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发表于 2009-1-13 14:54:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Unit 1  Will people have robots?
1.        fewer people                                                更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定)
2.        less free time                                        更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定)     
3.        in ten years                                                 10年后(in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon)
4.        fall in love with…                                爱上…
例:When I met Mr. Xu for the first time, I fell in love with him at once
5.        live alone                                                单独居住
6.        feel lonely                                                感到孤独(比较:live alone/go along等)
        The girl walked alone along the street, but she didn’t feel lonely那女孩独自沿着街道走,但她并不感到孤独      
7.        keep/feed a pet pig                                 养一头宠物猪
8.        fly to the moon                                        飞上月球   
9.        hundreds of +复数                                数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of)           
10.        the same as                                                和……相同
11.        A  be different from B         A与B不同(=There is a difference/Thgere are differences between A and B)
12.        wake up                                                        醒来(wake sb. up表示 “唤醒某人”         
13.        get bored                                        变得厌倦(get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等)
14.        go skating                                                去滑冰(类似还有go hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等)         
15.        lots of/a lot of                                        许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以)
16.        at the weekends                                        在周末             
17.        study on computers                                通过电脑学习        
18.        agree with sb.                                        同意某人(的意见)
19.        I don’t agree. = I disagree.                我不同意
20.        on a piece of paper        在一张纸上(注意paper/information/news/work/homework/housework等常考到的不可数名词)
21.        on vacation                                                度假
22.        help sb with sth/help sb do sth                帮助某人做某事
23.        many different kinds of goldfish        许多不同种金鱼       
24.        live in an apartment                                住在公寓里/live on the twelfth floor        住在12楼         
25.        live at NO.332,Shanghai Street        住在上海路332号               
26.        as a reporter                                                作为一名记者
27.        look smart                                                显得精神/看起来聪明
28.        Are you kidding?                                        你在骗我吗   
29.        in the future                                                在将来/在未来
30.        no more=not …anymore                        不再(强调多次发生的动作不再发生)
31.        no longer=not… any longer                不再(强调状态不再发生)
32.        besides(除…之外还,包括)与except =but(除…之外,不包括)
33.        be able to与can                                 能、会
?        (be able to用于各种时态,而can只能用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态中;have to用于各种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时态)例如:       
?        1.I have been able to/will be able to speak two languages. (不可以用can)
        2. will have to/ had to stay at home. (不可以用must)
1.        What do you think life will be like in 1000 years?
2.        There will be fewer trees、more buildings and less pollution in the future.
?        fewer; less表示否定之意,分别修饰可数名词和不可数名词;more二者都可以修饰。
3.        Will kids go to school? No, they won’t/Yes, they will
1.含tomorrow; next短语;        2.in+段时间 ;        3.how soon;
4.by+将来时间;                5.by the time sb.do…        6.祈使句句型中:or/and sb. will do
7.在时间/条件状语从句中, 如果从句用一般现在时, 主句用将来时 8.another day
比较be going to 与will:
be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些。
如: He is going to write a letter tonight.           He will write a book one day.
2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。
      He is seriously ill. He is going to die.        He will be twenty years old.
3. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:
      She is going to lend us her book.                He will be here in half an hour.
4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:
      If any beasts comes at you, I'll stay with you and help you.
  掌握了它们的这些不同,你就能很好的区分be going to与will了。
1.含tomorrow; next短语;
2.in+段时间 ;
3.how soon;
5.祈使句句型中:or/and sb. will do  
        例Be quick, or you will be late=If you don’t be quick,you will be late
6.在时间/条件状语从句中, 如果从句用一般现在时, 主句用将来时(另见Unit 5)  

Unit 2  What should I do?

