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发表于 2009-4-9 15:13:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

成员:唐洁  赵秋羽  朱青青 蒋俞红 曹晓栋 葛晴燕 张蕾

课题:《Unit 4 Halloween》


本课时,我准备重点学习B部分四个有关动物的单词:a chicken, a duck , a horse , a pig , a mask, a vase, a pumpkin和C、D两部分的句型Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.  What do you like? I like…这些内容。本课时是本单元的第一课时,第四单元的核心内容是万圣节晚会的准备工作,本课时要学习Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.  What do you like? I like…这些句型就是本单元的重点句型之一。这些句子在3B中就已经出现,在教学中可以采用以旧代新的方法引出本部分的内容。有了这些知识作铺垫,学生比较易于深入与扩展。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、有难到易的编排意思,又符合学生的知识水平和认知水平。本节课所要教授的a chicken, a duck , a horse , a pig动物类单词都是第一次出现。其他已学过的动物类单词,例如a dog, a m, a tiger, a panda , a zebra , a bird , an elephant,在本单元会以复数的形式再次出现。教学中,要提醒学生注意其在词形和读音上的变化。因此,在本课的教学中,我采用旧话题教新句型,再用句型引新知的方式展开,把单词教学与句型教学融为一体,做到词不离句。这样既便于学生接受掌握,也体现了教学内容之间的连贯性。





单词:a chicken, a duck , a horse , a pig, a mask以及以前学过的动物类单词,并注意他们的复数形式,在词形和读音上的变化。

句型:Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.  

What do you like? I like…

理解like 后表示一类的词用它的复数形式。



1. Pre-task Preparation

1. Greeting and free talk.

T: Good morning/ afternoon. Boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon. Miss Jiang.

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too.

Look at our school. What’s in our school?

There is/are…

2. Sing a song

What can you do?

S:I can…

Can you sing?

S1: …

3. Shall we sing a song?

Sing the song<Old MacDonald>

2. While-task Procedure

(1) Learn the new words and structures

T: What’s on old MacDonald’s farm?

S: There’s a duck. (Do the action and lead Ss to say)

T: Yes, There’s a duck. (Learn the word)

T: Look. There are two ducks. They are lovely. I like ducks.

T: Now follow me. Ducks, ducks, I like ducks.

T: Do you like ducks?

S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T: There’s another animal on the farm. (Show the sound of the chicken)

T: A chicken.

Show pictures and learn the plural form: chickens.

T: Do you like chickens?

S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T: I have a good friend, can you guess who is my friend?(show a sound of the horse)

T: It’s a horse. (Learn the word and the plural form horses[iz])

The same way to teach the word: pig/pigs.

(2) Game: guess the animals.

1.      It’s big and fat. It has four legs, a big nose and a short tail, it likes sleeping. (p i  g )

2. It walks like this. Show the movement of a duck. (duck)

3. It runs very fast. (horse)

4. It gets up very early. (chicken)

Guess and spell the words.

T: Do you like chickens?

S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

(3) Let’s have a chant. (PPT)

Do you do you do you like horses?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you do you do you like chickens?

No, I don’t. No, I don’t.

(ppt show pictures and ask to practice it in pairs)

(4) Practice

T: Do you like ducks?

S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T: What do you like?

S: I like…

Ask and answer with Ss.

Show pictures to work in pairs.

(5) Learn the word: animal

T: A horse is an animal. A chicken is an animal too. So they are animals.

Blackboard: Write the word ‘animals’ on the blackboard and read together.

T: Can you tell me the other animals?

Ss: dogs, cats, tigers…

T: What animals do you like?

S1: I like ….

T: Do you like …?

S1: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

Practice the drill in group.

Play a game (train game) to consolidate the sentence structures.

3. Post-task Activities

(1)Do a survey

T: Do you like animals? What animals do you like?

  I like….

(2) Do exercises.

Use the new words to fill in the blanks. Horses, chickens, duck, ducks, pig, pigs

Do you like animals? Yes, I do. Let’s go to a farm together. Look at the         . They’re running. And they’re very fast. There are lots of chickens on farmer Brown’s farm. These          are walking. And these chickens are eating. Do you know what this is? What this is a      … oh, look… there are lots of        ! They’re swimming. Here’s a      . It is sleeping. The         are so big and fat.Wow! Farmer Brown has lots of animals in her farm. She has        ,         , chickens,        ,          !


1.      Write the new words.

2.     Make a hobby book which contains the sentences: What…do you like? I like…”


Unit 4 Halloween

What do you like?

What animals do you like?                        animals [z]

I like…s                                             a duck          ducks

Do you like…s?                             a chicken      chickens [z]

Yes, I do.\ No, I don’t.                      a horse            pigs [z]

                                                a pig          horses[iz]




唐洁老师:  我觉得蒋老师在本节课的教学设计中,设计的很合理,思路清晰明了,值得我学习。每个步骤之间,串联的很自然,给人感觉比较流畅,符合了教学设计应该走中心线的这个理念。当教授完新的知识后,又能设计与其相对应的练习,让学生巩固新知识,这在教学过程中是非常有帮助的。


朱青青老师: 本节课蒋老师准备充分,在备教材的同时也注意了备学生,在教学设计中,教学目标明确,重难点突出,思路清晰,并且各个环节都能紧密联系,衔接自然,在教授完新知识后能准备一些游戏加以巩固,学生能够在轻松的氛围中掌握知识。

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