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发表于 2013-5-14 00:46:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(考试时间:2小时   试卷总分:120分)
(分数) 第一题
(25′) 第二题
(15′) 第三题
(25′) 第四题
(40′) 第五题
(15′) 总分
一、Listening test(听力测试)(25分)
What is the boy going to buy?
A.Some juice.    B.Some oranges.    C.Some apples.
1.How did the boy go to the park?
A.   B.         C.
2.What’s the weather like now?
A.      B.      C.
3.What sport does the boy like?
A.      B.       C.
4.Where is Jimmy now?
A.In the office.        B.In the classroom.      C.At home.
5.Who cleans the house at weekends?
A.Ten minutes.         B.Thirty minutes.        C.Forty minutes.
6.How long has the man waited for the bus?
A.Ten minutes.         B.Thirty minutes.       C.Forty minutes.
7.What time does the man’s class start on Fridays?
A.At 10:00.          B.At 9:30.            C.At 9:00.
8.What’s the woman going to do?
A.Go to the airport.            B.Have a cup of tea.
C.Wait for the man’s uncle.
9.What does the man mean?
A.He doesn’t like the chair at all.  
B.He will pay 50 dollars for the chair.
C.He can not afford the chair at last.
10.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Mr.Smith is in London now.  B.Jack is in New York this week.
C.Jack will leave London for Paris.
Conversation 1
11.Where are the two speakers probably talking?
    A.On a street.      B.In a bank.      C.In the Hill Building.
12.What is the woman’s problem?
    A.She has lost her  watch.
B.She has bought a broken watch.
C.Something is wrong with her watch.
13.When does the man think the shop closes?
    A.At 6:50 p.m..  B.At 7:00 p.m..  C.At 7:10 p.m..
Conversation 2
14.Who is the woman?
    A.The man’s daughter.         B.The man’s wife.
C.The man’s student.
15.How long will it take to get to Blue Sky Water World by car?
    A.About half an hour.           B.About one hour.
C.About one and a half hours.
16.Where will they probably go this weekend?
    A.Sunshine Park.               B.A small zoo.
C.Blue Sky Water World.
17.What will the weather be like at noon?
    A.Cloudy.          B.Sunny.          C.Rainy.
18.What is the speaker doing?
    A.Giving a talk.                B.Giving a weather report.
C.Making an advertisement.
19.Where shall we park if we want to drive to the beach this afternoon?
A.At the south end of the beach.   B.At the west end of the beach.
C.At the north end of the beach.
20.Which of the following is right?
A.Long Beach is in Australia.
B.The water temperature at the beach is 32 degrees.
C.Long Beach is a good place for swimming and surfing.
Name of the girl 21._______________
Age of the girl 22._______________
Shape of the girl 23._______________
Color of her jeans 24._______________
Room of the service center 25._______________
二、Single item fills up(单项填空)(15分)
26.They had a hard time ________ a taxi this morning.
    A.catch       B.to catch       C.catching       D.caught
27.________ is the population of our country?
    A.How many  B.How much     C.What          D.How
28.Let’s go swimming,________?
    A.will you    B.shall we       C.won’t you     D.will we
29.—What do you think of Lucy’s birthday party?
    —________.I hope I can have such a party too.
    A.Just so so    B.Boring        C.Terrible         D.Wonderful
30.I have some problems.Can you give me some ________?
    A.advice      B.suggestion     C.advices        D.advise
31.Cindy said he ________ to school next Sunday.
    A.didn’t go   B.isn’t go      C.wouldn’t go    D.won’t go
32.Do you know if he ________ tomorrow.If he ________ tomorrow,I will call you.
    A.comes,comes                B.will come,will come
C.will come,comes             D.comes,will come
33.My father told me that the earth ________ around the sun.
    A.go         B.goes           C.went          D.going
34.There is little milk in the bottle,________?
    A.isn’t it     B.is it            C.isn’t there    D.is there
35.I’m very upset because everyone did very well in the last test ________ me.
    A.with        B.besides         C.except        D.without
36.Oh,Danny.It’s raining outside.You’d better ________ your raincoat.
    A.put on       B.wear           C.in            D.dress
37.—I’m going to study for the English test tonight.
    A.Me neither   B.So do I         C.I am so       D.So am I
38.—You don’t look well.You’d better see the doctor.
—I ________.But the doctor said there was nothing serious.
    A.have        B.am            C.will           D.was
39.—How are you ________ your classmates?
—Very well.
    A.getting on to                    B.getting along with
C.making on with                  D.making along for
40.—Where is your brother?
—He ________ to the park.
    A.has been      B.has gone       C.is going       D.went
三、Cloze test(完形填空)(25分)
Mike Hayes proved(证明) he was smart
in his first year at college.In 2007,   41   
he was a student at the University of Illinois,he
came up with an idea to    42    his tuition fee
(学费)and college costs problem.Hayes   
43    everyone could afford to give him a penny
He wrote to Chicago Tribune writer Bob Gre-
ene.Hayes wanted each of the newspaper’s   
44    to send him a penny.Greene thought the i-
dea sounded    45    and agreed to do it.
“Just one penny,” Hayes said.“A penny doesn’t    46    anything to anyone.If everyone    47    is reading your paper looks around the room right now,there will be a    48    under a seat, or on the corner of the desk,or on the floor.That’s all I’m    49    .A penny from each of your readers.”
In less than a month,the Many Pennies for Mike Fund(基金) had around 2.3 million pennies.Not everyone sent    50    a penny,many even sent dollars.M-
oney was    51    from every state(州) in the United States.So,Hayes    52    his $28,000 target(目标) and went on to get    53    for his degree(学位) in food science from the University of Illinois.
Perhaps the last    54    is best left to his father,Bill Hayes:“When Mike first told me about his    55    ,I just laughed and said that I thought it was foolish-which shows you that he’s smarter than I am.”


