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五年级英语竞赛题 小学英语五年级抽测试题

发表于 2013-12-17 16:08:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一 单选题(20分)
1. It’s hot today. Let’s go ______ the swimming pool.
A. on     B. to     C. in     D. at
2. Tim often ______ on Sunday.
A. go hiking    B. goes hiking   C. go hike    D. goes hike
3. He is ______ now.
A. dances     B. dancing     C. danceing      D. danced
4. Would you like ______ dinner with us tonight?
A. to have     B. had     C. having       D. has
5. Thank you for ______ me with my English.
A. help        B. helped   C. helping      D. helps
6. Can I ______ two bananas?
  ---- Yes, please.
A. have        B. has     C. look         D. see
7. Help ______ to some bread , please.
A. your         B. you    C. yourself      D. yours
8. ----_______ Amy have a brother?
----Yes, she ______.
A. Do: do     B. It: is    C. Does: does    D. Are: are
9. Let’s _______ a birthday card.
   A. making       B. make       C. makes        D. made
10. I can see some ______ on the hill.
   A. Animal       B. sheep       C. tiger         D. fox
11. Please _______ the door.
  A. not open       B. don’t open    C. doesn’t open   D. Not open
12. My mother likes playing ________ tennis.
   A. an        B. /          C. the       D. a
13. I can ______ a little English.
   A. speaks     B. speaking   C. speak     D. is speaking
14. ---- _______ the weather like today?
   ---- It’s Sunny.
   A. Where’s     B. Who’s    C. How’s     D. What’s
15. ______ is the first day of a week in America.
   A. Monday    B. Sunday   C. Saturday    D. Tuesday
16. My birthday is ______ 13th of August.
   A. in         B. on       C. at          D. of
17. These are_______ desks.
   A. Ray or Lucy’s          B. Ray’s and Lucy     
C. Ray’s and Lucy’s        D. Ray and Lucy
18. She often goes to ______ at nine, but now she is ________.
A. sleeps, sleeping        B. sleep, sleeping
C. sleep, sleep            D. sleeping, sleeping
19. ----How does your mother go to work?
   A. By the bike    B. On feet    C. On foot     D. Take bus.
20. Jack and Jone ______ playing basketball now.
   A. are           B. am        C. is          D. do
二. 翻译填空(10分)
1. Everyone likes to ___________________ (得到生日卡片).
2. I like ___________________ (爬山) .
3. What do you do____________________? (在周末)
4. Sometimes I _______________________(拜访我的祖父母).
5. Xiaoming is _______________________(放风筝).
6. She always __________________________(做晨练) in the morning.
7. My teacher teaches me how to ____________________(做实验).
8. We will ____________________tomorrow. (野炊)
9. I am ______________________(接电话)
10. Lily often __________________________ in fall. (捡树叶)
A. 在以下几种情况下,你应该怎么说。
  1. 当你在打电话询问对方是谁时,你应说:
     A. Who are you?
     B. Who’s that?
     C. Who is this boy?
   2. 当你想告诉别人“我在听音乐”时,你应说:
     A. I like to listen to music.
     B. I listen to music.
C. I am listening to music.
3. 当你告诉对方“我最喜欢的颜色是红色”时,你应说:
A. I like red.
B. Do you like red?
C. My favourite colour is red.
  4. 当你迟到了,站在门口时,你应说:
A. Open the door, please.
B. I’m sorry, I’m late.
C. Can I go now?
  5. 当你想知道今天星期几时,你应说:
A. What’s the time?
B. What’s the date today?
C. What day is today?
B. 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两项为多余的)。
Sam: Mike! Let’s play football together!
Mike: All right.     6     
Sam: What time will you finish it?
Mike:      7     Shall we meet at 3:00 p.m?
Sam: That sounds good.      8     
Mike: How about Zhongshan Park?
Sam:      9      What about the school playground?
Mike: Good.      10     
Sam: Bye for now.
A.   Where can we play it?
B.    But I have to finish my homework first.
C.   What are you going to do after class?
D.   See you there.
E.    It’s too far from here.
F.    I like Zhongshan Park.
G.   In about an hour.
In class the teacher asks a question, “Do you often make others happy?
“Yes!” one boy answers loudly.
“How nice, Sandy!” says the teacher who is very glad. “And Sandy, would you like to tell us that happy thing?”
“All right. Every Sunday I go to my grandmother’s house. I often play with my grandmother for three hours. And when I say, ‘Granny, I’m going home now.’ she often says, ‘Well, I’m so glad.’”
(  ) 1. The teacher wants her pupils to _______.
