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发表于 2020-8-31 13:18:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
八年级上册 英语导学案

l Unit 4 what’s the best movie theater ?

                                 Period Section A (1a-2c)


It has the biggest screens.    It has the most comfortable seats.

It’s the closest to home.       Which is the best radio station?

2.熟练掌握以下词汇:theater, comfortable ,seat ,close ,worst ,cheaply ,choose



情感态度:通过学习使用形容词的最高级对各种事物进行评价,促使学生积极参与英语 实践活动。




new___________, ______________    nice  ___________, _______________

thin  ___________, ______________  heavy ___________, ______________

cheap____,______popular   ______________,______________

big _____,________  friendly _______, _____

good _____,_____ comfortable  _______, ____

bad  _____,_____    many ______,_______


学习过程Before listening

1. 小组合作,交流课前准备I的预习 情况,相互补充,纠正发音。

2. 比较成武县的多家电影院,你最喜欢哪一家?为什么呢?

(1) 小组合作,交流课前准备Ⅱ中形容词的最高级形式,并从中选出可以描述你最喜欢的影院特征的形容词,在前面(√)

(2) 结合课前准备Ⅰ,将打(√)的最高级形式组成词组,分类列举在下面,来支持你最喜欢的电影院!
分享到:  QQ好友和群QQ好友和群 QQ空间QQ空间 腾讯微博腾讯微博 腾讯朋友腾讯朋友
收藏收藏 分享分享 顶 踩

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-31 13:18:52 | 只看该作者
I think ____ is the best movie theater, because
It is
It has
While listening
观察思考 :通过对两篇对话的学习,你能总结出形容词最高级五种规则形式的构成特点吗?___________________________________________________________
After listening
1. 2c  两人一组,一人扮演记者,一人扮演男孩,就服装店或广播电台二选一进行采访,并将采访结果进行汇报。
2. 你应该经常去超市吧,你最喜欢去什么样的超市呢?小组讨论,使用最高级形式写下所选超市的明显特点。Like:friendliest service,closest to home._________________ the best supermarket . It has the friendliest service and…
知识巩固:Ⅰ单词拼写。1.I think Green Theater has the most c___________ seats.
2. I like the sweater. I think it has good q____________.
3.There’s a very good play this evening .Let’s go to the t______ together.
4.People are becoming richer and richer and they live an e_________ life now.
5.My school is c_______ to my home ,so I often walk to school.[来源:Zxxk.Com]
Ⅱ句型转换。1.  Jackson is 16 years old. Mike is 14years  old.(合并为一句)
Jackson is two _____ ________ than Mike.
1. He is taller than any other student in his class. He is_____ ______student in his class.
3.This jacket is cheaper than that one.(改为同义句) That jacket is_____ ______than this one.
4.I think Jason’s has the best quality in town.(改为否定句)
   I_______ think Jason’s ________ the best quality in town.
2. Funky Fashion has the worst clothes in town.(改为一般疑问句)
_______Funky Fashion______ the worst clothes in town?
课堂反思 :1.观察下面形容词的最高级形式,并总结一下其变化规则。
(1) 观察cheapest, newest,其变化规则为:__________________________
(2) 观察 closest, nicest ,其变化规则为:_____________________________
(3) 观察biggest ,thinnest,其变化规则为:__________________________
(4) 观察friendliest heaviest,其变化规则为:_________________________
(5) 观察 most comfortable/popular,其变化规则为:___________________
(6) 还有不规则的变化形式,如:good ,better ,_________;bad, worse,___________
2.假如一批外地学生将要来你市参观考察,你能将你市一处场所的明显优点向其汇报吗?试试看! 如有困难,可参考本课中对三处场所的描述。
3. 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?___________________________
家庭作业: 1 根据课堂反思掌握形容词最高级的变化形式和例词。
  Book Center
The best books!The most comfortable seats!Welcome!
                                  Period 2 Section A 2d—3c
      What do young people think about places in town?    It plays the most interesting music.
       I think Teen World has the best service.       I think Bargain House has the worst quality.
2.熟练掌握以下词汇:worse meal
  技能目标:能读懂对城镇一些地点进行比较的调查短文,并能对自己居住的周边环境的服务、质  量、价格等方面进行比较。           


