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发表于 2012-1-7 13:23:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

Chapters 1-2基础知识归纳与练习Keys:
I. (One possible version)
1. glanced  2. impression  3. promise  4. remind  5. disappointed  6. lifestyle  
7. appearance  8. afterwards  9. suits  10. wise  11. part-time  12. gesture  13. show  
14. rest  15. hairdryer  16. miss  
II. (One possible version)
1. beauty  2. invitation  3. communicate  4. advice  5. wonderful
III. (One possible version)
1. make an appointment  2. Without hesitation  3. on top of the world  4. broke down  5. on average  6. depends on  7. made a good impression on  8. looking forward to  9. By the way  10. free of charge  11. works as  12. instead of  
IV. (One possible version)
1. What’s the matter with her grandmother?
2. I like this coat better than that one.
3. Simon made up his mind to make his body language better.
4. To have a good diet is important for us.
5. The bus didn’t work halfway.
6. Looking after your hair every day is necessary.
7. She advises us to keep our room clean.
8. It was surprising for me to hear the bad news.
9. You’re rude to use your hands to have meals in China.
V. (One possible version)
1. reminds; of  2. What kind of  3. get a chance to  4. enough not to; feel  5. persuade; to
VI. 1-5 CBADB    6-10 BABCA
VII. 1. /; /  2. The; the  3. The; a  4. an; a, an  5. /
VIII. (One possible version)
1. This road is not wide enough for three cars to move side by side.
2. It is impolite of him to lie to his parents.
3. Peter is too young to dress himself.
4. It is an easy job for me to learn English well.
5. I want to listen to some relaxing music to make myself relaxed.
Chapters 1-2 综合能力测试题Keys:
I. 1-5 BACCA  6-10 CDBCD  11-15 AACBA  
II. 16-20 CAACB  21-25 DBCBA
III. 26-30 BDBCC  31-35 DACCA  36-40 BCBAC  41-45 BCADC  46-50 BCDDC
   51-55 BDEAC  56-60 BFCDA
IV. (One possible version)
61. The policeman is very kind to send me home.
62. The stylist didn’t stop working before all the customers left.
63. She felt very happy when she won the first prize.
64. I would like to have a dinner with you when you are free.
65. The ice is so thin that we can’t skate on it.
V. (One possible version)
66. friend  67. Grade  68. habits  69. cheating  70. advice
Dear Fancy,  
You are so kind to care and worry about your friend. I’d like to give you some advice. You can ask Paul to go to school together in the morning and he has to get up early. When you play with Paul, you can tell him that doing homework alone is very important for a student. And every student should get good marks through hard work. Besides, you should always encourage Paul, because it is not easy to give up all bad habits in a short time.
I believe you will deal with these problems very well.
Best regards!
Miss Green

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:25:04 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:25:01 | 只看该作者

Module 11
一、1. 与在一起        2. 担心,担忧        3. ……的人口数量4. 在远处5. 发生发现
        6. be close to…         7. thanks to…         8. close down
        9. add to …                10. protect …from
二、1—5 DBBBC         6—10 DCCCC       
三、1. high        2. over        3. picnic         4. sailing(航海,航行)  5. reached
        6. walk        7. so                8. eat         9. enjoyed                       10. set
四、1—5 BDCCD

Module 12
一、1. give a warm welcome to …        2. present the prizes
        3. have a good memories in…         4. at the recording studio
        5. make progress with…                 6. check in…
        7. fill in the application form         8. go straight
        9. a guide to Los Angeles                 10. take part in…        
        11. 语言技能                                        12. 其他的名胜景点
        13. 价格表                                        14. 一系列事实        
        15. 填写行李上的标签                 16. 各种各样的购物中心        
        17. 去某地旅行                                 18. 安排宾馆住宿
        19. 一个英语课程的描述                 20. 夏令营
二、1—5 BBADD  6—10 CACAB  11—15 BBBBD  16—20 AAABD
三、1—5 CABBC         6—10 DABDA