1.        too loud                                                                        太大声                        
2.        out of style                                                                过时的                      
3.        in style                                                                         流行的
4.        call sb up=ring sb.up=call/ring/phone sb.        给…..打电话                  
5.        enough money                                                        足够的钱(enough修饰名词时不必后置)
6.        busy enough                                                         够忙 (enough修饰形容词或副词时必须后置)      
7.        a ticket to/for a ball game                                        一张球赛的门票
注意:the key to the lock/the key(answer)r to the question)/the solution to the problem .此处几个短语不能用of表示所有格
8.        talk about                                                                 谈论                         
9.        on the phone                                                                用电话
10.        pay for                                                                        付款
11.        spend…on +sth.=spend...( in) doing sth.         在…花钱
12.        It takes sb. sometime to do sth.                         某人做某事花…的时间         
13.        borrow …from                                                        从….借( 借进来)
14.        lend…to                                                                  把…借给(借出去)
15.        You can keep the book for a week                        你可以借这本书一周。(不用borrow或lend)
16.        buy sth for sb                                                        为……买东西
17.        tell sb to do /not to do sth.sth                                告诉某人做某事
18.        want sb. to do sth.=would like sb. to do        想某人做某事
19.        find out                                                                 发现;查清楚;弄明白
20.        play one’s stereo                                       放录象                    
21.        fail the test=not pass the test                                考试不及格
22.        fail in (doing) sth…                                                在...上失败,变弱
23.        succeed in (doing) sth                                        在...方面成功
24.        write sb a letter/write to sb.                                 给某人写信
25.        surprise sb.                                                 使某人吃惊(类似有:surprise/interest/please/amaze+某人)
26.        to one’s surprise                                      使某人吃惊的是…..
27.        to one’s joy                                                                使某人高兴的是…..
28.        look for        a part-time job                                        找一份兼职的工作(不一定有结果)
29.        get/find a part-time job                                        找到一份兼职的工作(有结果)
30.        ask sb. for…                                                         寻求/向某人要某物   
31.        have a bake sale                                                        卖烧烤
32.        argue with sb = have an argument with sb.        与某人争吵     
33.        have a fight with sb.=fight with                        与某人打架  
34.        drop off                                                                 离去;散去;逐渐减少;死去 
35.        prepare for…=get ready for…                         为…做准备     
36.        after-school clubs                                                课外俱乐部
?        be/get used to doing                                                 习惯做某事
?        used to do                                                                过去经常/常常做某事
?        be used for doing=be used to do sth.                被用于做某事  
37.        fill… up                                                                        填补;装满… 
38.        return sth. to sb.=give sth. back to sb.                把某物归还给某人 
39.        get on /along well with                                        与…相处很好                    
40.        all kinds of                                                                 各种各样
41.        as much as possible=as much as possible         尽可能多
42.        take part in=join in                                                 参加(某种活动/集会)           
43.        a bit =a little                                                          一点儿(当修饰形容词或比较级时)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-24 11:08:00 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 14:55:00 | 只看该作者
1.         It looks like rain, doesn’t it? Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t看起来要下雨了,是吗?
2.         He’s really good, isn’t he?                           他确实好,是吗?
3.         You are new here, aren’t you?                          你是新来的, 是吗?
4.         You have never been to Beijing, have you?         ( never表达否定含义,后面用肯定)
5.         She has few friends, does she?              (few表达否定含义,后面用肯定)
6.         Tom had little work to do, did he?             (little表达否定含义,后面用肯定)
7.         You can hardly do the work, can you?         (hardly表达否定含义,后面用肯定)
8.         Let’s go home, shall we?
9.         Don’t be late again/Let us go home, will you?(祈使句用will you;但Let’s开头的用shall we)
10.    Thank you so much for asking/inviting /having me!非常感谢你邀请我
11.    How much does that shirt cost=How much is the shirt?那件衬衣值多少钱?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 14:55:00 | 只看该作者
Key sentences
1.        Why don’t you get her a scarf?  为什么不给她买条围巾呢?
get sb. sth. for …  为了… 给某人买某物
= get sth. to sb. for…
注意:当sth. 是代词时,不可使用第二种用法。
2.        That’s not interesting enough.  那不够有趣。
enough有两种词性:当它用来修饰形容词、副词时,作为副词,应放在所修饰的词之后,如上句;当它用来修饰名词时,应放在名词之后,如:I don’t have enough time to spend with her.
3.        What’s the best gift (that) Joe has ever received?  Joe曾经受到的最好的礼物
4.        What a lucky guy! 幸运的家伙!
5.        I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.  我认为对于一个六岁的孩子一条狗会是一个好礼物。
6.        Dogs are too difficult to take care of.  狗很难照料。
7.        The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig.  近来最流行的宠物是大腹便便的猪。
8.        Life with a pig isn’t always perfect.  和一只猪在一起生活并不总是完美的。
9.        Now she’s too big to sleep in the house.  现在她太大了不能睡在屋子里。
too… to …:太…以致于不能…
= so… that 主语 can’t ….
e.g. He is too young to go to school.
  = He is so young that he can’t go to school.
  = He isn’t old enough to go to school.
