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发表于 2008-4-22 21:44:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
英语中,形容词和副词有级的变化。在两个范围内,应该用比较级,它的修饰词有这样几个:much, far, a lot(得多); a little(一点); even(甚至于还要); still(更加)。在三个以上范围内,应该用最高级,它常伴随的词语有这样几个:in﹢sp.(表达地点范围);of、among﹢数词、代词或复数名词(表达个数范围);… that I ever seen(表达整体范围)。但是有不少单词仍要求用原级,它们是:very …;so …;quite …;too …;… enough;as … as等;此外在感叹句中也应该用原级。
     在连系动词后,通常要用形容词作表语,不能用副词。英语中的连系动词分三大类:1.be动词 2.意为“变”的动词,如:turn green;change fatter;get warmer;become smaller等 3.感官动词,如:look worried;sound true;taste delicious;smell terrible;feel hot。此外,还有个别行为动词也可作连系动词用,如:grow taller(长高);go hungry(挨饿)……等。不过还应该注意到,有些副词是可以修饰be动词的,如:possibly;probably;still;nearly;indeed …等。
(   ) The knife is _____ enough for you to cut the meat.
   A) blunt B) cheap C) sharp D) fast
(   )16. Grandmother wakes up early. She _____ gets up late, does she?
   A) few B) little C) seldom D) usually
应该用副词来修饰行为动词“get up”。“few”与“little”是形容词,都不能用在句子中。副词“usually”虽可用于修饰“get up”,但是,它的反意疑问句该用“doesn’t she”来反问。“seldom”与“not”、“no”、“never”、“nothing”、“nobody”、“none”、“little”、“few”、“hardly”、“scarcely”、“rarely”相仿,在语法上有否定的特点;即它们在位的句子在语法上都属于否定句,因此,它的反意疑问句该用“does she”来反问。所以本题答案应该选“C”。
(   ) If you want to learn a language well, you must use it as _____ as possible.
   A) hard B) long C) often D)soon
    本句的关键词是“use”(使用),与“hard”(努力)不宜搭配。“as long as possible”意为“尽可能长久”,“as soon as possible”意为“尽快”,都不宜与“使用英语”搭配;与“学好语言”之意不符。只有“as often as possible”(尽可能经常)与“使用英语”搭配才贴切。所以本题答案应该选“C”。
(   ) This is really a large amount of money. But it is _____ than we need.
     A) much fewer B) less much C) far more D) far less
    “but”是表示“意思转折”的连词,因此,这里不能说“多得多”,要说“少得多”。“多”(many, much)的比较级都是“more”;但是“少”(few, little)的比较级有可数(fewer)与不可数(less)之分,平时学生往往会忽略“fewer”的用法。本句的意思是“这确实是一大笔钱,但是要比我们所需要的数量少得多。”这里指的是数量,而在英语中数量的表达是属于不可数的。所以本题答案应该选“D”。
(   ) Glad you’re much better now. But you have to stay in bed for _____ two weeks.
     A) other B) more C) again D) another
    “再卧床两星期”可译为“stay in bed for another two weeks”或“stay in bed for two more weeks”,所以本题答案应该选“D”。要特别注意第二种说法中“more”的位置;它要放在数词的后面、名词的前面。
(   ) It was said that he was _____ at the meeting yesterday afternoon.
   A) attended B) joined  C) present D) absent
    在英语中,“出席会议”可译为“attend the meeting”或“be present at the meeting”;“缺席会议”可译为“be absent from the meeting”。“join”意为“加入”,后面可以跟表示人群或组织的名词作宾语,它不能用“会议”作宾语。所以本题答案应该选“C”。“present”除了有形容词“出席的”意思外,还有名词“礼物”(gift) 和“目前”的意思,如:at the present(当前;即nowadays)。
(   ) Look. The _____ baby hasn’t woken up yet.
   A) sleeping B) sleepy     C) asleep D) slept
    “sleepy”意为“睡眼惺忪的”,没有“睡着”之意。“slept”(睡着)是“sleep”的过去式或过去分词,它不能用作“baby”的定语。“asleep”(睡着的)在英语中只能用作表语,即后面不能跟名词,如:fall asleep。“sleeping”(睡着的)在英语中可作定语、表语,还可以作为动名词用作主语、宾语或作为现在分词用在分词短语中。本题意为“你看,那个睡着的婴儿还没醒来”,只能用“sleeping”来修饰名词“baby”,所以答案应该选“A”。
(   ) A child may feel _____ if he has no sister or brother in his family.
