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新目标(Go for it)版初中八年级英语2012-2013下册期中考试试题和答案

发表于 2013-5-5 16:42:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
      此套新目标(Go for it)版初中八年级英语2012-2013下册期中考试试题和答案由绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与八年级英语新目标(Go for it)版教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处
(   )1、I ___ you when Bill _____ here tomorrow.
A  will call; comes   B  call; will come   C  call; comes    D  will call; will come
(   )2、It’s good _____ us _____ vegetables.
A  for; eat     B  of; eat     C  for ; to eat    D  of; to eat
(   )3、_____ the future can be difficult.
A  Predicting     B  To  predicting    C  Predict    D  Predicted
(   )4、You ought to smoke ______ cigarettes and drink _____ beer.
A  fewer; fewer    B  less; less     C  less ; fewer    D  fewer;less
(   )5、It’s two o’clock.I’ll come _____ an hour.
A  after      B  in     C  for    D  before
(   )6、There _____ a strong wind _____ a few days.
A  have; after    B will have; after     C  will be ; in    D  have;in
(   )7、I don’t want _____ him.  
A  to argue at     B  to argue with     C  argue with    D  argue at
(   )8、----Oh…my clothes _____ style. I don’t look cool.
---- Well, maybe you _____ some new clothes.
A  are out of ; buy   B is out of ; buy     C are out of ;should buy    D is out of; buy
(   )9、My  friend _____ the same clothes and _____ the same haircut as I do.
A  wears ; have   B  wear ; have     C  has ;wears    D  wears; has
(   )10、I need to get some money to _____summer camp.
A  pay for      B  cost     C  spend     D  take
(   )11、I want to know the weather _____ the phone.
A   for       B  at       C  on       D  in
(   )12、That’s a good idea, but I don’t have _____.
A   enough money      B  money enough     C  too money     D  money too
(   )13、I argued with my best friend. What _____ I do?
A  would      B  should      C  could     D  shall
(   )14、All of them went out for a walk ________ John.
A. besides     B. except      C. beside      D. excepts
(   )15、Hurry up, our flight is_________.
A taking off    B. getting off    C turning off    D putting off
(   )16、She was very beautiful when she _______ the shower.
A. was getting out  B. was getting out of  C. is getting out  D. is getting out of
(   )17、Mr. Smith, together with his sons,_____ supper at 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
A.was eating   B.were eating   C.was eat   D.were eat
(   )18、 Could you please not ____________ here?
A. smoking    B. smoke    C. to smoke    D. smoked
(   )19、My younger sister is always losing her keys and Mother gets really mad ___her.
A. in      B. at      C. with     D. on
(   )20、I’m sure you’ll soon____________the difficulty.
A. get over     B. go over    C. got over    D. gets over
(   )21、The job wasn’t very interesting, but _______ it was well paid.
A.other hand            B.in the other hand
C.the other hand            D.on the other hand
(   )22、 Mr. Black often gives us ________ by Email.
A. some good information      B. some good informations
C. good informations          D. a good information
(   )23、 I think English is as ____ as math.
A. important                B. importanter
C. more important           D. most important
(   )24、Which subject do you like ____ , math, Chinese or English ?
A. better      B. best      C. well      D. very much
(   )25、Do you know _____ this time yesterday?
A. who are they waiting      B. who they are waiting for
C. who were they waiting     D. who they were waiting for
(   )26、She was angry _____ being kept waiting.
A. at      B. with      C. for      D. in
(   )27、He often helps me _____ my English
A. to      B. with      C. for      D. in
(   )28、If he _____ ill, he won’t go to school.
A. is      B. will be      C. was      D. will is
(   )29、What happened ________ “Young Lives” last night?
A. on   B. in   C. to   D. of
(   )30、This shirt is so nice,but it ___________ too much.
A.pays     B.costs     C.takes       D.spends
(   )31、____________ students in my school are interested in listening to music.
A.The number of   B.A number   C.The number   D.A number of
(   )32、It is bad ____________ your eyes to read in the sun.
A.to   B.for  C.by   D.with
(   )33、Don’t forget____________ the light.
A. to turn off    B. turn off    C. turning off    D. turns off
(   )34、Can you see _________? 
A. what he’s reading            B. what is he reading
C. what does he read            D. he reads what
(   )35、 Her mother told her _________ in bed. 
A. not read   B. not to read  C. don’t read  D. to not read
     What do you do at weekends? Some people like to __1__ at home, but others like to go for a walk __2__ have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the __3__. At weekends he always __4__ the same thing. On Saturday he __5__ his car and on __6__ he takes his family to a nearby village. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a __7__ one, but there's always __8__ to do. The children help with the animals and give them their __9__, Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all __10__ and Jack's aunt gives them a big meal.
