own schoolbag. Such as “I have a new schoolbag. It’s black and white. My schoolbag is heavy.”
Enable to call out the name of the school things in the their bag. Such as “10 sharpeners, 42 crayons, 12 erasers, and 35 picture-books.
Understand the instructions. Such as “Put your pencil in your desk. Put your pencil-case on your chair. Put your English book on your head. Put your notebook under your bag. Put your eraser near your pencil-case.
Sing the song “Books and pencils”
Grasp the letters from J to R and be familiar with the pronunciations.
Grasp and can spell the words “pen, pencil, bag, book, pencil-case, ruler”
Grasp the TPR activities, such as Clean the classroom /door /window /board.
Learn to sing the song: in the classroom.
Grasp the letter from A to I, and enable them to read the letter begin with these letters.
Learn to read the words and sentences from Part A and B.
Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and Let’s chant.
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time Good to know.
Know we should respect the other people and be considerate of the others.
Learn the cooperation.

Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn                Let’s do                        C Let's sing
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                Let’s play                C Good to know
Lesson 3:        A Read and write
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn        Let’s chant                C Story time
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk   Group work                        C Let’s check
Lesson 6:        B Read and write                        C Let’s play  Task time

Lesson 1
Teaching aim:
Grasp the new words: English book, math book, Chinese book, story-book, notebook, schoolbag.
Understand the direction and do the same activities. Such as: put your pencil in your desk.
Learn to sing the song “books and pencils”
Difficulties and importance:
New words learning.
Listen to the directions and do the same action.
Recorder and tape.
Teacher’s picture.
a big schoolbag, a Chinese book, a math book, an English book, a notebook and a story-book.
(1) Warm-up.
Ask and answer:
What’s in the classroom? Try to introduce our classroom.
How many… can you see in the classroom?
Listen and do:
Show me your….
I have a…. Me too.
(2) Presentation.
        Look, I have a bag. And what’s in it? Do you want to know? (Then I open the bad let them know.)
Teach the new words one by one.
Teach them in pairs.  a Chinese book-----Chinese books
Pay attention of the word “book”.
Ask and answer.
The Patten is: How many … do you have? I have ….
(3) Game time.
Show me….
Put something on/ in/ near/ under somewhere.
(4) Listening.
Listen to the tape and find out where’s the thing?
Listen to the tape while do.
Try to repeat the whole sentences.
Have a small match.
(5) Learn to sing.
(6) Assessment.
        AB page 8

Lesson 2
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: What colour is it? It’s…. And try to use them in the practice sense.
Know something about the four great inventions in our country.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences: What colour is it? It’s….
A big schoolbag.
Recorder and tape.
Some school things.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do.
Ask and answer.
Patten: Look, I have…, …, … and …. How many books do you have?
Sing the colour song. Or ask them questions.
(2) Presentation.
Everybody hide one thing. And don’t let the others know. Then let’s guess the

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

colour. While using the sentences “What colour is it?”
Try to enrich the dialogue.
A: I have a new….
B: Really? What colour is it?
A: … and ….
B: May I have a look?
A: Sure, here you are.
B: WOW. It’s so nice.
(3) Listen and read.
        a. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.
        b. Read the passage after tape or after me.
(4) Culture.
        By the way, do you know what are books made of? And who’s the inventor of paper? And also POWDER, COMPASS, PRINTING.

Lesson 3
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letter from J to N. And also the words begin with these letters, such as: jeep, jacket, jigsaw puzzle, kite, key, kangaroo, lion, lock, monkey, man, nose, nurse, and noodles.
Enable the student to write the words: pen, pencil, bag.

Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the letter from J to N. And also the words begin with these letters, such as: jeep, jacket, jigsaw puzzle, kite, key, kangaroo, lion, lock, monkey, man, nose, nurse, and noodles.
Grasp the words: pen, pencil, bag.
Letter cards.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do
Everyday oral practise. (Review last lesson)
(2) Presentation.
Game—Guess the right letter.
Puzzle game.
Enable the students to practise these letters. And also learn the new words “jigsaw puzzle”, “jacket”, “nurse”.
(3) Can you spell the words?
        How to pronounce the letter “A” in the word “bag”?
(4) Assessment.
AB in page 9 and 10(§7)
AB in page 10(§6,8)

Lesson 4
Teaching aim:
Grasp the new words from twenty-one ----fifty.
Grasp the chant: How many English books do you have? Thirty! Thirty! Thirty!
Try to understand the story.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words from 21-50. Especially the pronunciation.
1. Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Review the words we learn last lesson.
1) Read these letters and words.
2) Spelling the words: bag, pencil, pen.
Let’s count the books.
1) How many books do you have?
2) How many books can you see?
(2) Listen to the numbers and write down.
(3) Let’s chant.
(4) Try to understand the story. How many sentences can you understand?
        Especially: Put away your thinks. Some more? No, thanks. I am full. Have a good dream. Take out your book, please. Heavy.
(5) Assessment.
        AB in page 11.

Lesson 5
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in it? Thank you sooooooo much. And enable them to use these sentences in practise sense.
Finish the GROUP WORK.
Let’s check.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences: My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in your schoolbag? Look, 10 sharpeners….
Group work. To bring up their team spirit.
Some school things and also a brand of FOR HOPE SCHOOL
Recorder and tape.
They bring some school things with them too.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do. Let’s chant.
Count numbers.
(2) Presentation.
        Bring a heavy bad. Oh, my schoolbag is heavy. Why I bring such a heavy bag? That’s for hope school.
So we should make a big brand for hope school and sale off.
Make price tags.
On sale: things in my schoolbag.
(3) Let's check.
(4) Assessment.
        AB in page 12 and 14 (§2)

Lesson 6
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letters from O to R. And also the words begin with these letters: orange, OK, open, pen, pencil, pencil-case, squirrel, queue, quite, rabbit, ruler and rice. Especially the new word rice.
Enable the students to spell the words BOOK, PENCIL-CASE, RULER.
Buy something in English.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the letters from O to R. And also the words begin with these letters: orange, OK, open, pen, pencil, pencil-case, squirrel, queue, quite, rabbit, ruler and rice. Especially the new word rice.
Enable the students to spell the words BOOK, PENCIL-CASE, RULER.
Letter cards.
Recorder and tape.
A book, a ruler and a pencil-case.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do and let’s chant.
Oral practise.
(2) Presentation.
1. Game—Guess the right letter.
2. Puzzle game.
        Read after the tape. And then write down in the excise book.
(3) Assessment.
Write and say.
AB in page 13 and 14(§1)
(4) Let’s sing a song.
Teaching aims of unit 3:
Enable the students to

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

describe their friends. E.g.: My friends is strong. He has short hair.
Enable the students to describe their friends’s hobby and theirself. E.g.: I like music. /She likes science.
Learn to ask: What’s his/her name?
Learn to sing the song: “Friends”
Grasp the letter from S to Z, and enable them to read the letter begin with these letters.
Grasp the words: teacher, student, boy, girl, friend
Learn to read the words and sentences from Part A and B.
Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and Let’s chant.
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time Good to know.

Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn                Let’s play                C Let's sing
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                   Let’s guess                C Good to know
Lesson 3:        A Read and write
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn                Let’s do                    C Let’s make
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk Let's chant                            C Let’s check
Lesson 6:        B Read and write                                C Task time

Lesson 1
Teaching aim:
Grasp the new words: friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet.
Grasp the sentence and practice it. Such as: My friend is strong. He has short hair….
Enable the students to describe their friends and use some adj. words
Learn to sing the song “friends”
Difficulties and importance:
New words learning.
have/has   hair ,no a and no -s.
Recorder and tape.
Teacher’s picture.
(1) Warm-up.
a. Everyday exercise:
b. Game time:
Guess! How many books/English/Chinese…books do I have?
How much? Guess again!
c. Listen and say: tall-short   short-long   big-small
(2) Presentation.
   Be quiet! Be quiet! Teach the new words “quiet”.
Show a long pencil and a short pencil. Teacher says :I have a long pencil and a short pencil. Look! I have/she has/he has long/short hair.   
Pay attention of the word “hair”.
Practice the sentence: He/she has long/short hair.
                      I have long/short hair.
Teaching the words: thin (a thin book)/strong(fat)
Listen and read: Let’s learn
Guessing game: describe your friends and guess the names
Learn to sing: friends
(4) Assessment.
        AB page

