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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:48:17 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议            这节课的重点是围绕节日及相应的月份问答对话,先让学生对学过的节日进行复习并与已学词三月到八月联系操练;再引出新的月份学习December、January、February单词较长,划分音节认读记忆;还需要强调的是两个问句的问词what和when的区分。
        上课时间        月  日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月  日
课 题        Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson 16
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. September、October、November
2. How is the weather in fall / winter?
          3. How is the weather in fall / winter?
重点、难点          1.Words : September、October、November
2.  Sentences: How is the weather in fall / winter?
How is the weather in fall / winter?
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step1: Warming up
2、Sing a song 《Little Red Bird in the tree》
1、Seasons:spring、 summer、 fall、 winter
2、Weather:warm 、hot、cool、cold
3、Months: January、February、March 、April、May、June、July、August、December.
2、Short forms of 12 months.
①、T:出示Sunday,变Sun.What’s this? S:Sun.是Sunday的缩写形式。
由星期缩写导入月份缩写,January---Jan.  February---Feb.  May---May
3、   词汇教学,September、October、November
①、出示September先指导学生发元音音素,运用小声到大声来操练。T:What holiday is in September?
S:Teachers’Day is in September.
②、同样运用拼读音节法教October与November的发音,用升降调,一触即发形式来操练单词,复习holiday (National Day. Thanksgiving Day)
②、巧记单词:September  October  November
a.ber  b.October---10   November---11  December---12
   ③、Guess:Which month?  a. 出示ber b. 出示ember c. 出示cember
①利用所学的句子How is the weather in spring/summer?引出新句型 How is the weather in fall/winter?
T:But,in FuJian We wear T-shirt and shorts in September. So It’s hot in September.It’s cool in October and November.(板书)
②引出回答It’s  hot ∕cool ∕not too cold ∕very cold.
2. 听录音,模仿跟读
3.  分角色朗读
1.Do a survey:the month of your birthday.
  Report: My birthday is in….
2.Listen and circle the right answer
3.Talk about the picture.
Step5 Summing-up
2、背诵单词 September、October、November
                 Lesson 16 Months of the Year(2)
September      How is the weather in fall?
      October        It’s hot in September.
   November       It’s cool in October and November.       


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:48:11 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本节课新学两个月份单词July,August,并讨论在不同的季节和月份里的天气情况。在课前环节要让学生对四个季节以及表示天气的单词加以复习,为后面句子课文内容的学习打好基础。单词七月July与六月June区分,可采用不同的方式加强对单词的记忆。
        上课时间        月  日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson 15
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. holiday、December、January、February
          2. What’s your favorite holiday?
          3. When is it?  It’s in…
重点、难点        单词:holiday、December、January、February
句型:What’s your favorite holiday? When is it?
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1.  Warming up
2. Sing a song “Happy New Year”.
Step 2.  Presentation
1. Review the month words.  (三到八月)
2. TTalk about “What’s your favorite month?”
3.T: My favorite month is June.My birthday is in June. Children’s Day is in June,too.
4.Let’s chant:   
March March, my favorite month is March. Women’s Day is in March.
May May, my favorite month is May. May Day is in May.
June June, my favorite month is June. Children’s Day is in June.
August August, my favorite month is August. Army Day is in August.
5. 引出课题并板书Unit 8 Months of the Year(2) Lesson 15
Step 3 New Lesson:
1. 学习单词holiday.(出示卡片跟读;按音节介绍读音)
2. 猜教师喜欢的节日,学习句型What’s your favorite holiday? Spring Festival. You’re right.
T: In this holiday, we have a big family dinner. We make dumplings.
S1: Spring Festival.    T: Yes, you’re right.
3. But when is Spring Festival? When is it? 板书When is it? 跟读。
让学生从日历中找出春节,学习句型When is it? It’s in January or February.
4.New words: January, February
5.T: There’s a holiday in January,too.  S1: New Year’s Day.
6. When is Christmas Day ? It’s in December. 学习单词December。
7. 师说月份生说节日,师说节日生说月份,Chant it!
8.Learn the text:
  Listen and answer, then repeat.  Read in roles.
Step 4 Practice:
1.Look and say.
2.Read and Match. 学生自主完成题目后汇报结果。
Step 5 Summing-up
Step 6.Homework:
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 15.
Unit 8  Months of the Year  Lesson 15
A: What’s your favorite holiday?       A:When is it?  
B: Spring Festival.                   B:It’s in January or February.
New Year’s Day                   January
Christmas                         December       


