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发表于 2013-5-14 00:27:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
31.        most kids,the weekend is         .
   A.With,fun     B.for,interested     C.Of,funny     D.For,fun
32.---Does he         glasses?
   ---Yes, he is a tall man        glasses.
   A.has;with     B.wears;wears     C.with;wears     D.wear;with
33.---          ?
   ---Yes,I’d like some tea.
   A.Where are you?  B.Do you like me?  C.What do you do?  D.Can I help you
34.Where        she often go when she was young?
   A.does     B.was     C.did     D.is
35.She looks very young.        She is forty years old.
   A.But     B.And     C.Then     D.So
36.---Why do you look so happy?
   ---I helped my mom        dinner,and that made my mom        happy.
   A.made;feeling     B.make;to feel     C.make;feeling     D.make;feel
37.Come and work        us        a waiter.
   A.for;for     B.as;for     C.for;is     D.for;as
38.---How is the weather?
   ---It’s sunny today,but yesterday was a         day.
   A.sunny     B.rainy     C.cloud     D.raining
39.I know Mrs. Smith,        woman.
   A.is 80-years-old  B.is 80 year old  C.an 80-year-old  D.a 80 years old
40.---What does your father think of me?
   ---          .
    A.He isn’t like you      B.He doesn’t think of me
    C.You are a boy           D.He doesn’t mind you
41.On her way home,Ms.Li        a little boy        in the corner.
    A.found;lying   B.found lied   C.looked;lie   D.watch;lying
42.---What        he look like?
   ---He        short hair.
   A.does;was     B.is;has     C.does;is     D.does;has
43.---Is it time for me        home,mom?
   ---Yes,it’s time        home,baby.
   A.going;for     B.go;to     C.to go;for     D.to go;at
44.---What kind of noodles would you like?
   ---          ?
   A.I’d like a large bowl   B.Ok   C.Sure,beef   D.Beef noodles
45.---          in 1984?
   ---I was a doctor.
   A.How are you   B.What are you   C.What was he   D.What did you do
   Charlie Leng spent a few months saving up(积蓄)seven dollars.He wanted to   
46   a model plane and went to the shop with the money.
   On the way,Charlie saw a little boy   47   on a corner of the street.“  48   
are you crying?”Charlie asked.
  “Three big boys    49   my four dollars just now.”the boy said.“I was  50  
to buy some exercise-books,but now I can’t.”
  Charlie thought of the   51   dollars in the pocket.He thought of the model plane and the poor   52  .
  Charlie wanted to walk away,  53  he did not.  54   he gave four dollars to the boy and went home.
  Charlie  55   happy.Do you know the reason?He was happy because the lillte boy was happy.
46.A.sell         B.buy           C.hold           D.bring
47.A.crying       B.talking       C.stand          D.sit
48.A.What         B.How           C.The reason     D.Why
49.A.gave         B.sent          C.took away      D.bought
50.A.on my way    B.go            C.come           D.walked
51.A.three        B.seven         C.four           D.little
52.A.some exercise-books    B.seven dollars     C.three big boys      D.boy
53.A.and          B.or            C.but            D.so
54.A.At first     B.At last       C.At night       D.In fact
55.A.becomes      B.fall          C.were           D.falt
  Every year students in many countries learn English.Some of the students are children.Others are young people.Some learn at school.Others teach themselves.Why do all these people learn English?
  In China many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their school subjects.Many people learn English because it is very useful in their work or they have to read books in English.They want to learn a lot from foreign countries.
56.Every year        learn English.
  A.all the young people              B.many old people  
  C.students in many countries        D.all people in foreign countries
57.How do these people learn English?        .
  A.They learn at school              B.They teach themselves
  C.They learn from foreign people    D.Both A and B
58.What is the Chinese meaning of “useful”?        .
  A.简单的     B.无所谓的     C.有用的     D.无用的
59.Why do many boys and girls learn English?It’s because        .
  A.it is one of their lessons        B.other people learn it ,too
  C.it is very easy                   D.they like English
60.Many boys and girls want to learn a lot from        .
  A.their teachers  B.young people   C.some of the students   D.foreign countries
An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a vacation,and stayed with a farmer .Every day he painted from morning to evening,and then when it got dark,he went back to the farm(农场)and had a good dinner before he went to bed.
  At the end of his vacation he wanted to pay the farmer,but the farmer said,“No,I don’t want money---but give me one of your pictures.What is money?In a week it will be all over,but yoiur painting will still be here with me?
  The artist was very happy and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his painting. 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
  The farmer smiled and answerded,“It’s not like that.I have a son in London.He wants to be an artist.When he comes here next month,I will show him your picture,
And then he will went to be an artist any more,I think.”
61.The artist went to the beautiful part of the country        .
  A.to see a friend            B.to visit the farmer  
  C.to go on vacation          D.for nothing
62.What did the artist do there every day?        .
  A.He had a talk with the farmer            B.He took a walk in the country
  C.He did nothing but eat a good dinner     D.He made pictures
63.The farmer wanted        .
  A.to get more money from the artist        B.the artist to teach his son
  C.to get a picture from the artist         D.the artist to stay longer with him
64.The farmer        .
  A.enjoyed the artist’s pictures very much  
  B.didn’t think the artist’s pictures were good
  C.had too much money               D.liked the artist’s picture
65.The best title of this article is         .
  A.A Happy Vacation  B.A Terrible Painting
  C.A Great Painting   D.How To Be A Farmer
  One day Tom met a rich man.The rich man said,“I heard you are very clever and nothing is diffcult for you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?”
  Tom answered with a smile,“Oh,I am not clever.Instead(然而) you are foolish.”The
Rich man was very unhappy.
  Tom said,“Mister,please don’t be angry.If you don’t believe me,now let me ask you a very easy question.If you have a group of sheep,I give you another group.Then you say,how many groups of sheep do you have?”
  “Why!That’s the easiest(最容易的)question in the world!One and one is two.Anybody knows that.I have two groups of sheep,of course.”
  Tom laughed and laughed,and said,“You are quite wrong.Mister.Two groups of sheep put together is still one group.That’s the easiest question in the world,right?”
66.The rich man wanted to be clever like Tom.
67.Tom thought the rich man was not clever.
68.Tom’s words made the rich man cry.
69.The rich man thought Tom’s question was very easy.
70.When Tom asked the question,he was not sure about the rich man’s answer to the question.