Lesson 2
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: What’ his name? His name is…He has…And try to use them in the practice sense.
Know something about : When a friend gives you a present ,open it and say “Thank you”.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences: What’ his name? His name is…He has…He’s…too.
Some pictures of famous people.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday exercise.
Game: Guess the name “What’s his/her name? Who’s she/he?”
(2) Presentation.
Ask a student: What’s your name? My name is…
   Ask the class: What’s his name? His name? Who’s he?
   Use this form, let pupils learn the sentence: What’s her name?
Try to practice the dialogue.
What’ his name? His name is…
What’ her name? Her name is…
Show the picture of ZhangPengook at the photo. Look at the picture.
   What’ his name? He’s tall.He’s strong,too.
(3) Listen and read.
        a. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.
Read the passage after tape or after me.
Gameet’s guess
(4) Culture.
        When a friend gives you a present ,open it and say “Thank you”

Lesson 3
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letter from S to V. And also the words begin with these letters such as spoon, snake, student, tiger, TV, teacher, umbrella, under, USA, vest, violin, van.
Enable the student to write the words: teacher, student.
Try to understand the story.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the letter from S to V. And also the words begin with these letters, such as spoon, snake, student, tiger, TV, teacher, umbrella, under, USA, vest, violin, van .
Grasp the words: teacher, student.
Letter cards.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday oral practise. (Review last lesson)
Game: Hit the card
Game: What’s missing
(2) Presentation.
Presentation of the new letters: Ss, T t , U u, Vv.
Read and write.
Enable the students to practise these letters. And also learn the new words “spoon, umbrella, vest, violin, van ”.
(3) Practice
Listen and read
Game: What are they?

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

(4) Can you spell the words?
        Game: Spelling bee (teacher, student)
(5) Story time.      Try to understand the story.
Lesson 4
Teaching aim:
Enable the students to describe their friends’s hobby and theirself. E.g.: My friends likes...
Grasp the words “music, science, computer game, sports, painting”.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words : music, science, computer game, sports, painting.Especially the pronunciation.
1. Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday exercise.
T: Hello, S . I like English. What do you like?
S: I like Chinese.
Do the chant.
Make a cake. Listen to me. Draw a tree….
Open the door. Sweep the floor….
(2) Presentation
Presentation of the new words
What does he/she like? Can you guess?
He/she likes…. (music, science, computer game, sports, painting.)
Read these words
Guessing game
My friend _______likes_______.
(3) Let’s do
(4) Let’s make
  I have five friends. Do you like them? Have a try!
(5) Assessment.
Lesson 5
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: What’s her name?Her name is…He/She likes…. And enable them to use these sentences in practise sense.
Grasp the sentences:“Boy or girl?”and the other sentence with “or”.
Grasp the chant..
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences: What’s her name? What’s his name?
Grasp the sentences:“Who’s she?”and “Who’s he?”.
A football and a basketball, some photos,etc.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
T:I have a book.Guess! An English book or a Chinese book?
Review:Black or white? Red or green?
(2) Preview:Ask and answer
a.Boy or girl? A boy.What’s his name?
    b.Who’s this girl?What’s her name?
Presentation of the new dialogues
What’s her name?Her name is…
A:She likes music.She has long hair. What’s her name?
B:Her name is…
A:You’re right!
Game:Who’s he/she?
Listen to the tape
Listen and chant.
(4) Let’s check.
Lesson 6
Teaching aim:
Grasp the letters from W to Z. And also the words begin with these letters: window, watermelon, walkman, taxi, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, yacht, zebra, zoo and zipper. Especially the new word.
Enable the students to spell the words boy,girl,friend.
Describe your friends and fill in the form.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the letters from W to Z. And also the words begin with these letters: window, watermelon, walkman, taxi, box, six, yellow, yo-yo, yacht, zebra, zoo and zipper. Especially the new word.
Enable the students to spell the words boy,girl,friend.
Letter cards.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do and let’s chant.
Oral practise.
(2) Presentation.
1. Game—Guess the right letter.
2. Puzzle game.
        Read after the tape. And then write down in the excise book.
(3)Task time
  Describe your friends and fill in the form.
(4) Assessment.
Write and say.
b.  AB in page

