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人教九年级Unit 4 I used afraid of the dark知识点及考点学案

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Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

Section A

1. I used to be afraid of the dark.

☞ 【解析1】 used to do sth. 过去常常,表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态,暗指现在已经不存了,强调过去与现在的对比。 其否定形式有两种:didn`t use to或usedn`t to。used to用于疑问句时,可借助助动词did,也可以将used提到主语前。

1). They                     good friends. 他们过去是好朋友。 (暗示现在不是了)

   2). Mrs Brown                                 to travel in summer.布朗夫人过去夏天不旅游。

   3).                                  play the guitar? 他过去弹吉他吗?

☞ 【解析2】1). used to do sth.表示过去习惯性的动作或存在的状态。 只用于一般过去时态。

   2). be used to + n. /pron./doing 意为“习惯于…”,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。可用于各种时态。

   3). get/become used to sth./doing sth.意为“逐渐习惯于…”,强调这一习惯的过程,to是介词。

   4). use ... to do sth.“用…做…”是主动语态结构; be used to do 意为“被用来做…”,是被动语态结构,to


   5). be used for doing sth.意为“被用来…”,介词for表示功能、用途。e.g.

   . They           the knife             meat.他们用刀切肉。

   ‚. This kind of wood                     paper. 这种木头是被用来做纸的。

   ƒ. Lucy                                     Chinese food.Lucy已经习惯(吃)中餐了。

   „. I think                                the climate soon.我想不久你就会习惯这种气候的

⑤. Knives                                      things. 小刀可用来切割东西。

2. She still plays the piano from time to time.

☞ 【解析】 from time to time 意为“间或;有时”,常在句中作状语。

Eg. Tom goes to visit his grandmother in the countryside                   .汤姆时常去看望住在农村的奶奶。

3. He studied hard and got good scores on his exams.

☞ Score  n.得分;进球  

e.g. He                                      in the examination.考试中他得了高分。

4. This party is such a great idea!He used to be so shy and quiet.  

☞【解析1】such与so 辨析 such为形容词,意为“这(那)样的;修饰名词;so是副词,意为“这(那)么;如此地”,修饰形容词、副词和分词。

   1). Do you like         weather? 你喜欢这样的天气吗?  2). I’m        glad to see you.很高兴见到你。

   3). He can draw          well. 他画得那么好。

☞【解析2】 当名词前有many,much,few或little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such。

   1). There are                           people in the hall.大厅有这么多/这么少的人。

   2). You have                           homework today.你今天有这么多/这么少的作业。

☞【解析3】  “such + a / an +形容词+可数名词单数形式”相当于“so +形容词+a / an +可数名词单数形式”, 表示“如


   She is such                       . = She is so                       .她是这个如此可爱的女孩。

1. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.

☞【解析1】 take up 开始学; 从事于; 占据

   1). The table                   too much room.这桌子太占地方了。

   2). They have                   golf.他们开始学起打高尔夫球了。  


   take off  起飞;脱下;动身    take on  承担;呈现   take a walk  散步   

take over  接受;接管;借用;接办

   take down  记下;取下           take place  发生;进行;举行   

take a look  at ... 看一下         take charge  of... 掌管,负责  

take away  带走,拿走,没收     take care of  照顾;注意;抚养

☞【解析2】  deal  v. 对待;处理 (dealt, dealt)  deal with   应对;处理   

     Have you                 these letters yet? 这些信件你处理了吗?

☞【解析3】 shy adj. 害羞的—shyness n. 害羞

2.  As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school.

☞【解析3】dare  v. 敢于;胆敢 dare to do sth.  敢于做某事  

   He                        from the top of the wall. 他不敢从墙上跳下来。

3. Now she`s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.  ☞【解析】not … anymore不再… =not... any longer

People               movies             .人们不再对电影感兴趣了。

4. … but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.

☞【解析1】get tons of attention   被众人所关注

☞【解析】tons of sth. = lots of/ a lot of/much 很多;极多   

    They have                        every day.  他们每天都有大量的工作要做。

5.  And I don`t have much private time anymore.

☞【解析】private  adj. 私人的;私密的 e.g.  