  = He is very young and he can’t go to school.
注意:too…to…是一个简单句,而so…that…是一个复合句。并且当复合句中的主句主语和从句主语不同时,在句型中要用for sb.来表述。如:
The digital camera is so expensive that we can’t buy it.
= The digital camera is too expensive for us to buy.
= The digital camera isn’t cheap enough for us to buy.
= The digital camera is very expensive and we can’t buy it.
10.        My shoes were really cheap. They only cost $5. 我的鞋子真的很便宜。只要花5美圆。
spend :花费(时间、金钱)主语为人。

1.         Why don’t you get her a scarf?
= Why not get her a scarf?  为什么不给她买条围巾呢?
How/What about doing sth.?  做…怎么样呢?
How/What about + (a/an) + n.?  …怎么样呢?
2. Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 你介不介意做(不做)…?
= Would/Could you please (not) do sth.? 请你做(不做)…好吗?
already (“已经”,用于肯定句中,放在have /has之后或句尾); yet (“仍然”“还”,用于疑问句或否定句的句尾) just(“刚刚”,放在have /has之后); before(“以前”,放在句尾);ever(“曾经”,放在have /has之后) never (“从没有”,在have /has之后)例句:1.Our teacher has just left.  2.We have studied English already. 3.I have not finished the homework yet.       4.He has never been to Beijing before.
for: +一段时间   for a year     for two weeks   for three years
Since +过去的某一时刻, since nine     since last week
  Since +一般过去时态的时间状语从句 since you came ;  since you got home.
buy– have;catch(get) a cold –have a cold;borrow—keep;become—be;put on-- wear
join the army – be a soldier;join the Party –be a Party member;go to school– be a student  
  die—be dead;finish – be over;begin—be on;leave—be away ; fall sleep – be asleep    close – be closed  come to/ go to/arrive at(in)+某地—be in(at) +某地
4.转换成 be+介词短语go to school– be in school ; get up_ be up;
1. already(已经), just(刚刚), never(从未/从没有), ever(曾经), yet(仍然/还), before(以前(句尾时) 2. since+点时刻或从句;   for+段时间; how long(疑问句中用来提问since/for短语的)3. so far;till now;by now(到目前为止;迄今)4. recently近来     in the past/last+段时间 在过去的几年中  5. once(一次),twice, three(four…) times 6. It is the+最高级+n.+ (that) sb.have ever done  例:What’s the best gift you have ever received?  你曾收到的最好礼物是什么?
1. Have you ever been to an amusement park?  
你曾经去过游乐园吗?Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
2. I have never been there. Me neither=Neither have I.
3. Where is he? He has gone to the Beijing.
4. How long has he been in Beijing?              
5. I’ve never been to an aquarium.                    
5.        I have been a student here for a year.
6.        我成为这的学生有一年了. (不能用become)
  =I became a student here a year ago.
7.  He has been dead for two years.(不能用die)=he died two years ago.
8. I have been a teacher since ten years ago(for ten years.) (不能用become)
9.I have just/ever/already/never seen the movie. Have you ever heard of the man before?

Unit 10
Useful Expression
1. feel like doing=want to do sth.想做某事  
2. like to do sth./like doing sth.    喜欢做某事
3. would like to do=want to do想要做某事  
4. like sb. to do sth.    想要某人做某事
5. feel like sth.       觉得像….   
6. have a hard/difficult time doing sth   
7. have problem doing sth    做某事有困难
8. have fun doing sth  乐于做某事
9. need to do sth.          需要做某事(主语是人,强调主动)
10. need doing=need to be done    需要被…(主语是物,强调被动)
例如:I need to do my homework   The bike needs mending/reparing
11. thank-you note 感谢信         
12.  look through  浏览
13. get along/ on well    相处得好   
14. at least     至少  
15. at most  最多
16. be careful =look out 当心,小心  
17. be careful to do/not to do sth. 小心做/不做某事
18. cross a street =go across a street   过街(穿过表面)
19. go through      穿过(空间/房间/森林等)
20. go past     经过/路过
21. come along     跟着来   
22. say in a low/loud voice      小声地/大声地说
23. something cost+钱= something is worth+钱        某物值多少钱
24. a high/low temperature    高/低温  
25. the price is high/low     价格高/低
26. do/try one’s best to do sth.    努力/尽力做某事
1.        forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事
2.        look through 浏览
3.        cross a busy street = go/walk across a busy street 穿过一条繁忙的街道
4.        think of 想起、认为
5.        come along 出现,发生
6.        get along/on … with sb.  与某人相处的…
7.        be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
8.        have a birthday party 举办一个生日聚会
9.        on Saturday night 在周六的晚上
10.        at least 至少
11.        at the school dining room 在学校的餐厅里

Key sentences
1.        I hope so. 我希望如此。
so为代词,用来表示赞同前面所提及的内容。除了hope以外,还有think,believe,suppose,be afraid等,可与so连用。如:
Do you think it will rain this afternoon? 你认为下午会下雨吗?