Revision B
一、1. experienced  2. broken  3. education  4. crowded  5. lovable/lovely
二、1. memory   2. surface  3. refused   4. private     5. similar
三、1. full; of    2. gave; up   3. made; great; progress   
    4. Thanks; to  5. had; a; word
四、1. to tell   2. happening   3. has grown  4. were      5. to learn  
        6. used    7. to record    8. saw       9. showed    10. felt
五、1. open          2. looked          3. but             4. before         5.        surprised
    6. voice          7. went          8. touch         9. women’s         10. just

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:24:58 | 只看该作者

Module 9
一、 1. cartoon stories                  2. have a happy ending         3.no laughing matter  
4. have a word with sb.        5. give it to you                        6. in trouble     
7. fan club                            8. Havoc in Heaven                9. even since…      
10 translate…into …          11 be likely to                                12. make a mess
13. ask for information           14. hear about                        15. fall in love with…     
16.be able to                         17. strip cartoon                        18.learn from…   
19. fly into a peach garden  20. look at websites
二、 1.The cartoons I like             2. which make you laugh   
3. The characters I like ; like         4. like ; who can save   
         5. that’s he’s lost the camera he borrowed ; in deep trouble
6. fan clubs; which have held birthday parties for Tintin
7. have won the hearts of young people
8. who leads a group of monkey against
9. keep collections of these black-and-white
10.who have experienced life
三、 1—5 BBCBA  6—10 BCABC  11—15 CBABA
四、 1.series         2.that         3.fetching         4.describes         5.humorous,
         6. who                 7.who         8.hero                9.passes                 10.well-known

Module 10
一、1. Fitness   2. unlikely  3. interest   4. menu                5. behave   
        6. realized  7. refuse          8. persuade  9. disadvantages  10. advertisements
二、1. whose; training for                  
2. give up ;keep healthy   
3. unhealthy; difficult to teach        
4. know about healthy  
5. ban; from ; train; educate; spend ;on
三、1—5 CCBCB  6—10 DCCCB  
四、1—5 CCBBC  
五、1—5 BABDC  

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:24:52 | 只看该作者

Module 7
一、1. sunshine 2. expressions  3. spirit  4. relatives 5. crocodiles
二、1. ancestors          2. grey     3. grape  4. ham           5. ours
三、1. on; my; way; back         2. By; the; way         3. in; the; centre; of
        4. proud; to; be                 5. am或was; surprised; at         6 up to          
        7. a hand to                    8. that, took   
9. On his way back home, that/ who 10.bet, do
四、1. surprised  2. called  3. lucky  4. more  5. Surfing  6. pleasant  
五、1—5 BCBAB         6—10 CCACA
六、1—5 CABDB         6—10 ACDCD

Module 8
一、1. a lot of                                 2. want to do sth.
          3. you bet                                 4. expect to do sth.
          5. pick sb.up                                6. do some experiments
7. compare with                         8. even though
9. find out                                 10.take photos of…
11. from north to south                12. agree to do sth.
13. win the prize                         14. a minute ago
15. be uesd to                         16. look after
17. a pair of                         18. be worried about
19. at that time                        20. get sb. to do sth.
二、1. on; the; left                  2. By; the; way         3. Compared; with
        4. showed; around          5. getting; on
三、1. photos          2. picture, photo                 3. won won          4. took  taken
         5. agreed, agreed 6. 授予,礼物                   7. 开玩笑 小孩   
         8. collection          9.  including                 10. manager, managed, managed
四、1. kidding            2. photographer   3. historic  4. expect   5. category  
        6. movement                 7. trouble        8. includes  9. beauty  10. size
五、1. answer          2. find                 3. colleges          4. arrived           5. early  
        6. centuries         7. after                 8. population         9. countries         10. Thousands  
六、1. love and hate  2. It’s really difficult to walk         3. too many cars   
        4. nightclubs are closing          5. All the problems can be solved

