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发表于 2009-1-27 08:04:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.        –Can you _______ camels?
--Yes, I enjoy ________ camels.
A. ride; ride       B. ride; to ride      C. riding; riding      D. ride; riding
2. _________ your mother spend her weekend?
   A. What did      B. How did         C. What were         D. How were
3. He _________ his homework but went to the movie.
   A. doesn’t        B. doesn’t do       C. didn’t do           D. didn’t
4. She likes _________ a red skirt.
   A. put on         B. putting on       C. wear              D. wearing
5. What _________ it _________ ?
   A. is; look like     B. does; looks like   C. is; likes      D. does; look like
6. We decided _________ this afternoon.
   A. go shopping    B. to go shopping     C. go to shop    D. going shopping
7. –Who cleaned the room yesterday?
  --Lin Tao __________.
   A. is             B. was             C. does         D. did
8. She likes English very much. She never stops ________ English books.
   A. to read         B. reading          C. read         D. reads
9. I like watching the animals _________ in the zoo.
   A. play and jump              B. ate and drank  
C. are eating and drinking      D. are playing and jumping
10. The news made all the people _________.
   A. feel happy      B. to feel happy     C. feel happily    D. feeling happily
11. Would you please __________ me your new shirt?
   A. show          B. to show          C. shows        D. showing
12. My brother _________ reading. He often spends much money on books.
   A. like           B. don’t like        C. likes          D. doesn’t like
13. ---How was your day off?
   ---Pretty good! We _______ the history museum.
   A. visit             B. visited       C. are visiting      D. will visit
14. ---I called you at half past nine his morning, but there was no answer.
   ---Oh, sorry. I ____ with my cousin in the supermarket.
   A. shop        B. was shopping       C. shopped        D. will ship
15. In the 49th World Table Tennis Championship, Wang Liqin _____ Ma Lin and ____ the champion of the Men’s Singles?
   A. beat, beat    B. won, won     C. beat, won     D. won, beat
16. How much does the ticket _______from Shanghai to Beijing?
   A. cost         B. take        C. spend     D. take
17. It’s time ________.
   A. to go to home   B. to go home       C. going to home   D. going home
18. What about something _______ ?
   A. drink          B. drinking          C. to drink       D. drinks
19. The teacher came in, all the students stopped _________.
  A. talk     B. talking     C. to talk    D. talked
20. Look! One of the children ________ the room.
   A. cleans        B. is cleaning        C. cleaned       D. are cleaning
21. Wei Hua doesn’t _______ his school clothes today.
   A. put on        B. wear             C. dress        D. has
22. It’s three in the afternoon. The students ________ football.
   A. play          B. playing          C. is playing     D. are playing
23. –I can’t find my pen. Can I use yours?
  --Sorry, I _________ it now.
   A. am using       B. was using         C. have used    D. used
24. He _________ to his parents twice a month.
   A. write          B writes              C. wrote       D. has written
25. If it _______ , I ________ at home tomorrow.
   A. rains; will stay              B. will rain; will stay   
C. will rain, stay              D. rain, will stay
26. He will call you as soon as he ________ back.
   A. will come       B. come           C. comes          D. has come
27. ________ Lily and Lucy in their room an hour ago?
   A. Was            B. Are             C. Were          D. Is
28. He asks me if I ________ Shanghai next week.
   A. visit            B. will visit         C. visiting        D. to visit
29. He usually _________ TV on Sunday evening.
   A. watch           B. watches          C. watching      D. is watching
30. Keep quiet! The baby _________.
   A. sleeping         B. sleeps            C. slept          D. is sleeping
31. What do you think _____ these young people so excited?
   A. making          B. to make           C. makes        D. that makes
32.---Your spoken English is great.
  ---Thanks. But I still remember I couldn’t _____ a word in English last year.
   A. speak           B. say              C. talk           D. tell
33. ---Do you spend many hours on the way to school every day?
   ---No, it only ______ me about half an hour to get to school by bus.
   A.spends           B. pays             C. takes          D. costs
34. ---I remember I left my book in my car.
   ---Can you go and ______ it back?
   A.fetch            B. bring              C. take           D. get
35. ---I hear you have taken a lot of photos in New York.
   ---Yes. I will _______ some to you when I come to school tomorrow.
   A.take             B. bring              C.carry           D.get

