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新译林版4B unit7 What’s the matter知识点归纳

发表于 2014-5-14 16:29:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
新译林版4B unit7 What’s the matter知识点归纳
1、来吃个派  come and have a pie  (翻译时注意动词是几个)
去打乒乓球  ____and_____the_____ ________.
去画一些图片  ______and _______ some _________.
来看一看 come and _____ _____ ______.
2、饥饿的:       口渴的:       疲惫的:      生病的:     伤心的:     反:
  以上词都是(        ),所以在此类词前面要加上(        )。
  例如:我不饿:                         我口渴:
        你生病了:                       我很累:
3、我能喝些水吗?Can I _____ ______ water?(一般疑问句中some 要改为______,这里也是                                                                                         一样吗?为什么?你还能就哪些例子,写在下面)
4、怎么了?What’s the matter?=What’s _______ ?
5、我想睡觉 I want to go to bed.  
   想做...事情 want to do ...      想要...东西 want +名词
   想去看电视:               想要一个苹果派:
6、给你  Here you are.
7、这有一些水 Here’s some water.=Here is some water.(不可数名词如水、果汁等前面用___)
   这有一面扇子 Here’s a _____.    这有一个热狗 Here’s a hot dog.  
8、以一种不同的方式:in a different way   (反)以相同的方式:
9、我是狐狸夫人(电话用语):This is M___ Fox ___________.(跟别人打电话的时候是现在 正在讲话,所以时态要用现在进行时)
10、你还好吗? Are you all right?    All right:
11、吃个蛋糕 have a cake.=eat a cake  喝一些水 _____ some water
12、他现在高兴了 He’s happy now.
  Can I have some orange juice,please?我能喝些果汁吗?
  May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?
  Shall we have some pies for rice?我们晚饭吃些馅饼好吗?
  How about some noodles?来些面条怎么样?
  Can’t you see some grass over there?你难道看不见那边的草吗?
  Can you see some birds in the tree?你能看见树上有些鸟吗?
1、读一读:go  home  nose  close  no  open
2、想一想:go  home  nose  close  no  open

                            How do they go there?     
    It’s ten to seven in the morning,My friends and I are on our way to school.The girl with a schoolbag on her back is Linda. She likes climbing. The girl wearing a skirt is Ellen.She walks to school every day.Peter is the one on the bus.He’s with me now.He’s wearing a cap.Look!Who’s in the plane?That’s my mother,Mrs Green.She’s going to Beijing.“China is great!”she often tells me.My teacher,Mr White is on the train now.His home is far from our school.Where’s my sister Kate?She’s in the car.“It’s fast and safe.”She says.My name is Jim.Where am I?
  1.What time is it?____________________________________________________________
  2.Who is Linda?_____________________________________________________________
  3.Where’s Jim’s mother?______________________________________________________
  4.Is Mr White’s home near Jim’s school?_________________________________________   

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