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发表于 2013-2-22 14:21:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
译林版三年级英语下册UNIT1教案.rar (18.49 KB, 下载次数: 8975)
课   题 复习
教学内容 检查讨论寒假作业
课   时
目   标 复习3年级上册内容,检查寒假作业英语部分,讨论作业中比较难的部分。
及难点 重点:复习、讨论。
教  学  内  容  和  过  程 教学札记
Step 1. Free talk
Topic: name, things, New Year greeting.
Step 2. Read and review
Read the rhyme parts and sentence patterns.
Step 3. Group work
Discuss in groups and check the answer. Help with each other to correct the mistakes.
Step 4. Writing
Read and copy which he did wrong.
Homework: Prepare Unit 1.

计 Happy New Year!  教

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:25 | 只看该作者

3) Let’s read.
/b/ /b/ boy, /b/ /b/ book, /b/ /b/ blue
Big books, big books, Bob has big, big books.

4) Do you know more letters?
ball, birthday, book, boy, blue, black, brown, robot, rubber, Bobby, Bob, blackboard…

3. Let’s read.

Step 4 Consolidation
1. Exercise
boy, door, doll, ball, bad, black, pen, parrot, robot, happy

2. Translation
两本书       机器人先生     一块橡皮     说 “你好!”
起立。       坐下。         请进。       请关窗。
请开门。     请看黑板。     请打开你的书。
别听鹦鹉的。 对不起。        好的,格林先生。

3. 完成《作业本》相关练习。

1. 听录音,背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。
2. 抄写课文1遍。       

计        Bb  /b/ : ball, birthday, book, boy, blue, black, brown, robot, rubber, Bobby, Bob, blackboard…        教


课   题        3B Unit 1 In class (5)
教学内容        复习,作业
课   时
目   标        1.能认识主要的人物:Mr Green.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:door/ window/ blackboard/ open/ close.
3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用祈使句。
4. 能用Don’t…来造句。
5. 能够看图快速说出相应的祈使句。
6. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词。
及难点        1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用祈使句。
2. 能用Don’t…来造句。
3. 能够看图快速说出相应的祈使句。
4. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词。
教学准备        单词卡片,PPT
教  学  内  容  和  过  程        教学札记
Step 1 Warming up
1. Say a rhyme: Open the window
2. 看图说单词或词组

Step 2 Revision
1. Look and say:看课文图片,复习课文
2. Recite:背诵课文

Step 3 Presentation and practice
1. 根据情景说句子:
2. Compare:
Don’t listen to the parrot.
Don’t listen to Sam.
当listen to后面直接出现人名时,不要加the.
3. Read the words.
/b/, /b/, ball. /b/, /b/, birthday. /b/, /b/, book. /b/, /b/, robot.
/b/, /b/, …(请Ss举例并读出来)
总结:所有的Bb都发成/b/. (请Ss自己总结)

Step 4 Consolidation
一块橡皮         两个机器人     一只红色的鹦鹉
说 “你好!”    听老师的         对不起。
起立。           坐下。           请进。
请关窗。         请开门。         请看黑板。
请打开你的书。   请合上你的盒子。
别听鹦鹉的。     好的,格林先生。
这是什么?       它是一本大书。

1. 听录音,背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。
2. 完成《作业本》练习卷。       

计        Unit 1 In class        教


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:21 | 只看该作者

Step 4 Consolidation
1. Exercise
T: Who’s coming?  Ss: Mr Robot.
T: Mr Robot brings some cards. Which one will you choose?

Card 1 ★
1) open  图片:书本; close  图片:门
2) look at  图片黑板; listen to  图片:鹦鹉

Card 2 ★★
1) don’t  图片:起立
2) don’t  图片:窗户 (两句)

Card 3 ★★★
1) 当你迟到后,老师会说:
2) 当你坐在窗边感到非常冷时,你会说:
3) 当你不想听机器人说话时,你会说:
4) 当椅子上有水时,你会说:

2. Let’s read the sentences.
3. 完成《作业本》相关练习。

1. 听录音,指读课文至少3遍,并背诵。
2. 三人一组表演对话。
3. 用Look at the…和Don’t …口头造句,每个至少造3句。
4. 抄写P9课文1遍。       

计        What’s this?  It’s a…
Look at the blackboard/…
Don’t listen to the parrot/…        教


课   题        3B Unit 1 In class (4)
教学内容        Checkout time, Sound time
课   时
目   标        1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用祈使句。
2. 能用Don’t…来造句。
3. 能够看图快速说出相应的祈使句。
4. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词。
及难点        1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用祈使句。
2. 能用Don’t…来造句。
3. 能够看图快速说出相应的祈使句。
4. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词。
教学准备        单词卡片,教学光盘
教  学  内  容  和  过  程        教学札记
Step 1 Warming up
1. Say a rhyme: Open the window
2. Simon says.

