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发表于 2011-8-18 14:57:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
新标准三年级英语Module7 Unit1 Have you got a headache教案反思
学习重难点 句型 Have you got…? 单词 headache stomach ache test Friday clever
  教学目标 学生熟练掌握重点句型和单词,能灵活运用句型。
  一. Warmer up
  1. Greeting.
  2. T: What’s the weather like ? Ss:
  二. New Teaching
  1. ①T :It’s a nice day for us to play football. Can you play football? Have you got a football?
  Have you got…? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
  ②It’s so cold. Look ! I have got a sweater. Have you got a sweater?
  Have you got ...? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
  (准备两套方案。如果天气好,就通过说是个踢足球的好天气,询问学生会踢足球吗,有足球吗,引出句型Have you got ...? 即肯定和否定回答Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 如果天气不好,通过说老师自己有件毛衣,来问学生有没有毛衣,从而引出句型 Have you got ...? )
  2.Explain and practice “Have you got…? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.” (集体说,个别提问,让学生既掌握句型的含义,又能熟练问答)
  3.①T: Have you got a book/ a pencil box …? Ss:
  ③老师假装头疼,引导学生用“Have you got…?提问, 引出新单词 “headache” , 然后集体、个别反复读。同样方法学习 “stomach ache ”
  学习其他新单词test Friday clever ( 通过卷纸学习 test, 通过提示学生明天是周五学习Friday, 通过夸学生学习clever )
  4.Learn the text
①T: Let’s have a look at what Sam has got.
  Students just listen and look at the screen. (Powerpoint)
  ② Listen , point and repeat.
  ③ Learn the text together. (教师边领学生读边讲解课文,注意 sad –happy, test today , stomach ache 的连读,tests , Fridays 复数的读法,及 Thank you = Thanks )
  ④ 教师领读。同桌合作读。学生个别读,老师纠正读音
  5. Questions about the text.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-18 14:57:00 | 只看该作者
① Is Sam sad? ② Is Sam ill? ③ Sam has got a headache. Yes or No?

  ④ Sam has got a stomach ache. Yes or No ?

  ⑤ Sam has a test today. Yes or No?

  6.Reading . (Powerpoint)

  Mum: Get up, get up, my dear! It’s time to go to school.

  Son: Oh, Mum. I think I’m ill today.

  Mum: What’s the matter, my dear?

  Son: I’ve got a headache. I can’t go to school.

  Mum: But today you have an English test.

  Son: I know. But I’m not good at.

  Mum: Come with me to see the doctor.

  Son: The doctor! Oh, No! My head is not hurted( 疼).

  I can go to school now.

  Read and draw “ T ” or “ F ”

  1.The boy is ill today. ( ) 2. The boy can’t go to school today.( ) 3.The boy goes to the hospital. ( )

  4. At last (最终),the boy can go to school.( )

  7.Train Game ( Pictures in the Powerpoint )

  首先邀请几个学生做示范,通过老师给的一组图片,第一个人问第二个人一个问题 “ Have you got…?” 以此类推。注意单复数。每做完一组要对出现的问题做以总结。


  1.Preview Unit 1 Listen and repeat.

  2. Survey 对你的三个朋友做个调查,看看你的玩具他们都有没有。



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