Most people buy lots of presents just before Christmas.But some people think we buy too much.They start a special day    56    Buy Nothing Day.They don’t want anyone to go    57    on that day.Buy Nothing Day is on November 29.It is
   58    Thanksgiving.Often,before Christmas we see many ads.in    59    and on TV    60    us to“buy,buy,buy!”The idea for Buy Nothing Day   
61    in Vancouver,Canada.Now people all over the world   62    Buy Nothing Day.In California,the U.S.,   63    and children get    64    to read stories,sing songs and draw pictures.The children talk about    65    they can’t get many toys.
四、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(40分)
See the world…for free!
Traveling is expensive.But you can see the world for very little money!
In this workshop, learn how to…
►get cheaper plane tickets.
►travel with your friends for free.
►see the world by ship … for $1 per day!
This course is online at www.ASRLCT.org
Travel Tips
The USA Pavilion(美国馆) is at the east end of the Expo Garden’s Pudong Section(世博园浦东区), which can be reached from Gate No 8.Visitors are advised to visit the pavilion in early afternoon,as most people prefer starting their visits from early morning,when it might take more than an hour to get inside.The whole visit takes about 45 minutes.
The Body Image Exhibition is on!
From June 1 to July 1,over 70 pieces of paintings,photographs and videos will be on show at the Exhibition.
Address:325 Nanjing Road W               
Transport:Subway line 1,2 and 8
Opening hours:9 a.m.– 5 p.m.(No entering after 4 p.m.)
Admission(入场费): 20 yuan
For more information call: 021–6327–2829
66.After taking the course at www.ASRLCT.org,you will be able to _______
A.travel for little or no money         B.get more tickets
C.keep learning                     D.work on the ship
67.If you visit the USA Pavilion in early afternoon,__________.
A.you can visit it for free
B.you can visit it in 35 minutes
C.it will take you less time to enter
D.it will be much easier t o find Gate No 8
68.We can go to visit the Body Image Exhibition __________.
A.at 4:30 p.m.                 B.at night
C.for free                         D.at 325 Nanjing Road W
Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well.Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness.They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.
How can we lessen(减少) traffic accidents?All of us must obey(服从) the traffic rules.For the drivers,they shouldn’t drive too fast.If they drive too fast,it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time.For the pedestrians(行人), it’s very important to be careful when they are walking on the road.Therefore,when we walk across the road,we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道).We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road.Look left first,next look right,then look left again.Only when we are sure that the road is clear,we can cross it.The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly.It’s not safe to run.If people run across the road,they may fall down.Teens should try to help children,old people or blind people to cross the road,and never play in the street.
69.Which of the following is NOT the right way to cross the road?
A.Stop and look both ways.         B.Run quickly.
C.Make sure that the road is clear.    D.Walk quickly.
70.Why do most old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
A.Because they are not careful.
B.Because they forget to look and listen.
C.Because they can’t see or hear very well.
D.Because they often run across the road.
71.The best title for this article may be __________.
A.How to lessen traffic accidents?     B.How to cross the road?
C.Please obey the traffic rules.       D.Meeting with traffic accidents.
72.As a student,you can __________ to try to lessen traffic accidents.
A.let drivers drive slowly             B.play in the street carefully
C.run across the road quickly          D.help children to cross the road
At last,the mid-term exams are over.You’ve done the hard work,but you can’t relax.You have to prepare for the next exams.Do you hate exams?If you do,you’re not alone.Students in other countries hate them as well.
Luckily for them,British students have fewer exams than Chinese student.And they only have them once a year.Every summer they take a test in each subject.Each test lasts about an hour.These exams don’t count for much.Even if a student does really badly they still progress to the next year.When the results come out they are then placed in an end-of-year report.The report is sent to the child’s parents.It describes(描述) how the student studied at school.
This report is private(私人的),so only the teacher,the student and his or her parents see it.This means that the students don’t know how other students scored(得分) in the test.Some students choose to tell each other,but others keep it secret(秘密的).
Parents’meetings are held twice a year,at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term.Children go along with their parents to meet their teachers privately and discuss their performance at school.
73.According to this passage,the students of many countries __________ exa-
A.don’t mind     B.have to     C.hate     D.like
74.Which of the following is NOT TRUE for British students?
A.They have an exam once a year.
B.They don’t know their own scores.
C.Parents’meetings are held at the end of the terms.
D.They are allowed to tell each other their scores.
75.For British students,the school life is __________ than that of Chinese students.
A.more relaxing                   B.much tenser
C.more excited                    D.much harder
76.The underlined phrase “don’t count for much” means __________.
A.难以计数      B.不太重要      C.期望不多     D.数量不多
Sleep is very important.A person who does not sleep dies faster than a person who does not eat.We spend about a third(1/3) of our lives in sleep.That’s about 121 days a year!
How much sleep do we need?We are all different.A baby needs 16 hours of sleep every day.Children 6 to 12 years old need an average(平均) of 10 to 12 hours of sleep.Teenagers need 9 to 10 hours of sleep.An adult needs an average of 7 to 8 hours a night.There are some people who need only 3 hours of sleep.Others need 10 hours of sleep.After the age of 50,the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a night.We need less sleep as we get older.
About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep.Many of these people cannot fall asleep.The name of this problem is insomnia.Some people say,“I didn’t sleep all night.”But that’s not really true.They may sleep lightly and wake up several times.In the morning,they only remember the times they were awake(醒着), so they think they were awake all night.
This is not a new problem.Many famous people in history had insomnia.Some of these people had special ideas to make them sleep.Benjamin Franklin had four beds.He moved from one to the other to f all asleep.Mark Twain had a different way.He lay on his side across the end of the bed!
77.If you are thirteen years old, you need at least __________ hours of sleep.
    A.16     B.12     C.9     D.7
78.What does “insomnia” mean in this passage?
    A.No sleep.                     B.Bad sleep.   
C.Slow sleep.                          D.Sleep with many dreams.
79.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A.We will die soon if we don’t sleep well.
    B.The older we get, the less sleep we need.
    C.We can tell a person’s age from his sleep time.
    D.Famous people move from one bed to the other to fall asleep.
80.Which would be the best title for this passage?
    A.Sleep More!                             B.Go to Sleep!
    C.Age and Sleep Time.             D.Famous People and Sleep.
In Thailand,people do not eat with chopsticks(筷子),like in China,Japan,and Korea.They use spoons and forks.81__________.Most food is already cut.If you need to cut things,use the side of your spoon first and then use your fork.82__________.If you are right-handed,keep the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.
83__________.The rice is not on the same pla te with the other food.It is not necessary to finish all your rice or all your food.It is good to leave a little on your plate.If you eat anything,it means you want more.
84__________.The host(主人) will ask you two or three times if you want more food.It is the same with whatever you are drinking.During the meal,never empty your cup or glass.When it is less than half full,your host or neighbor will fill it again.85__________.Always refill(再加满) your neighbor’s glass.This means that you must keep an eye on your neighbor’s glass all through the meal.

