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发表于 2013-1-21 22:59:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
满分100分  答题时间:90分钟
I. 根据首字母提示完成单词拼写(10分)
1. ---Have you ever been to Beidaihe?
  ---Yes, twice. You can meet many f____ there.
2. Before handing in your papers, you had better spend sometime c_______ the mistakes in them.
3. A______ my partner is a little weak in French, he tries his best to improve it now.
4. Sandy won first prize in the singing competition, she is of course the p____ of us.
5. When I hurried to the office, I found him s_____ the Internet there.
6. She is ______(练习)speaking English with foreigners now.
7. Would you please tell me how long it _____(花费)to finish your homework every day?
8. Have you ever read the novels ____(写)by Lun Xun?
9. I’ve traveled to Singapore once. It’s about 5 ____(小时)flight.
10. Everyone hopes that there will not be any ______(thief)in the world.
II. 用所给单词并用其正确形式填空(10分)
1. ---Where is Jim now?
  ---He ____ (water) some flowers in the garden.
2. –What’s your plan for the coming holiday?
  ---I ____ (visit) Beijing if possible.
3. They _____ (talk) about the TV play when I came into the room yesterday.
4. The medicine must ____ (keep) away from children.
5. I’m a little weak in physics. But my uncle is too busy _____ (help) me.
6. It ____ (be) two months since we met last time.
7. There _____ (be) a class meeting after class this afternoon, isn’t there?
8. You don’t need ____ (copy) the new words now.
9. Don’t move unless you ____ (tell) to.
10. I happened ____ (meet) Mary’s friend in the street yesterday.
III. 按要求变化下列各句(5分)
1. She walked so slowly that she missed the last bus. (改为并列句)
  She walked _____ slowly ____ catch up with the last bus.
2. I forgot everything. So did Tom. (改为同义句)
  ____ Jim ____ I couldn’t ____ everything.
3. Have you visited the Great Wall? Cold you tell me?
Could you tell me ____ you ___ visited the Great Wall?
4. Work hard, or you’ll fall behind others. (改为同义句)
____ you ____ work hard, you will fall behind others.
5. The math problem is too difficult for him to work out. (改为复合句)
The math problem is ____ difficult ____ he can’t work out.
IV. 选用正确的疑问词完称问句(5分)
how many, how much, how long, how soon, how often
1. ---____ do you usually have an art lesson?
  ---Twice a week.
2. ---____ will Tree Planting Day be?
---In a week.
3. --____ CDs have you got?
  ---There are so many, I can’t remember the number.
4. I can’t say ____ I want to go back to my hometown.
5. ---____ has Miss Jones been in Beijing?
  ---For two and a half years.
V. 汉译英(10分)
1. 目前他处于困境中,他不得不减少了开支。
  He is in trouble now, and he has to ____________ spending.
2. 我不想当众说出这件事。
  I don’t want to speak about it _________.
3. 结果,我不得不骑摩托车去学校。
  ______, I had to ride a motorbike to school.
4. 只要你下决心学英语,你就一定会学好。
  You will learn English well _______you make up your mind.
5. 请认真地检查试卷,确保里面没有错误。
  Please look over your paper carefully and ________ there’s no mistakes in it.
6. 他宁可骑自行车,也不乘拥挤的公共汽车。
  He prefers to ride a bicycle _____ take a crowded bus.
7. 他们不仅闯入他的办公室偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。
  They _________ broke into his office and stole his books, ______ tore up his manuscripts.
8. 你为什么不扔掉这些废品呢?
  Why don’t you ______ these waste things?
9. 请注意你的发音。
  Please _________ your pronunciation.
10. 在那个老人的帮助下,我找到了那个村庄。
  _____ _____ _____ ____ the old man, I found that village.
11. 当他听到这个可笑的故事后,忍不住笑了起来。
  He couldn’t _____ ____ when he heard the funny story.
12. 他让我等了半个小时。
  He kept me _______ for half an hour.
VI. 单项选择(15分)更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
1. We ____ our supper. We ____ it at home at 6:30.
A. have had; have had  B. have had; had   C. had; have had   D. had; had
2. What’s ____ cities in Australia?
A. the number of   B. a number of   C. number   D. the population of
3. Don’t touch anything in the lab _____ your teacher tells you to.
A. if   B. though  C. unless   D. even though
4. He ____ to school by car, but now he _____ to school on foot.
  A. used to going; get used to go   B. used to go; gets used to going  
C. used to go; gets used to go   D. get used to going; used to go
5. They ____ the hard work.
A. succeed to finish   B. succeed to finishing  
C. succeeded in finishing   D. successful in finishing
6. Mrs. King has ____ China for over three years.
A. gone to   B. been to  C. come to   D. been in
7. –By the way, where is Li Lei?
  ---He ___ the bookstore.
A. has been  B. has been to   C. has gone   D. has gone to
8. –Have you ever ____ my stamps?
  --Yes, I ____ them on your desk yesterday.