(   )1. A. play      B. live      C. stay        D. like
(   )2. A. and     B. or       C. but       D. so
(   )3. A. day     B. time      C. autumn     D. week
(   )4. A. does     B. makes   C. borrows     D. has
(   )5. A. watches   B. drives     C. sells       D. washes
(   )6. A. Monday    B. Sunday   C. Saturday     D. Wednesday
(   )7. A. small     B. big     C. hard       D. short
(   )8. A. much     B. little      C. fast        D. far
(   )9. A. clothes     B. places    C. food       D. water
(   )10. A. clean      B. late     C. happy     D. friendly
Now machines are  11  used all over the world. Why are machines so important and necessary(必要的)  12  us? Because they can  13  us do things faster and  14.
  A washing machine helps us to wash clothes. A printing machine(印刷机) helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers, magazine and many  15  things  16 . Bicycles, cars, trains and planes are all machines. They help us to travel faster than  17  foot.
  The computer is a wonderful machine. It  18  not long ago. It  19  stores information but also computes numbers millions of times as  20  as a scientist does.
  Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country.
(   )11. A. wider      B. more wide      C. widely       D. wide
(   )12. A. with      B. of         C. for         D. to
(   )13. A. be helped    B. help        C. helping       D. to help
(   )14. A. better     B. well        C. best        D. good
(   )15. A. others     B. the other      C. other        D. another
(   )16. A. faster     B. quickly       C. slowly       D. quick
(   )17. A. on       B. by         C. in         D. with
(   )18. A. invents     B. is invented     C. was invented    D. invented
(   )19. A. not at all   B. not only      C. both        D. either
(   )20. A. quick      B. fastest       C. faster        D. fast
It is well-known that English go out always with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why?  21   the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to   22   long.
Spring can be rainy or windy   23   the weather is getting warmer and you can hope for more sunny days. In fact there   24   as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is  25   time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can be sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season   26   trees in the woods and parks changing color. During autumn, it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets cold. It may snow, especially on high lands and in the north. There are   27   very strong winds in this season.
January and February are the coldest   28   of the year, while the warmest months  29  often July and August. The difference in temperature   30   winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average(平均) temperature for winter is about 4.5○, and for summer, it’s about 15.5○
(   ) 21.A. For           B. As              C. Because          D. So
(   ) 22.A. make         B. stay             C. change           D. take
(   ) 23.A. but           B. and              C. or               D. for
(   ) 24.A. can           B. can be           C. have             D. can have
(   ) 25.A. the earliest     B. the latest         C. the worst         D. the best
(   ) 26.A. with           B. like              C. without           D. from
(   )2 7.A. also           B. too              C. either            D. neither
(   ) 28.A. seasons       B. weather          C. months           D. years
(   ) 29.A. is             B. are              C. was             D. were
(   ) 30.A. in             B. on              C. of               D. between
Mark Twain was famous in his days as a public speaker. In his public speeches he always liked to tell funny stories. He also liked to listen to funny stories and play jokes on his friends.
  One day one of his friends lost his wallet and asked Mark Twain to pay his train fare (车费)for him.
   “But I don’t have enough money to pay both your fare and mine, ”Mark Twain said. The friend didn’t know what to do.
   “We can do this, ”said Mark Twain. “We can get on the train and when the conductor comes to check the tickets,you can hide under my seat. ”
     Later, however, when the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two tickets-one for his friend and one for himself . Then he explained in a loud voice. “My friend here is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he doesn’t like to sit on the seat. He prefers (宁愿)to lie on the floor under the seat. ”Of course everybody in the train looked at the poor friend and laughed at him loudly.
(    )1. The friend asked Mark Twain to buy a ticket for him because ______.
      A. he was too poor to buy one       B. his wallet was lost
      C. his money was little             D. Mark Twain had a lot of money
(    ) 2. Mark Twain told him he couldn’t buy him a ticket because ______.
      A. he didn’t have enough money     B. he wanted to play a joke on him
      C. he wanted to save some money     D. he didn’t find his wallet, either
(    )3. When the conductor came to check the tickets, the friend was ________.  
      A. lying under the seat            B. sitting on the seat   
C. lying on the seat              D. standing nearby
(    ) 4. Mark Twain spoke in a loud voice because ______.
      A. the conductor was standing far away   
B. his friend was deaf (聋)      C. he enjoyed doing so
D. he wanted all the people here to know there was a man under the seat
People live all over world. They live on land that is low. They live on land that is high. Some live near the oceans. Others live far from the oceans.
  Earth has many different kinds of lands. In some places, the land is flat(平坦的). Flat lands are called plains(平原).