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:48:07 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议            本课开始学习月份的相关知识,三到六月几个单词比较简单,学生能较快掌握,要注意March和 May的比较,April的读音,让学生根据拼读规则和字母组合的发音把单词记住。另外,强调每一个月份,星期单词首字母的大写,但月份这个单词month则不需要大写。新词Women’s Day还不够熟练。
        上课时间        月  日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson 14
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. July, August.
          2. How is the weather in summer?  
It’s hot in June, July, and August.
          3.How is the weather in July?  It’s hot.     
重点、难点          1.Words : July, August.
2.  Sentences: How is the weather in summer?  
It’s hot in June, July, and August.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
2. Chant: A Cuckoo.
1.Review the four months.
March, April, May, June.
2.Review the sentences:
What’s your favorite month?
When is your birthday?  It’s in….
3.Four seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter.
  Spring: March,  April,  May
  Summer: June ….
4.T: Today let’s learn another two months in summer.
  Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson 14
Ⅲ.New Lesson:
1.New words: July, August.
     July 与June 比较  ‘au’  autumn  August
     Practice the words in groups.
2.Summer: June, July, August.
4.Learn the sentences:
a.T: In spring, I wear a T—shirt, can I ? How is the weather in spring?
b.It’s warm in spring, so it’s warm in March, April and May.
c.In summer, we can go swimming. How is the weather in summer?
d.It’s hot in June, July and August.
5.Mime and answer: How is the weather in …?
6. Learn to say.
(1) Listen and repeat.
(2) Listen and answer.
(3) Repeat again, then read in roles.
1.Choose one month, ask and answer in groups.
  How is the weather in …?  It’s ….
2.Listen and circle the right answer.
3. Learn to write.
    1.Read the text.
2.Copy the words and sentences.
3.Activity Book Lesson 14.       


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:48:02 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议        本课在上一课的基础上上得很轻松。句子How can I get to the train station ?的问答句学生基本都会背下来了。重点句型sorry,I don’t know通过向一个外地人问路引出,再引出You can ask the policeman.运用自编chant进行巩固。
        上课时间        月  日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        11月25日
课 题        Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson 13
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. month, March, May, April, June
          2. What’s your favorite month?  March.
          3. When is your birthday?  My birthday is in …./ It’s in ….
重点、难点        单词:April May June
句型:When is your birthday?   My birthday is in….
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1.  Warming up
    1.Sing a song.
2.Free talk.   
T: What day is today? How is the weather today?
    Do you have a Chinese class today? What’s your favorite subject?
3.复习学过节日名称,引出Women’s Day.
  Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day, Children’s Day, Christmas Day
Step 2.  Presentation
1. Review days of a week.
2. T: What’s your favorite day?
T: Look,it’s a calendar. It’s one week. Two weeks. Three weeks. Four weeks. The four weeks make a month.
然后教学并操练单词month. 师指出“th” 字母组合的发音。接着,师一页一页边翻月历,边带领学生数一年有多少个月份。
3. 引出课题并板书 Unit 7 Months of the Year  Lesson 13
4.Learn the new words: March, May, April, June
a. 单词卡教学、操练、板书、书空
  ‘ar’ park, car, March;  ‘ay’ lay, play, May.  April与apple比较
b. Chant the words.
c. 快速反应,猜单词
5.New sentences.
     a. T: In these four months ,what’s your favorite month?
        Do you know what’s Miss Lin’s favorite month?(让生猜)
        My favorite month is March. (板书March) Do you know why?
        Because my birthday is in March.
(板书句子My birthday is in March.) 重点操练该句子。
b. Women’s Day is in March, too.
c. T: When is your birthday?  (问答操练)
     d. 当生回答My birthday is in……时,师补充说,O,it’s in……
Step 3Practice:
1.Ask and answer in pairs.
2. Learn the chant: The Cucoo
Step 4 Summing-up
Step 5.Homework:
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 13.       