A. saw; saw  B. saw; seen   C. seen; saw   D. seen; was seeing
9. –You have made great progress in English.  ----_____.
A. So I do   B. So do I   C. So I have  D. So have I
10. I didn’t know what ____ to her last night.
A. was happened   B. happening   C. happened   D. was happen
11. Japan is a ___ country while China is a____ country.
A. developing; developed   B. developing; developing   C. developed; developing
D. developed; developed
12. I didn’t hear clearly ____ because it was very noisy.
A. what did you say   B. what you said   C. what you say    D. what do you say
13.In our city, about ____ of people are workers.
A. three fifth   B. third fifth   C. third fifths   D. three fifths
14. In our school library there ____ a number of books on science and the number of them ____ growing larger and larger.
A. are; is    B. is; are   C. have; are   D. has; is
15. Mr. Black said, “I have walked a long way this week.”
Mr. Black said that ____ a long way _____.
A. I had walked; last week    B. he had walked; that week  
C. I walked; last week   D. he has walked; last week
A: (1)__________________________, Tony? I haven’t seen you for a long time.
B: Oh, I’ve been to Dalian. It’s one of the best cities in China.
A: (2)_____________?
B: Of course. The best thing there was swimming. It’s really cool.
A: (3)________________?
B: It’s a beautiful city! I’ve never seen such a beautiful beach in my life.
A: (4)_______________?
B: Fro only a week. I wish I could stay there and enjoy sunshine forever.
A: Really? You know, I’m a member of Green China. I want to know something about the environment there. (5)_____________________?
B: No. nobody littered things. People always keep rubbish in a bag until they can put it in a dustbin.
A: Well, that’s great. I’ll go there if there is a chance for me.
VIII. 完形填空(15分)
Mr. Miller had a shop in a big town. He ___1___ladies(女士) clothes, and he always had two or three shop girls to ___2__him. They were always ___3___ because they were paid lower wage(工资,周薪)than older women, but__4___of them worked for him for very__5__, because they were young, and they did not meet many boys in ___6___shop.
Last month a girl came to work for him. Her___7___was Helen, and she was very good.
After a few days, Mr. Miller__8___a young man come into the shop. He went___9__ to Helen, spoke to her for a few ___10___ and then went out of the shop.
Mr. Miller was very ___11__ and when the young man ___12__, he went to Helen and said, "That young man didn't ___13___ anything. What did he want to ___14___?" Helen answered, "He just wanted to ___15___ me."
1. A. kept B. sold C. made D. washed
2. A. work B. teach C. help D. follow
3. A. young B. strong C. clever D. interesting
4. A. many B. most C. some D. none
5. A. long B. much C. soon D. often
6. A. children's B. men's C. clothes D. women's
7. A. friend B. name C. sister D. present
8. A. knew B. guessed C. saw D. chose
9. A. away B. straight C. back D. by
10. A. words B. times C. things D. minutes
11. A. kind B. pleased C. surprised D. interested
12. A. arrived B. left C. smiled D. went
13. A. buy B. try C. say D. touch
14. A. do B. take C. spend D. save
15. A. look at B. leave C. see D. beat
IX. 阅读理解。(10分)
1) Shanghai-China's biggest city received 279,700 overseas visitors in the first quarter of the year, a 10.6 percent over last year.
2) At 00:00 on May 8th, 1996 (Beijing time), Beijing's telephone number will be changed from seven digits to eight digits. How to change: Add 6 in front of the old seven digits telephone numbers.
3) Eight persons were killed and 15 badly hurt at a traffic accident in Rongxian of Sichuan on April 16th. Sichuan Daily reported last week. The bus carrying 23 people was running from Rongxian to Shuanggu on the morning of April 16th, when the bus failed to pass a sharp turn and fell into a field located 41 meters below the road.
1. The traffic accident happened__________.
A. long before B. as we expected  C. in Shanghai
D. when those people were on their way to Shuanggu
2. Li Lei's aunt lives in Beijing. Her telephone number was 6972478 before 1996. Now her telephone number must be__________.
A. 69724786   B. 29179966    C. 66972478  D. 69672478
3. _________, 279,700 people visited Shanghai.
A. Last week   B. From April to May
C. In the first four months of the year
D. During the first three months of the year
4. At the traffic accident,__________.
A. eight people were dead  B. twenty-three people were dead
C. thirty-one people were badly hurt
D. eight persons were badly hurt
5. The bus fell into a field. It's_______ from the road to the field.
A. 16 meters long B. 41 meters wide  C. 16 meters high D. 41 meters deep
Fast food chains (连锁), American-style, are now on the increase all over the world. Most of these places work on a similar principle. There is a long counter (柜台), above which hangs a list (often with pictures) of the items they sell, and behind which several people (often students working for the lowest wage) are working. Buyers form queues in front of each assistant. You receive what you order and take it on a tray to a table. If you can't see any knives and forks, this means you are supposed to eat with your hands. If you can't see any straws (吸管), that's because they are hiding in the straw machine that you have to push the bottom to get a straw. When you've finished, you yourself throw away everything except the tray.