How much is a meal?
How far is it from school?
Is the service good?
Is the food good?
学习过程       Before reading
   Like this: This is what young people think about _________some places in town.
   All the movie theaters are good. Screen City…
While reading
1. Read 2d and translate them in to Chinese. Then find the problems and talk about them.
2. Read carefully again and translate these phrases into Chinese.
Welcome to_____________               How do you like----------?_________________
The freshest food_________________ the best supermarket___________________[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]
The most comfortably______________  the biggest seats _____________________
3. Listen and repeat twice.                        4. Read aloud and try to recite.
Grammar Focus
5. (3a) Let the students do them by themselves, then check.[来源:学科网ZXXK]
   (3b)First let the students discuss them, then fill in the chart and write six sentences.
Check them.
(3c)Think of three restaurants for lunch near your home. Fill in the chart. Then talk about them.
  After  Reading
1. (1)平时你喜欢逛商场和超市吗? 请比较我县至少三家商场或超市的服务、质量和价格情况,完成下面的表格。

Most expensive
(2)看表格,小组汇报商场的调查结果。Like this:
A:I think … Shopping Center has the best quality, but it’s the most expensive.
B:I think …Mall is the newest . It has the best service and it’s the cheapest for some goods.
3. 四个人小组调查活动:今天中午我们去哪儿吃午餐?
1. 小组合作,交流课前准备Ⅱ的预习情况,相互借鉴和补充。
2. 看表格,小组汇报对餐馆的调查结果,找到吃午餐的最佳场所。
1. He is__________ his father.
A. as taller     B. the taller than     C. as taller than    D. taller than
2. From your E-mail ,I _______you would come to our city very soon.
     A. studied      B. learned             C. taught             D. got
3. ---------Which is ________season in Beijing?--------------I think it’s autumn.
     A. good         B. better                C. best                D. the best
4. -------_____do you _____the game?-------It’s wonderful ,I think the players are great.
A. How ;  like about   B. What ;think of    C. What; like about    D. How ;think about
5.There is a good clothing store______________________.
     A.in the town         B. on the town       C. in town         D. on town
6.Who jumped the _______of all in the long jump ?  ----Li Lei did.
A. longer          B.  longest    C.  farther      D . farthest
1. My father is much ____________(busy) than my mother.
2. I think English is _________(interesting) of all the subjects.
3. This hotel has __________(friendly) service in town.
4. I speak English ________________(bad)than he does.
5. Which food do you think is__________(good),Guangdong food, Shanghai  food or Sichuan food?
6. English is one of _________subjects at school. (difficult)
7. Among all the subjects , I like English ______________. (well)
1. 通过学习本课,我们得之应该多关注自己的生活环境。对自己居住地周边环境的描述常使用_______(级别),常在___________、______________和___________等方面对一些地点进行比较。
2. 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?___________________________________
3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。
Period  3 Section B 1a1e
1.学习目标:知识目标: 1. 口、笔头掌握以下 用形容词最高级进行评价的句子:
Isabel is the funniest person I know           Eliza was the best performer.
My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know.
2. 掌握本课时重点词汇 :  creative  
技能目标: 能听懂使用形容词最高级形式进行评价的对话,并能使用褒义词或贬义词的最高级形式恰当地发表自己的看法。
情感态度:  通过谈论周围的人,增进师生、同学间的了解,多发现别人的闪光点。
1. 我们学了很多形容词的最高级形式,请分类整理,填在表格中。
Positive words
Negative words
2. 请写出课本28页的1a中所给的贬义词的对应反义词,完成1a中的表格。
学习过程Before  listening
1. 小组合作,检查、交流课前准备 I的总结情况,相互补充,并写下你还存在的问题:
2. 小组合作,检查、交流课前准备 II的预习情况, 纠正发音,熟读并牢记。
3. 你还能想到其他形容词的最高级形式及其反义词吗?试着用其描述你的父母、老师或朋友并告诉你的同伴。尽量使用褒义词奥!
While  listening
1. 一所学校刚刚举办了才艺演出,有很多人参与表演。看五幅图,试着了解表演者,然后小组讨论他们展示的什么才艺表演。
2. 听一遍录音,分别在五幅图下写下表演者的名字,完成1c
3. 听第二遍录音,在表格中写出人们对表演者的描述评价词,完成1d。
4. 再听一遍录音,选择正确的句子把下面的对话补充完整
A. Who did you think was the worst?
B. Wasn’t that a great talent show?
C. What did you think of the math teacher
D. Who did you think was the best act?
E. Wasn’t  she creative?
B: Yeah!
B:Oh, I thought Eliza was the best .She’s an excellent piano player.
A:Yeah, she was great. And I thought Steve and his dog were the funniest.
B:Me , too! I couldn’t stop laughing! And how about Vera? ______________________________
A: Yeah, I would say she was the most creative act ! I don’t know many people who can play the guitar upside down !
B: ____________________________________________________
A:Oh, Dennis ! He was terrible ! He can’t juggle at all !              B: I know !            
B: Well, the were definitely the loudest !
5. 模仿秀:跟读对话,注意模仿语音语调,尤其是填空处五个句子的语调。
观察与思考:上面对话中所填的五个句子都是_______________(句式)。第二句和第四句中的”do you think” 常作插入语,放在_____________(词)之后,用于发表个人观点。
6. 两人一组,分角色熟读对话,尤其注意填空的句子。
After  listening
1 参看1d 中的表格信息,两人一组,谈论学校才艺表演的情况并作出汇报。
2 四人小组活动:班级同学之最
What students say