1.        –What’s she doing?
--She ____________(play) computer games.
2. Hurry up. Everybody __________ (wait) for you.
3. How about ___________ (spend) our vacation in Egypt?
4. It’s six o’clock in the evening. The Greens ___________ (have) supper.
5. Would you like __________ (work) as a reporter.
6. Listen! He __________ (play) the piano.
7. _________ (not be) late for class.
8. He __________ (leave) for Hong Kong last week.
9. Tom _________ (get) to school by bus every day.
10. I _________ (find) my lost dictionary last Monday.
11. I ___________ (not have) any money for a taxi, so I walked back home.
12. I _________ ( study) in this school ten years ago.
13. He wanted __________ (buy) a new bike.
14. Who _________ (teach) you English in your school last year?
15. Don’t go out. It _________ (rain) now.

一.选择填空:1~5    DBCDD          6~10   BDBAA
              11~15  ACBBC          16~20  ABCBB
              21~25  BDABA          26~30  CCBBD
              31~35  CBCDB
1. is playing    2. is waiting    3. spending    4. are having    5. to work
6. is playing    7. Don’t be     8. left        9. gets         10. found
11. didn’t have  12. studied     13. to buy     14. taught      15. is raining
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:05:00 | 只看该作者
中考专项复习--------介词部分   2007-2-18
1.        My mother is different from my father. My mother is interested in speaking English, ______ my father is interested in translating.
A. and        B. so       C. or        D. but
2. What time do you usually go to bed?
   I usually go to bed ______ 11:00.
   A. in         B. on       C. at         D. for
3. The weather is hot ______ summer in Beijing.
   A. of         B. in       C. at         D.on
4. Li Ping was late ______ school yesterday.
   A. for        B. to        C. with       D. of
5. Liu Ying runs fastest in our school. We are proud ______ her.
   A. at         B. for       C. of          D. to
6. Which sport do you like better, football ______ basketball?
  A. and        B. nor        C. or          D. but
7. Who is ______ duty today?
  A. in         B. on         C. at          D. for
8. We also have lessons ______ Saturday morning.
  A. in         B. at          C. during      D. on
9. Mary is wearing a dress ______ mine.
  A. like        B. as         C. for         D. to
10. All the students have finished the homework ______ Zhang Hua.
  A. and        B. besides     C. or          D. except
11. Grandpa Li can talk with people ______ English.
  A. by         B. from       C. in          D. with
12. They will have the final exam ______ three months.
  A. after       B. in         C. for          D. at
13. I was born ______ a cold winter morning.
  A. in         B. at         C. to           D. on
14. We have never heard ______ him since he left school.
A. from       B. of         C. for          D. at
15. The Browns have lived in China ______ 1990.
  A. in         B. from       C. since         D. during
16. Would you please look ______ my pet when I am out?
  A. at         B. after        C. over         D. for
17. We often get ______ home late.
   A. to           B. at         C. in           D. /
18. Aunt Liu will arrive ______ the small town the day after tomorrow.
   A. in           B. at         C. to           D. from
19. Maybe the keys are just ______ your bag.
   A. in           B. on         C. from        D. at
20. My little sister is interested ______ science.
   A. with         B. from       C. at          D. in
21. There will be a football match ______ Class 1 and Class 2.
   A. at           B. in          C. among      D. between
22. The boy ______black hair is putting some knives and forks on the table.
   A. in           B. with        C. on         D. at
23. Lily usually goes to school ______ foot.
   A. by           B. on         C. with       D. in
24. Look! The plane is flying ______ the bridge.
   A. over          B. on        C. about       D. at
25. I am good ______ playing the piano.
   A. to            B. in         C. at         D. for
26. They have learned English ______ 8 years.
   A. since          B. for        C. in         D. over
27. We are busy reviewing our lessons ______ morning till night.
   A. from          B. in         C. on         D. during
28. The old man jumped ______ the cold river and swam fast.
   A. in            B. to         C. into        D. at
29. The new supermarket is ______ my home.
   A. near          B. to         C. from       D. among
30. He hurried ______ us without stopping.
   A. through       B. past       C. across      D. from
31. Don’t go to bed too late! It’s already twenty ______ ten.
   A. from          B. in        C. past        D. at
32. Walking ______ a beautiful garden, you will see my new house.
   A. to            B. in        C. across      D. through
33.Can you get on well ______every student in your class?
   A. in            B. to        C. with        D. and
34. Never keep the thing that doesn’t belong ______ you!
   A. with         B. to         C. at          D. in
35. Paper is made ______ wood.
A. of            B. in         C. from       D. through
36. The teachers are all strict _______ us.
A. with           B. in         C. to       D. at
37. Mike has been living in China for two years. He comes ______ America.
A. in             B. to         C. of       D. from
38. My father often helps me _______ my maths.
A. with           B. about      C. at        D. for
39. Listen ______ the teacher carefully and take some notes.
A. /              B. to         C. at        D. from
40. Eating the balanced diet is good ______ our health.
  A. to             B. in         C. for       D. at