   A) lone B) lonely C) alone D) along
     “lone”(孤单的)表示状态,通常用作定语;“alone”(孤单的)也表示状态,通常用作表语,它还可以用作副词,意为“单独”(by oneself; without anyone’s help);“lonely”(孤单的) 表示心情,通常与“feel”连用;“along”作介词有“沿着”之意,作副词时可替换“on”。本句之意是“如果在家里没有弟妹,孩子会感到孤单”,所以答案应该选“B”。
Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):
(   ) 1. Stay with us. ______ we will have Lantern Festival.
   A) Now    B) Then       C) Quickly    D) Soon
(   ) 2. You’d better wear scarves and gloves. Then you’ll be ______.
   A) warm enough  B) warmer enough     C) enough warm   D) enough warmer
(   ) 3. It’s ______ here ______ Qing Ming Festival.
   A) raining, on   B) raining, at      C) rainy, on    D) rainy, at
(   ) 4. You are ______ as my cousin, I think.
   A) as healthy   B) so healthy      C) healthier    D) less healthy
(   ) 5. Mr. Ling had an unhealthy diet and did ______ exercise.
   A) never    B) not       C) no     D) a little
(   ) 6. He does a lot of different things _____.
   A) either    B) also        C) as well     D) so
(   ) 7. There was usually a jam because of the _____ traffic.
   A) big        B) busy       C) heavy     D) much
(   ) 8. Joe is _____. He never makes his bed or tidies his room.
   A) bright           B) safe  C) delicious  D) lazy
(   ) 9. The driver was tired and almost immediately fell _____.
   A) sleepy B) sleeping C) asleep D) sleep
(   )10. She liked the white cat _____ much that she kept _____ it there for a long time.
   A) so, watching B) very, watching C) so, to watch D) very, to watch
(   )11. _____ my opinion, the bear is still _____.
   A) To, alive B) To, living C) In, alive D) To, living
(   )12. Mrs. Blue is _____ at home. I saw her _____ the gate just now.
   A) probably, entering B) probably, enter C) possibly, entering D) possible, enter
(   )13. It’s not easy to learn English well, we need to practise as _____ as possible.
   A) soon B) more C) much D) harder
(   )14. This morning I got up earlier _____.
   A) than usually B) than usual C) than usually do D) than I usually
(   )15. Water can be turned into ice if the temperature is _____ enough.
   A) little B) cold C) cool D) low
(   )16. Jack did it more carefully than _____ in the team.
   A) any boy B) any other girl C) any other boys D) any of the other boys
(   )17. He never smokes. _____ does his father.
   A) So         B) Neither    C) Also       D) Too
(   )18. People _____ over there don't speak English.
   A)  /            B) is         C) live         D) are
(   )19. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is _____ TV tower in Asia.
   A) the higher       B) higher         C) highest        D) a very high
(   )20. We believe that Tim can run _____ to win the first prize.
   A) too fast         B) so fast        C) fast enough    D) enough fast
(   )21. Most of us like to buy these Teddy Bears. They look so _______.
   A) nicely            B) well            C) beautifully       D) lovely
(   )22. Jerry is a CEO of a famous company. He is as  _____ as a bee.
   A) busy             B) brave           C) blind            D) bright
(   )23. Mary was still _____, so she had one more cake.
   A) thirsty          B) cold          C) hungry         D) angry
(   )24. - Do you mind if I turn        the TV a bit?
        -Yes, I do. I’m busy with my homework now.
   A)  on              B) up             C) down            D) off
整个句子是一个动词或一个介词的宾语,这样的句子就叫做宾语从句。宾语从句是整个复合句的一部分,因此它的变化必然会受到前面主句的影响。在一般情况下,主句的时态如果是一般过去时,宾语从句的时态也必须作相应的调整,即由“一般现在时”变为“一般过去时”、 由“现在进行时”变为“过去进行时”、 由“现在完成时”变为“过去完成时”、 由“一般将来时”变为“过去将来时”。此外,还要根据句意,对其他各种词语作相应的调整,如:you → he;ago → before;next week → the next week,… 等。
但是,也有例外;即带有真理性质的“一般现在时”不变。“真理”通常有以下几种表达形式:1.宇宙、自然界的规律活动 2.类似于光速比音速快的固定法则 3.没有时间概念的词义或句意,如:He asked me what this word means.