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-31 13:19:26 | 只看该作者
------is the quietest in our class.         ------is the tallest of all the bots.
1. Please speak in a l________ voice.  I can’t hear you clearly.
2. The TV play is d_________. I don’t like it at all.
3. Who was the best p___________ in the school talent show?
4. We are all pleased for his p____________ answer to us.
5. We have three m______________ a day.
II. 单项选择
1. Is Lily the ________ girl _________ her class?
A.  Tallest ;of    B. tallest; in     C. taller;  in            D.  taller; of
2. Tom Cinema is the best, and it has _____service.
A. Most friendliest    B. the  most  friendliest   C.  friendliest   D the   friendliest
3. In our city, it’s _______ In July, but it is even _________  in August.
A. hotter; hottest     B.  hot; hot  C.  hotter; hot     D. hot; hotter
4. It seems that American fast food is the most popular  ______________  the world.
A. of       B. in      C. at        D. about
5. Which is  ___________  , a cat,  a house  or an elephant?
A. The  heavier      B.    heavy      C.   the heaviest      D .  heaviest
1. 总结这节课你记住了至少______________对形容词最高级形式的反义词。它们是:—————_____________________________。你还知道________对形容词最高级形式的反义词。它们是 _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. 通过本课的学习,你还有那些疑问?_________________________________________.
1) 口头汇报并写下学校才艺表演的情况,内容越充实越好 !
2) 根据课上讨论,写出本班同学之最的文字材料。
3) 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。
Period  4 Section B 2a2e
学习目标: 知识目标:  1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型
Talent shows are getting more and more popular.  That’s up to you to decide.
Who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully?
3. 掌握本课时重点词汇:talent magician beautifully role winner prize example poor seriously
4. 掌握并能正确使用本科时的重点短语:all kinds of  ,be up to   ,play a role , for example
I .你知道才艺表演有哪些节目吗?上网搜索一下,把他们写下来吧!———————————
Like this: I think good teachers should be the friendliest,_______________________
Before Reading    1. 交流检查课前准备的情况,写下你的问题。——————————————
2. 看课本29页 2a 小组讨论并汇报结果。
3. 看课本29页2a小组讨论并汇报结果。
While reading
1. Skimming (略读) :速读2b 回答问题,Which three talents are mentioned?
2. Scanning (找读) 1) 带着问题细读2b 完成2c.                 2)再细读2b完成2d.
3. Reading up (研读): 1)自主学习----找出重点、难点。——————————————
观察与思考:I:  1.Tom  is the tallest in his class  
2.Tom is taller than any other student in his class
3.Tom is taller than the other students in his class
4.Tom is taller than anybody else  in his class
II:1.Mike is the youngest in his class.          2.Mike is the youngest of all.
最高级的比较范围常用以下两种形式:“ ____与所比对象不同范畴的词”及“___或____与所比对象相同范畴的词”
After Reading
3.四人一组进行调查:我最喜欢的老师(My favorite teacher) 小组交流课前准备II,完成下面表格
Li Chen
Friendliest teacher
Mr. Liu
funniest  teacher
Mr. Zhang
Who do you think is the funniest  teacher? 根据调查情况,看表格汇报短文,并评选出大家最喜欢的老师