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:05:00 | 只看该作者
1. English is not easy, ______ I like it very much. (06北京海淀区)
A. so     B. if     C. but     D. or
2. I’m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, ______ she is interested in reading. (06北京课改实验区)
A. so     B. or     C. but    D. and
3. ---- Somebody is waiting outside. He wants to see you.(06苏州)
---- ______ no one knows I’m here.
A. For    B. And     C. But      D. So
4. The dress fits me well, ______ I don’t want to buy it because it’s too expensive. .(06南京)
A. so    B. and    C. or    D. but
5. It was snowing hard ______ we had to stay at home and watch TV. (06天津)
A. that     B. so      C. but     D. because
6. Please take the medicine three times a day, ______ it won’t work well.(06浙江课改实验区)
A. and     B. but    C. or      D. so
7. ______ big the tree is! (06长沙市课改实验区)
A. What       B. How     C.  What
8. Work hard, ______ you may catch up with your classmates soon. (06重庆)
A. or    B. but    C. and    D. yet
9. ---- Would you like to play basketball with us? (06福建课改实验区)
----Yes, I’d love to. ______ I’m afraid I have no time.
A. So     B. But     C. Or      D. And
10. ---- We had better ask Bob to help us. (06绍兴)
   ---- ______ he is away on business.
 A So     B. And      C. Or      D. But
11. ______ weather we had on our holiday! (06广州课改实验区)
A. What a good             B. How a good   
C. What good              D. How good
12. We didn’t have enough chairs, ______ some of the students had to sit on the floor. (06广州课改实验区)
  A. but    B. so   C. or     D. and
13. Look left and right before you cross the road, ______ you may be hit by a car. (06黄冈课改实验区)
A. and        B. so      C. but       D. or
14. He can’t decide which to choose______ there is no difference between them. (06山西)
A. but       B. so        C. because
15. Study hard, ______ you’re sure to have a good result in the exam. (06 威海)沈阳宜昌
A. and    B. but    C. for   D. or
16. Hold on to your dreams, ______ they will come true one day. (06沈阳)
A. but      B. and     C. or     D. so
17. ______ lovely weather! Let’s go on a picnic. (06沈阳)
A. What    B. What a    C. How    D. How a
18. ---- It’s a long story, but there are few new words in it.
---- Good! ______it will be hard for children.
A. So    B. Or    C. But    D. And
19. ______ beautiful the flower is!
A. How   B. What   C. What a    D. How a
20. _______ interesting story it is!
A. What a   B. What   C. How   D. What an
21. ________ tall trees they are!
A. How     B. What   C. What a   D. What an
22. ______ kind they are!
A. What     B. What a   C. How   D. How a
23. _______ hard all these people are working !
A. What    B. How   C. What a     D. How a
24. ______ bad weather it is!
A. What a   B. How   C. What    D. What an
25. ______ large the factory is!
A. How    B. What    C. What a   D. How a
26. ______ make any noise here. The babies are sleeping.
A. Not   B. No    C. Don’t    D. Do
27. ______ computer games, shall we?
A. Let’s to play   B. Let’s play   C. Let play   D. Let to play
28. ______ good boy he is!
A. What    B. How    C. What a   D. How a
Keys: 1-5 CCCDB   6-10 CBCBD   11-15 CBDCA   
16-20 BABAA      21-25 BCBCA   26-28 CBC

