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发表于 2013-1-10 14:31:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
复习提示  Unit1 My name is Gina.


1. 问你/他/她的  

What’s your/ his / her name?   

My/ His/ Her name is ……


1. 问你的/他/她的   

What’s your/ his/ her first name?

My/ His / Her first name is ……


1. 问你的/他/她的  

What’s your/ his / her last name?   

My/ His / Her last name is ……


1. 问你的/他/她的

What’s your/his/her telephone number?  

My/His/Her telephone number is ….

五、作文:P3-4介绍你自己以及朋友的相关信息。(name, phone number , family, hobby, birthday, can, time, subject.)

Unit2 Is this your pencil?


(单数) 问你的/他/她的:

Is this that your / his / her pencil?

Yes, it is.    No, it isn’t.


Are these/ those your / his / her pencils?

Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


(单数)  Is he/she your/his/her brother/sister?     

Yes, he/she is.    No, he/she isn’t

(复数)Are they your/his/her brothers/sisters?      

Yes, they are.    No, they aren’t.


What’s this/that in English?  It’s a(n)….

四、   问怎么拼写:

How do you spell pencil/ it?  P-E-N-C-I-L.

五、   作文P11-3a

会写失物启事和招领启事(name, call…at….)

Unit3  This is my sister.

一、   介绍人物:

1.     距离近

(单数)This is my/his/her sister.

(复数)These are my/his/her sisters.

2.     距离远

(单数)That is my/his/her sister.

(复数)Those are my/his/her sisters.

二、   am, is, are 的用法:


We/ You/ They- are      these/ those- are

He/She/ It/ 人名/ This/ That- is

三、   为什么而感谢:

Thanks for the photo of your family.

Thanks for your help.

四、   作文P17-3a

写信介绍你的家人(Dear …,

There are four people in my family. They are my mother, father, sister and I. …. Your friend, ….)

Unit4 Where’s my backpack?

一、   询问某物在某处:

(单数)Where’s the/my/your/his/her backpack?

        It’s in/on/under the desk.

(复数)Where’re the/my/your/his/her backpacks?

        They’re in/on/under the desk.

二、   询问某物在某处吗?

(单数)Is it/ the baseball in/on/under the desk?

        Yes, it is.    No, it isn’t.

(复数)Are they/ the baseballs in/on/under the desk?

        Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

三、   Can you ….? (你能…..吗?)

Can you bring some things to school? 把…..带来

My mother usually takes me to go to a movie. 把….带去

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-10 14:31:42 | 只看该作者
四、   some, any用法


There aresome apples on the desk.

There isn’t any milk in the bottle.

五、作文  P23-3a描述你的房间

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?

一、   问你/他(她、它)们有没有:

Do you /they have a soccer ball?

Yes, I / they do. I/ They have a soccer ball.

No, I / they don’t. I/ They don’t have a soccer ball.


Does he/she have a soccer ball?

Yes, he/she does. He/She has a soccer ball.

No, he/she doesn’t. He/She doesn’t have a soccer ball.

二、   听起来….

That sounds good/ great/ interesting/ exciting/fun!

三、   让我们:

Let’s + do(动词原形).

Let’s go and join them.   Let’s play sports.

四、   作文P29-3a


I like playing……

He/She likes playing…….

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

一、   问你/他(她、它)们喜不喜欢:

Do you/they like bananas?

Yes, I / they do. I/ They like bananas.

No, I / they don’t. I/ They don’t like bananas.

二、   问他、她、它喜不喜欢:

Does he/she like salad?

Yes, he / she does.    He/ She likes salad.

No, he / she doesn’t.  He / She doesn’t like salad.

三、   早餐他/她喜欢吃鸡蛋….

For breakfast, he/she likes eggs, bananas and apples.

四、   可数名词单数变复数:

五、 作文P35-3a


My mother likes……very much but she doesn’t like…….

My father likes…….. very much but he doesn’t like……..

Unit7 How much are these pants?

一、   问价钱:

(单数)How much is this/ that sweater?

It’s $7/seven dollars.   It’s 5 yuan.

(复数)How much are these/those sweaters?

They’re seven dollars.  They’re 5 yuan.

二、   问你想要点什么:

Can I help you?  

Yes, please. I want a sweater.


What color do you want?   Blue.

四、我要/买了。I’ll take it.    给你。Here you are.

五、   对于…来说,我们有…..的….只要……

For girls, we have sweaters in red, green and white for only ¥18.

六、作文:P45-3a     P43-3a

为服装店写一则广告(at a very good price)

Unit8 When is your birthday?


When is your /your mother’s/his /her birthday?

My /My mother’s/ His /Her/ birthday is November 11th.


问你的:When were you born? I were born on September 6th 1989. (注意时间排列顺序)

问他/她的:When was he/she born? He/She was born on September 6th 1989.

三、in 和on的用法:

in + 月份/年份                         on + 具体的某一天


When is the school festival?

It’s April 14th.


How old are you? I’m 13 years old.

How old is he/she? He/she is 13 years old.

六、   作文 写你以及家人的生日P49-3a

Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?

一、   问你想不想去看电影:

Do you want to see a movie?

Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie.

No, I don’t.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-10 14:31:56 | 只看该作者

Does he/she want to see a movie?

Yes, he/she does. He/She wants to see an action movie.

No, he/she doesn’t.


What kind of movies do you like?

I like documentaries. I think they are interesting.


What kind of movies does he/she like?

He/She likes documentaries. He/She thinks they are interesting.

五、   电影类型的单复数以及描述性词和and 和but的用法。

六、   作文P56-2C


Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?


What can you do?        I can + V-原形。


What can he/she do?      He/She can + V-原形。


Can you play the drums?   Yes, I can. No, I can’t.


Can he/she play the drums?  

Yes, he/she I can. No, he/she can’t.

五、   问你想加入什么俱乐部?

What club do you want to join?

I want to join the swimming club.

六、   问他/她想加入什么俱乐部?

What club does he/she want to join?

He/She wants to join the swimming club.

你对孩子们好吗?Are you good with kids?

在游泳方面你能帮孩子们吗?Can you help kids with swimming?  七、作文  P63-3a你具备那些才能?你想加入什么俱乐部?

Unit 11 What time do you go to school?


What time do you usually go to school?

you(你,你们) what time=when

I/We usually go to school at seven o’clock. / at 7:00.


What time does he/she/your mother usually get up?

He/She/ My mother usually gets up at seven o’clock. / at 7:00.


What time is it?

It’s half past seven. It’s fifteen to seven.

四、Can you think what his job is? 你认为他是干什么工作的?

Please write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我关于你上午的情况。

五、   作文P69-3a 会写作息表

Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.


What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is biology.


What’s his/her/Jack’s favorite subject?

His/Her/Jack’s favorite subject is biology.


Why do you like it/math?      Because it is interesting.


Why does he/she/ like it/math?  Because it is exciting.


When do you have computer? I/We have computer on Friday.


When does he/she/ have computer? He/She has computer on Friday.


What’s your favorite day?

My favorite day is Friday. Because I have computer.


What’s his/her/John’s favorite day?

His/Her/John’s favorite day is Friday. Because he/she/John has computer.

九、张老师对我们很严厉。Mr Zhang is very strict with us.

我忙于我的家庭作业。I am busy with my homework.

我忙于做我的家庭作业。I am busy doing my homework.

我喜欢和我的朋友一起玩。I like to play with my friends.


What’s your mother’s /father’s favorite color/food/city/TV show/sport?

My mother’s /father’s favorite color/food/city/TV show/sport is blue/tomatoes/Shanghai/thriller/run.

十一、作文  P75-3a



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