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人教版新目标九年级英语下册Unit7 Where would like to visit课课练习题堂堂清答案

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       这套人教版新目标九年级英语下册Unit7 Where would like to visit课课练习题堂堂清答案免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与中学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。

九年英语Unit7 Where would like to visit?
Section A                                                  
一. 根据句意,在每个句子的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。
1. I bought a new coat for my mother __________ the money Iearned(赚得)by myself.
2. Zhang Jiao became a famous nurse after she __________ from university.
3. Thomas Edison was always asking questions and trying __________ newideas.
4. No matter how hard it is, he'll never __________ __________ his ambition(理想).
5. We should improve __________ all the time and make ourselves become better and better.
二. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,每个空格只限填一词。
1. Which of the five things do you think is ________ _________ ________invention? (use)
2. Do you know how to use it to write __________ and_________?(quick) (neat)
3. They were all great __________ in the world. (invent)
4. The naughty boy wants to improve __________ this term. (he)
5. The film "Chicken, run" is very______ and my younger brother is quite_____ in it.(interest)
三 单项选择:
(    ) 1. I shall come and see my grandpa _____.
         A. if possibly B. if it possible C. if is possible D. if possible
(    )2. I _____ you to be a successful writer when you grow up.
         A. hope B. wish C. make D. agree
(    )3. Hello, Uncle Wang! Our teacher _____ us here to help you.
          A. took B. told C. sent D. found
(    )4. I'd like you _____ more time on your study.
          A. spend B. spent C. spending D. to spend
(    )5. What beautiful music! _____. Let's listen together.
          A. Turn your radio on B. Turn your radio off
          C. Turn your radio up D. Turn your radio down
(    )6. Here are some _____ inventions and this is _____ one of them.
      A. earlier, more early B. earliest, the earliest
C. early, the earliest D. early, earlier
(    )7. Little Tom grew vegetables and used his own money _____ things for his
science lab.
A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought
(    )8. Don't rush! I want to _____ more carefully than before.
A.bike B. car C. school D. student
(    )9. Kate isn't feeling well, so we want to _____ her _____ hospital now.
        A. take, out of B. send, from
        C. take, to    D. bring, to
(    )10. The teacher was so angry that he _____ want to teach the pupil _____.
         A. no more, B. no longer, /
         C. didn't, any more D. didn't, any longer

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 14:43:54 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 14:44:00 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit7 Where would like to visit?
Section B

1  We don’t m_____  if you smoke here.
2  A bicycle is far more c_______ than a car in busy cities.
3  In western countries people usually hold a wedding in a c______.
4  She drank a lot of w_____ at the party and couldn’t remember how she came home.
5  What e_____ can you tell me?
6  Could you give me some s_____ for holiday spots?
7  We’d like to ______(离开) for about 3 weeks.
8  I prefer ______(冲浪) on the internet to watching TV.
9  She f______ sick because she ate too much junk food.
10  In autumn, we can see many f______ leaves on the ground.
1. She is a ______ (live) girl and popular with everyone.
2. Which is ______ (light) ,Kate’s box or the twins’?
3. She is busy ________ (translate) the book into English.
4. Climbing mountains was _____, so we all felt _____.(tire)
5. All the ______ (live) things should be respected.
6. The lessons given by Mr Smith are always____ (live) and interesting.
7. My friend Jim offered _____(help) me paint the house.
8. The _______are _______ the books.(translate)
9. He is supposed ______(give) you the book.
10.It’s wonderful ______(see) you again.
(   )1.____ would you like to live in ?
        A .  Which  city    B.  Which     C. When   D .Where
(   )2. I’m thinking about _____ to spend my summer holiday.
        A. who      B. what   C. where   D. whom
(   )3. Could you please ____ in class? Listen carefully.
        A. talking   B. talk   C. not talk   D. not to talk
(   )4.I hope ______
       A. my mother come back earlier from work.
       B. to hear from her as soon as possible.
       C. not boring you by talking about my child
       D. you be a useful man in the future.
(   )5. We hope you____ us with math.
A. to help   B. will help.  C. helping  D. helped.
(   )6 The thief came into the house ______ the window.
        A. across  B. through   C. over  

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 14:44:05 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit7 Where would like to visit?
Self check
1.The CCTV station always p________ us with information about the latest news. I love to watch it.
2.Could you please t______ this story into Chinese?
3.The P_______ is the largest ocean in the world.
4. A bicycle is often more c________ than a car in Shanghai because the traffic is too heavy.
5. My family are c______ going to Dalian to spend our vacations.
6. My sister is a l______ girl and always full of energy.
7. He is s______money, so he can buy a new computer.
8. Shanghai lies in the e____________ part of China.
9. The bus was so c_______________ that they had no room to stand.
10. ---Would you like to go there with us?   ---It d____________ on how the weather is.

