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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:24:11 | 只看该作者

        第二课时 Lesson 2 Jenny’s House
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Review the phrases : What time is it ? It’s .
    2) Play “spell it “ to review the words : house bedroom bed .
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1、Teach the words : room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .
  1)Use my pastors of rooms to demonstrate each word .Ask the students to find the same point of these words .
    2)Practice the new words :
    ①Read after me
    ②Read one by one
    ③Play “ Simon says “
    ④Read by themselves
    ⑤Play a game “ point “ , one student say the words , the other students point quickly .
    2、Teach the word of bedroom : bed , closet , door , dresser , lamp , window .
    1)Ask the students to say “ What’s in your bedroom ? “
    2)As the students say the words , I write them on the blackboard .
    3)Practice :
    a : Read row by row , one by one .
    b : Play a game . I say a word , the students point to the picture of their books quickly .
    3、Teach the text
    1)Play the tape as the students follow in their books .
    2)Write the sentences and read : This is /These are .
    3)Explain the words : mine yours
    a : Ask the students what’s meaning of the two words .
    Explain : mine = my . yours = your .
    b : I say some sentences using mine and yours . Ten ask the students to substitute the two words using my or your
    For example : T : ( Point to a book ) This is mine
    S : This is my book .
    4) Read by themselves
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1、Using ask and answer to practice the new words .
    T : Where does this go ?
    Ss: Living room .
    2、Make a dialogue to practice the words and sentences .Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house or apartment .
    Step 4 Summary
    This lesson we learned the names of the rooms . Please introduce them to your parents and write them on room’s door .


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:24:07 | 只看该作者

    第六课时 Lesson 30 It’s Christmas morning !
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    T : Today is December twenty – fifth . Merry Christmas .
    S : Merry Christmas .
    Step 2 Presentation
    1、Teach “ bring , give , open .”
    ① Role – play to demonstrate the new vocabulary . Bring a wrapped “ gift ” to class .
    ② Says :
    This gift is for .
    I am bringing the gift .
    Now I am giving the gift .
    Open it , !
    Look ! It’s a .
    ③ Ask this student to put the toy in his or her pencil – case . The pencil – case now becomes the gift .
    ④ Stand beside another student in class and give directions to the first students such as :
    Please bring the gift .
    Please give the gift .
    open it !
    What is it ? It’s a toy .
    ⑤ Listen to the tape as they follow their books .
    ⑥ Divide the class into the small groups as last class . Give your friend your Christmas present .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1、Listen to the tape .
    2、Role – play the dialogue
    Step 4 Homework
    Prepare some Christmas gifts to your family members .

    第七课时 Lesson 31 Are you ready for a quiz ?
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    Step 2 Presentation
    1、Answer the questions
    1) What is Christmas ?
    That’s easy ! Christmas is a special holiday !
    2) What is Lynn going to do ?
    She’s going to talk to Santa .
    3) What is Li Ming doing ?
    He’s giving a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Smith .
    4) What are they putting on their Christmas tree ?
    5) What’s this ?
    It’s a gift for you ! Merry Christmas .
    2、Story book “ Maddy’s Christmas .”
    1) Listen to the tape .
    2) Read after the teacher , they translate the story .
    Step 3 Summary
    The students can understand the story and understand it .
    Step 4 Homework
    Review what we have learnt in this Unit .

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:24:03 | 只看该作者

    第四课时 Lesson 28 Oh , Christmas tree !
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    ① When is Christmas ?
    ② What do you do on Christmas ?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1、Teach “ invite , song , star ”
    1) Role – play to demonstrate “ invite ” . Ask for a volunteer and lead a dialogue such as :
    T : ( To the class ) We are going to sing a song . Let’s invite ( a volunteer ) .
    S1 : Thank you ! ( join you )
    T : Do you want to invite a friend ? Say “ Let’s invite .”
    S2 : Thank you !
    2) T : Please come . We have learn many songs . Which one would you like to sing ?
    3) The students should already know “ song ” . Play “ What’s wrong ? ” with phrases such as :
    “ I read a song ” or “ I talk a song ” to reinforce this word .
    4) Sing a song for Christmas .
    2、How to make a decoration for the tree .
    1) Who’d like to put up the Christmas tree .
    2) Invite some volunteers to decorate .
    ① Put some colour lights on the Christmas tree .
    ② Put some stars on it .
    3、Listen to the tape .
    4、Read the text .
    5、Let’s sing a carol !
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1、Role – play to read the text .
    2、Repeat low to put up the Christmas tree .
    3、Let’s sing a carol .
    Step 4 Homework
    Activity book .