        There are many great teacher in our school .I think Mr. Liu is the friendliest teacher. He is friendly to everyone. Mr. Zhang is the  funniest  teacher . He often------------------
1.You can’t buy anything ______money.   A.  with    B. without    C. in    D.  from
2.Of all the four dictionaries, which do you think is ________?
  A. most useful   B. the more useful   C.  more useful    D. the  most  useful
3.Who do you think ______the best singer in China?    A. are   B. is    C. have   D. has
4.The girl played ______at the party.
A.  a music     B. a piece of music     C. a pieces of music      D. a piece of  music
          Ⅱ     完成句子
1. 让我们一起搬这个箱子吧。  Let’s move these boxes___________________.
2. 你认为最响亮的音乐组合是哪一个? Which do you think is the loudest ________?
3. 我们需要更多的演员来进行才艺表演。
We need some more ________ for the __________ _________.
4. 王小姐被授予最佳演出奖
The _________   __________ the best act  went to  Miss Wang.
(1) 在描写人或事的语篇中,可以用不同的句式结构表达同样的意思义。
如:The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian  and his dog , Frido.
也可以改为同义句: Steve Tian and his dog ,Frido._______________________________________[来源:Zxxk.Com]
(2) 假如你亲自看了上周的才艺表演,回家后你能将整场表演情况描述给你的家人吗?
(3) 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?______________________________________________________________________________
家庭作业: 1. 把课堂上对“我最喜欢的老师”的汇报写成短文,修改后整理在本子上。
                2. 你能回答下面的问题吗?
1) What is the longest river in China?    2)  Who is the heaviest animal on land?
2) Who is the taller professional basketball player in China?
3) Which is the warmest province in China in winter?
4) Which is the coldest province in China in winter?
Period 5  Section B 3aSelf Check
学习目标: 知识目标:  1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型
It’s the closest to home.            Who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully?
情感态度:通过学习使用形容词的最高级对各种事物进行评价,促使学生积极参与英语 实践活动。
(1) 自己独立完成3a,3b.并相互检查答案。
观察与思考:The park is the best place to go to on weekend.
the best place to go to 意思是________________,the  place to do something 意思是________________。不定式作定语。
Like this: I think Qingdao is the best city in China because it is the most beautiful. But I think Beijing is the most popular city for visitors. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
III.Self Check: 让学生自己做然后检查
IV.写作:每年 国庆节期间有很多人出去旅游,请你谈一谈那种交通方式最好,为什么?你用那种方式去的?感觉怎样?使用恰当形容词、副词的最高级。By bike, by bus , by car/train /plane /subway,  comfortable . cheap. Expensive. Convenient(方便的).fast.
知识巩固:I.写出下列单词的最较级: fast_____________ nice_______________________
Thin ____________________. Funny__________________ friendly _______________________
Beautiful___________________ comfortable_____________________ poor__________ quickly__________________ crowded ________________many/much __________________
Good/well __________ little _________ far____________________ creative__________________

