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发表于 2013-1-10 14:29:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
资料  Unit 2

1.       身体部位(body):

Head   hair   face   eye brow (眉毛)   eye   nose   ear   mouth   tooth (pl. teeth)  neck   arm   hand   leg   foot (pl. feet)

2.       同音异形词(读音相同,但拼写和意思不同):

eye——I    c——see——sea (大海)    b——be——bee (蜜蜂)    too——to——two   

you——u   know——no    buy——bye   deer (麋鹿)——dear   meet——meat   aunt——aren’t    high——hi   

3.       颜色(color):

Red   orange   yellow   green   blue    indigo(靛)

purple    pink  white  black  gray   brown   blond

4.       both  pron. 两者,双方。(数目大于等于三时用all)

注意:用于be动词、助动词和情态动词之后、实义动词之前的单词有both, all; only, just; often, usually.

5.       here  adv. 在这里,向这里。

搭配:Here you are here it is here they are. 给你。 Here we are. 我们到了。

6.       give  v. 递给,给予。

Give sb. sth. = Give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人。

Eg: Give me an eraser = Give an eraser to me.

注意:当某物为代词(它或者它们时),只能用后面一种表达方法,即give sth. to sb.

Eg: I need some knives, please give them to me.

7.       sorry  adj. 对不起,难过的。

Eg: —— Sorry I’m sorry.

   —— It doesn’t matter (v. 有关系,要紧) Never (adv.永不,绝不) mind (v.介意)

8.       衣服(clothes):

Cap   T-shirt   jacket   coat   pants (trousers)  skirt   dress   shoe

9.       look  v. 看起来;n. (pl.)相貌,样子。

Look at sth. 看着某物。Eg: Look at this photo.

Look after ab. 照看 照顾某人。Eg: Tom’s mom is out, so he has to look after his little sister.

Look like ( = be like) 看起来像。Eg: Jim looks like his father.

= Jim is like his father.

                             = Jim’s father and he have the same looks.

                             = Jim’s father and he look the same.

10.   bike  n. 自行车。

by (乘 坐)+ 交通工具。

Eg: by bike car bus boat (轮船)  plane (飞机) train (火车).  

注意:“徒步,步行”是 on foot.(交通工具均为可数名词单数)。

Eg: I often go to school on foot by bike, and you?

11.   help  v.& n. 帮助,帮忙。

帮助某人做某事的三种说法:help sb. do sth. = help sb. to do sth. = help sb. with (doing) sth.

eg: Please help me look after my parents. = Please help me to look after my parents.

= Please help me with looking after my parents.

12.   think  v. 想,认为,思考。

Think of sb. sth. 觉得某物或某人怎么样?

Think about sth. 考虑某事。

Think + 宾语从句  觉得……。

Eg: ——What do you think of the pants? ( = how do you like the pants?)

   —— Just so so.

    ——Well, I don’t think so. I think they look nice on you. So why not buy it?

    ——OK. I’ll think about it.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-10 14:30:07 | 只看该作者
以s x ch sh结尾的n.后加es.(buses, dresses, boxes, watches, fishes)
以s x ch sh结尾的v.后加es.(guesses, teaches)
部分以o为结尾的n.后加es.( Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes, zeroes即两人两菜外加一个大鸡蛋。)
所有以o为结尾的v. 后加es.(goes, does)
*以辅音字母+y为结尾的n.要把y变i加es.(families, dictionaries,babies, bodies)
以元音字母+y为结尾的n.后加s.(boys, toys)
*以辅音字母+y 为结尾的v.要把y变i加es. (worries, carries)
以元音字母+y 为结尾的v. 后加s.(says,buys)
以f(e)为结尾的n.要把f(e)变v加es.(knives, wives)
*26个字母中除a, e, i, o, u这五个元音字母外的21个字母称为辅音字母。
注意:个别可数名词的复数形式仍然是它本身,这种形式称为“单复数同行”,这些词有Chinese (中国人)、Japanese(日本人)、sheep(绵羊)等.

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