    第五课时 Lesson 29 The Christmas story !
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Sing a carol !
    2) Make a decoration for the tree .
    Step 2 Presentation
    1、Teach “ special ”
    ① Christmas is a Western holiday . It’s a special holiday .
    ② In lesson 27 . Li Ming wants to buy Jenny’s family “ something special ” . What do the students think it means ?
    2、Learn a story
    T : Why do you give gifts at Christmas ? That’s an old story . Let me tell you !
    ① Explain that this story in the traditional story of Christmas .
    ② This story contains a lot of new words .
    ③ Help them understand the main idea .
    ④ Listen to the tape as they follow their books .
    3、Let’s sing a carol
    ① Teach the “ Rocking Carol ” in Number 2 of the student book .
    ② Divide the class into small groups .Each student make a “ gift ” to other .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    Listen to the tape as they follow with their books .
    Step 4 Homework
    ① Ask the students make a gift for Christmas Day .
    ② Activity book .

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:23:59 | 只看该作者

    第二课时 Lesson 26 Christmas cards
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    Review past – tense verbs :
    Yesterday today
    walked go
    ate walk
    laughed talk
    jumped point
    went laugh
    saw eat
    pointed help
    played jump
    talked see
    helped play
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1、Teaching “ tomorrow ” card and future tense with “ going to ” .
    1)Introduce “ tomorrow ” and the future tense with “ going to ” by adding another column to your lists on the blackboard .
    going to walk
    going to go
    going to talk
    going to eat
    going to work
    going to play
    going to help
    going to see
    2) Write yesterday’s date over the first column . Today’s date over the second column .
    3) Practice
    ① Read one by one .
    ② Make sentences with “ tomorrow , today , yesterday ” .
    ③ Practice in pairs .
    4) Listen to the tape as they follow in their books .
    5) Put “ No . 1 ” into Chinese .
    2、Teaching “ Writing Christmas cards ” .
    1) Model of teacher writes card .
    2) Discuss in groups and make cards .
    3) Show their making cards .
    4) Listen to the tape as they follow in their books .
    5) Read by themselves .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    Play a variation of “ Pen Pal ” to practice future tense .
    Step 4 Homework
    Activity book
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    第三课时 Lesson 27 Christmas gifts
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    ① Play “ Never Never ” to review adverbs of frequency .
    ② Review the words : umbrella buy rainy snowy .
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1、Teaching “ Santa something thing ” .
    1) Demonstrate “ Santa ” with your poster showing Santa . Note the capital letter at the beginning of the word .
    2) To demonstrate “ thing ” and “ something ” .
    T : (Point to the green objects )
    This pen is green . This shoe is Green . This apple is green . These things are green . Say it , please , class .
    C : These things are green .
    T : Yes ! These things are red . What colour are these things ? These ……
    C : These things are red .
    T : ( Point to the yellow objects .) What colour are these things ?
    C : These things are yellow .
    T : Very good ! I want something blue . Say it , please ,class .
    C : Here is something blue .
    T : What is it ?
    C : It’s .
    3) Practice
    ① Read row by row .
    ② Make sentences with “ thing and something ” .
    2、Teaching “ the text ”
    1) Read the text and think over the question :
    ① hat do you think Li Ming wants for Christmas ?
    ② Discuss in groups .
    ③ Answer the questions .
    ④ Listen to the tape .
    ⑤ Role – play the text .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1) Play “ I see something .”
    2) Play “ Santa ” to practice “ thing and something ”
    Step 4 Homework
    Activity book
    Exercise book Lesson 27

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:23:54 | 只看该作者

    第八课时 Lesson 24 Again , please !
    An exam
    一、Write the words for the pictures in the blanks .
    ( 略 )
    二、Listen . Fill in the blanks .
    J : I want to you to .
    L : Thanks , Jenny !
    J : You need to shorts and pants .
    L : do I need to ?
    J : it is cold outside . It’s winter !
    L : Okay !
    J : Can you forwards .
    L : I I can .
    J : You learn fast ! Li Ming !
    L : Thanks , Jenny ! I you are a good teacher .
    I want to to , too .
    三、What do you wear in each season ?
    Which season do you like best ?