Teaching aims of unit 4:
Enable the students to describe their home and rooms. E.g.: This is my house.It’s big.I hane a living room.This is my bed.
Learn to ask: Where’s (where are)…?Is it (Are they) in/on/under…?
   Learn to answer:Yes,it is(they are)./No,it isn’t(they aren’t).
Learn to say it: “Go to the living/…Watch TV.Read a book.Take a shower.Have a snack.Have a sleep.Sit on the sofa.Water the flower.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table”.
Learn to sing the song: “My Bedroom”
Grasp the words: home,room,school,classroom,door,window,desk,chair
Learn to read the words and sentences from Part A and B.
Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and Let’s chant.
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time Good to know.

Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn                Let’s do                        C Let's sing
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                   Let’s play                C Good to know
Lesson 3:        A Read and write                 C Let’s play
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn                Let’s do                    C Story time
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk Let's chant                            C Let’s check
Lesson 6:        B Read and write                                C Task time

Lesson 1
Teaching aim:
Grasp the new words: study,

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

bathroom,bedroom,living room ,kitchen.
Grasp the sentence“Welcome to my home!” and Enable the students to describe their home and rooms.
Learn to say it: “Go to the living/…Watch TV.Read a book.Take a shower.Have a snack.Have a sleep.Sit on the sofa.Water the flower.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table”.
Learn to sing the song “My Bedroom”
Difficulties and importance:
New words learning.
Recorder and tape.
Teacher’s picture.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday exercise:
Hello!How are you?…
Sing the song: “My Bedroom”
Show the pencils, rulers, books, pens… and review the sentence: “What’s this?It’s a…”“Where’s (where are)…?Is it (Are they) in/on/under…? ”
(2) Presentation.
Show the words card of “study”.
Teacher says :What are they?Books.
Where are the books?They’re in the study.
Learn the new words:study.
2.Teaching the other new words as the same way.
3.Listen and read: Let’s learn
Learn to say it: “Go to the living/…Watch TV.Read a book.Take a shower.Have a snack.Have a sleep.Sit on the sofa.Water the flower.Answer the phone.Open the fridge.Set the table”.
2.Game time
3.Learn to sing: friends
(4) Assessment.        AB page

Lesson 2
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: Is thes your bedroom?Is it in/on/under…Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.I have a new…Where’s …?And try to use them in the practice sense.
Review and learn to say the talking about of: “Let’s talk”
Know something about “Goods to know”.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the sentences: Is it in/on/under…Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.
Some pictures.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday exercise.
Sing the song of “My Bedroom”
Reviewet’s do
(2) Presentation.
Look and guess:
Hide the picture and ask the students:
Where is the cat? Is it in the study/…?Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.
   Use this form, let pupils learn the sentence: Is it in/on/under…Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.
Try to practice the dialogue.
Where is the …? Is it in the study/…?Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.
(3) Listen and read.
        a. Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.
Read the passage after tape or after me.
Gameet’s guess
(4) Culture.
(5) Assessment.        AB page

Lesson 3
Teaching aim:
Grasp the the words : “Home,room,school,classroom”and fill the blank.  
Enable the student to say the sentence: “Welcome to…This is my...I like my …Look!My …is big.”and describe the pictures.
Review the words of “Let’s play” .
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words: Home,room,school,classroom
Words cards.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday oral practise. (Review last lesson)
Game: Hit the card
Sing the song of “In my bedroom”
(2) Presentation.
Presentation of the new word’s card: home
Read and write.
3.Enable the students to practise these words. And also learn the other new words:room,school,classroom
(3) Practice
Listen and read
Game: What are they?
Can you spell the words?
Let’s play
(4) Assessment.       
AB page