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:06:00 | 只看该作者
初三U6-U10    50个重点句型结构
1. as soon as…  
2. (not) as/so…as…
他学习和我一样努力。/ 小红不如他高。
3. as… as possible
4. ask sb. for sth  
5. ask / tell sb (how) to do sth.   
明明正在问我如何学英语。/ 今上午老师告诉他打扫教室。
6. ask/ tell sb (not) to do sth
7. be afraid of doing sth/that
8. be busy doing sth
9. be famous/ late/ ready/ sorry for
他因诚实而著名。/ 我昨天上学迟到了。/ 你准备好上课了吗?/ 他因上课迟到而道歉。
10. be glad that
11. both…and…
12. buy/ give/ show /send/ pass/bring/lend/tell sb sth
我要给我父母买一台电脑。/ 他姐姐昨天给了他一本杂志。/ 让我看看你的照片。/明天请带你的字典来。/他昨天给我讲了个笑话。
13. either…or…
14. enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth
15. get+比较级
16. get on with
17. get ready for/get sth ready
18.give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sth to sb
19. had better(not)do sth
20. help sb (to) do/ help sb with
21. I don’t think that…
22. I would like to…/Would you like to…?
23. It takes sb some time to do sth.
24. It’s bad/ good for…
25. It’s important for sb to do sth.
26. It’s time for…/to do sth.
27. It’s two meters (years) long (old)
28. keep sb doing
29. keep/make sth+adj.
30. like to do/ like doing
31. make/ let sb (not) do sth
32. neither…nor…
33. not…at all
34. not only… but also…
35. not…until…
36.One…the other…/ Some…others…
37. see/hear sb do (doing)sth
38. so…that…
39. spend…on/(in) doing sth
40. stop sb from doing sth
41. stop to do/ stop doing
42. take/bring sth with sb
43. The+比较级…, the+比较级…
44. There is sth wrong with…
45. too… to…
46. used to
47. What about/ How about?
48. Why not…?
49. What’s wrong/the matter with…?
50. Will (Would, Could) you please…?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:06:00 | 只看该作者
                Unit 1
--What’s your name?
My name is Jim. /I’m Jim.
--What’s his name?  His name is Tony.
--What’s her name?  Her name is Gina.
--Nice to meet you.
--What’s your/his/her telephone number?
                Unit 2
--Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.
--Is this my pen? --No, it isn’t.
--Is that his book? --Yes, it is.
--Is that her eraser? --No, it isn’t.
What’s this in English?
How do you spell it?
                Unit 3
--Is this your sister?--No, it isn’t.
--Is that your brother?--Yes, it is.
--This is my friend.
--These are my friends.
--That is my brother
.--Those are my brothers.
                Unit 4
----Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack.
--Where’s my computer game?  It’s under the bed.
--Where are your books?  They’re on the chair.
--Where are his keys?  They are on the chair.
--Where are her keys?  They are on the table.
                Unit 5
----Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
--Do they have a computer?  Yes, they do. / No...
--Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
--Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.
--Does Chi-young have a baseball?
Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.
--Let’s play soccer.
--That sounds good. I don’t have a soccer ball.
                Unit 6
----Do you like salad? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
--Do they like salad? Yes, they do. /No,they don’t.
--Does he/she like salad?Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesn’t.
--I like oranges.
--I don’t like bananas.
--They like salad. They don’t like broccoli.
--He likes hamburgers. He doesn’t like French fries.
--She likes ice cream. She doesn’t like bananas.
                Unit 7
----How much is the red sweater? It’s eight dollars.
--How much is this blue T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.
--How much is that white bag? It’s nine dollars.
--How much are these black pants? They’re ten dollars.
--How much are those blue socks? They’re 3 dollars.
--Can I help you?.
--I want a sweater.
--What color do you want?
--I will take it.
--Thank you. / Thanks.
--You are welcome.
                Unit 8
----When is your birthday? My birthday is November 11th.
--When is Liu Ping’s birthday? Her birthday is September 5th.
                Unit 9
----Do you want to go to movie? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
--Does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
--Does she want to go to a movie?
Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t
--What kind of movies do you like?
--I like action movies and comedies.
--I like thrillers but I don’t like comedies.
                Unit 10
--Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
--Can he paint? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
--Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.
--Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.
--What club do you want to join?
We want to join the chess club.
                Unit 11
--What time do you get up every day?  
I get up at 6 o’clock.
--What time does he eat breakfast?  
He eats breakfast at seven o’clock.
--What time does she go to school?
She goes to school at eight o’clock.
--Thanks for your letter.
                Unit 12
--What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is physics.
--What’s his favorite subject? His favorite subject is art.
--What’s her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is P.E..
