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外研版英语九年级下册 Module 7 Unit 3 优秀教学设计Word免费下载

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Module 7 English for you and me
Unit3 Language in use
Get the students to be able to use the keyvocabulary and new words they learn in this unit.
To summarize and consolidate the adverbial clauses and infinitives.【出处:21教育名师】
PWP method, task-based method
To be able to write with the adverbial clauses and infinitives.
Through listening,speaking and writing, let students practise the adverbial clauses
Step1  Revision and lead-in
Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions toreview what they have learnt.
                               Have you ever been to an English corner?
  Have you ever given a talk in English?
  Have you ever sung an English song for yourclassmates?
  Have you ever talked with a foreigner in English?2-1-c-n-j-y
  Have you ever been a member of a drama club?
Step 2 Language practice
To practise the use of adverbial clausesand infinitives by filling the blanks.
It’s also the subject that I’m bestat, although my spoken English is not that good.
I can speakEnglish with you whenever we meet.
As China continues to grow,many people think that Chinese will become as common as English by the middleof the twenty-first century.21教育名师原创作品
I hope I can continueto make progress next year.
The British, the Indians andthe Chinese all help (to make) it a rich language.
Step 3 Grammar
(1) 时间状语从句连词:when, while,  as, before, after, until, as soon as 等。
例如:My father took the photos when welived in Hong Kong. You’re not going out until you’ve finished this.
例如:We must camp wherewe can get water.
例如:If he leaves thevegetables with the goat, the goat will eat them.
(4)比较状语从句连词:than, as
例如:The cost of therepairs was a lot of cheaper than I thought.
(5)目的状语从句连词:so that, in orderthat
例如:I’ve brought some photos so thatyou can see what Britain looks like.
(6)原因状语从句连词:because, since, as
例如:Mark could notcome because he had to work.
(7)结果状语从句连词:so … that …
例如:He got up so latethat he missed the first train.
(8)让步状语从句连词:although, though
例如:Although the caris old, it still runs well.
例如:If it rainstomorrow, we will play inside.
1. 作动词宾语
: want to do sth.,agree to do sth., decide to do sth. 等结构。
I decided to join some student clubsand take part in as many activities as I could.
Norman Bethume wanted to help theChinese people, so he came to China.
2. 作宾语补足语
不定式作宾语补足语是指v.+名词/代词+(to) do sth.结构中的不定式。变否定时只需在不定式前加not,其中的to在某些动词后面需省略。
例如:I told them tostop, but they wouldn’t.
They asked me to leave.
Miss Smith made the boys stay in after school.
Let’s not argue about it.
3. 作目的状语
例如:He got up at fiveo’clock to catch the early bus.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m
To watch baseball, you need to go to the YankeeStadium.
Step4  Completethe sentences with the words or expressions in the box
1. The teacher gives an example first.
2. Let Ss read and complete the sentences with the words orexpressions.
   after    although   because   before    if   
   so  that    so … that   when    while
1) ManyConfucius Instituteshave been set up around the world ________ more and more people want to learnChinese.
2) French was more popular _________ English became important in thenineteenth century.
3) I will make great progress _______ you help melearn English.
4) Tony finds writing Chinese reallydifficult, _________ he can understand and speak Chinese pretty well.
5) English spread more quickly all over the world _______ television wasinvented.
6) I advise you to go to anEnglish corner ________ you can improve your listening and speaking.
7) English has become _______ importantin international communication ________ schools in China and many othercountries teach the language.
8) In order to improve his English, my uncle took every chance totalk to people in Australia
______ he was working there.
9) I started learning English _______ I was seven years old,right on my birthday.
3. Now work in pairs to check the answers.
Keys: because   before  if   although   after  so that    so that
when/ while   when
Step 5  Complete thesentences with the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Read the sentences carefully.
  1) Many people want _________(study) English so they can get a goodjob.
2) I asked my teacher _________ (give) me some extra Englishhomework.
3) You need __________ (practise) speaking every dayif you want to improve your spoken
4) Jenny learnt _____________(speak) English well while she was inCanada.