Lesson 4
Teaching aim:
Grasp the words “phone,bed,sofa,shelf,fridge,table,TV”.
Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and do the action.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words : phone,bed,sofa,shelf,fridge,table,TV.
1. Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Everyday exercise.
b.Sing the song: “They are in the zoo”
c.Preview:What’s missing?
(2) Presentation
a.Presentation of the new words
What’s this? Can you guess?
It’s…. (phone,bed,sofa,shelf,fridge,table,TV.)
Pay the attention to the words of “table,desk”
Read these words
Game:Listen and draw
Draw a phone, clour it red.
Draw a shelf, clour it blue.
Draw a table, clour it yellow.
(3) Let’s do
  Enable the students to understand the content in Let’s do and do the action.
(4) Story time
  Enable the students to understand the story
(5) Assessment.
        AB page

Lesson 5
Teaching aim:
Grasp the sentences: Where are….?Are they …?Yes, they are./No,they aren’t.  And enable them to use these sentences in practise sense.
Grasp the chant.
Finish the “Let’s check”.

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

and importance:
Grasp the sentences: Where are….?Are they …?Yes, they are./No,they aren’t.
Some pictures.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Review the “Let’s do”
Everyday exercise
Review the talking of “Let’s talk”
(2) Presentation.
Do the action of “Let’s do”
OK.Now Let’s go back home.
Presentation of the new dialogues
T:I have many fruits.What are they?Are they apples?
S:No,they aren’t.
T:Are they oranges?
S:No,they aren’t.
T:Guess!What are they?
Took!They’re kiwis/mangos.
Learn to the sentence:Are they…?
A:Where are they?Are they in the kitchen?
B:No,they aren’t.
A:Guess again.
Listen to the tape
Listen and chant.
(4) Let’s check.
Lesson 6
Teaching aim:
Grasp the words: “window,desk,chair,door,bed”and fill the blank.
Enable the students to spell these words.
Learn to say: “What can you see in my room?It’s a nice room.I like it.” And describe your rooms.
Task time.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the words: “window,desk,chair,door,bed”.
Enable the students to spell these words.
Word cards.
Recorder and tape.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do and let’s chant.
Oral practise.
(2) Presentation.
1. Presentation of the new word
2.Read and write.
3.Enable the students to practise these words.
4. Puzzle game.
        5.Read after the tape. And then write down in the excise book.
(3)Task time
(4) Assessment.
Write and say.
b.  AB in page

Teaching aims of Unit 5:
Grasp the new words in Read and Write: bread, egg, milk, water, rice, beef, chicken, and fish.
Understand the meaning and enable to read the words in Let’s learn and Let’s talk: rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable, dinner, plate, knife, spoon, chopsticks, fork.
Learn to say some dictates like: Pass me the plate, please. Use the chopsticks. Wash the plates. Give me a spoon. Cut with a knife.
Enable the students to talk about what they ate and drank in three meals.
Enable the students to use the common words when eating: What would you like for…? Help yourself.
Learn to sing the song: What would you like?
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time and Good to know. After the dinner, they usually like to have some dessert.

Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn        Let’s play                        C        Let's draw
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                Make a survey
Lesson 3:        A Read and write                                        C Story time
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn        Let’s do                                C Good to know
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk         Let's chant                       
Lesson 6:        B Read and write                                        C Let’s check        Let’s sing

