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新标准小学英语三年级起点第四册教学设计 Module5 Size Unit1 Amy’s taller than Lingling

发表于 2013-3-20 07:55:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
                             Module5 Size
Unit1 Amy’s taller than Lingling
                                                  泸县实验学校  许萌
Teaching Objects:
1.        Knowledge Objects:
(1)        Key Vocabulary: than, old, young, strong,the comparative form of the adjectives.
(2)        Target Language:  Amy is taller than Lingling. Sam is shorter than Daming.
2.        Ability Objects:
(1)        Learn to listen to the key words and the target language.
(2)        Learn to make the descriptions.
(3)        Develop students’ reading and listening skills.
3.        Moral Objectsead the students to cultivate the good personal traits
Teaching Key Points:
1.        The key vocabulary and the targe language.
2.        Use the comparative to make comparsion correctly.
Teaching Difficulty Points:
1.        Learn the target language: …is –er than …
2.        The comparatives of adjectives.
Teaching Methods:
1.        Listening and speaking methods.
2.        Group work and pair work.
3.        Learning methods guidance:
(1)        Let the students work in pairs to learn the co-operative learning.
(2)        Students learn to describe each other and respect others.
Teaching Aids:
CAI, exercisepaper, students book
Teaching Procedure:
Task 1 warm up
       1 Greetings
       2 Sing a song :“Please stand up”.(这首歌需要同学们起立做一些动作,能很好的吸引学生注意力,同时课文中也会涉及到“Stand up”这一短语)
       3 Review the adjectives:big-small tall-short long-short
Task 2 Lead-in
       T: Look at the picture, Yaoming and the girl, who is tall? And who is short?
       Ss: Yaoming is tall. The girl is short.
Task 3 Presentation
1 Yaoming is taller than the girl.
  The girl is shorter than Yaoming.
points:渗透音标拼读方法,让学生们在教师的指导下拼读出taller shorter的读音,than 强调发音部位:舌前端   Practise: 请几组学生示范高矮,第一组在老师的带领下集体描述,二三组可抽单个学生试说后再全班集体描述
2  Xiyangyang is older than Lanyangyang.
   Lanyangyang is younger than Xiyangyang.
3  Feiyangyang is stronger than Huitailang.
   I'm stronger than ...(I'm 由描述第三人称过渡到第一人称,解决课文中会遇到的句型)
Task 4 Consolidation      
      1 Guessing game(用猜测的方式激起学生的兴趣从而巩固练习新句型)
      2 Which word is missing?----Where is the missing words?---To match the words with pictures.(对本课重点单词进行音,形,义三方面的结合训练,最后一个环节有一定的难度,需小组合作完成,从而培养同学们之间的合作能力)
Task 5 Text
      1 Listen and circle the words ending with -er,then answer the questions about the text.
      2 Work in pairs to try to read the text(让学生们在听完一遍录音后和同桌一起试读课文,培养学生自主合作学习的能力)
      3 To ask several students to read (抽单个学生每人读一幅图,降低难度能让学生敢于举手,而且合作学习后的展示能让学生体会到学习的带来的成功感,)
      4 Listen and repeat
Task 6 Summary and Homework
Summary:Finally, let us sing a song to end the class today!
         Amy‘s taller than Lingling,  than Lingling,  than Lingling
         Amy's older than Lingling,         old   old   older
         Sam's younger than Daming,  than Daming,  than Daming
         Sam's shorter  than Daming,     short  short  shorter
         Lingling's stronger  than Sam,  than Sam,  than Sam
         Lingling's stronger than Sam ,    strong  strong  stronger
这是根据本节课所学的重点句子编写的一首歌,它用的是本学期才学习过的歌曲London Bridge的曲调
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-20 07:55:57 | 只看该作者
Homework: 1 Read the text again
           2 To compare with your parents
  (taller/ shorter)
  My mother
  My father
Blackboard design:
Module 5 Size
Unit 1 Amy’s taller than Lingling.
                            ----  is   -er   than  ----

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