I think/believe/suppose/hope/am afraid so. 我想/相信/猜/希望/恐怕会。
I don’t think so. 我不这么想。
I hope/suppose/am afraid not. 我希望/猜/恐怕不会这样。
2.        How much did that shirt cost? 那件衬衫多少钱?
3.        I feel like part of the group now. 现在我感觉像是他们中的一员了。
4.        Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place. 有像你这样的一些朋友,使得我在新的地方很快就适应了。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 14:55:00 | 只看该作者
3.        not creative enough  不够有创意
4.        easy/difficult to take care of  容易/难养活
5.        these days  目前,现在
6.        pot-bellied pig  大肚猪
7.        spend with her  和她呆在一起
8.        not … at all  根本不
9.        fall asleep  入睡(动作)
be asleep  入睡(状态)
10.        half way = halfway  半道、中途
11.        different kinds of 不同种类
12.        pay for  付款
13.        from across China = from all over China  来自全中国
14.        as … as  与…一样…
not as/so…as…  与…比不如其…
15.        encourage sb. to do sth.  鼓励某人做某事
16.        hear of  听说
17.        make progress  取得进步
18.        be able to = can  能够
19.        have fun with sth.  做…有乐趣
1. What should I get my mom for her birthday?
2. Why don’t you(Why not )buy /What/How about buying a scarf? 为什么不买条围巾呢?
3. What’s the best gift you have ever received?         
3.        What a lucky guy!                             
4.         多幸运的家伙!
★希望做某事hope to do sth.                          
★决定做某事decide to do sth     
★同意做某事agree to do sth.                          
★需要某人做某事need to do sth.
★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth               
★迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do
★准备做某事get/be ready to do                     
  ★尽力/努力做某事try to do sth  
★计划做某事plan to do sth.                           
★不得不have to do     
★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth.           
★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.
★告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.                 
★请某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.
★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth.
★想要某人做某事want /would like sb. to do sth.
★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth.                     
★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.
★喜欢/想要某人做某事 like sb. to do sth.
★帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do
★encourage sb to do鼓励某人做           
★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事               
例句:It your turn to clean the blackboard.
★It’s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了   
例句:It’s time for me to go home.
★It’s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是……
       例句: It is easy for me to learn it well.         
It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so.               
★     It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间   
   例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike.  2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night. 3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work.
★too+adj./adv. to do sth.  太…..而不能               
例: He was to angry to say a word.
★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是…  I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.   
★序数词+to do 第…..个做某事 例句:Who is the first to get there?
★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do.
例句on’t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room
★be+adj+to do sth     例句:I am very sorry to hear that.  I am ready to help others.   I am happy / pleased / glad to meet you.
顺口溜:本领最多不定式,主表定补宾和状;样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢;大家千万要小心,有时它把句型改;作主语时用it,自己在后把身藏;七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前加for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。
★     let sb. do sth让某人做某事                 
★ make do sth使得某人做某事
★ hear do sth do sth听见某人做某事              
★see do sth do sth看见某人做某事
★     why not 或why don’t you +动原?为什么不.?Why not/Why don’t you take a walk?
★     某人+had better( not)do 某人最好(不)做某事
★     情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原形(包括情态动词的否定形式+动词原形)
★            助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即don’t  /doesn’t /didn’t  /will not  /would not+ 动词原形
★    be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事)
Unit 9  Have you ever been to an amusement park?
hear of   听说                      hear from  收到…的消息/来信
take a ride  兜风                     end up  结束
argue with sb.  与某人争吵           roller coaster  过山车
a flight attendant  一个机组乘务员      in fact  事实上
all over the world  全世界             think about 考虑
think of  想起;认为             rather than  宁可;而不是
neither…nor…  既不…也不…        t hree quarters of  四分之三
for example  举个例子              such as  例如
on the one hand,… on the other hand,….  一方面…,另一方面…
be asleep  睡着(状态)fall asleep  睡着(动作)
take a ride        兜风             end up     结束
take a holiday/vacation      度假    all year round   全年
such as   例如                     during the daytime  在白天
a zoo called/named… 一个叫做……的动物园
wake up   醒来                  wake somebody up  唤醒/叫醒某人
have a great/nice/wonderful/great time   玩得高兴
a wonderful place to take a holiday/to visit     一个度假/游览的好地方
an English-speaking country    一个讲英语的国家be asleep=fall asleep 睡着
Three quarters of the population are Chinese
What’s the population of China?     