A:Hello,Lucy.   71   
B.It was great!
A:Where did you go?
B:I went to China with my family.
A:Really?Wow!What did you do there?
B:Well,   72   .
A:Oh,how were the museums?
B:They were really interesting.But    73   
Aid you go shopping there?
B:Yeah,I did.
A:How were the stores?
B:Oh,they were very cheap.   74   
Aid you meet any Chinese people?
B:Yeah,the people were really friendly.My parents have some Chinese friends,and
A:How was the food?
B:It was delicious.I love Chinese food!
76.Nobody        (be)in the room just now.
77.I don’t like them because they are        (friend).
78.Listen!Some of them       (cry).
79.I’d like some       (tomato)noodles.
80.Last night we        (eat)a big cake.
81.They did some        (shop)that day.
82.They had great fun        (play) football.
83.I didn’t agree with        (they).
84.Henry,        (not,talk)in class.
85.We often watch the boys        (play)football after school.
86.Don’t talk so         (loud)in the classroom.
87.I think he’s so great.(改成否定句)
I              he       so great.
88.I’d like a small bowl of noodles.(对划线部分提问)
What       bowl of noodles       you like?
89.Helen wrote a letter yesterday.(对划线部分提问)
             Helen      yesterday?
90.Open the door,please.(改成否定句)
Please       open the door.
91.Do you know how to get to the post office?(改成同义句)
Do you know                      the post office?
92.How do you like your vacations?(改为同义句)
      do you              your vacations?
93.They went to the Palace Museum.(对划线部分提问)
              they       ?
94.He doesn’t want to do anything.(改为同义句)
He        to do       .
Tom is of              .
He likes beef,but he doesn’t like              fish.
      you walk        to school that day?
                     to a movie?
       weekend,I              clean my room.
       arrive late       class.
  Mom and dad took my brother, Brad and me to a restaurant last night. When we
  101  at the restaurant, a waiter took us to our   102  .The table was next to the window and we could   103   the river. Then the waiter asked us if(是否)we  104
like a drink before dinner. Brad and I both had an orange juice. I spent a long time looking   105   the menu. It was hard to choose(选择)   106   there were so many things on the menu. After we finished our drinks, the    107  came over to take our orders. I    108  to have chicken and a small salad. Brad had beef and mom and dad had fish. We all agreed that the food was  109  .We’d like to go there  110  time.
1. 周六:上午做家庭作业。下午呆在家看电视。晚上打电脑游戏。
2. 周日:上午打扫房间。下午拜访一个朋友。晚上和妈妈一起去购物。
Dear Jack,
   How are you?I had a busy weekend.                                       
       Please write soon and tell me about your weekend.  Yours Tom

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 00:27:32 | 只看该作者
2013年人教版英语七年级下册期末模拟试卷及参考答案.rar (20.9 KB, 下载次数: 5546)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 00:27:39 | 只看该作者
31-35DDCA     35-40:ADDBC     41-45:ADCDD     
46-50:BADCA     51-55:BDCBD     
56-60:CDCAD     61-65:CDCBB     66-70:AABAB
76.was  77.unfriendly  78.are crying  79.tomato  80.ate 81.shopping  82.playing  83.them  84.don’t talk  85.play  86.loudly
87.don’t think is  88.size would  89.What did do  90.don’t
91.the way to  92.What think of  93.Where did go   94.wants nothing
95.medium build  96.potatoes or  97.Did back  98.What about going
99.Last had to  100.Don’t for
101.arrived  102.table  103.see   104.would  105.at
106.because  107.waiter 108.decided  109.delicious  110.next


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