    A. study hard                   B. tell stories to others
    C. play with their grandmother     D. sing song
(  ) 2. Sandy thinks he often make his grandmother_________.
    A. angry      B. worried      C. happy     D. tired
(  ) 3. Every_______ the boy goes to his grandmother’s house.
    A. Thursday   B. Friday       C. Saturday   D. Sunday
(  ) 4. The boy’s grandmother ________.
A.   hates to see the boy
B.    lives with the boy
C.   feels tired to play with the boy for three hours
D.   feels happy to play with the boy for three hours
(  ) 5. The boy is very_________.
    A. naive (天真)     B. clever     C. kind       D. sly(狡猾的)
Jim wants to borrow a book from the school library. He comes to the library with Jack. They can’t see any assistant in it, but only some robots standing there. Then Jim says to the robot, “ Hey, give me the book.” But the robot doesn’t work. Then Jack tells him, “ You must say ‘ please’ first when you want to borrow something from him.” So Jim does. The robot brings the book. But this time Jim can’t take the book out of the robot’s hand. Jack tells him again, “ You must say ‘ Thank you’ before you take the book.” So Jim says, “ Oh, thank you very much, Mr Robot.” The robot smiles and gives the book to him.
(   ) 1. An assistant is a person who _________.
     A. works in a library              B. does nothing for people
     C. is polite to others              D. stays at home
(   ) 2. This library________.
    A. is big                     B. has many books
    C. has robots to help people      D. is not good
(   ) 3. You say________.
A.   “Please” when borrow a book
B.    “ Thank you “ before you take the book
C.   no words when borrow or take something
D.   both A and B
   (   ) 4. Jim is ________.
       A. not polite at first             B. polite last
       C. clever                      D. both A and B
(   ) 5. Which is not right?
A.   Jim comes to the library with Jack.
B.    There are assistants in the library.
C.   Jim says “ Hello” to the robot.
D.   Jack help Jim.
     One day , the mother rat and her babies were having a good time in the open air when a cat came to catch them for her dinner. The mother rat noticed the cat coming near. The mother rat and her babies all tried to run away at once. They hurried to their home. It was under the tree. But the baby rats were afraid of the cat. They couldn’t run very fast. The cat came closer and closer. She would come at them.” What shall I do?” thought the mother rat. Just at that moment the mother rat stopped running ,  turned around and shouted at the cat, “Bowwow, Bowwow!” just like an angry dog. The cat was so surprised and afraid that she ran away. The mother rat turned to her babies,” Now you see how important it is to learn a second language!”
根据短文内容判断正(T)误( F) .
(   ) 1. The mother rat and her babies were looking for their dinner in the open air.
(   ) 2. The mother rat and her babies tried to fight with the cat.
(   ) 3. The baby rats were afraid of the cat.
(   ) 4. The cat was surprised that a rat could bark like a dog.
(   ) 5. Mother rat thought that dog’s barking was a second language.
Jane has pea. To grow the pea, she needs things: a pea, dirt, light and water. Jane fills the cup with dirt. She puts the seed into the dirt. She covers the seed with dirt. She waters it. She puts the cup under the sun.
After a week a little green bud pops up. It grows bigger and bigger. Jane waters it once a week.
When the bud is big enough. Jane plants it in the garden. Jane believes she will have real peas soon.
(   ) 1. Who has a pea?
     A. James        B. Jane         C. Jenny        D. Jim
(   ) 2. What does Jane need to grow a pea?
     A. A cup and a pea     B. Dirt and light      C. Water      D. A,B and C
(   )3. How long does it take the green bud to pop up?
     A. Seven days          B. Two or three days
     C. Two  weeks          D. Two or three weeks   
(   ) 4. How often does Jane water the green bud?
     A. Every day       B. Once a week    C. Twice a day      D. Twice a week
(   ) 5. Where does Jane plant the pea?
     A. In the park      B. In the garden     C. At home    D. In the classroom
五. 智力测试。(10分)
1. I’m feeling rather blue.画线单词的汉语意思。
  A. 蓝色的        B.发青的         C. 沮丧的     D.没有血色的
2. “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away” means__________
   A. We eat apples every day.
   B. eating an apple every day is good for your health.
   C. We should see the doctor every day.
3.  在美国下面哪个节日是在是在十一月的第四个星期四_________?
   A. Thanksgiving Day      B. Mother’s Day
   C. Independence Day      D. Halloween
4. Which city is called Big Apple?
   A. New York     B. Washington    C. Ottawa     D. London
5. What number is missing from this series?
   5    7    12    ?   31   50
       A. 8       B. 13      C. 19      D. 23
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-17 16:09:01 | 只看该作者
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