            第四单元 Unit 4 Christmas
    一、General goals for Unit 4
    In this unit , Li Ming spends Christmas with Danny , Jenny and Jenny’s family .This unit teaches some of the traditions and standard vocabulary for Christmas .Which is a holiday central to North American culture .
    二、Specific goals for Unit 4
    1、Mastery vocabulary .
    Students can read , write , say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :
    Adjectives : special
    Adverbs of time : yesterday , today tomorrow
    Future tense with “ going to ”
    Nouns ( Christmas context ) : card , Christmas tree , holiday , lights , Santa , something , song , star , thing , toys .
    Verbs : bring , give invite , open .
    2、Oral vocabulary
    Students can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :
    Common phrases :
    Merry Christmas ! , have fun together , put up ( lights , Christmas tree ) , This is for you , What would you like for Christmas ? I would like .
    3、They can understand the meaning of more extra words .
    三、Important point : 1 and 2
    Difficult point : 1 and 2
    四、Class time : Eight classes .

    第一课时 Lesson 25 Christmas is coming !
    Step 1 Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    ① Play “ What day is it ? ” to review days of the week .Months of the year and ordinal numbers .
    ② Play “ Spell it ” to review “ gift ”.
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1、Teaching the new words :
    1) Use a tree to learn “ Christmas tree ” “ Christmas ”
    2) Use real light or some Christmas lights to teach “ lights ”
    3) Explain “ holiday ” in English . Ask the students to name holidays in China .
    4) Practice :
    ① One by one read them .
    ② Practice in pairs .
    ③ Make sentences with them .
    2、Teaching “ the text ”
    1) When the students listen to the tape .They think over the questions :
    ① What’s Christmas ?
    ② Why is Christmas special ?
    ③ What’s in your house ?
    ④ Who is Santa ?
    ⑤ When is Christmas ?
    2) Read the text and discuss the questions in groups .
    3) Ask the students to answer the questions .
    4) Read by themselves , then read role – play .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    Play a game “ Go fish ” “ Memory Card ” to practice the vocabulary .
    Step 4 Homework
    Activity book .

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:23:49 | 只看该作者

    第六课时 Lesson 22 I like winter
    Step 1 : Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    ① Review “ snow ” and “ ice ” with a drill .
    ② Play “ spell it ” to review any vocabulary in this unit .
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    1、Teach “ rain sun wind ”
    1) Introduce
    Make the distinction between weather adjectives the students know ( rainy sunny windy ) and the nouns in this lesson ( rain sun wind )
    2) Look at a picture
    ① T : ( Point to the picture of snowy )
    How’s the weather ?
    It is snowy . ( Draw some snowflakes beside the picture .)
    C : This is snow .
    ② T : Good ! ( Point to the picture of sunny )
    How’s the weather ?
    C : It’s sunny .
    T : Right ! ( Draw the sun beside the picture )
    This is the sun .
    C : The sun .
    ③ Teach like this :
    snowy – snow windy – wind
    3) Practice in pairs .
    S1 : What’s your favourite season ?
    S2 : I like .
    My favourite season is .
    S1 : What do you like to do ?
    S2 : I like to in /on the .
    2、Learn the song “ Winter , winter , I love the cold .”
    1) Look at the picture to answer the questions .
    ① What’s Danny doing ?
    ② How’s the weather ?
    ③ What’s Jenny wearing ?
    ④ What are they doing ?
    2) Teach the song to the students line by line .
    3) Play the tape as I and the students first learn and then sing along .
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1) Role – play to read .
    2) Ask each group to make up a dialogue
    3) Let’s sing a song in groups .
    Step 4 Summary
    The students master three words and make sentences with them .
    Step 5 Homework
    Activity book

    第七课时 Lesson 23 Are you ready for a quiz ?
    Step 1 : Class opening and Review
    1) Greeting
    2) Review
    Step 2 Presentation
    1、Answer the questions .
    1) Listen to the tape and answer the questions :
    ① Are mitts and mittens the same ?
    Yes , they’re the same .
    ② What is Danny doing ?
    He’s putting on his scarf .
    ③ What is Li Ming doing ?
    He’s skating on the snow .
    ④ What season is this ?
    It’s winter .
    ⑤ What are you learning ?
    You are learning to speak English .
    2) Read in groups .
    2、Story book “ The snowman ”
    1) Listen to the tape .
    2) Prepare to read .
    3) Read the story . Then translate the story .
    4) Discuss .
    ① When can the snowman talk ?
    ② Can the snowman ski ?
    ③ Can he skate ?
    ④ Why is he in the refrigerator ?
    ⑤ Do you like this story ? Why or why not ?
    5) The teacher summaries .
    Step 3 Summary
    The students can understand the story and answer the questions .
    Step 4 Homework
    Activity book .

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