(   ) Please tell me _____ this afternoon.
A) that it rains  B) that it will rain C) if it rains D) if it will rain
    前句“Please tell me”带有疑问色彩,因此关联词要用疑问代词或疑问副词,或用也带有疑问色彩的从属连词“if”(是否),不能选不带疑问色彩的从属连词“that”。再根据“this afternoon”(今天下午)之意,选表示经常下雨的“it rains”词语是不妥的。所以本题答案应该选“D”。
(   ) I don’t think you will pass the history examination, _____?
   A) do I B) don’t I C) will you D) won’t you
    这是一句特殊的反意疑问句。因为按照语法说成“do I”是毫无意义和违背常情的,因此该句要根据从句中的动词来进行反问才合乎逻辑。所以本题答案应该选“C”。
(   ) We haven’t discussed _____ we should do like that.
   A) about if B) about how C) whether D) if
    “discuss”是及物动词,与动词“serve”相仿,后面要直接跟宾语。“讨论关于……”是汉语中的习惯说法,学生往往会错误地选用“about”回答。因此,我们在学英语时,要特别注意汉语思路的干扰。“whether”、“if”都有“是否”之意,一般情况下可以通用。但是,在以下几种情况下都应该用“whether”:1.在句首作主语从句时。2. 与“… or not”连用成词组时。3.作介词后的宾语从句时。 4. 在“discuss”后作宾语从句时。 5. 跟不定式“to do…”时。所以本题答案应该选“C”。
(   ) Could you tell me _____?
   A) what was the matter with him B) what the matter was with him
   C) what’s the matter with him D) what the matter is with him
    这是句主谓语不需要调整的特殊的“宾语从句”,因此,只要注意时态的变化就可以了。由于“Could you …?”句型与“Would you …?”句型相仿,它是口语中表示客套的一种虚拟语气,不表达“过去时”,因此,后面从句中的动词不需要作调整,整个从句跟原来的疑问句的说法完全相同。所以本题答案应该选“C”。在英语中,这种特殊的“宾语从句”为数不多,再记一句“Which is the way to …?”与它相仿即可。
Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):
(   ) 1. Miss Blue wanted to know _____ during the summer holidays.
   A) where I had gone B) where I had been C) where had I gone D) where had I been
(   ) 2. Would you please tell _____?
   A) which is the way to the Park Hotel B) which the way is to the Park Hotel
   C) which the way to the Park Hotel is D) which way to the Park Hotel is
(   ) 3. I asked her _____.
   A) which he liked best one               C) which one did she like best
   C) which one does she like best            D) which one she liked best
(   ) 4. The teacher asked us _____.
   A) why didn't we tell him about it earlier    B) when I have finished my work
   C) what we were interested in             D) where are we going to have our lunch
(   ) 5. I’d be interested to know ____ come before 9:00 a.m..
   A) that he will    B) that he would      C) if he will         D) whether he would
(   ) 6. The teacher told us that ____.
   A) the earth turns round the sun.           B) the earth turned round the sun.
   C) the sun turns round the earth.           D) the sun turned round the earth.
(   ) 7. As a matter of fact, I really didn’t know ____.
   A) that he meant.     B) what he meant    C) that did he mean   D) what did he mean
(   ) It’s said Yang Liwei will come here tonight, _____ I’m not sure.
   A) and B) however C) but D) so
   后半句“I’m not sure”(我不信)与前句的句意有转折的意思,应该用表示具有转折意思的并列连词“but”才对。“and”是具有“承上启下”意思的并列连词;“so”是具有因果关系的并列连词。“however”(然而)也有转折意思,但是它是副词,用时要用逗号“,”撇开。
(   ) The boy is too short to reach _____ the book _____ the magazine on the shelf.
A) both, and B) either, or C) neither, nor D) not, but
“both … and”通常用于表示肯定意思的句型,“not … but”意为“不是……而是”,用在这里都不妥。该句中句型“too … to”(太……而不能)本身带有否定含义,因而不能再选带有否定意思的“neither … nor”(既不……也不)了。所以本题答案应该选“B”,意为“男孩太矮,他既拿不到书架上的书,也拿不到书架上的杂志”。
(   ) _____ Tom _____ Mary is busy. You’d better play with others.