Lesson 1
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, and vegetable.
Mastery the sentence: Would you like for dinner? I’d like some….
Difficulties and importance:
Enable the students to grasp these six words.
Read the word VEGETABLE correctly.
Word cards or some food
(1) Warm-up.
Call the next number. One-two, twenty-twenty-one, Unit One-Unit Two
Let’s chant.
Show me the hamburger, pass me the French fries, cut the bread, eat the hot dog, smell the chicken, make the cake.
Pour the water, taste the tea, smell the coffee, show me the milk, drink the juice.
(2) Preview.
Oral practise.
T: I’m hungry. Let’s eat something. Do you like chicken?
S: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
T: What do you like?
S: I like….
Word review.
(3) Presentation.
        a.         T: I’m hungry. Can I have some rice, please? (With body language)
                S: Sure. Here you are. (Take out their card)
                Follow me to read the word and do the same way to grasp the other words: noodles, soup, fish, beef, and vegetable one by one.
        b. Ask and answer.
          Can I have some… please?
          Sure. Here you are.
        c. Game time.
        I ask one student to go out of the classroom, and then I hide one card in another student’s desk. After that, enable the student to find out the card. The other students should say XXX↗XXX↘. If he walks near the card, then say it loudly, otherwise low.
        If he fined that card finally, then he should say @Can I have some…please?
(4) Consolidation and extension.
        @Rock, paper, scissors@ Who wins then he can get the chance to say a

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

word. Let’s see who can get more cards.
(5) Assessment.
        Activity Book A let’s learn

Lesson 2
Teaching aims:
Understand and enable the students to say the sentences: What’s for dinner? Wait and see. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some… please. Everything’s ready.
Enable the students to use the sentences: What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…. To make a survey.
Difficulties and importance:
Enable the students to catch the meaning and read the passage.
Enable the students to understand and read the sentences: What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…please. Everything’s ready.
Food or cards (both teacher and students)
(1) Warm-up.
        Let’s chant—dinner time.
                Chicken and fries, chicken and fries.
What a surprise! Chicken and fries!
                Smell the chicken, taste the fries.
Dinner is ready, open your eyes!
(2) Preview.
Oral practise.
T: Can I have some…please?
S: Sure. Here you are. 4 Yuan.
T: Do you like…?
S: Yes, I do.
        In order to review the words we learnt yesterday.
(3) Presentation.
        Everything’s ready. Yummy, yummy. I’m hungry. I’d like some… and … for dinner. Read the phrase “for dinner”.
Ask and answer.
T: What would you like for dinner?
S: I’d like some… and … for dinner.
Learn to say the sentence: What would you like for dinner?
Suppose today is your birthday, what would you like? If you are hungry, what would you like? If you have some money, what would you like to buy? In order to finish the Group work.
(4) Listen and read.
        What does Mike like? What does his mother like?
Follow the tape and read the passage.
Follow me to read again.
(5) Assessment.
        Activity Book

Lesson 3
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: cake, bread, egg, milk, and water.
Enable the student to understand the meaning of the sentence: What would you like for breakfast?
Difficulties and importance:
Spelling and pronouncing of the five words.
Word cards.
(1) Warm-up.
Sing a song of “An apple a day”
Let’s chant. “ABCDEFG”
(2) Preview.
Listen and do.
Show me the rice. Pass me the ….
Ask and answer.
What’s for your dinner yesterday? ….
Read the passage they learnt.
(3) Presentation.
Teach these two words----Lunch and breakfast.
What’s for you breakfast? Look, it’s 8:00. It should be breakfast time.
                And what would you like for lunch? Lunch means the meal in the noon.
Teach the sentence of “anything else”?
Listen to the tape and find out what had happen in the story.
(4) Read and write.
        Open the exercise book and copy the words. And then finish the work below.

Lesson 4
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: plate, fork, knife, spoon, and chopsticks.
Understand the dictation and do the same action.
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the five words.
Word cards.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s chant.
Work and play, work and play, in the classroom everyday.
Work and play, work and play, we have fun everyday.
Let’s chant.
Friends are like you and me.
Some are old, some are new.
Some like green, some like blue.
Friends are like me and you.
Spelling the words: friend, teacher, student, girl, boy, bag, ruler, book, bed, window, door, and room….
(2) Preview.
Oral practise.
Let’s chant.
Show me the hamburger; pass me the French fries, cut the bread,
Eat the hot dog, smell the chicken, make the cake.
(3) Presentation.
Teach the new words.
Let’s do.
Chain game.
If they can learn more, “Can I help?” is a very good sentence.
(4) Good to know.
        Explain the meaning of dessert.
(5) Assessment.

