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人教精通版五年级上册英语Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit. Lesson 33教案教学设计

发表于 2020-7-21 12:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit. Lesson 33教案一、教学目标Is this a...? 询问物品(水果)的名称。掌握语言结构:Is this a cherry?Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.掌握词汇:cherry, strawberry, star fruit二、教学重点、难点 Is this a...? 询问物品(水果)的名称。掌握词汇:cherry, strawberry, star fruit三、教学准备铅笔、钢笔等文具、教学挂图、教学磁带、字母卡片、软皮球等四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。唱已学的英语歌曲。Step 2 Presentation and drill游戏——传球说单词将全班分为两组,使用软皮球进行游戏。一组抛球,另一组接球,接到球的学生必须说出所给单词cherry, strawberry, star fruit, orange, lemon等表示水果的名词中的一个,以此类推,所说的单词不能重复。通过游戏教学新单词cherry, strawberry, star fruit游戏——Guess, guess, guess!(猜一猜!)Ss: Is this a...?T: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.(通过游戏教学并练说新句型。)Step 3 Practice出示教学挂图。板书并教学单词cherry, strawberry, star fruit关上书,听课文录音,理解课文对话。打开书,听录音,跟读模仿,对正所听内容。分角色表演对话。Step 4 Consolidation游戏——Taste and guess (尝一尝)分组进行比赛。教师出示准备好的盛着两种水果果肉碎粒的杯子,各组派代表来尝一尝,猜一猜是哪两种水果。Step 5 Homework听磁带、背课文。
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-21 12:00:11 | 只看该作者
  Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit.
Lesson 33 教学设计
Unit 6
Lesson 33
1.Knowledge aims:
The new words: cheryy strawberry everyone
The new sentences: Is this a cherry? Yes,it is.
Is that a cherry? No,it isn′t.
2. Ability aims: Try to act out the dialogue.
3. Emotion aims:  To train the pupils’ interest of studying English.
Words and sentences.
课    型
Step 1 Revision
1) Greetings. Ask and answer.
2) Let’s sing a song. Where are you from?
Step 2 Knowledge
1) Teach the new words: cheryy strawberry everyone
2) Teacher says: Is this a cherry? Yes,it is.
Is that a cherry? No,it isn′t.
Step 3 Comprehension
1)Look at the slide picture and listen—Listen and point—listen and follow— practise speaking in two steps—pair work
2) Act out this dialogue in pairs.
Ask and answer according to the picture cards.
Step 4  Applications
1) Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns.
2)Divide the class into boy team  and girl team , get one pupil from each of the team at once, and act out the dialogue.
3) Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.
Step 5 Homework
1) Listen to the tape at home.
2) Make up the new dialogue.
Lesson 33
Is this a cherry? Yes,it is.
Is that a cherry? No,it isn′t.


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-21 12:00:20 | 只看该作者
Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit.
Lesson 33 教学设计
一、Teaching aims
      1.  Key words: cherry strawberry everyone …
      2.  Know the new sentences: Is that a cherry?Yes,it is.
What’s this? It′s a strawberry.
二、Language focus
      1.  Using the key words in content.
         E.g.: cherry strawberry everyone…
三、 Teaching aids
      1.  Students' books    2. CD-Rom    3. Tapes   4. Work book   
      5.  Pictures   6. Radio
四、 Teaching design
       1.  Warming up
           Look up more information about fruit..
       2.  Pre-task preparations
           A.  Read and spell the key words one by one.
           B.  Read the passage on the book.
           C.  While-task procedures
               a. Listen to the tape.
               b. Read after teacher, and learn the new words and phrases.
               E.g.: cherry strawberry everyone …   
D. Post-task activities
               1. Make sentences with new phrases and words.
               2. Have the students do part F - Look and write the workbook. Then check the answers with them.
               3. Have the students do part G-Look, read and complete the                                 dialogues' of the work book .then check the answers with them.
           E. Homework
            Read the passage.


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