   A) Both, and B) Neither, nor C) Either, or D) Not only, but also
    根据后句“You’d better play with others”(你最好跟别人玩)的意思,前句应该说两人都忙着。因此,该句不能选“Neither … nor”(表示两人都不忙)或“Either … or”(表示有一人忙)。由于该句中动词用的是单三形式“is”,因此不能选要求动词用复数形式的句型“both … and”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。 句型“Not only … but also”与句型“Either … or”和“Neither … nor”相仿;要求动词跟后面一个人称变化。
(   ) Nobody else _____ I likes to watch it.
   A) and B) or C) but D) nor
    该句用的是“not … but”句型,所以本题答案应该选“C”。要注意句中的动词是根据前面人称“Nobody”变化的。此外,“together with”和“as well as”句型中的动词也是根据前面人称变化的。
Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):
(   ) 1. Don’t worry. You can say it _____ in English _____ in Chinese.
   A) both, and     B) either, or     C) not only, also      D) not, also
(   ) 2. In fact, _____ but I is keen on the fierce dinosaur in the film.
   A) somebody B) nobody C) everybody D) anybody
(   ) 3. The wall was pulled to the ground, _____ the noise brought many people running there.
   A) so B) but C) while D) and
(   ) 4. You’d better call a taxi, _____ you won’t be able _____ catch the plane.
   A) then, / B) and, to C) or, / D) or, to
(   ) 5. Though he is very young, _____ he is the manager here.
   A) but B) however C) while D) /
(   ) 6. Physics is too difficult to me,       it’s interesting and useful.
   A) so              B) or               C) and            D) but
(   ) 7.         she is over sixty, she is still learning computer skills.
   A) Since            B) If               C) Although        D) Unless
(   ) I will like everything _____ you are willing to buy for me.
   A) that B) what C) if D) whether
    “if”(假如、是否)和“whether”(是否)都不宜用在该句。该句的主句已有一个宾语“everything”,而从句却少了个宾语,要用关联词“that”才对。只有当主、从句都缺少宾语时,才该用关联词“what”。因此“what”意为“something that”、“all that”、“the word that”……等。所以本题答案应该选“A”。
(   ) Although they are young, _____ they know how to serve _____ the customers.
   A) but, / B) but, for C) / , / D) / , for
在英语中,“although”、“but”分别有“虽然……但是”的意思,在一句中不能重叠使用。与此相仿,“because”、“so”也分别有“因为……所以”之意,在一句中也不能重叠使用。后半句的“为那些顾客服务”不能加介词“for”;因为“serve”(服务于) 是及物动词,它应该直接跟宾语“the customers”(那些顾客)。所以本题答案应该选“C”。
(   ) I wonder _____ he will come before 9:00 p.m..
   A) what B) that C) when D) if
   主句“I wonder”(我想知道)带有疑问色彩,因此,答案不能选不带疑问意思的关联词“that”。又由于后半句宾语从句对时间已有所交代,而且用的“come”是不及物动词,不宜跟宾语,因此,该句选“if”(是否)才对。所以本题答案应该选“D”。
(   ) It’s _____ that I’d like to buy it.
   A) so nice doll B) such nice doll C) such nice a doll D) so nice a doll
   “so … that”和“such .. that”句型是由“that”作关联词的结果状语从句。“so”(那样地)是副词,用于修饰后面的副词或形容词;“such”(那样的)是形容词,用于修饰后面的名词。因此,“那样漂亮的一个洋娃娃”可译为“such a nice doll”或“so nice a doll”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。同理,感叹句“他是多聪明的孩子啊!”可译为“What a clever child he is!”、“How clever the child is!”、“How clever a child he is!”。
Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):
(   ) 1. The doctor left the temple _____ the operation was over.
   A) until B) after C) before D) if
(   ) 2. I’ll tell you where he comes from _____ who he is _____.
   A) or, either B) or, too C) and, or so D) and, as well
(   ) 3. “All the other boys can manage _____ you can’t.” shouted Father.
   A) and B) or C) while D) so
(   ) 4. It’s said _____ he used to tell a lie, so they didn’t believe him.
   A) for B) as C) because D) /
(   ) 5. I really don’t know _____ I should do with the used bottles.
   A) how  B) where C) what D) that
(   ) 6. The children didn’t go to bed _____ their mother came back home.
   A) before B) when C) until D) while
(   ) 7. I had _____ on me at that time that I could not pay for the Christmas card.
   A) so little a money B) such little money C) so little money D) such little a money
(   ) 8. You ought not to believe ____ just now.
   A) what he said     B) that he said    C) in what he said    D) in that he said
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