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小学英语优秀教案Lessen 10 What are these?

发表于 2012-12-7 10:47:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1、词汇:本节课的学习内容涉及到Let’s learn 和Let’s talk两部分,其中的单词都是以前见到过的,基本没有新单词的出现。其中bear,cat,car,jeep,plane要求学生能认读和变化复数形式,walk一词由以前的“三会”单词变为“四会”单词,需要重点强调。

2、语言结构:本课的语法重点是“These are…”句型的特殊疑问句形式,即What are these?和 What are those?及其答语They are…在进行教学时,可由学生熟悉的问句What is this?引入,同时对单数和复数形式进行一下对比。

3、Let’s talk:本课的话题是“玩具”和“购物”,通过奇奇和汤姆去购物这件事引出购物时所用到的交际用语,“Can I help you?” “I want one.”“ Here you are.”等,同时出现新学到的内容“What are these?”。


对本课的新单词及短语“walk”,“ here you are.”能听懂、会说、会认读。
掌握由what引起的主语为these或 those的疑问句,并能用替换词造句和做出正确的回答。


重点句型:What are these?/What are those?

             They are…

交际用语:Can I help you?

               I want …

               Here you are.


Step1 Greeting

Hello everyone, I’m glad to see you.

Step2 Let’s learn

1 Lead-in

Teacher is familiar with the students, asking some easy questions:
What’s your name?

How old are you?

Nice to meet you.

During this time, teacher takes out some stationeries of the students, just like a pen, a pencil, a book, a rubber and so on, asking students “What’s this?”

To practice this question several times.

b)  Teacher shows a toy bear and asks“What’s this?”.Then ,teacher takes out another bear and puts two bears together and asks“W     hat are these?”

c)  Teacher encourages the students to try to understand this sentence and find out the answer.Then, teacher writes down these two kinds of dialogues on the blackboard:

What’s this?      It’s a…

What’re these?    They are…

         To compare these two dialogues.

2 Practice

a) To show some words on the word-cards and teacher emphasizes the pronunciation:

cat-cats / car-cars / plane-planes / bear-bears / jeep-jeeps

Teacher shows these toys and lets students practice these dialogues.

b)Teacher finds “a little teacher” to come to the blackboard and asks the other students“What’s this?” “What’re these?”

Teacher stands at the back of the classroom and points the toys which in the little teacher’s hand and asks “What’re those?”

Let students try to understand this sentence and give the answer “They are…”

c)To give a few minutes to practice in pairs.Then,to find some students to come to the blackboard and act the dialogues.

Step 3 Let’s talk

  1 Lead –in

Teacher shows some word-cards ,helping students to revise the words and sentences appear in the dialogue :
        What / some / toys /walk

        Can I help you?

        Here you are.

        What fun!

  Let students read and translate these words and sentences.

b) Teacher puts the toys on the table and sets up a scene as a shop .teacher tells students if you come to a shop and want to buy something, you should say “I want …”

c) Teacher sells the toys to the students .And then ,let the students to be salespersons .Teacher buys the toys back from the students .Through this activity to practice the dialogue :

          --Can I help you?

          --Yes, I want …

          --Here you are.

          --Thank you.

2 Presentation

Teacher uses a finger –toy to act the dialogue in part of “Let’s talk”. Let students try to understand the dialogue and translate the sentences .

3 Read

a) To ask students to open their books and listen to the tape .To read the dialogue after the tape.

b) To give a few minutes let students read by themselves .Teacher help some students if they have any difficulty .finally, to read together.

Step4 Homework

a) To remember the new words and phrase in this lessen.

b) To practice the dialogue in “Let’s talk”.

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