--Why do you like math? Because it’s interesting.
--Why does he like art? Because it’s fun.
--Why does she like P.E.? Because it’s exciting.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:07:00 | 只看该作者
  Unit 1
1. be/come from来自        2. a little / a bit of 一点(修饰不可数名词)    3. likes and dislikes
4.. like doing sth/like to do sth 喜欢做某事(前者强调习惯,后者强调一次性)
5. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事   6. on/at weekends 在周末    (on weekdays 在平时)  
7. go to the movies 去看电影   (go to the movie (特定)   see a movie)
8. live in 居住在              9. speak English  说英语 (say sth. in English)                         10. in October 在十月(在日期和表示星期几的词前用on, 在日期或者星期几的上午、下午或者晚上用on,在某年、某月、某季节前用in,在某个时刻前用at)     
在周六 on Saturday       在九月  in September        在十月一日 in October 1st 
在五月四日晚on the evening of May 4th                 在早晨in the morning
    在冬天 in winter           在中午at noon              在七点at seven
11. pen pal 笔友               12.  let sb.do sth                     
13. the United States 美国     
正式名称:                                       the United States of America
美国人往往称自己的国家为:  the United States /the States      
America  (Am. Amer.)
14. the United Kingdom 英国     
15.. write to sb 给某人写信  write a letter to sb. / write a letter to sb.
16. 14 years old  (a 14-year-old boy   a boy of 14 years)                     
17. play sports in China   进行体育活动      (do sports / have sports)
18. information card  信息卡   19. Chinese Is Fun1  趣味汉语   
20. French for Today  今日法语                    21. Japanese for Kids  少儿日语             22. pen pal        23. the United Kingdom  
24. let sb. do sth (make / have sb. do sth.)
help sb. (to) do sth.     get / want /ask sb. to do sth.
25. Where is your pen pal from? Where does your pen pal come from?  
Where is your pen pal from? Where are you from?
26. Where does he live?       Where do you live?      Where do they live?
He / She lives in China.    I live in Beijing.         They live in New York.
27. What language does he speak?  What language do you speak?                                                                      What language do they speak?  What language does Tom speak?                                                                     
28. What’s your favorite subject?   What’s his / her / their favorite subject?
29. What about you?     How about you?    What about going shopping?
1. ___ Sundays we often stay ___ home.       2. He is______ Australia. He speaks English.
3. Bob lives __ Toronto, Canada.                4. Monday is the beginning _____ a week.
5. ____ the evening of May 1st, I visited my uncle.         6. Please tell me ______ yourself.
7. Does your sister write ___ you every month?        
8.       weekends, I often play computer games.
9. ______ the evening of May 1st, I visited my uncle.
10. There are many people ________ Chang’an Street every day.
11. Does your sister write ________ you every month?            
12. Please tell me ________ yourself.
13. ______ weekends, I often play computer games.
14.   Excuse me, could you tell me the way _______ Mianzhu Library?
15. There were many trees _____ the neighborhood one year ago.
1. We are from China and we _______ Chinese.   A. say    B. talk    C. speak    D. are in
2. The boy is new. He _____ Singapore.
A. come from                B. is from   C. comes in                D. from come
3. We have English lessons _______ Monday ______ Friday.
A. on; to          B. at; on  C. from; on        D. from; to
4. Miss Mao is ______ English teacher _______ Shanghai.
A. our; on          B. an; at   C. an; from         D. a; from
5. Here is a letter _____ you. Who is it _____?
A. from; to  B. to; to  C. for; from        D. for; for
6. Jim _______ from England, and his pals ______ from the USA.
A. come; is                        B. is; comes      C. comes; is             D. comes; are
7. I teach ______ English and he teaches ______ Japanese.
A. him; me  B. him; we   C. her; I        D. them; us
8. Where _____ you _____?
A. do; from      B. are; from     C. is; from       D. are; come from
9. Toronto is in _______.
A. Canada        B. Australia     C. France         D. Japan
10. Where ______ your friend_____?
A. does; lives      B. does; live    C. do; lives        D. is; live
11. The people in Singapore speak _____.
A. English              B. Chinese     C. Japanese and English   D. A and B
12. This is my new pen pal. She is ______.
A. Australia    B. an Australia boy    C. a Australian girl    D. an Australian girl
13. ---Where is?   ---In ______.
  A. England        B. America     C. France         D. Canada
14. _____ favorite sport is swimming.   A. Her   B. He   C. She   D. He’s
15. Tim and Joy are ______. They’re from the United Kingdom.
   A. the English      B. Englishman    C. English         D. England
1. I have some pen pals in UK. (一般疑问句)   _____ you have ______ pen pals in UK?
2. His sister’s from Canada. (提问)            _________ his sister ________?
3. He speaks Chinese. (提问)              ______  _______  ______ he ______?
4. Mr Wang lives in Chengdu. (一般疑问句)    ______ Mr Wang _____ in Chengdu?
12  请给我写信并告诉我有关你自己的信息。

