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2013年新PEP小学四年级英语上册Unit5 Period1教案教学设计人教版

发表于 2013-8-20 19:03:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2013年新PEP小学四年级英语上册Unit5 Period1教案教学设计人教版
Changpu Primary School   Guan Xiaoyu
Content: A Let’s learn  Let’s play  B Let’s sing
Teaching aims: 1 Ss can listen, read and say “beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable”, and use them in daily life.
2 Ss can use “What would you like? I’d like some vegetables, please.” to talk about the food they want.
3 Ss learn to cherish the food..
Focus points: 1 Ss can listen, read and say “beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable”, and use them in daily life.
2 Ss can use “What would you like? I’d like some vegetables, please.” to talk about the food they want.
Difficult points: The pronunciation of “vegetable”.
Teaching aids: word cards, PPT, tape-recorder
Teaching procedures:
1 Warm-up
(1) Free talk
(2) Let’s sing “Let’s have a picnic today”.
(3) Let’s do (Book 1 Unit 5 A,B)
2 Presentation
(1) T ( shows a clock): What time is it?
   Ss: It’s about 12.
   Sarah, John, Mike, Wu Yifan, Chen Jie: I’m hungry! Let’s go to QQ restaurant.
(2) T shows the QQ restaurant and the menu.
    Ss review “fish, bread. egg, rice, juice, cake, milk”
(3) Teach “beef”
    T (shows a picture of beef): Look at the picture. This is beef. Beef is the meat of cattle.
    “ee” is pronounced /i:/, such as “green, three, thirtee”.
    Ss read after T.
    T: I like beef very much. What about you? Do you like beef?
    S1: I like beef, too.
    S2: I don’t like beef.
(4) T teaches “soup, chicken, noodles, vegetable” in
the same way.
(5) Match
(6) Let’s chant
   I eat beef.
I eat soup.
I eat chicken --yummy!
I eat noodles.
I eat vegetables.
Food bowls in my tummy!
(7) T (shows a waiter): What would you like?
   Sarah: I’d like some chicken, please.
   Ss read it.
   Ss act as John, Mike, Wu Yifan and Chen Jie and answer it.
   Waiter: OK. Here you are.
(8) T teaches “What would you like?”
(9) Game: Whisper
   Ss ask T: What would you like?
   T whispers to them.
(10) Let’s chant
   What would you like?
What would you like?
I’d like some rice, beef and soup.
   What would you like?
What would you like?
I’d like some noodles and vegetables.
   A: What would you like?
B: I’d like some ….
    (rice, beef, chicken, soup, fish, noodles, vegetables, ….)
A: OK. Here you are.
(12) Group work:In the restaurant
    T: Suppose you have 30 yuan, how would you spend it. Work in 4, one acts as the salesman, the others act as the customers. Make a dialogue between them. Then tell us what you have.
    Ss make the dialogues, such as:
     A: What would you like?
B: I’d like some …, please.
    (rice, beef, chicken, soup, fish, noodles, vegetables, ….)
A: OK. Five yuan, please.
B: Here you are.
A: You’re welcome.
    Ss make a report: Look! I have some beef/some noodles/ some soup/,,,
(13) Ss listen and read Let’s learn after the tape.
(14) Ss listen and learn to sing Let’s sing.
(15) T: World hunger “hits one billion”. Cherishing the food is to have a passion for life.        Instructions:





用同样方法教授  其它四个单词。由易到难,循序渐进。

引出“What would you like?”,并让学生通过扮演来操练并复习已学的“I’d like some …, please”。





(1) Design your own menu of dinner.
(2) Read A Let’s learn 6 times and sing “What Would You Like?” to your parents.
Bb design

A: What would you like?
B: I’d like some …, please.
    (beef, soup, chicken, noodles, vegetables, ….)
A: OK. Five yuan, please.
B: Here you are.
A: You’re welcome.

beef        soup        chicken       noodles       vegetable

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-20 19:03:16 | 只看该作者
NEW PEP Book3 Unit5 Period2
Changpu Primary School  Guan Xiaoyu
Content: A Let’s talk
Teaching aims: 1 Ss can understand and say “What’s for dinner? What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …, please. Dinner’s ready!” and use it in real situation.
2 Ss can use “What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …, please.” to make a survey.
Focus points: Ss can understand and say “What’s for dinner? What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …, please. Dinner’s ready!” and use it in real situation.
Difficult points: Ss can understand and say “What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …, please. Dinner’s ready!” and use it in real situation.
Teaching aids: word cards, PPT, tape-recorder
Teaching procedures:
1 Warm-up
(1) Free talk.
(2) Let’s sing “What Would You Like?”
(3) Pair-work
   A: What would you like?
B: I’d like some …, please.
2 Presentation
(1) Teach “dinner”.
   T adds “for dinner” after “What would you like”.
T shows a picture of dinner and explains:
Dinner is the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.
   Ss read dinner after T.
(2) Pair-work
   A: What would you like for dinner?
B: I’d like some …, please.
(3) Let’s chant
    What would you like for dinner?
What would you like for dinner?
I’d like some rice, beef and fish.
What would you like for dinner?
What would you like for dinner?
I’d like some soup and noodles.
(4) Let’s survey
   T: 4 students in a group. Ask your classmates and tick what he/she would like for dinner in the table. Then make a report, such as
     Report: Look! Mike would like some vegetables and rice. John would like some …
(5) T plays “tick, tack” and says: Dinner’s ready.
   T shows six covered plates.
   T: Guess, what’s for dinner? Please ask me and I will show you one by one.
   Ss: What’s for dinner?
(6) Let’s chant
   What’s for dinner? What’s for dinner?
Wait and see. Wait and see.
Vegetables, fish, rice, and soup.
Dinner’s ready! Yummy, yummy, yummy.
(7) T shows the pictures of Mike and his dad.
   T: Do you want to know what would Mike and his dad like for dinner? Let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions.
   Ss listen and answer the questions.
   Ss listen and read Let’s talk after the tape.
(8) T: I have 2 friends, Bob and Pam, let’s see what would they like for dinner.
   Ss read the story and ask the answers.
(9) Ss fill in the blanks.
   Ss act out the story.












(1) Read A Let’s talk 6 times.
(2) Ask your parents “What would you like for dinner?”, and try to cook the dinner for them.
Bb design

I’m hungry.
What’s for dinner?
  What would you like?
I’d like some …, please.
Dinner’s ready!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-21 10:10:08 | 只看该作者
亲 咋没有其他课时呢 要是有3-6课时就好啦

使用道具 举报

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