
标题: Module8 Unit 1 What are you going to do?教学案例 [打印本页]

作者: ljalang    时间: 2016-5-29 15:47
标题: Module8 Unit 1 What are you going to do?教学案例
新标准英语三年级起点第三册Module8 Unit 1 What are you going to do?教学案例(一)   教学内容分析
本课出自外研社小学新标准英语(三年级起点第三册)四年级上册第八模块。在第七模块中,学生已经基本掌握运用“be going to…”表达自己或他人的计划和将要发生的事,本模块将围绕校园“Sports Day”为主题,展开系列教学活动,首先让学生学会用英语表达一些运动项目,通过创设情境,在情境中更加熟练地运用“be going to…”表达自己或他人的计划和将要发生的事,能运用“What are you going to do?”询问他人的计划、打算。同时通过这一课的学习,激发孩子们对体育运动的热爱之情,培养他们合理安排自己的学习和生活的良好习惯。
1、Knowledge of the language (语言知识与能力目标)
a. Master the new words: Sports Day\high jump\ long jump \ run the 100 metres
b. Master and use the sentence pattern:What are you going to do? I’m going to     .
2、Emotion attitude(情感目标)
a. Through experiencing, participate in, practice steps on the activity,encourage the students to have good cooperation with each other and learn from each other. 通过交流与合作,培养学生的互助精神与合作学习能力。
b. Raise their interest to learn English. 提高学生对英语的学习兴趣。
a. Master and use the new words: Sports Day\ high jump\ long jump \ run the 100 metres
b.Master and use the sentence pattern:What are you going to do? I’m going to…通过本课教学,使学生能运用What are you going to do? 询问他人的计划、打算,并能用“be going to…”表达自己或他人的计划和将要发生的事。
c. 在真实的情境中,运用What are you going to do? 询问他人的计划、打算,并能用“be going to…”表达自己或他人的计划和将要发生的事。

作者: ljalang    时间: 2016-5-29 15:47

A、Warming up. (热身)
a. Greeting—Sing the song<How are you?>
T:Nice to see you boys and girls! Today we’re going to learn module 8. We are going to chant first, do you remember the chant?
b. Revision. Chant and act.
My name is Jack, hip hip hooray!
I’m going to have a nice day!
I’m going to run,
I’m going to jump,
I’m going to watch TV,
I’m going to swim!
B.Presentation and Practice( 新知呈现与操练)
a. Lead-in.(导入)
T: Good job! Today we are going to talk about“Sports”.What’s the meaning of“Sports”? Do you like sports?
Ss: Yes!
T:I like sports.I can play table tennis.What sports can you do?
S1: I can play basketball.
S2: I can swim.

T: You are good at sports, and my students like sports too. Look! What are they doing? (CAI: 校运会场景)
Ss: They are running…
T: Yes. They are having Sports Day. Read after me: Sports Day.
Ss: Sports Day!(板书课题,学习生词 Sports Day)
b. New words.
T: (点击CAI,教师陈述自己的运动会计划,课件逐一展示老师要参加的运动项目---即本课生词,陈述完后,电脑屏幕同时展示三幅图) We are going have a Sports Day next month. I can run fast, so I’m going to run the 100 metres; I can jump far, I’m going to do the long jump, and I can jump high, so I’m going to do the high jump.
(板书:教师表达自己计划的同时,边说边在句子“I’m going to   .”后逐一呈现生词(图文卡片):run the100 metres、long jump、 high jump)
【设计意图:教师用学过的句子“I’m going to…” 引出新单词,以旧带新,由浅入深,循序渐进,学生易于接受。让学生在句子中学习单词,词不离句。借助课件呈现生词,集中注意力的同时帮助学生直观理解词义。】
作者: ljalang    时间: 2016-5-29 15:47

听说练习---〈Listen and do>规则: 老师说词语,学生做动作---老师做动作,学生说词语---学生a做动作,全班说词语。(课件逐个展示各运动项目。)
认读练习---<Do it quickly>准备生词卡片,规则:请学生a上到讲台,教师站在该生后面,手持单词卡片,由全班同学说出这个词语,学生a立即做动作,做对了即可获得奖励。
Metres、\metres,\100 metres,
I’m going to run\ the 100 metres;
Jump、\jump,\ do the long jump,
I’m going to \do the long jump,
Jump、\jump,\do the high jump,
I’m going to \do the high jump.
c. New sentences
T:I’m going to run the 100 metres, and I want to know “What are you going to do for Sports Day? (教师拿这该句子词条,提问1--2个学生,引导学生答,以此帮助学生理解问句的意思。)
将长句“What are you going to do for Sports Day?”贴到板书处,拆分长句进行机械操练,采取高低声变化,手指迅速认读形式。(由面到点练习)
(4)Pair-work. (教师先与一名学生示范,随后俩俩对话。)
d. Text(课文): (教材整和:学生用书 P30 Unit 1 Part 1 Listen and point\P32 Unit 2 Part 1 Listen, point and say.)
(1)课文导入。教师拿出Lingling\Daming\Sam 的头饰,导入:T: Look, they are our old friends, they are going to have a Sports Day, what are they going to do? Do you know?(重复两遍) Let’s listen.
T: First,please listen carefully,if you can, repeat.
(3) 课文学习---认读课文、情感朗读示范、角色朗读(共3遍)
T: This time,please look at the screen,(课件逐一呈现课文图片) listen and repeat.
<Match and Say> 后附答题卡
T: Have you finish? Now let’s check your answer.
What’s Lingling going to do for Sports Day?
(1)引导学生回答:Lingling is going to …
(2)变换句型提问:Who is going to run the 100 metres\do the high jump\ do the long jump?
【设计意图:利用课件开展课文教学,能更集中学生的注意力。 A、首先,注重学生听说能力的培养,让学生带着问题去听; b、在课文理解与朗读部分,注重学生学法的指导,指导学生模仿形象的语音语调,学会带着情感朗读课文。c、角色扮演朗读能集中学生的注意力,提高参与朗读的积极性。】
作者: ljalang    时间: 2016-5-29 15:47

C. Practice of expanding ( 语言拓展训练)
1、Talk about the Olympic Games
(1)导入:T:Today we are talking about“Sports”!We know,Beijing is going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008.
*** is going to run.
    is going to dive.
    is going to play basketball.
    is going to play table tennis.)
Took! They are our Super Star,Yaoming… Can you tell me:
Who is going to run?
Who is going to dive?
Who is going to play basketball?
Who is going to play table tennis?
(2)Group-work.Please disscus in your group.Then tell me.
(3)Ask someone to answer.
2、Make a weekend plan.
T: Good job! Do you like Yaoming?
Ss: Yes!
T: Me too. And I like watching basketball games on TV at the weekend. But I’ve no time this weekend. So I’m going to watch the basketball game on CCTV5 next weekend.
(课件呈现语言拓展句型:I’m going to watch the basketball game on TV next weekend. )
Excuse me, what are you going to do next weekend?
(4)Talk about the weekend plan with your friends, and fill in the blank.
(5) Show.(展示)
Module 6              Sports Day            
Unit 1   What are you going to do?                                          (小组竞赛评价栏)
A: What are you going to do for Sports Day?      
B: I’m going to do the high jump.
                       do the long jump
                       run the 100 metres
A:What are you going to do next weekend?
B:I’m going to watch the basketball game on TV.

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