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外研版英语九年级下册 Module 8 Unit 2 优秀教学设计Word免费下载

发表于 2021-4-15 19:26:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 8 My future life
Unit2 I know that you will be better at maths.
掌握本课单词和短语: hrose, kindness, disappointed, bedside, note, whom, laugh at, give up, try one’sbest
PWP method, task-basedmethod
To learn some expressionsin the passage.
1. To get informationfrom the article.
2. The usage of “give upand try one’s best”.
Step 1Lead-in
Let Sslook at the pictures and answer the questions.      
How soon will you leave school?
Will you have a school-leavers’ party?
Where will you hold the school-leavers’ party?
How will you decorate the place where you’ll holdthe party?  21*cnjy*com
Will you be happy or sad at that moment
Who will you say thanks to at that time?
Step 2Consolidate new words and expressions
Theteachers shows the new words and expressions of this lesson.
rose n. 玫瑰
kindness  n.善举;好意
disappointed  adj.  失望的
bedside n. 床边
note n. 便条
whom pron. …….的人,那个人,那些人
laugh at 嘲笑
give up 放弃
Step 3 Pre-reading
1. AskSs to look at the picture and choose the answers to thequestions. There may be more than one answer.21·世纪*教育网
1) Who will probably get thanks from theschool-leavers?
   c) Teachers
2) What is the speaker probably going to say?
    a) Thankyou.
    b) Goodluck!
    c) Cheers!
2. NowGive Ss some time to read the passage and check.
1) Who will probably get thanks from theschool-leavers?
   a)Family       √     
   b)Friends       √
   c)Teachers      √
2) What is the speaker probably going to say?
    a) Thankyou.  √
    b) Goodluck!
    c) Cheers!
Step 4 Listening
Playthe recorder of part 3 for Ss and ask them to answer thequestions.www.21-cn-jy.com
1. Howmany roses does the speaker have?
2. Didthe speaker’s father buy a violin?
Keys: Three.
Yes, he did.
Step 5 Reading
1. Ask Ss to findsentences whichshow the following situations in the passage:
1) the three things the speaker has learnt
2) the three groups of people the speaker wants to thank2·1·c·n·j·y
3) what the speaker has learnt from each group of people
1) These three things arefriendship, effort and trust.【出处:21教育名师】
2) I give the red rose to my friends.
  I give the white rose to myteachers.
  I give the yellow rose to myparents.
3) She has learnt kindness from her friends,effort from her teachers. The parents taught her that love is about trust.
2. Questions forSs:
1) Which sentence in Paragraph 4 means “You haveto work hard to succeed”?
2) “You only really lose if you give up!” What doesthe sentence mean?
3) “I’m sure you will be good at music. Iknow that you will be better at maths.” What did Betty’s father want her to do?
4) How do you think Bettywould write to her father in reply?
5) “I’m sure that you all have your own memoriesabout the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want tothank for it…”What does it mean?
1) “You only really lose ifyou give up!”
    2) 只要你坚持下去,跑完全程,那么即使你最后一个到达终点,你也不是一个失败者。
    3) He wanted her to study mathsharder.
    4) Thanks for your gift, and I’ll do betterin maths as well as music.
5) Let all the students say thanks to theirfriends, teachers and parents.
3. Let Ss check theanswers to thequestions. There may be more than one answer.
  1)Which words can you use to describe the speech in Activity 1?
    careful             excited            moving    √
    polite    √        silly              troubled
    warm    √        worried
2) Which sentence(s) will you probably find in speechesat a school-leavers’ party?
    a) Thank you, friends, teachersand parents!   √
    b) We’ll always stay intouch.    √
    c) I’m proud to be chosen tospeak to you.  √
    d) Let’s all stand up and say…    √
Step 6Learning to learn
Toteach Ss to learn about the ways to make speeches.21·cn·jy·com
You may have to make speeches on the first day at your senior high. Tryto plan ahead what you are going to say, but do not write the speech infull—just make notes. When you make your speech using the notes, you will soundmuch more natural.
Step 7 Language points
To learnabout the main points in the passage.
1. But they were not laughing at me.
  laugh atsb.  嘲笑,对……一笑置之
  e.g. Weshouldn’t laugh at the person who is disabled.【版权所有:21教育】
2. Today, thanks to their kindness, my Chinese is much better, and webecome friends.
  thanks to +名词/v-ing   多亏,由于
  e.g. Thanksto his help, we found the hospital.
  kindness n.善举,好意   是不可数名词
3. I always finished last and I just wanted to giveup.21*cnjy*com
  give up   放弃
e.g. Smokingis bad for you, so give up smoking right now.
give back  ①还给,归还;②恢复(健康等)。
give in    ①交进来;②认输,投降;③让步,勉强同意。
give out   ①散发;②停止运转;③被用完,耗尽;④发出,散发出。
give away  ①送给人,分发;②背弃,出卖;③泄露。
4. I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me thatthere is no success without effort.
   who have taught me that there is no success without effort是一个非限制性定语从句,对前面的先行词teachers进行信息的补充,而不是限定性描述。与限定性定语从句不同,非限定性定语从句前面通常加逗号,从句部分即使被省略也不会照成主句意义上的不完整。非限定性定语从句中的关系代词不能省略。此句中还包含有一个宾语从句that there is nosuccess without effort, 作have taught的宾语。
no/not … without …表示“没有…就不…”。
e.g. We can’tachieve anything without you.
5. I still can’t run fast enough, butI’ve learnt to try my best, not only with running but with whatever else I do.
  try one’sbest  尽某人最大努力
  其后常接带to的动词不定式,即try one’s best todo sth.,表示尽力做某事
  e.g. Tryyour best to do whatever you do.         
not only … but....  不但……而且……
e.g. The girl isnot only clever but hardworking.           
6. I was disappointed.   
  disappointed adj.  失望的
  e.g. I feltdisappointed when he gave up studying.
7. Then, on the morning of my birthday, I woke up to find abeautiful violin at my bedside.
  句中的to find abeautiful violin at my bedside是一个不定式结构,表示行为的结果。
  e.g. Hearrived at the station to find the train gone.21教育网
Step 8 Writing
Ask Ss towrite a speech theymight give at their school-leavers’ party.
l  Start your speechby saying what your speech is going to be about.
Dear head teacher,teachers and parents, I’d like to thank you for …
l  Decide who youwant to say thank you to.
There are manypeople who I’d like to thank. First, I want to thank …
l  Decide what youwant to thank them for with examples.
They have alwaysgiven me great help …
l  Finish your speechby giving best wishes for the future.
Thank you and goodluck for the future.

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