中国的人口是多少?(不用how much提问)
The population of China is 1.3 billion      
Key sentences
1.        Have you ever been to a water park?  你曾经去过水上公园吗?
No, I haven’t.                    不,我没有。
Me neither. = Neither/Nor have I.     我也没有。
这是一个否定的省略句。它的结构是“ Neither/Nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”。而用在肯定的省略句中时要使用so,它的结构是“So+ be动词/助动词/情态动词”。如:
-- I paid 20 yuan for this book.
-- So did I.
2.        The roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.
3.        The boats take different routes, but they all end up in the same place.
4.        It’s just so much fun in Disneyland.  
5.        It was because I could speak English that I got the job.
6.        More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.  
7.        This is because the island is so close to the equator. So you can choose to go whenever you like. 就因为这个岛是如此接近赤道。所以只要你愿意你任何时候都可以去。
1.        现在完成时
(1)        用法:动作到现在已经完成或刚刚完成;
(2)        基本结构:have/has + V.过去分词
(3)        时间状语:already, yet, just, ever, never, once, twice, so far, ever since, for a long time, for + 一段时间, since + 过去的时间点/过去时的从句,等。
(4)        注意事项:
A. 现在完成时是现在的时态,重点表达目前的结果和状态;
    B. 表示动作从过去开始持续到现在用for + 时间段, since +点时间连用。对for与since短语提问用how long。
    C. 现在完成时从不与when引起的疑问句联用。
    D. have been to:去过…
       have gone to:去了…
       have been in:呆在…
    E. 短暂性动词变为延续性动词:
      buy --- have had               borrow --- have kept
      join --- have been in / have been a member of
      become --- have been a member  make friends --- have been friends
      die --- have been dead          get to know --- have known
      come/go to do --- have done     catch a cold --- have had a cold
      begin/start to do --- have done
      begin / start --- have been on
      enter / come / arrive / get to / reach --- have been in/at
go / leave for / set off / set out --- have been away from
2.        since,for在现在完成(进行)时中的用法差异
(1)        since 后接过去的时间点或一般过去时的从句。
He has been an English teacher since three years ago.
We have known each other since we came to study in this university.
(2)        for后接时间段
He has lived here for three years.
3.        现在完成时与一般过去时的区别
现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in 1990等。
   He has lived here since 1992.  1992年以来他一直住在这里。(他现在还住在这里)
   He lived here in 1992.  1992年他住在这里。(并不涉及他现在是否住在这里)

Unit 9  Have you ever been to an amusement park?
1. take a ride        兜风             2. end up     结束
3. take a holiday/vacation      度假     4. all year round   全年
5. such as   例如                  6. during the daytime  在白天
7. a zoo called/named… 一个叫做……的动物园
8. wake up   醒来                9. wake somebody up  唤醒/叫醒某人
10. have a great/nice/wonderful/great time   玩得高兴
11. a wonderful place to take a holiday/to visit     一个度假/游览的好地方
12. an English-speaking country    一个讲英语的国家 13. be asleep=fall asleep 睡着
14. Three quarters of the population are Chinese.四分之三的人口是中国人(谓语用复数)
15. What’s the population of China?     中国的人口是多少?(不用how much提问)
16. The population of China is 1.3 billion      中国的人口是13亿。(谓动词用单形式)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 14:54:00 | 只看该作者
8.        Although I live quite far from Beijing, ….  虽然我住得离北京很远。
1.        现在完成进行时
(1)        结构:have/has + been + V.ing.
(2)        用法:表示从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在且很有可能持续下去;
        I’ve been doing the cleaning all this morning.
           You’re late again! I’ve been waiting here for an hour.
           I have been calling you several times in two days.
   (3) 时间状语:all the time/this morning, since morning, all night,
this week/month, recently 等
(3)        对现在完成进行时的时间状语进行提问时使用how long。
How long have you been skating?