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:58 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本节课通过复习地点的词引出station---train station,我再告诉学生我要去北京,问学生How can I get to Beijing?从而引出句型How can I get to the train station?It’s far away . You can take a bus.Which bus? Bus No. 31句型不难,学生掌握得较好,课文基本上能当堂背诵下来。.
        上课时间        月  日  第   节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 6 Asking the Way (2) Lesson 12
主备教师                参与教师         
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. sorry, know, policeman, all the same
          2. How can I get to the train station ?
          3. You can ask the policeman.
     4. Which bus can I take ? Bus No.20.
重点、难点          1.Words : policeman, all the same
2.  Sentences: You can ask the policeman.
Which bus can I take ? Bus No.20.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
2.(1)T: Now let's count from 1-20.
(2) T: Now I say No.8,you say No.9.I say No.1,you say No.2.
1.T:Now listen and do the actions.
Stand up! Sit down! Turn left. Turn right. Go straight.etc.
2.T: Now let's review some words.
You can read the words loudly and spell them.
教师出示单词卡片zoo, park, bank, train station,
3.chant:The zoo,the zoo, how can I get to the zoo?
The park, the park,how can I get to the park?
Look, I’ m here. I want to go to the train station. But I don’t know how to get to the train station. 揭示课题Unit 6 Asking the way Lesson 12
Ⅲ.New Lesson:
1.T: Open your books and turn to page 53.Listen to the tape carefully. Then tell me how to ask the way.
自编chant: Policeman, policeman, policeman,
you can ask the policeman.(板书)
2.Listen to the tape again and read after it.
3.Listen to the tape again. T:The policeman tells me to take a bus. Which bus can I take ? Can you tell me ?
板书Which bus can I take ? 并教读句型2-3遍,全班拍手读句子2遍,教师出示几路公共汽车,小组先回答,再请个别学生回答。)
4.Listen to the tape again and read after it.(第二自然段)老师提问,学生回答.教师带读,学生朗读。
5. Learn to say.
(1) Listen and repeat.
(2) Read in roles.
1. .Game:问路游戏(出示路线图,对话表演)
2. Do exercise 3 in page 55.
3. Do exercise 4 in page 56.
    1.Read the text.
2.Copy the words and sentences.
3.Activity Book Lesson 12.       

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:51 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本课继续学习如何问路和指路,通过复习地点词汇的,引出新词library,bank,用不同方式操练记忆,结合拼读规则记忆单词拼写,但library这一词用了较长时间掌握。on the left / right与Turn left / right.的意义,我是通过在黑板上画出图标来引导学生区别同时复习介词的不同用法,帮助学生理解掌握。
        上课时间        月  日   第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 6 Asking the Way (2) Lesson 11
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. How can I get to the … ?
          2. It’s far away . You can take a bus.
          3. Which bus? Bus No. 51.
重点、难点        能听懂会说It’s far away . You can take a bus.
能准确运用公交车的表达法问答Which bus? Bus No. 51.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1.  Warming up
1、Review: turn left, turn right ,go straight  (看词卡,说词并做动作)
2、Let’s review some words: bank , supermarket, bookstore, library, station…(单词抢答)
3、Let’s play a game: Dragon Game.(接龙游戏:教师出示表示地点的卡片,请一位学生升降调读词,该同学所在的组同学说句子:How can I get to the …?其它同学根据课件上图示说:Turn left. Turn left. It’s on the left.
4、Chant: How can I get to the zoo?
Step 2.  Presentation  
1.教学句型Which bus? Bus No. 8.
1)      由Chant引出Which bus? Bus No. 8.的教学。
2)      Guessing game.(教师告诉学生自己想去的地点,并提供两至三路车,请学生猜应该乘几路车可以到达,操练Which bus? Bus No….)
2)听第一遍录音回答问题:Where does the woman want to go?
3)听第二遍录音回答问题:How does she ask the way ?
T: How does she begin the question?
引出:How can I get to the train station ?
It’s far away.You can take a bus.
(利用卡片bike, plane, train替换操练)
   T: Beijing is very beautiful. I want to go to Beijing. How can I get there? What do you suggest?(教师说明自己想去的地点,请学生建议可以用哪种交通工具到达,练说It’s far away.You can take…)
T出示课文插图)She wants to go to the train station. She can take a bus. Which bus ?    S:Bus No. 51.
T:Where is the bus stop?    S:Turn right.
Step 3 Practice: Memory Game
S1: How can I get there?   Ss: You can take a bus.
S1: Which bus?  Ss: Bus No. …
Step 4 Summing-up
Step 5.Homework:
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 11.       

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