Step 2 Revision
1. Recite.
1) Look at the picture, recite the dialogue together.
2) Ask some Ss to recite the dialogue.

2. Act.
Step 3 Presentation and practice
1. Look and say
1) Open your book to page 11.
2) Look and say. (Please…)

2. Sound time
1) Look at the picture, what can you see?
2) The boy is Bob.
Boy, book, blue. They all have the letter “b”. Letter B is pronounced as /b/.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:17 | 只看该作者

课   题        3B Unit 1 In class (3)
教学内容        Cartoon time, 作业本
课   时
目   标        1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot/ rubber/ parrot.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t …
3. 能快速用It’s a…来回答What’s this?的提问。
4. 能用Don’t…来造句。
及难点        1.能区分robot和rubber
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Look at the…/ Don’t …
3. 能用Don’t…来造句。
教学准备        单词卡片,教学光盘,第四步教学中的三张卡片
教  学  内  容  和  过  程        教学札记
Step 1 Warming up
1. Say a rhyme: Open the window
2. Recite the dialogue.
3. Free talk:    What’s this? It’s a…      Open the/ your…   
Close the/ your…         Look at the/ your…       
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1. What’s this?
T: Let’s look at the blackboard. What’s this?
S: It’s a robot.
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a rubber.
Teach: rubber (Ss拼读并尝试拼写)

2. Look at the picture.
T: Let’s look at the picture. Who are they? (复习Bobby, Sam)
T: What’s this?  Ss: It’s a parrot.
Teach: parrot

3. Watch the cartoon.
T: Today Bobby is the litter teacher. What does he ask? Let’s watch the cartoon.
1) 找出Bobby的问题和正确答案。
   What’s this? It’s a robot.
   What’s this? It’s a rubber.
2) T: Who is wrong? Let’s listen again.
The parrot is wrong.
3) Please open your book. 找出Bobby说的祈使句。
  Look at the blackboard, Sam.
  Don’t listen to the parrot.
4) Teach: don’t (= do not)
        listen to…

Step 3 Show time
1. Read the dialogue.
1) Read after the tape.
2) Read after me/ the little teacher.
3) 角色配音。

2. Act the dialogue in groups.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:13 | 只看该作者

Step 2 Revision
1. Read and spell the words.
2)Fill in the blanks.
d_ _r (   )    w_nd_ _ (   )  blackboard (   )
_p_n (打开)   cl_se (关上)     please (   )
s_rry (   )    cl_ss (同学)     Mr  Green (   )
stand up (   )       sit down (   )
come in (   )        in class (   )
3)Teach: book. Open the book. Close the book.
4) Find and write: 完成《补充》P.4

2. Story time.
1) T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Where are they?
2) Look and say the dialogue.
3) Read the dialogue.
4) Recite and act it.

Step 3 Presentation and practice
1. Say a rhyme:
1) Listen to the tape.
2) Let’s read and do.
3) Let’s say together.

2. Miss Li’s class(《补充》P.2-3)
T: How about Miss Li? Let’s open our exercise book to page 2.
1) Look and say. Then act it. (T先当Miss Li示范,然后请S当Miss Li来给其他Ss发号施令)
2)P.3. Look at the 4 sentences. Let’s read and translate. Then write.