I’ve been skating  since I was seven years old.
                for 5 years old.
2.        现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别:
I have written a letter to my father.(到现在信已写完)我给我的父亲写了一封信。
I have been writing a letter to my father.(一直在写,现在还在写)我一直在给我的父亲写信。
再看:I wrote a letter to my father. 我给我的父亲写过一封信。
Unit 7
Useful Expression
1.        turn down/up  调小/大(音量)    turn on/off    打开/关上(电源开关)
2.        not at all   一点也不             right away = in a minute  立刻、马上
3.        do/wash the dish  洗碗           get out of  出来
4.        put on  穿上(动作)            wear   穿着(状态)
5.        feed the dog  喂狗               keep the dog  养狗
6.        return … to …  把…还给…       help sb. do/with sth.  帮助某人做某事
7.        make posters  制作海报              a terrible haircut  一个糟糕的发型
8.        have a long telephone conversation  褒电话粥
9.        wait in line  排队                   cut in line  插队
10.        follow sb. around  跟在某人周围
11.        get mad = get annoy = get angry  感到恼火
12.        all the time  一直                 complain about  抱怨…
13.        be polite  有礼貌                 try (not) to do sth.  尽力(不去)做某事
14.        must be  一定是                  keep down  保持音量
15.        seem like  看上去像…             be allowed  被允许
16.        even if/though  尽管、即使         take care = be careful  小心
17.        in public places 在公众场合         in public  公开地,当众地
18.        put out  熄灭                    drop litter  乱丢垃圾
19.        pick up  捡起、拾起Would you mind turning down the music? 1. turn… down/turn… up关小声/调大声音   吗    turn… on/ turn …off 打开/关闭
20.        move the bike     移动自行车          in a minute/right away/in no time  立刻,马上
21.        be late for school/class=arrive late for school 上学/上课迟到
22.        wait in line=stand in line    排队等候    cut in line=jump a queue  插队
23.        get mad/annoyed       变得生气         happen to sb    发生在…身上
24.        half an hour      半小时               at first 首先
25.        at last=in the end=finally 最后        allow sb.(not) to do sth. 允许某人(不)做某事
26.        be allowed to do /not to do sth.             某人不被允许某人做/不做某事
27.        in public   当众地;公开地;公然地   .in public places 在公共场所
28.        break the rule   不遵守规则           . pick… up       捡起
29.        . put …out  熄灭                    drop litter       扔垃圾
30.        . keep the voice down              控制声音
1. Would you mind cleaning the yard?      你介意打扫院子吗?
2. Not at all. I’ll do it right away.         一点也不. 我马上就扫.
3. Would you mind not playing baseball here.       你介意不要在这打棒球吗?
4. Sorry, we’ll go and play in the park.    对不起,我们到公园去打.
5. Could you (please) make dinner?            请做晚饭好吗?
6.Tha’s no problem                                   没问题.
7. Could you (please) not feed the dog?=Would you mind not feeding the dog?= Would you (please) not feed the dog?=Please don’t feed the dog, will you?请不要喂狗好吗?
使用-ing分词的几种情况 1.在进行时态中。He is watching TV in the room .  They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:We have fun learning English this term.
       They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me.             Are you good at playing basketball?
What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样?            I am interested in playing football.
5.在以下结构中  1. enjoy doing sth    喜欢做某事;
2. finish doing sth;      完成做某事;    3.feel like doing sth       想要做某事;
4. stop doing sth  停止做某事(原来的事)    5.forget doing sth      忘记做过某事
6. go on doing sth   继续做某事(原来的事);7.remember doing sth      记得做过某事
8. like doing sth    喜欢做某事;    9.find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做
10. try doing sth     试图做某事;    11. need doing sth     需要做某事;
12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;    13.mind doing sth  介意做某事;
14. miss doing sth  错过做某事;    15.practice doing sth     练习做某事;
16. be busy doing sth     忙于做某事;17.can't help doing sth   禁不住做某事;
18.waste time/money doing   浪费时间/钱做; 19.keep sb.doing 让…始终/一直做…
20. stop sb.(from)doing                  阻止某人做某事
21. prefer doing B to doing B=like A better than A喜欢做A更喜欢做B
22. “do some +doing”短语  如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking
23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎)
.注意动词的过去分词的常见搭配:    I feel(am/was) excited/ surprised/ amazed /interested /tired/pleased/worried/lost
       Keep…closed/ a boy called/named Tom
Key sentences
1.        Would you mind turning down the music? 你介不介意把音乐声关小呢?
Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 你介不介意做(不做)…?
