(1) Students will be able to:
fully master the words learned in ...
understand the interrelationship of the paragraphs and develop strategies ...
(2) 根据本单元所学,完成与“主题公园”有关的任务。
(3) 培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的情感。
(4) 学习新单词……扩大学生词汇量,为自主学习和阅读奠定基础。
(5) 培养学生的……能力。
(6) 学生能够灵活运用……。
(1) 让学生了解北京的一些名胜。
(2) 教会学生根据具体的情况选择不同的交通工具,提高学生的语言运用能力。
(3) 通过从文中提取功能句及其作用,使学生的阅读能力有所提高。
(4) 通过学习得体的有关提建议的语言,培养学生礼貌待人的行为习惯。
(5) 掌握表示位置的词汇。
(6) 培养学生在口语和写作中能正确地使用所学词语的能力。
(1) Students will be able to:
read and know about the two cities introduced in the reading passage.
learn some expressions to describe a city or a place.
(2) 学习本单元教学目的和要求掌握的词汇。
(3) 复习掌握常用的“问题”的表达方式。
(4) 复习归纳“合成”和“派生”两种构词法。
(5) To learn some words about campaign.
(6) To review the past form of the following verbs.
一般而言,教学目标的表述应力求具体、明确,可以观察和测量,对学生完成学习任务后能够做什么有一个具体的、明确的描述。教学目标的描述要可评价,便于教师和学生自己在教学过程中了解是否已达到目标,以便及时调整教学策略。下面是Thomas S. C. Farrell(2007: 9) 在Planning Lessons for a Reading Class 中对教学目标的陈述:
Another important aspect of planning is for a reading teacher to be able to identify objectives for daily lessons. Objectives should be stated in terms of what students will do. The objectives should be statements of what you want the students to gain from the lesson. Consequently, action words should be used to state these objectives. Vague expressions, such as the following, should be avoided: Students will practice reading skills: Students will learn vocabulary. Instead, statements such as the following may be clearer and easier to achieve in one reading lesson:
●Students will underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
●Students will write three factual questions, three opinion questions and three inferential questions for the passage that is presented.
●Students will be able to skim to find the main idea of the passage.
The teacher should avoid trying to accomplish too much in one lesson.
布鲁姆(1995) 关于教育目标分类对教学达成情况的描述, 具有典型的、清晰的、具体的和可操作性的特点。如认知学习水平可分为六个层次, 并用具体词进行描述:
(1) recall data or information (如: tell, list, relate, describe, locate, write, find, name 等)
(2) comprehension (如: explain, interpret, outline, discuss, distinguish, predict, restate, translate, compare 等)
(3) application (如: solve, show, use, illustrate, construct, complete, examine, classify 等)
(4) analysis (如: analyze, distinguish, contrast, investigate, identify, separate 等)
(5) synthesis (如: create, invent, compose, predict, plan, construct, design, imagine, propose, devise 等)
(6) evaluation (如: judge, select, choose, decide, justify, debate, verify, argue, recommend, assess, determine 等)