Many fast-food places have drive-in facilities(设施). You place your order from your car through a microphone and then drive round to a special window to pay and pick it up. You may even find places where a waitress bring your meal out, and you sit and eat it in the car from a tray hooked over the door through the open window.
6. What is the wage about the waiters or waitress working in the fast food shops?
A. We don't know. B. Very high.  C. Very low. D. Normal.
7. When you go to these fast food shops, how can you eat?
A. Using knives and forks.  B. The waiter will give you the menu.
C. You will have to carry the food on the tray to the table.
D. Sitting at the table and waiting for the food.
8. According to the passage, these fast food shops are usually quite__________.
A. similar B. different  C. very popular D. not expensive
9. What is a tray?
A. Something you can eat.  B. Something you can drink.
C. Something you throw away.   D. Something used for carrying things.
10. If you are driving your car, how can you have your fast food?
A. Stopping the car and going to the restaurant.
B. Having it at home.  C. Having it in the office.
D. Having it at fast-food places with drive-in facilities.
X. 书面表达。(15分)
随着时代的发展,我们的生活将会发生许多变化,下面三幅图片所描绘的情景有可能在未来的生活中变为现实,同学们可结合图片,发挥想象,展望未来的生活,以Life in the Future为题,用英文写一篇60-80瓷的短文(开头语已给出,不计入总词数)。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 23:00:15 | 只看该作者
2013湘教版新课标九年级英语第一学期期末考试卷附听力材料.rar (39.01 KB, 下载次数: 3135)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 23:00:22 | 只看该作者
I. 1. foreigners   2. correcting   3. Although   4. pride   5. searching   6. practicing    7. takes   8. written   9. hours’   10. thieves  
II. 1. is watering  2. will visit   3. were talking  4. be kept   5. to help   6. has been   7. is going to be   8. to copy  9. are told  10. to meet
III. 1. too; to   2. Both; can; remember  3. whether; have   4. If; don’t   5. so; that
IV. 1. How often   2. How soon  3. How many  4. How much   5. How long
V. 1. cut down  2. in public   3. As a result   4. as long as   5. make sure   6. rather than   7. only; but also  8. throw away   9. pay attention to 10. With the help of   11. help laughing   12. waiting
VI. 1. B。第一句话说目前的结果,用现在完成时态;第二句有具体时间,用一般过去时态。 2. A。the number意思是“……的数量”。   3. C。unless相当于if not,意思是“除非,如果不”。   4. B。used to表示“过去曾经”,后接动词原形;be used to意思是“现在习惯于”,后接动词的-ing形式。 5. C。succeed后接“in + 动词的ing形式”,介词in可以省略。  6. D。have been in意思是“在某地呆过”,后接“时间段”。  7. D。has gone to意思是“去过某地”。  8. C。see的过去式是saw,过去分词是seen。   9. C。so I have不是倒装形式,意思是“果然是,确实是”。  10. C。happen为不及物动词,没有被动语态。   11. C。developed是“发达的”,developing意思是“发展中的”。    12. B。注意主句用了didn’t。从句用陈述语序。   13. D。分子大于一时,分母用复数。   14. A。第一句的主语时books,第二句的主语是the number,为单数形式。   15. B。在间接引语中this week要变成that week。
VII. 1. Where have you been?  2. Have you swum in the sea   3. What do you think of Dalian   4. How long have you been in Dalian    5. Does anybody throw things about/ Is there any rubbish on the beach
IV. 1. B。Miller是一家服装店的店主。  2. C。雇帮手来帮助他。  3. A。从本句的older可以推得。  4. D。由于总数超过了三个所以用none。   5. A。 6. D。在女性服装店里很难遇见男孩子。   7. B。 8. C。see的后面可以接动词原形做宾补。   9. B。straight为副词,意思是“直接地”。  10. D。 11. C。从下文来看,当时Miller是十分惊讶。  12. B。此四发生在男孩离开以后。  13. A。 14. A。 15. C。
IX. A) 1. D。从from Rongxian to Shuanggu 可以看出。   2. C。从升位规则可以推得。   3. D。依据第一句的in the first quarter of the year 。  4. A。第三条新闻的第一句。  5. D。新闻的最后一句。
6. C。括号内有often students working for the lowest wage。  7. C。注意这个句子:You receive what you order and take it on a tray to a table。 8. A。从短文的描述可以推得。  9. D。tray的意思是“托盘”。  10. D。有些快餐店可以允许车子开进去。
X. One possible version:
As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives. For example,
As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives. For example, cars are going to drive us to places without a driver. We're going to tell the car where we want to go, and the car is going to get us there! Also, we can talk to people on small video telephones that we can wear like a watch. If we are free, there are cities under the sea or space stations to visit. What about meals? It is easy- taking only one pill is OK!

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