Lesson 5
Teaching aims:
1. Enable the students to say the sentences: I can use chopsticks. Let’s try. Help yourself. Let me show you. Mm….yummy. I like Chinese food. We had a good time. See you tomorrow. Good night.
2. Understand the dictation and do the same action.
Difficulties and importance:
1. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the passage.
2. Enable them say “I can use chopsticks. Help yourself.
Food pictures.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s chant.
Put your notebook under your bag. Put your pencil-case on your chair, put your pencil

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

in your desk, put your eraser near your pencil-case, put your English book on your head.
Let’s chant.
How many English books do you have? 30
How many story-books do you have? 40
How many picture books do you have? 50
(2) Preview.
Let’s do.
Give me a spoon. Pass me a fork. Wash the plates. Use the chopsticks. Cut with the knife.
(3) Presentation.
I have many foods here. What do you like? Chinese food or English food?
But how can I eat them? Look, here are some tools. Can you call their names? Show them plate, knife, spoon, fork, chopsticks. Can you use them?
I can use…. (Teach it)
Otherwise, let me show you.
(4) Listen and read.
Listen to the tape and catch the main idea.
Read it follow the tape.
Read after me and explain for them.
(5) Let’s chant.
        Pass me the fork…

Lesson 6
Teaching aims:
1. Grasp the words: rice, noodles, chicken, fish, beef.
2. Understand the meaning of “What would you like for lunch?”
Difficulties and importance:
Grasp the five words.
Word cards.
(1) Warm-up.
Let’s do.
Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.
Let’s do.
Sit on the sofa. Make the bed. Watch TV. Answer the phone. Open the fridge. Set the table.
(2) Preview.
        Ask and answer.
        *What would you like for dinner /breakfast /lunch? I’d like….
        *What can you use? I can use….
(3) Presentation.
Let’s sing a song. P67
Let’s check, write and say.
Open the exercise book and copy the words. And then prepare of the listening dictation for next week.
Finish write and say.
(4) Assessment.
        P64 task time. Draw your own menu.

Teaching aims of Unit 6
Grasp the new words in Read and Write: father, mother, brother, sister, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer.
Understand the meaning and enable to read the words in Let’s learn and Let’s talk: family, parent, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.
Learn to say some dictates like: Act like a teacher. Act like a doctor. Act like a nurse. Act like a driver. Act like a baseball player.
Enable the students to talk about his family members, just like job, hobbies, appearance and anything else.
Learn to sing the song: My father is a doctor.
Enable the students to realize the content in Story time and Good to know.

Teaching arrangement
Lesson 1:        A Let’s learn         Group work                        C        Good to know
Lesson 2:        A Let’s talk                Let’s practise
Lesson 3:        A Read and write                Write and say       
Lesson 4:        B Let’s learn  Let’s do                        C Task time  Let’s sing
Lesson 5:        B Let's talk         Let's chant                       
Lesson 6: B Read and write  C Story time  Let’s check         Let’s find out

Lesson 1
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: family, parent, aunt, baby brother.
Enable the students to describe the family with simple sentences.  
Difficulties and importance:
Enable the students the students to grasp these words.
Enable the students to understand the differences between “parent” and “parents”; “uncle” and “aunt”.
Preparation:   Word cards and pictures of the family
Warm-up. Let’s chant.
Let’s do
Let’s play a game. Who’s missing?
Activity: Talk about the family’s member.
Ex: This is my father. He is strong. He has short hairs.
Teaching words: family, parent, uncle, aunt.
Listen & paste.
Sing a song.
Let’s chant.
A survey: Do you have uncle? How many uncles do you have?
Listen and do.
Read after the tape.
Consolidation and extension
Group work
Draw your family; Introduce your family.
Good to know
Activity book: Let’s learn.