1.Tom began to work in a new firm. The firm _______ him ______ a new car.
2.______ _____ this story, what’s the most important in the world?
3.Please _____ _____ _____ your dream. You will achieve it.
4.______ _____ , the weather there is very fine. You needn’t worry about it.
5.He has _______ _____ _____ friends in this city.
6.Where would you like to go _____ _____ ?
7.In China, you ______ ______ _____ shake hands when you meet people for the first time.
8.Every day Sam just sat there and _____ ______ the things he planned to do ,but doesn’t do anything .

M: Where would you like to go on vacation?
W: ____1______
M: That sounds interesting. What are you doing there?
W: ____2_____
M: How is the weather there ?
W: It’s fine. And it’s always sunny and hot.
M: ___3____  Can you swim?
W: No, I can’t . But my father is teaching me.
M: That’s great! ____4____   
W: Maybe two weeks.
M: _____5_____
W: Thank you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 14:44:09 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit7 Where would like to visit?
一. 单词考查。
A. 根据首字母、汉语提示完成句中所缺的英语单词。
1. I’d like to t          through the jungle because I like exciting vacations.
2. Could you p        me with some information about how to use computers ?
3. Hong Kong is a f         city. You’d better go there for vacation.
4. He is thought to be a great           (翻译).
5. —What’s the most popular job?— It’s a computer            (编程).
B.用所给动词的 适当形式填空。
6. I’m sorry ______ (say) that there’s nothing ______ (eat).
7. This afternoon the biggest football match of this year ______ (be) on TV.
8. Mr. Wu ______ (see) the film before.
9. It is ten years since I ______ (leave) my hometown.
10. You need something ______ (drink), don’t you?
11. Either he or I ______ (be) right.
12. No ______ (smoke) in the hospital, please.
13. He would take out his money and ______ (pay) for the bill.
14. It’s time for rest; let’s stop ______ (have) our lesson.
15. What color do you decide ______ (buy)?
二. 单项选择。
(   )1. —Where _______ you like to go?
—I’d like to go to France.
A. will     B. do     C. would       D. did
(   )2. Lydia doesn’t like Japan, she thinks it’s too _________.
A. exciting  B. boring  C. fascinating  D. interesting
(   )3. —Do you like the place ______ the weather is always warm? —No.
A. where   B. what    C. when    D. who
(   )4.Why not consider _____ your mother a scarf?
A. bought    B. buy      C. to buy   D. buying
(   )5. —All of us can’t know the word.
— _____ look it up in the dictionary?
A. Why      B. Why not  C. What about  D. Why don’t
(   )6. I didn’t pass the math exam, because I had no _______ to finish it.
A. enough time  B. time enough  C. many time  D. many times
(   )7. I think it’s difficult to go ______ the forest alone.
A. across     B. though        C. through    D. cross
(   )8. Our teachers ______ us _____ some help.
A. offer, to    B. provide, to    C. offer, with    D. provide, with
(   )9. We are always _____ to help others when they are in trouble.
A. will        B. would        C. willing      D. able
(   )10. I still remember the village _____ I grew up.
A. where    B. what          C. that         D. which

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 14:44:12 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit7 Where would like to visit?

一、1 with  2 graduated  3 out  4 give up  5 ourselves
二、1 the most useful  2 quickly neatly  3 inventions  4 himself  5 interesting interested
三、1 D  2 B  3 A  4 D  5 A  6 C  7 C  8 A  9 C  10 C堂堂清(二)答案:
一 1mind 2 convenient 3 church 4 wine 5 else 6 suggestions 7 leave 8 suefing 9 felt 10 falling
二 l lively 2 lighter 3 translateing 4 tiring tired 5 living 6 lively 7 to help  8 translater translating 9 to give 10 to see
三 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 B

一。1 provides 2.translate 3.pacific 4.convenient 5.considering 6lively 7.such 8.eantern 9.crowed 10.depends

二。1 provided…with 2 According…to 3.hold on to 4 In general 5quite a few 6 on vacation
7are supposed to 8.dreams about
三。1.C 2F 3B 4D 5A

一.1 trek  2. provide  3. fascinating   4. translator  5. programming
6. to say; to eat     7. will be      8. has seen   9. left      10. to drink
11. am           12. smoking    13. pay      14. having   15. to buy

二.  1-5CBADB    6-10BCDCA   

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