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仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section A 教学设计

发表于 2016-10-4 00:14:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section A 教学设计

Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
新词:passenger, crazy, anywhere, pollution, advantage.
(1) 学生能深入讨论骑自行车的利与弊。
(2) 学生能熟练掌握由if引导的条件状语从句。
2. 重点句型:
(1) If people obey traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.
(2) Cycling can help us save energy and it doesn’t cause air pollution.
(3) It’s easy to park bikes, too.
(1)if 引导的条件状语从句。
3. 日常交际基本表达:
(1) That’s terrible!
(2) I think so!
(3) I agree with you./ I disagree with you.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Warming up
T: let’s play a game. I will show you some vehicles. But you just have a short time to remember them. And then you tell you, what did you see.(用电子白板屏幕幕布)
复习:bus, car, bike, truck, plane, ship, bicycle,  electric bicycle ,motorcycle .
Step2. Lead in.
根据交通工具来询问学生喜欢哪种交通工具,引出海口交通情况,引出新词crazy, passenger, accident.
T: Which vehicle do you like?
Ss: …
T: People can’t live with vehicles. Do you think so? Why?
S:…( Because they are convenient.)
T: Are they convenient all the time?
T: Look at the picture. What can you see from the picture?
S:…(The traffic in Haikou is crazy) 引导学生说出heavy, terrible.
T: When the traffic is crazy, Can they drive fast?
S: No. It’s not convenient all the time.
T: Now imagine, what will happen if people don’t obey the traffic rules?
如果人们不遵守交通规则,会引起堵车traffic jam,what’s worse严重的会引起交通事故。
S: …(If people don’t obey the traffic rules, it will cause a traffic accident.)
T: Who are they? (呈现乘客受伤图片)

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-4 00:14:51 | 只看该作者

S: The passengers were hurt.
2. 通过自己上班的交通工具,引出学生上学的交通工具,再通过采访一些骑自行车上学的同学,引出骑自行车的好处。
T: Does anyone know how I usually go to work ?
T: Yes, I usually go to work by electric bicycle.(带读) What about you? How do you usually go to school?
S: I usually go to school by …
T: If you usually go to school by bicycle, hands up, please.
Ss: (hands up)
T: I’d like to interview some of you. Why do you go to school by bike? What’s the advantages of cycling? Can you tell me?
S: … (学生可以说中文,再根据学生说的翻译引出来,但不板书)
Step 3 Text learning.
Listen and choose.
T: Kangkang saw a traffic accident yesterday. Let’s listen and choose the correct answer.
Q1: What’s the matter with the passengers in the traffic accident?
Q2: What will it happen if people obey the traffic rules?

Listen again and mark T of F. Finish 1b. (用白板修改正确答案)
Traffic in Beijing is very good.  (  )
Michael rides his bike less than before.  (  )
Cycling does not cause air pollution.   (  )

Read 1a and write down three advantages of cycling. Then add your idea.
Step 4  Consolidation
1.Listen and repeat.
2. Read 1a and find out the key points.(让学生用白板写出重难点)
T: Read by roles. (小组分角色朗读)
Step 5  Project.
(1)Let’s PK.
T: We have known many advantages of cycling. But are there any disadvantages of cycling?
S: Yes, there are.
T; Let’s PK. I will divide you into two groups. Group A will talk about the advantages of cycling. Group B will talk about the disadvantages of cycling. Then tell them out. (举例子多的一组获胜)
(2) 举出其他的运动,引出情感目标。
T: Nowadays more and more people like cycling, so bicycle riding is good exercise. It is a useful sport. It is good for our health. Can you tell me other good exercise?
S: Running/swimming/Playing basketball/is good exercise.
Step6. Summary.
T: What have you learnt today?
Step7: Homework.
1.Review the key points in Section A。
2.Write a passage about the accident in 1a.
3. Preview 3a. Complete the sentences.
                        Uint6 Topic3
            Bicycle riding is a good exercise.
                        Section A
If people_____, there will be ______.

Cycling can save energy.
It doesn’t cause air pollution.
It’s easy to park bikes.              crazy (heavy/ terrible)拥挤的
                                accident 交通事故
                                passenger 乘客

使用道具 举报

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