II .单项选择:

1.----I think Li Ming is the strongest student in our class.

-------I agree with you, but who is the second ________one ?

A.  Strong       B.     Strong      C.  the  Strongest     D .Strongest

2.Tom is a careful driver, but he drives _____________of my friends.

A. more carefully   B. the most carefully   C. less carefully  D.  the least carefully

3.-----what bad weather!      -----Yes. The radio says it will be even_____ later on.

A. bad             B. badly          C. worse            D. worst

4.---Who is ______running star in your college?  -------I think Phillip is.

A. famous          B.   more  famous            C.     the most  famous            D. less famous

4.____she is, ________she feels.     A. Busy, happy    B. Busier, happier

C. The busier, The happier        D. The   busy,  the happy

5.Of all the students , she looks ________.

A. the happiest     B. the most happiest     C. happier      D . happy

6.Of the two  T—shirts , I’d choose the _______one to save some money for a book.

A. cheapest    B. cheaper     C.  more expensive   D. most   expensive  

Unit 5  Do you want to watch a game show?
Section A (1a—2c)
知识目标:掌握本节课的重点单词:news,  educational,  plan,  hope
重点短语:find out,  talk show(...show), plan to do sth go on, around the world
重点句型:--What do you think of ......?
                     --I love/don’t mind/can’t stand......
I.【视野拓展】                   美国的电视文化
美国电视剧,比较常见的有以下几种:soap opera(肥皂剧), sitcom(情景喜剧), drama(电视剧)
   其中soap opera 有点像是连续剧(serial, 通常各集之间的故事都有关联,而且很会拖戏, 有时候几个星期不看,剧情居然还能接得上!有点居然可以演20年。至于为何叫soap opera, 则是因为当初赞助此节目的是一家肥皂(soap)公司, 故名称一直沿用至今。
   sitcom则是所谓的情景喜剧(situation comedy), 顾名思义, 每一集的情景喜剧通常会有一个独立的情景(situation, 而喜剧(comedy)就是要搞笑。
   另外有一类和sitcom类似, 也是每一集都有独立的故事, 但内容并非以搞笑为主, 这类的节目叫drama.
1.访谈节目_______________            2.介意做..._______________
3.忍受做..._______________            4.计划做...______________
5.制定一个计划  ________________    6.希望做..._______________
7.发现,查明 __________________      8.全世界 ______________
9.发生,进展 _______________
III. 两人一组,运用所学句型,编写一个新对话。
A: Do you like watch TV ?              B: Yes, I do / No, I dont
A: What do you want to watch ?         B:I want to watch . . .

学习过程:Before listening

1. 检查预习II的情况,并大声朗读II的短语。
2.  Groupwork:小组内交流课前准备III的内容并两人一组演练。
3. 观察1a中的图画,弄清1a中词语的意义,然后和图片匹配。
4. 做1a,核对答案。然后大声朗读短语。
5. Pairwork     ---What do you think of talk shows / sitcoms / news...?
                    ---I don’t mind / love / can’t stand them.
While listening
(1) 1b中的录音 写出你所听到的顺序。
(2) 再听一遍1b的录音,检测你的1b答案是否正确.
(3) 根据1c的内容,两人一组练习对话。
     A: What do you want to watch?
     B: What do you think of......?
     A: I don’t mind /don’t like/can’t stand/ like them.
     B: Then let’s watch a 。 。 。
1.) 询问别人观点的句型:
   What do you think of . . .?  = How do you like......?
   What does he/she think of . . .? = How does he/she like......? [来源:Z§xx§k.Com]
2.) 表达自己的观点:
    I love/like/ don’t mind/ don’t like/can’t stand......
    I agree with you. / I don’t agree with you.
(4) 熟读2a中的短语。听录音,完成2a的听力任务

5. 熟读2b中的句子。再听录音,完成2b的听力任务。

6. 模仿秀。跟读然后大声朗读听力材料,以练习发音和语音语调。
7. 仿说句子  Eg: sitcoms have fun     game shows boring
talk shows learn a lot

After listening

1. 调查。四人一组调查其他组员对2a中电视节目的看法和原因。
--Do you plan to watch.......tonight?
--Yes. I love / like watching...... I watch them every night.
  No, I don’t like........ / I can’t stand.......
2. 两人一组表演对话.
I. 演练平台:补全对话, 每空一词:
A: Do you 1._______ to watch TV?                  B: 2.__________, I do.
A: What do you 3.__________ of soap 4._________?    B: Oh, I love them.
A: Me, too. And how 5.______ talk shows?            B: They’re 6________! I like them.
A: And game shows?               B: Oh, I can’t 7._________them. They’re too boring.
1. What do you think of Animal World?   _________________________________________[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]
2.What does your mother think of Chinese Cooking?  ________________________________
3.What does your father think of Man and Nature?    _______________________________[来源:Zxxk.Com]
4.What do you think of Sports World?              ________________________________[来源:学科网ZXXK]
5.What TV shows do you like best? Why?           _______________________________
3. 询问别人观点的两个句型你会吗?1.) _______________________________________
                                 2.) _______________________________________
2. 表述自己的观点的句子有哪些?____________________________________________


1. 背诵1b的对话。

2. 结合课前准备Ⅱ的内容,仿照1c2c编对话。



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