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:24:48 | 只看该作者

Module 5
一、 1. attention        2. successful        3. peace        4. extra        5. creative       
         6. suitable        7. reading                8. similar
二、 1. hurry up           2. come back                    3. drop in   
         4. as long as           5. tried out                         6. looking forward         
         7. as…..as…..         8. thinking about           9. arrived at  
         10. as well           11. pay attention to          12. Come on
         13. work out
三、 1. Do you have trouble with your job?
         2. I’ll have a mixture of good luck and bad luck this month.
         3. She is out –going and likes to make friends.
         4. It is kind of the boy to help us clean the classroom.
         5. He is generous enough to give each of us a gift.
四、 1—5 BCACD         6—10 BBADC
五、 1. hours           2. help    3. to             4. and            5. found
         6. for             7. stay    8. nothing         9. jump          10. interesting

Module 6
一、1.throw away 2. protect the environment 3. environmental education
        4. instead of  5. be careful of/about 6. produce waste 7. raise money
        8. save energy          9. change … to…  10. take part in…
        11. do research          12. care about          13. create new laws
14. make a difference to… 15. do harm to …
二、1. pollution         2. environmental  3. hopeless  4. reduce  5. simple
          6. difference  7. products  8. harm  9. necessary  10.Whenever
三、1—5 ABDDB   6-10 ACCAA  
四、1—5 BDAAD          6—10 DCBAB
五、1. fall                  2. Finally          3. up                  4. ground          5. make
        6. again          7. change          8. same          9. much             10. too

Revision A
一、1. differences 2. cheaper  3. world’s   4. hopeless   5. unhealthy
二、1. accidents  2. scientific  3. necessary  4. physics   5. received
三、1. It; took; them         2. is; made; up; of
        3. are; putting; up         4. remind; of         5. A; number; of或A; lot; of
四、1—5 BABCD  6—10 CDBAC  11-12 AB
五、1. to follow         2. use                   3. are asked  4. makes   5. be
        6. need             7. saying            8. to tell     9. find     10. to correct
六、1.after        2.used        3.pleasure  4.whether           5.also       
        6.great        7.called        8.catches  9.Making  10.win

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-7 13:24:42 | 只看该作者

Module 3
一、1—5 BAACB       6—10 CADBB
二、1. defeated                  2. allowed    3.chance         4.symbol          5.overnight  
        6. encouraged          7. tough      8.coach     9.medals          10.advertisements
三、1. Don’t, get to    2. encourages us to speak
        3. set up    4. are watered    5. is done by machines
四、搜集信息    Information Card
1.Name of the product        Golden Sun (Fruit Drink)
2. How many % of fruit juice        65% ( fruit juice)
3. Place of making        ( In ) Hong Kong
4. How many fruits made of         Four
5. How often a day        Twice (a day)
        6. No, it isn’t.
        7. No, they don’t.
        8. No, we can’t.
        9. This drink isn’t put any sugar.
10. The drink is good for children and grown-ups.

Module 4
一、 1. 很久           2. 两个,几个                  3. 对某人/物负责,处理,照顾
         4. 浏览          5. 由……制作                  6. 制作一本书         
         7. 在那个年代                  8. 一次                 9. 用手工(制作)      
     10. 贴在……上面   11. at the beginning of          12. after that
    13. in a way          14 be compared with…  15 rather than…     
    16. be replaced by…
二、  1. D          2. B           3. C          4. B           5. A   
      6. D          7. C           8. D           9. B           10. B
三、  1. was,sent                         2. were grown , sold          3. will help  
          4. can be borrowed            5. was   heard               6. saved , was saved       
      7. was sent for                    8. are made ,  Does …make  
      9. were bought                  10. Is …made
四、  1. from now on        2. for ages            3. be replaced
   4. been made from     5. the same as         6. be saved
五、  1—3 DAD

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