5) English is easy __________(learn) if you practise and reviseevery day.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct formof the words in brackets.
Keys: to study  to give to practise  to speak  to learn
Step 6 Discussing
Read the remarks and discuss the questionsin pairs.
Meg has achieved a very high levelof English this year. She is a bright and hard-working student, and we are veryproud of her at this school.
1. Who has donevery well at school?
  Keys: Meg has done very well.
Ned needs to make an effort toimprove his handwriting. All he needs is a few minutes on it every day. If hepractises it, his handwriting will certainly improve.21·cn·jy·com
2. What does Nedneed to do in order to get better at handwriting?
  Key: He needs to practise for a few minutesevery day.
Toby seems not to be as interestedin schoolwork as he is in sport. He will make good progress in all his subjectsif he works harder.
3. What does Toby enjoy? Does helike schoolwork as much as this, or less than this?
  Keys: He enjoys sport. He likes schoolworkless than sport.
Step 7  Complete theconversation with the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Read the conversation carefully.
Teacher: Before we start thelesson, everyone, is there anything you’re worried about or need help with?
Student A: Yes, I’m worried about my handwriting, because itisn’t good.
Teacher: Good handwriting (1) ___________ (require) a lot ofpractice. You need (2)_________
         (practise) writing the letters and joining them together. Ifyou work hard, you can
(3)___________(improve) it. Is there anyone elsewith a problem?
Student B: I want (4) __________(achieve) higher marks in spelling. It’s so difficult.
Teacher: Yes, English spelling isdifficult.You need to have a good knowledge of the way that words
       are (5) ____________ (write). Forexample, remember that the word “letter” has double “t”
in it.
Student C: I have a question. Canthe Internet help us improve our English?
Teacher: Yes, of course. TheInternet has helped (6)______________ (spread) English around the world. Thereare a lot of good websites that you can learn from. Some of them can even helpyou practise your (7)_______ (speak) English. Now, instead of worrying, let’sgo on with the lesson.
2. Now complete the conversation with thewords in the brackets.
Keys: requires   to practise   improve   to achieve  written   (to) spread
Step8  Reading
Read the passage and choose the rightanswer.
1. In the past,people living in ____ spoke English.
  a) all of Britain            b) a part of Britain
  c) all of France           d) most of the world
2. English is aworld language because ____.
  a) five billion people speak it
  b) many people are learning it
  c) people stopped speaking Latin
  d) speakers of many different languages useit
3. People find itdifficult to imagine that __.
  a) French was more important than English
  b) English will always be important
  c) English might be less important in future
  d) Latin was used as a common language formany centuries
4. Many peopletoday are learning __.
  a) Chinese, Spanish or French
  b) Chinese, Latin or English
  c) Chinese, English or Latin
d) Chinese,Spanish or Arabic
Keys: b)  d) c)  d)
Step 9 Listening
1. Listen and decide what the passage is about.
a)      An English learning website.
b)      An English magazine.
c)       An English language teacher.
  Keys: a)
2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1) What can most studentseasily find to practise their English?
2) What has been developed to help  students get the practice they need?
3) Why can students get a lot of speaking practice?
4) Do students need to use an Internetprogram, if they want to join the course?
  Keys: Books, CDs and on line courses.
A website called Now talk! has been developed.
Because there are only 4 students for 1 teacher.
Yes, they need to use Skype if they want to join the course.
Step 10 Around the world
Learn about an invented language.
An invented language
    Since the twelfth century, people have been inventinglanguages, in the hope that a world language would ease human communication.Only one of these invented languages has enjoyed any success, though. It is calledEsperanto. It was invented by a Polish man named Zamenhof. His language isbased on Latin, German and Greek vocabulary. Each letter always makes the samesound, and the grammar rules are simple.
    Although Esperanto is spoken by about two million people and athousand of them have learnt it as a first language, it is unlikely to become aworld language.
Step 11 Writing
1. Talk about what problems you have inlearning English in group.
   listening        speaking   reading        writing
   vocabulary     grammar  cultural knowledge
2. Give tips for solving the problems.
3. Make a list of the tips and put them on a poster forothers to read.

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