  Some parts of Earth have hills. Hills are higher than the land around them. But hills are lower than mountains. Did you ever try to ride your bicycle up a hill? Some parts of Earth touch oceans. These parts are called coasts. Some lands have water all around them. These lands are called islands.
Earth has many different bodies of water, too. You know about the oceans. There are very large bodies of water. The water in the oceans is salty. There are also smaller bodies of water called lakes. Lakes have land all around them. Rivers carry water from the land. They are long bodies of running water. The water in rivers is not salty. Most lakes do not have salty water, either.
(    )6. People live on ___ lands.
    A. high and salty  B. low and high  C. low and salty  D. salty and flat
(    )7. Hills are higher than ___ and lower than ___.
    A. mountains/the land            B. mountains/lakes 
    C. the land/mountains            D. lakes/islands
(    )8. Some lands with water around them are called ___.
    A. hills   B. mountains   C. flats   D. islands
(    )9. What’s the meaning of the word “coast”?
    A. 海岛    B. 海岸    C. 海洋   D. 海滩
(    )10. According To(根据) the passage, which sentence is TRUE?
    A. The water in rivers and lakes is salty.
    B. The water in oceans and all lakes is salty.
    C. The water in oceans and some lakes is salty.
    D. The water in oceans and of lakes is salty.
The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up(混淆) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at your mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important things for learning English is: “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”
(   ) 11. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is_____.
A. writing in it      B. using it     C. listening to it    D. learning its grammar
(   ) 12. What should you do in learning English?
A. We should be careful not to make any mistakes.
B. We should write as quickly as we can.
C. We should speak English as much as we can.
D. we should laugh more often.
(   )13. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should_____.
A. not care      B. be happy       C. feel worried      D. be unhappy
(   )14. When you make a mistake, you should_____.
A. keep quiet   B. get angry        C. be kind    D. keep your sense of humor
(   ) 15. The story tells us that_____.
A. only foolish (愚蠢的) people make mistakes      B. few people make mistakes
C. people never make mistakes      D. there is no one who doesn’t make mistakes
China has three economic areas(经济区): eastern China, central China, and western China. Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet are in western China. It covers 5, 385, 700 square kilometers, making up 56.4% of Chinese territory(国土) and is home to 230 million people. It is 23% of China’s population.
  The western area is rich in mineral(矿产) and energy resources(能源) (water, coal, sun energy, and wind power). It also has large grassland, ice and snow resources waiting to be developed. It is home to many wild animals and plants, and it gives us with important medicinal resource. 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
  The Chinese leaders have decided to develop the western area. Jiang Zemin said, “Without development of the western area, how can we modernize the whole country, and how can China become an economic power?”
  Since 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, it is not the first time for China to develop its western part. China will make its western area a long-term base for economic development and use its rich resources to develop economic power. (   )16. The territory of western China is _______.
  A. as large as that of eastern China    B. as large as that of central China
  C. as large as that of eastern China and central China
  D. the largest one of the three areas
(   )17. Do you know why we develop western China?
  A. Because the people of western China are rich.
  B. Because it has 230 million people.
  C. Because it makes up 56.4% of Chinese territory.
  D. Because we will modernize the whole country.
(   )18.An economic power means _____.
  A. a rich and strong country        B. a large country
  C. a country with much more population
  D. a large country without economic development
(   )19. What is the best advantage(优势) of West China?
  A. Its rich resources.              B. Animals.
  C. Plants.                        D. Its economic power.
(   )20. What is the best title for the passage?
  A. China-a large country             B. Developing Western China
  C. Home to wild animals and plants   D. Rich Western China
1、How _____  you _____ (spend) your holidays?
2、There _____ (be) a box and there books on the desk.
3、It’s impossible for him ______(finish) the work.
4、His parents want him ______ (stay)at home every night.
5、She ______ (tell)his friend______ (get)different clothes and a different haircut.
6、Please call me up. Don’t forget______( call ) up your uncle.
7、He doesn't have time enough______( do) the homework.
8、The teacher is coming. Let’s stop ___________.( talk)
9、When I arrived at his office, he _____ ( speak )  on the phone.
10、 Would you mind _________(wait) a minute?
11、 Does she do well in __________ (dance)?
12、 He told me he __________ (will) call me the next day.
13、 Ben told Lily that he __________ (prepare) for the exam those days.
14、 I think it is a bad habit __________ (copy) other’s homework.
15、 __________ (one) of all, I made a plan for the coming vacation.
16、 Maybe he wants to go ____________ (skate).
17、 There ____________ (be) a TV play this evening?
18、 Look out!The car is ____________ (come)!
19、I first met my girl friend two years ago, she__________ (work) in the supermarket.
