a. 在复习完水果后,继续出示图片,老师问:What colour is it? 学生答:It’s red. 老师继续问: Is it an apple? 生答:Yes, it is./ No,it isn’t. 老师翻过图片,老师教说单词,学生跟读单词。
b.教师在教授学生的单词的发音时,出示不完整的词汇 tom _ t _,让学生根据单词的发音把单词补完整:tomato 并把词汇贴在黑板上。
c.教师拿出事先准备好的放在盘子里的三个番茄,问:How many tomatoes? 让学生数一数,说出单词的复数形式。教师强调tomato变复数形式后加es, 并补全黑板上的单词tomatoes.
d. 师问:Do you like tomatoes? 生答。师边问边把盘子中的一个番茄切成若干份,对回答:Yes, I do.的学生给予一小份番茄尝一尝。师再问:What’s it like? Is it juicy? 学生体会juicy 一词后。让学生边说边做动作:Tomatoes, tomatoes, juicy, juicy, juicy.
(2) 教学potato
a. 用同样的方法呈现单词potato。
b. potato,让学生对照单词tomato 的复数形式,把单词变成potatoes.
c. 从potato引到fries, 让学生尝一尝fries, 体会形容词tasty后,让学生说:potatoes, potatoes, tasty, tasty, tasty.
(3) 教学 onion
a. 教师课前把5个洋葱放入不透明的袋子里,让学生根据蔬菜的形状猜一猜。师: Are they potatoes? 生:Yes./ No. 老师作闻一闻,并作难闻的表情说:smelly , smelly…. 让几个学生上来闻一闻,猜出是洋葱时,教师教读词汇:onion。
b. 让学生补全单词onion. 让学生数一数袋中的onions.
c. 说一说:onions, onions, smelly, smelly, smelly.
(4) 教学carrot
a. 同tomato 和 potato 的呈现方法来呈现单词。
b. 按照发音补全单词 carrot, 出示几个胡萝卜数一数并把单词变复数形式carrots, 强调复数的发音。
b. 师小结:vegetables and fruit are healthy food. They are green food. We should eat more. But we can’t eat KFC food too much. Hamburgers, hot-dogs, French fries and chicken are yummy and tasty, they make us fat. Fruit and vegetables make us strong but not fat, we should eat more. 老师配合动作让学生理解其中的意思或是加入适当的中文解释。