     Mr. Smith is rather secret about his       . 史密斯先生对自己的私生活相当保密。

6.  Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on.

☞【解析】fight (fought, fought)  努力尝试,战斗,搏斗;争取;fight on 奋力坚持  

We must                 until the end of the battle.我们必须坚持到战斗结束。

7.  You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.

☞【解析】 require  v. 需要;要求

     Fishing        a lot of         . 钓鱼需要很大的耐心。



1.(三亚中考)He hardly hurt himself in the accident___________?

A. doesn’t he     B. didn’t he     C.   did he    D. does he  

2.(巴中中考)Let’s search the Internet for some information about famous people,______?  

  A. will you       B. won’t you        C. shall we  

3.(苏州市)Eric’s never seen a three-D movie at the cinema,_______?           

A.hasn’t he      B.has he          C.isn’t he       D.is he  

4.-(兰州市)---He didn’t go to the meeting this morning, did he?  

----______. Though he was not feeling very well.  

A. No, he didn’t.  B. Yes, he did.  C. No, he did.    D. Yes, he didn’t.

5.He used   ______ to school late, but now he doesn’t   .

A. go  B. going   C. went     D to go


(1)Lily will go to China, ______ _____?

(2)She doesn’t come from China, ________ ________?

(3) You haven’t finished homework, _________ ________  ?

(4) He knows little English, _________ ______?


When I was young, I was a very naughty boy. But now I am not naughty any more. I often made trouble which made both my father and mother very worried. I liked watching TV all the day and I didn’t like to go to bed early. I often forgot to do my homework, so my teacher wasn’t happy. But I had a good habit. I liked eating. I didn’t care what food my parents gave me. I could finish all the food I could see.


When he was young , he    1  naughty .His    2  were   3  about him .He would    4    all the day watching TV .He didn’t    5   early .He couldn’t     6  his homework ,so his teacher was    7   with him .But he had a very good   8   habit .He didn’t    9  what food his parents gave him .He could eat  10   all the food that he could see.

Section B

1. …he seldom caused any problems…

☞【解析】seldom adv. 频度副词“不常;很少”通常放在be动词、助动词或情


   1).She                       after ten o`clock. 十点后,她很少外出。

   2). He                                school.他很少迟到。

2. …his grandparents came to take care of him.

☞【解析】 take care of “照顾;照管”,=look after 。

    My parents are not at home and I have to            my sister. 我的父母不在家,我不得不照顾我小妹妹。   

3. Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork.

☞【解析】influence  v. & n. 影响,常用于 influence sb to do sth; have an influence on ...; 或be an influence on ...结构。

   1). Lu Xun’s works strongly                   (影响) millions of people.

   2). What           Mike               that decision?  (影响...做出决定)

   3). Cellphones                    (对我们的生活有重大影响) our life.

   4). Their mother                 their habits. (他们的习惯有好的影响)

   5). 他的成功影响了其他的工人。His success                       .

   6). 受父母的影响,李梅成为了一名医生。

Li Mei`s parents                her        a doctor.

4. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.  ☞【解析1】absent adj. 缺席;不在;常构成短语be absent from...   

反义词:present adj. 到场的,出席的  e.g.

   1).The boy                               because he was ill.  (因病缺课)

   2)Mr Smith                    , so we had to put off the meeting.(不在)

☞【解析2】fail v.  失败;未能(做到);不及格  

fail in sth. 表示“在某方面失败”fail to do sth 未能做...   

   1). Many diets        because they`re boring.许多节食失败了,因为太枯燥了。

   2). I                                    I tried. 我所有的尝试都失败了。

   3). I                               (未能及时告知)you the news in time.

   4). He                                   the exam. 他考试不及格。

☞【解析3】examination=exam  n.考试;审查

He is feeling sad about his examination. 他为自己考试不好而忧伤。

Li Wen`s parents made a decision to send him to a boarding school.

☞【解析1】make a decision to do sth =decide to do sth 决定做...

                                  . 作一个决定是很难的。

☞【解析2】send sb to... 送...去...