= Would/Could you please (not) do sth.? 请你做(不做)…好吗?
2.        I won’t be long. 我一会就好。
3.        The pen you bought didn’t work. 你买的那把笔坏了。
= The pen you bought wasn’t broken.
= There was something wrong with the pen you bought.
= Something was wrong with the pen you bought.
4.        Here you are. 给你。
Here’s what they said. 以下是他们所说的。
5.        I can’t stand it. 我无法忍受。
I can’t stand to see good food to waste. 我无法忍受看着好食物被浪费。
6.        Could you please not follow me around? 请你不要跟着我四周好吗?
7.        This happens to me all the time in the school library.
9.        Would you mind keeping your voice down? 你介不介意把音量放小呢?
voice: 名词,指说话和唱歌地嗓音; talk in a loud voice 高声交谈
noise: 名词,指人们不愿听到地噪音;
sound: 名词,泛指自然界一切可以听到的声音。
10.        For example, dropping litter is almost never allowed.
be allowed 被允许。 “be + 动词的过去分词”是被动语态
Unit 8
Useful Expression
1.        get her a scarf  送她一条围巾
2.        compare with/to sth.  …与…相比

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 14:54:00 | 只看该作者
2. 疑问句的间接引语
  直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接疑问句。间接疑问句为陈述语序,句末用句号,动词时态等的变化与间接陈述句相同。引述动词常用ask, wonder, want to know等间接疑问句一般有三种:
(1).一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时, 由whether或if 引导。 如:
 “Has he ever worked in Shanghai?”Jim asked. “他在上海工作过吗?”吉姆问。
 →Jim asked whether/if he had ever worked in Shanghai.吉姆问他是否在上海工作过。
 “Can you tell me the way to the hospital?” The old man asked.
 →The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital.
(2). 特殊疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,仍由原来的疑问词引导。 如:
 “Which room do you live in?” He asked. “                        你住哪个房间?”他问我。
 →He asked me which room I lived in.                                 他问我住哪个房间。
 “What do you think of the film?” She asked.                         她问“你怎么看这部电影?”
 →She asked her friend what she thought of the film        .        她问她朋友怎么看这部电影。
(3). 选择疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether/if …or引导。 如:
    “Is it your bike or Tom’s? Mum asked.        妈妈问:“这是你的自行车还是汤姆的?”
→Mum asked whether/if it was my bike or Tom’s.妈妈问这是我的自行车还是汤姆的。
“Does your sister like blue dresses or green ones?” Kate asked.
 →Kate asked whether/if my sister liked blue dresses or green ones.
3. 祈使句的间接引语当祈使句变为间接引语时,间接祈使句的引述动词常用tell,ask,order,beg,request,order等,而把直接祈使句变成带to的不定式短语。 如:
  Jack said, “Please come to my house tomorrow, Mary. ”                杰克说:“玛丽,明天请到我家来。”
          →Jack asked Mary to go to his house the next day. 杰克请玛丽第二天到他家去。
  The teacher said to the students, ”Stop talking.”                老师对学生们说:“不要讲话了。”
          →The teacher told the students to stop talking.                老师让学生们不要说话了。
  “Don’t touch anything.” He said.                                                “不要碰任何东西。”他说。
          →He told us not to touch anything.                                他对我们说不要碰任何东西。
4. 动词时态和代词等的变动
(1). 某些代词,限定词,表示时间或地点的副词和个别动词在间接引语中的变化规则:
直接引语                             间接引语
today                     that day
now                      then, at that moment
yesterday                   the day before
the day before yesterday                   two days before
tomorrow                                     the next day / the following day
the day after tomorrow                         two days after, / in two days
next week/ month etc                    the next week/month etc
last week/ month etc                          the week / month etc. before
here                     there
this                      that
these                    those
come                            go
bring                           take
(2). 如果引述动词为现在时形式,则间接引语中的动词时态,代词,限定词和表示时间或地点的副词不用变化。而如果引述动词是过去时,以上内容就要有相应变化。变化情况如下: 现在时间推移到过去的时间(注意:如果直接引语是表示客观规律的,那么时态仍然用一般现在时
一般现在时          →一般过去时;
现在进行时          →过去进行时;
一般将来时                →过去将来时;
现在完成时                →过去完成时;

Unit 5  If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!