20、Thank you for_________ (teach) us so well, my dear teacher.
21、What________ your parents_________ (do) at nine o’clock last night?
1、I think you should ______ your parents ______ help.(请求)
2、Maybe you could ______ him______.(打….电话)
3、I want to know the weather ____________.(通过电话)
4、Jim  ___________ me. (对…生气)
5、You could ___________ some money_________ your brother. (从…借)
6、They are___________ my friends'. (与…一样)
7、His friends are planning a birthday ________his best friend.(付款)
8、I ________ the phone number by looking it up. (找出)
9、Please don't________it in front of the children. (谈论)
10、Our teacher often tells up to ________ our classmates.(相处融洽)
11、My clothes are ________. (过时的,不时髦的)
12、The party was canceled.  I got ________ for nothing. (打扮)
13、People won’t use money. Everything will ________. (免费)
14、People will ______________ 200 years old in 100 years. (活到)
15、He ______________me. So I stopped climbing. (冲…大叫)
16、There is a teachers’ desk________ the classroom.( 在……的前面)
17、I  ___________   drawing. (擅长于)
18、I ____________  with science this semester. (在….上吃苦头)
19、I ___________ clean all the rooms. (认为必须)
20、You mustn’t _________just because you want to see a football match. (休假一天)
1、 I often get n__________ when taking examinations.
2、The head teacher went out for the meeting just now. Can I take a m__________ for him?
3、I’m s__________ he can’t work out the easy question.
4、We must come to a d__________ about what to do next by tomorrow.
5、To keep safe, everyone is s__________ to wear a seat belt in the car.
6、Young people today need to e________ different things.
7、What s________ clothes you’re wearing today! You look so funny.
8、Their father went to Shanghai on b__________ not for leisure.
9、Lucy, have you ever spoken to a f__________ to practice your English?
1、“Do you agree with me?” he asked. (变为间接引语)
He asked me_______  _______  agreed with _______.
2、It seems that she is very sad. (变为同义句)
She seems _______  _______ very sad.
3、What's wrong with your bike, Jake? (变为同义句)
What’s _______  _______  with your bike, Jake?
4、reading more English books is very good for you. (变为同义句)
_______ is very good for you_______  _______ more English books.
5、The child will take the bus to school.(改为否定句)
The child ____________ ____________ the bus to school.
6、They will go home in two days.(对画线部分提问)
____________ ____________ ____________ they ____________ home?
7、Jim has ten books and I have five books.(改为同义句)
I have five books ____________ ____________ Jim.
8、She was so tired; it’s difficult for her to arrive on time. (同义句)
She was _____________ tired _______________arrive on time.
9、Lily followed her father to see her mother in hospital. (同义句)
   Lily _____________________ her father to see her mother in hospital.
10、Tom had a traffic accident yesterday. (同义句)
   A traffic accident____________________________ Tom yesterday.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 16:42:43 | 只看该作者
新目标(Go for it)版初中八年级英语2012-2013下册期中考试试题和答案.rar (31.61 KB, 下载次数: 3342)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 16:43:03 | 只看该作者
一、        选择题
01---05   ACADB    06---10  CBCDA      11---15  CABBA
16---20   BABBA    21---25  DAABD       26---30  ABACB
31---35   DBAAB
二、        完成填空
01---05  CBDAD       06---10  BBACC        11---15  CDBAC
16---20  BACBD       21---25.  CBABD        26---30. AACBD
01—-05  BBADC       06---10.  B C D B C   
11---15  BCADD        16----20   DDAAB
1、        are ,going to spend      
2、        is
3、        to finish
4、        to stay
5、        should tell , to get
6、        to call
7、        to do
8、        talking
9、        was speaking
10、        waiting
11、         dancing     
12、         would        
13、         was preparing   
14、         to copy      
15、         First
16、        skating
17、        Will,be
18、        coming
19、        was working
20、        teaching
21、        were,doing
1、        ask …. for
2、        call….. up
3、        on the phone  
4、        is angry with
5、        borrow…..from
6、        the same as
7、        pay for      
8、        found out
9、        talk about
10、        get on well
11、        out of style
12、        dressed up
13、        be free
14、        live to be
15、        shouted at
16、        in front of
17、        am good at
18、        had a hard time
19、        am supposed to
20、        take a day off
1、nervous      2. message      3. surprised        4. decision      5. supposed
6.experience     7. strange   8. business   9. foreigner  
1、        He asked me if I agreed with him.
2、        (to be)
3、        The  matter(the  trouble)
4、        It   to read
5、        won’t take 
6、        How soon will,go
7、        less than
8、        too, to
9、        went with   
10、        happened to  


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