6. She advised them to talk with their son in person.  

☞【解析】in person 亲身;亲自   

   Most invitations are made                       or by telephone. 多数请客是亲自或通过电话邀请。

7. “It was exactly what I needed,”…

☞【解析】exactly  adv. 确切地;精确地  

   Please tell me                       . 请将他说的话准确地告诉我。

8. They take pride in everything good that I do.…they`re always proud of me,…

☞【解析】pride和proud都有“骄傲,自豪”的意思。不同点:pride为名词, 常用搭配为take pride in; proud为形容词,常用搭配为be proud of  

   1). He looked at his garden with           . 他骄傲地看着他的花园。

   2). I                           my work. 我为我的工作而自豪。

   3). She                        what you`ve done. 她为你所做的而骄傲。


   used to do sth.过去习惯...                  be used to + n./doing习惯于…  

get/become used to sth./doing sth.逐渐习惯于…  use ...       sth. 用…做…   be used to do  被用来做…                be used   doing sth. 被用来…

        a great idea 如此妙计                     great an idea如此妙计      

from time to time间或;有时 so many / much如此多     so little/few如此少            take up 开始学; 从事于; 占据          take on承担;呈现        

take off 起飞;脱下;动身;腾飞      take     接受;接管;借用;接办

   take down记下;取下                 take place发生;进行;举行  

take a look at ...看一下     take a walk 散步    take    带走,拿走,没收  take care of 照顾;注意;抚养      take charge of... 掌管,负责

deal with应对;处理              dare to do sth.  敢于做某事

   not … anymore不再…      not... any longer 不再…        all the time一直

   all the       仍旧;同样    tons of sth. 很多;极多      worry about担心

   be      about担心   appear to... 出现在...     be careful about小心;留心  

   private time私人时间  hang out with泡在外面  

be prepared to do sth 准备好做...        make it使成功;办到;做到

fight on继续战斗;继续斗争         in the past 在过去

   take care of 照顾;照管          after照顾;照管   

influence sb          sth影响...做..   have an influence      ...对...有影响   

     an influence on .. 对...是影响    cause problems for制造麻烦  

  cause trouble for肇事 be absent     .. 缺席;不在  fail    sth.在某方面失败

   fail        sth 未能做...  make a decision做决定   decide to do sth决定做...   

   send sb to... 送...去...   a boarding school寄宿学校  live with与...共住;容忍

   waste one`s time浪费时间   move away 搬走     pay attention     注意...

   in person 亲身;亲自   take pride   以...为豪  be proud    对...感到自豪

   feel good about对...感觉很好 be there for sb 随时在...左右;做...的坚强后盾;支持...


1. As a _______ school girl, you shouldn’t have your ears pierced.

A.13 years old          B.13-years-old       C.13-year-old

2. The number of students in our school  very large.   

A. is   B.are   C. am  

3.-The meat is ________ delicious.-Yes, but don’t eat     .

A. too much; too much    B. much too; too much    C. too much; much too

4.Mario used to _____________ in the morning.

A. practice swimming    B. practicing swimming

C. practice swim        D. practicing swimming

5.The movie is so _______ that I am very _________ in it.

A. interesting, interesting   B. interested,interested

C. interesting, interested    D. interested, interesting

6.Xiao Ming plays _________ piano in his free time.

A. a    B. an     C. the      D. /

7. Tina will be used to ________ in Quanzhou.

A. live    B. living    C. lives     D. lived

8.Antonio spent two hours ____the job yesterday.

A. finishing   B. finish    C. to finish    D. finished

9.Would you mind _____ the window for me?  

A. open    B. opening     C. to open    D. opens

10.So much work usually makes them ___very tired.   

A.feel    B.to feel    C.feeling    D.feels

11.Martin is interested in _______Chinese.  

A. learn    B. to learn    C. learning     D. learns

12.You didn’t used to wear glasses, ________ ?  

A.did you  B. didn’t you  C. are you  D.used you


How I’ve Changed

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be overweight but I`m not anymore. I lost a lot of weight after I started playing tennis. Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise. Now I`m fitter and healthier.The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English. Thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Wang, who gave me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so much that I started to read other books. This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of English and I am doing better in my exams. This has made my parents even prouder of me.

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