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发表于 2014-5-14 16:28:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
课题        Project 1 My school life        Period 1        Revies1~2  
Project 2 A, 2) 3)
教学目标        1.        在情境中帮助学生复习1~2单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~2单元的单词和句型。
2.        以“subjects ”“timetable”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。
重点        完成Project1 中的“My school subjects”和“My timetable”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。
难点        通过复习,让学生能够运用所学词句进行话题交流,做到语言运用准确合理。
教学准备        英文课程表
教学过程设计        教学调整及过程解读
        Step1  Warming up and revision
1.        Greetings
2.        Show the two topics of this lesson ”My  subjects”  “My timetable”
3.        Brain storm
T: When you see the two topics , that words can you think of ? Let’s play a game “Brain storm”.
Ss: Playing the game in groups.
Subjects: Chinese , Maths, English, PE, Art, Science’, Music.
拓展: Social Science
Weeks: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday, Saturday
4.        Competition
Can you have a words spelling competition in groups:
Rules: 组与组之间进行单词拼读大赛,两个组进行PK, 一个同学说单词的前3个字母,另一组的同学如果能正确拼出这个单词,获胜。
Step 2 Presentation and practice
T: You can spell the word of subjects and weeks very well.. Today I’ve received an e-mail from my English friend “Roy”, It’s about weeks and subjects. Can you read it for me?
1 Show the reading material:
Dear …,
Hello, Mandy. This term , I have six subjects. They are, Maths, PE, Science, Social Science, Art, Music. I like Art and Science,. I go to school From Monday to Friday, This is my timetable.
Mon        Tue        Wed        Thu        Fri
Social Science        Art
Social Science
Social Science

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-14 16:29:03 | 只看该作者

程        教学过程设计        教学调整及过程解读
        Step1 Warming up
1.        Brain storm: Give the key words, say some words or phrases
1) time   2) week   3) subjects
4) park   5) school
2.Show some topics and talk about what sentence we can use in these topics.
1) My day   2) My timetable  
3) The subject I like    4) In the park
Ss: Listing some sentences , then choose a topic to talk about.
重点讨论第四单元 In the park
Use the sentences : What can you see?  Can you see…?
Step3 Presentation and practice
课件出现:You’ve got a new e-mail.
1)        呈现E-mail 的标题: My school life
2)        让学生先预测可能会在Roy的e-mail中出现哪些内容,talk about it in pairs.可能会出现这些内容:
What can you see in the school?
What subject do you have//like?
What time do you go to school/ go home?
What do you usually do after school?
3) 呈现P31的e-mail内容
a. Read the passage on P31
b. 对照讨论的希望了解的Roy的学校生活,对照进行回答
c. 根据Roy的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍
1) 完成学校的图
a. cut      b.   stick      c. colour
2) 根据讨论的希望了解的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍。
What can you see in the school?
What subject do you have//like?
What time do you go to school/ go home?
What do you usually do after school?
3) Write a passage about your school
4) Read it in your group
Step4 Consolidation
Design a dreaming park. Give the students some useful phrases and sentence, then introduce it in your group.
Step5 Homework       
作业设计        1.        熟背Unit1~4
2.        默写1~4单元四会词句
3. 根据完成的学校图介绍自己的学校,写一篇小短文。

设计                           Projet1 My school life
What can you see in the school?
What subject do you have//like?
When/ What time do you go to school/ go home?
What do you usually do after school?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-14 16:28:57 | 只看该作者

作业设计        1.        熟背Unit1~3
2.        默写1~3单元四会词句
3. 根据自己的作息时间表介绍自己的一天。
设计        Project 1 My school life
What day is it today?     It’s…
What subject do you like?  I like
What lessons do you have on …?  I have…
When do you …(活动类词组)?   I …at…(时间表达)

课题        Project 1 My school life        Period 3        Project1  B

标        1.        在情境中帮助学生复习1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~4单元的单词和句型。
2.        以”My school”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。
重点        完成Project1 中的“My school”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。
教学准备        学校图

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-14 16:28:52 | 只看该作者

课题        Project 1 My school life        Period 2        Revies1~3  
Project 2 A, 1) 2) 3)

标        1.        在情境中帮助学生复习1~3单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~3单元的单词和句型。
2.        以“subjects ”“timetable” “My day”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。
重点        完成Project1 中的“My day”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。
难点        1.        复习时间表达法
2.        让学生能整合三个话题,综合运用所学词句进行话题交流。
教学准备        作息时间表,课程表,给Roy的e-mail

        教学过程设计        教学调整及过程解读
        Step 1  Warming up and revision
1.        Show time
1)        Sing or say a rhyme in groups
Days of the weeks   Subjects     When do you get up?
Ss: Choose a song or rhyme, sing or chant in groups, then have a performance
2.        Read the e-mail.
1)        Read the passage in pairs
2)        According to the passage, try to ask and answer in pairs. You may ask these questions:
a. How many subjects do you have?
b What subject do you like?
c. What lessons do you have on …?
d. Do you like…?
e. Do you have…on …?
Step2  Presentation and practice
1)        Review Unit3
T: In last e-mail from Roy, he talked about “timetable” and subjects. I’ve got a new letter from him, Look , what is he talking about?
Show the form of P30 My day
2)        try to guess something of the form
3) If you want to know Roy’s day, try to ask some questions.
Listing some phrases we can use
Review the sentences : When do you…? I …at…
3)        Can you act Roy , talk about your day in pairs
4)        T: Do you want to know the real Roy’s day?
Show the e-mail.
Dear …,
Hello, Mandy. It’s Friday today,  I get up at 7:00 AM in the morning and have breakfast at 7:30 AM. At twenty to eight I go to school. In the morning, I have three lessons. They are I have five lessons Maths , Art , PE. I like PE best. I can play football and run with my friends. I have lunch at 12:00 PM . In the afternoon I only have two lessons. They are Science and Music. At about 4:40 P.M., I go home. At 5:30 PM, I do my homework. After dinner, at 7:30 PM,  I watch cartoon. At 9:00. PM, I go to bed. This is my day. Can you show me your day?
                            Yours,   Roy
5)        Write an e-mail to Roy
a.        Finish the form
b.        How to write
Step1 ) What day is it today?
Step2 ). What lessons do you have today?
Step3 )When do you…?
帮助学生总结一下如何完成e-mail, 应该包含哪些方面的内容
Step3 Homework

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-14 16:28:38 | 只看该作者

Can you show me your time table this term?
                          Yours , Roy
Ss: Read the e-mail in groups
3.        Write an e-mail to Roy
1)        T; The e-mail should include : Your English time table.   Your school subjects and the subjects you like.
2)        Finish the form and the timetable on page
3)        Exchange the information in groups
If you want to know what ‘s your partner’s e-mail about. What questions you can ask? Talk in groups
1)        How many subjects do you have?
2)        What subject do you like?
3)        What lessons do you have on …?
4.        Talk about the e-mail with your partner
Step3 Consolidation
Finish the e-mail with the sentences of Unit1~2
Step4 Homework       
设计        1.        熟背Unit1~2
2.        默写1~2单元四会词句
3.        根据自己的课程表介绍本学期课程和自己喜欢的科目
板书设计        Project 1 My school life
What day is it today?     It’s…
What subject do you like?  I like
What lessons do you have on …?  I have…

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