五、written work(书面表达)(15分)
Dear Josh,
Thanks for your e-mail.I have ever had the same experience.I even had a fight with my parents But now,I understand them.___________________________________
I hope this helps!

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 00:47:09 | 只看该作者
人教新目标版2012-2013年八年级英语下册期末综合测试卷有答案.rar (2.32 MB, 下载次数: 3858)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 00:47:17 | 只看该作者
一、Listening test(听力测试)(25分)
题号        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10
答案        B        C        C        B        A        B        A        A        C        C
题号        11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20
答案        A        C        A        B        A        C        B        B        C        C

21.Kate(Green)   22.8(years old)   23.(a bit)heavy    24.black
二、Single item fills up(单项填空)(15分)
题号        26        27        28        29        30        31        32        33        34        35
答案        C        C        B        D        A        C        C        B        D        C
题号        36        37        38        39        40                                       
答案        A        D        A        B        B                                       

三、Cloze test(完形填空)(25分)
题号        41        42        43        44        45        46        47        48        49        50
答案        C        A        A        B        D        B        C        D        A        A
题号        51        52        53        54        55                                       
答案        D        C        C        B        B                                       

B)56.called   57.shopping   58.after    59.newspapers   60.telling
61.started   62.celebrate   63.parents   64.together   65.why
四、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(40分)
题号        66        67        68        69        70        71        72        73        74        75
答案        A        C        D        D        C        B        D        C        B        A
题号        76        77        78        79        80        81        82        83        84        85
答案        B        C        A        B        B        A        F        G        C        B

五、written work(书面表达)(15分)
One Possible Version:
Dear Josh,
Thanks for your e-mail.I have ever had the same experience.I even had a fight with my parents.But now,I u nderstand them.We are growing up,but often,it’s hard for our parents to see this.To them, we are still children and they want to protect us.

Sometimes,it’s hard for you to talk to your parents.Here’s an idea:Write your mother and father a letter.In the letter,tell your parents what you are thinking about.Then maybe they will understand you better.After your parents read the letter,try to talk to them.In your free time,you’d better do something you can to help your parents.For example,you can help your parents with some housework.

What’s more,you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.

I hope this helps!


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