Lesson 2
Teaching aims:
Understand and enable the students to make the similar dialogue with their families’ pictures.
Enable the students to use the sentences: How many … are there…?
Difficulties and importance:
Enable the students to catch the meaning and read the passage.
Enable the students to use the sentences: How many …are there..?
Preparation: pictures of the family (both teacher and students)
Let’s chant.
Let’s do.
Put your erase on your desk. Put your pencil in the bag. Out your

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

pencil=case under your bag. Put your book on your head. Put your activity book near your eraser.
Free talk: a. where’s your book/…? How many books do you have? Where are they?
[picture]How many people? Who are they?
Teaching: Who’re they?  They’re…
Look. This is my family. Who’re they? They’re my father, my mother and me.
Read after me.
Guessing game: Who’re they?
Teaching: How many… are there…?
There are 3 people in my family.  How many people are there in your family?
Pracitise in groups.
A survey: How many people are there in your family?
Teaching: My family has … members.
Make a statistics of the survey.
My family has 3 people. How many people are there in your family?
Teaching: That’s only …
Teaching: puppy
Read after the tape. Explain “Gee!”
Let’s practise.
Consolidation and extension
Game: How many …are there…?
Finish the activity book.

Lesson 3
Teaching aims:
Grasp the words: father, mother, brother, sister.
Enable the students to describe the family.
Enable the students to understand sport is an important thing for the people.
Difficulties and importance: Spelling and pronouncing of the words
Preparation: Word cards and some pictures of sports
Let’s chant.
Let’s do
Listen and do(thin/strong/tall/…)
Free talk
Game: warm and cold
Teaching: father, mother, brother, sister.
Listen and paste.
Read after the tape.
Look and listen: This is Sarah’s family. They like sports. They’re skating. This is Sarah’s brother. He’s good at skiing. This is Sarah’s sister. She’s cute. Look, they are Sarah’s parents. They play together.
Game: 1)Bingo 2)Spelling 3)Race
Consolidation and extension
Group work: talk about the family’s member.
Sing the song: Father and mother

Lesson 4
Teaching aims:
1.Grasp the words: doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.
2.Try to talk about the members of the family’s jobs.
3. Understand the dictation and do the same action.
Difficulties and importance: Grasp the words.
Preparation: Word cards.
Let’s chant.
Let’s do.
Sing the song: Father and mother
Free talk
Describe the people in the pictures.
Spelling: teacher, student.
Teaching words: doctor, nurse, farmer, driver, baseball player.
Let’s do.
Act like a teacher. Act like a doctor. Act like a nurse. Act like a driver. Act like a baseball player.
Guessing game: look and guess (about the job)
Task time
Introduce the family tree.
Consolidation and extension
Let’s sing.
Finish the activity book.

Lesson 5
Teaching aims:
1. Understand and enable the students to make the similar dialogue .
2. Enable the students to say the sentences: Is this your father? What’s your mother? He looks strong.
3. Understand the chant and sing it.
Difficulties and importance:
1. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the passage.
2. Enable them to say “Is this your…?” “What’s your…?” “He looks…”
Preparation: Cards for this lesson and the families’ pictures
Let’s chant.
Let’s do.
Listen and point.
Look and say: He/She looks…
Teaching: pretty.
This is my mother. She’s pretty.
Is this your mother? Is she pretty? [Yes, she is.]
Guessing game: Is this your…?
Teaching: What’s your father/ mother? Is he/she a doctor/…?
Let’s chant.
Are they…?
Teaching: these. These are my grandfather and my grandmother.
Listen and read after the tape.
Consolidation and extension
Let’s sing and let’s chant.
Finish the activity book.

Lesson 6
Teaching aims:
1. Grasp the words: doctor, nurse, driver, farmer.
2. Enable the students to talk about his family members, just like job, hobbies, appearance and anything else.
3. Enable the students to realize the content in Story time.
Difficulties and importance: Grasp the five words.
Preparation: Word cards.
Warm-up. Let’s chant.
Listen and do
Which one is missing?
Spelling the four skills words one by one.
Teaching: nurse, doctor, farmer, driver.
Look. This is me. I’m going to be a nurse. How about

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 18:56

you? [I’m going to be a…]
Game: pass and spelling.
Listen and point.
Read after the tape.
Copy the four skills words.
Story time.
Try to act it.
Let’s check.
Let’s find out.
Consolidation and extension
Let’s sing and let’s chant.
Finish the activity book.

作者: admin    时间: 2010-9-14 19:00

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