Step 4 Consolidation
1. Make and say.
1)T: I have a friend. He is Mr robot. Let’s greet Mr robot. (出示机器人头套)
2)Who want to be Mr robot? (选一位S当机器人)
   Who can give orders? (请Ss根据中文提示给出指令)
   Mr Robot, please …
   请打开书本。/ 请打开门。/ 请关上窗户。/ 请关上盒子。
   请看着黑板。/ 请坐下。/ 请起立。/ 请进来。
   请合上你的书。/ 请说“你好!”
2. Listen and number.
3. Listen and match.
Look and say: Mr Robot, please…

1. 抄写词组stand up, sit down, open the door, close the window, in class, come in, I’m sorry.
2. 听录音,背诵课文。       

计        Stand up.
Sit down.
Open the door.
Close the window.
I’m sorry.
in class
come in        教


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:07 | 只看该作者

1. 抄写单词door, window, open, close,并自默.
2. 听录音,跟课文至少3遍,尝试背诵。       

计        Unit 1 In class

open / close  the  door / window          教


课   题        3B Unit 1 In class (2)
教学内容        Story time, Rhyme time, Fun time补充习题
课   时
目   标        1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:door/ window/ blackboard/ open/ close.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Stand up./ Sit down./ I’m sorry./ Come in.
3. 能够背诵并表演对话。
4. 能用open/ close来组成祈使句。
5. 能完成《补充习题》上的相关练习。
及难点        1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:door/ window/ blackboard/ open/ close.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Stand up./ Sit down./ I’m sorry./ Come in.
3. 能够背诵并表演对话。
4. 能用open/ close来组成祈使句。
教学准备        单词卡片,PPT,补充习题
教  学  内  容  和  过  程        教学札记
Step 1 Warming up
1. Chant: 上节课的歌谣
2. Simon says:
  Stand up. Sit down.
  Open your book. Close your book.
  Open the door. Close the window.
  Open your pencil case. Close your eye. / …

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-22 14:22:02 | 只看该作者

课   题        3B Unit 1 In class (1)
教学内容        Story time
课   时
目   标        1.能认识主要的人物:Mr Green.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:door/ window/ blackboard/ open/ close.
3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Stand up./ Sit down./ I’m sorry./ Come in.
4. 能用open/ close来组成祈使句。
及难点        1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:door/ window/ blackboard/ open/ close.
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Stand up./ Sit down./ I’m sorry./ Come in.
3. 能用open/ close来组成祈使句。
教学准备        单词卡片,PPT
教  学  内  容  和  过  程        教学札记
Step 1 Warming up
1. Sing a song: Rainbow.

2. Free talk
  What’s this? Who is she/he? Is he/ she your friend? Greetings.

Step 2 Presentation and practice
1. Meet a new friend
T: Look, who’s he? (出示新人物Mr Green)
  Mr Green is a teacher, too. Let’s say hello to him.
Learning Tip: 英语中的称谓和作为姓的颜色单词。

2. Teach the new words: door/ window/ blackboard
T: Where are they?
Ss: In class.
Teach: In class, class room, room, in the classroom.
T: Mr Green is in class. Who is in class, too? (学生用in class 说话。)

T: What can you see in the classroom?
Teach: door
Door, door, a big big door. Door, door, a yellow yellow door.
Teach: window
Window, window, a big big window. Window, window, a nice nice window.
Teach: blackboard (What colour is it?)
Blackboard, blackboard, a long long blackboard. Blackboard, blackboard, a black black blackboard.

3. Practice:Teacher show the picture, student say the word.

Step 3 New dialogue
1. Teach: open, close
1) T: It’s winter now. The wind is blowing ‘Hoo, hoo’. It’s very cold outside. I’m cold. Can you close the door /window for me?  (learn : close)
2) T: It’s too cold. Let’s do some exercise. Jump 20 times. Jump 20 times quickly. (调节跳跃的节奏,以来调节课堂气氛) I’m so hot now. Can you open the door / window for you?(learn: open)
a. 用open组词, T示范: Open, open, open the door. 给出一些提示:window, box, eye, mouth, book…
b. Listen and do. Look and say.

3) Say a rhyme
Stand up, stand up. Open the door.
Sit down, sit down, please sit down.
Stand up, stand up. Close the window.
Sit down, sit down, please sit down.

2. Watch the cartoon and choose.
T: Who opens the door? Who does close the window?

3. Read the dialogue
1) Let’s read after the tape.
重点练习I’m sorry, Mr Green. Come in, Mike.
2) Let’s read after me.
3) Read in groups, and then show it.
4) Practice by themselves. Group members help with each other.
5) Let’s read together. If you can recite, please close your book.

Step 4 Consolidation
Act the dialogue
1) T to be Mr Green. S1 to be LT, S2 to be Mike, S3 to be WB.
2) Work in 4.
3) Act show.

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