1.        at the party                                                        在晚会上
2.        ask sb. to do sth.                                         请某人做某事
3.        stay at home                                                        呆在家
4.        half the class/students                                一半学生
5.        get injured                                                        受伤
6.        have a great time                                          玩得高兴
7.        take …away                                           运走,取走
8.        all the time=always                                 一直,始终
9.        make a living                                          谋生
10.        in order to do…                                          为了做某事
11.        have a party                                                  举行聚会
12.        go to college                                                  上大学
13.        be famous for…                                          因……而著称
14.        make money                                           挣钱
15.        in fact                                                          事实上
16.        laugh at…                                            嘲笑
17.        too much…                                            太多(修饰不可数名词)
18.        too many…                                                        太多(修饰可数名词复数)
19.        much too+形容词/副词                                太……
20.        get exercise                                           锻炼
21.        travel around the world                                周游世界
22.        work hard                                      努力工作
23.        wear jeans                                      穿牛仔裤
24.        let ... in                                允许……进入,嵌入
25.        get an education                                          获得教育
26.        take… away                                                        拿开,拿走
1. If you do, you’ll…                        2. I’m going to …        3. You should…
4. Don’t you want to …?                5. Don’t you think ….?
①如果许老师去参加晚会,我们将会玩得非常高兴。 If Mr. Xu go to the party, we’ll have a great time.
②如果你穿牛仔裤去晚会,许老师将不会让你进入。If you wear jeans to the party, Mr. Xu won’t let you in.
if 引导的条件状语从句。If是连词,所连接的句子 叫条件状语 从句,表示假设或条件,意思是    “ 如果…的话”,用法如下:
1、表示假设,表示将会发生和可能发生的事,或进行提醒警告。句子结构如下:                                             If +句子(一般现在时),+主句(主语will/may/can) +动词)
        a. If you finish your homework , you can go out and  play.
        b. If I have enough money next year , I will go to travel .
2.  表示真实条件、客观真理、自然现象、定理定义 .   民 间谚语等,句型是:
  If + 句子 (一般现在时 ),+ 主句 (  一般现在时).
例:          If you study hard ,you are sure to succeed .         
                If you put ice in a warm place ,it turns into water .
                If a glass falls on the floor, it usually breaks
                If you cook a banana, it becomes very soft .
                If a plant don’t get enough light ,it grows very tall and thin.
Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?
1.        how long   多长时间了?          start class/skating/to skate  开始上课/滑冰
= begin class/skating/to skate
2.        a skating marathon  一场滑冰马拉松 would like = ’d like  愿意、想要
3.        run out of    跑完                by the way   顺便问一下
4.        more than = over  超过           ever since  自从
5.        raise money for charity  筹集善款    a pair of   一双
6.        five and a half years  五年半        the whole five hours  整整五个小时
7.        in Russian style  以俄罗斯的风格
8.        raise money       筹钱           2. collect stamps      集邮   
9.        3. run out of…       用尽               4. by the way   顺便说一下
10.        5. on the way to..   在…的路上     6. be interested in     对…感兴趣  
11.        7. more than=over  超过           8. fly kites        放风筝
12.        9. three and a half years =three years and a half   三年半
13.        10. a pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans
14.        一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤
15.        How much is a pair of skates / shoes /glasses / trousers /jeans? = How much does a(this) pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans cost?
16.        How much are the skates / shoes / glasses / trousers / jeans? = How much do the skates / shoes / glasses / trousers / jeans cost?
1.   How long have you been skating?      你滑冰有多长时间了?
2.   I’ve been skating since nine o’clock./since I was four years old.
3.   I’ve been skating for five hours.         我一直滑了五小时 。
4.  The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.
我对中国的历史了解得越多, 我就越喜欢住在中国。
1.        Every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.每位学生每溜冰一个小时就能为慈善事业筹到10元钱。
every 和each 都表示“每一个”,但every是指整体,each是指每个个体。
2.        Next is Sam. 紧接着的是Sam。
3.        Because we’ve run out of room to store them. 因为我们已经没地方存放他们了。
4.        By the way, what’s your hobby? 顺便问一下,你有什么爱好?
5.        I am interested in the job as a writer. 我对这份作家的工作感兴趣。
6.        In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago.事实上,首批犹太人可能是在一千多年前来到开封的。
7.        The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 我对中国历史了解的越多,我就越喜欢在中国生活。

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