1. post office 邮局              2. pay phone 投币式公用电话     3. a big supermarket     4. at New Park            6. on Center Street 在中心街                               7. near here=in the neighborhood 在附近            8. across from    在……对面                9. next to 在旁边                10. go straight       11. behind       12. around here          13. on the corner  / in the corner      
14. in front of 在……前面        in the front of (在…前部)
18. between…and… 在……和……之间
19. turn left/right 向左(右)转    (turn to the right/left)            
20. on the left/right 在左(右)边
21. take a walk = have a walk = go for a walk 散步   
22. have fun = have a good time 玩得高兴      a good place to have fun
23. take a taxi 乘出租车       (by taxi )
He takes a taxi to school.= He goes to school by taxi.  
24. have a good trip 旅途愉快   25. go down/along 沿着…向前走  
26. go through 穿过    27. the way to 去……的路          28. next Sunday下个星期天
29. on your left/right 在你的左(右)边   30. welcome to 欢迎来到    31. in the park   
32. arrive / get to / reach
He arrived 10 minutes ago.          I arrived / got here / there just now.
He arrived in/ got to / reached Shanghai yesterday.     
31. the beginning of 在……的开始
32. Where is the post office?              33. Is there a bank near here?
34.It’s on Center Street.                  35. It’s down Bridge Street on the right.
36.I hope you have a good trip.            37.It’s a quiet street off  Fifth Avenue.

Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?劳驾,去邮局走哪条路?
Can you tell me the way to the post office?劳驾,你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?
Excuse me. Do you know the way to the post office?劳驾,你知道去邮局的路吗?
Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?劳驾,我怎能到邮局?
Excuse me. Can you tell me how I can get to the post office? 劳驾,你能告诉我怎能到邮局吗?Excuse me, Is there a post office?劳驾,有邮局吗?

1.there, is, a, next, pay, library, phone, to, the  ____________________________________?
2. video, there, a, and, arcade, between, the, is, supermarket, the post office.
___________________________________                           ____.
3.Green, it, down, is, Street, the, on, left  _____________________________________?
4.where, are, you, live, any, beautiful, near, there, parks
5. the, an, garden, interesting, from, across, street, is ________________________________.
6. next, park, is ,to, the ,the ,bank. ________________________________
7. post, is, the, where ,office?  __________________________________
8. is video, a ,near ,arcade ,there, here? _____________________________
9. is, library, bank ,between, the ,the, the ,and, hotel.  _____________________
10. supermarket, a ,there ,big ,is.  _________________________________
1. Where ______ the post office?
A. are    B. is    C. does    D. do
2. It’s down the street ______ the left.
A. /      B. in    C. on      D. from
3. You can enjoy your meal ______ the park.
A. on     B. of    C. off     D. in
4.  ______ there shops on the street?
A. Are     B. Is    C. Where   D. Does
5. There is ______ old park near my house.
A. a       B. /     C. an      D. and
6. The girl next ________ Nancy is talking to her in English.
  A. at                                        B. in                                        C. to                                        D. of
7. Rick sits ________Jim’s left in Team Three.
  A. on                                B. in                                        C. to                                        D. at
8. Turn right ________ the traffic lights.
  A. to                                B. in                                 C. at                                 D. of
9. Is there ________ park near here?
  A. the                                B. a                                        C. an                                 D. /
10. Where is ________ post office?
  A. a                                  B. the                                C. an                                 D. /
11. Turn left off the First Avenue and walk ________ a park on Center Street.
  A. across                                B. along                                C. straight                        D. through
12. The man ________ me is talking loudly with the girl ________.
  A. in front; to his left                                                B. in front of; to his right
  C. at the front of; on his left                                        D. in front of; on his right
13. Could you tell me the ________ to the movie theater?
  A. road                                 B. street                                C. way                                 D. avenue
14. The pay phone is fifty meters away ________ here.
  A. to                                 B. at                                        C. from                                D. for
15.—How ________ is it?        —It’s 150 meters.
  A. long                                B. much                                C. many                                D. far
16.Good morning, Madam. ________ can I help you?
  A. What                                B. Where                                C. Why                                 D. How
17.How do I get ________ New Street?
  A. at                                 B. in                                        C. to                                 D. of
18.Are you going ________ foot or ________ bike?
  A. by; by                                B. on; on                                C. by; on                                D. on; by
19.Go ________ the road and then turn right ________ Bridge Street.
  A. along; off                         B. along; into                         C. straight; into                 D. straight; off
20.Go ________ the bridge and it’s ________ the other side of the river.
  A. across; on                         B. across; at                        C. along; on                         D. along; at

1. The bank is _____ the left.
2. Is there a hotel _______ the neighborhood?
3. My house is ______a busy street.
4. There are a lot of things ____ the supermarket.
5. There is a book ______ the table.

6. _____there a pay phone near your house?
7. Where _____ the keys?
8. If you _____ hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.
9. Where _____ the library?
10.The mall _____ next to the supermarket.
1. ---这附近有银行吗?---是的,有。它在Center街上。

2、 ---超市在哪? ---在邮局后面。
3、 图书馆在旅馆和饭店中间。



Unit  3
1. let sb do sth 让某人做某事            2. kind of 有几分  
3. at night/in the night 在晚上                4. South Africa 南非  
5. play with 和…玩                          12. get…from…从……得到…get sth. from sb.
13. give sb sth=give sth to sb把某物给某人          14. in / during the day 在白天               
15. talk to/with 和……谈话                       16. ask sb questions问某人问题      
17. very smart/cute/shy                           18. other animals
19. like doing/to do…           20. every day / everyday            21. want to be               
22. be interested in / ineresting      excited / exciting       tired / tired
23. Why do you like koalas?                            24. Let’s see the pandas first.   
25. Where are lions from?                              26. They are kind of interesting?
27. What other animals do you like?                      28. Why do you want to see the lions?  

  1. 有点儿;稍微___________                2. 其它的动物_________       3. 来自___________               
4. 和…一起玩_________        5. 在晚上_________                         6. 每天_______________
  7.想去看___________          8 先看熊猫___________        9.让我们___________         
10.南非 ___________           11. 放松20小时___________     12. 12岁___________
13. 一只小企鹅 ______________________  14. 两头丑狮子                    
16. 四只恐怖的老虎        ____________________________

二、 根据中文提示完成句子。
  1. 让我们先看长颈鹿吧。      _____ ______ the ______first .
  2. 这只熊猫有点儿害羞。      The panda is _____ ______ shy .
  3. 这些老虎来自中国。        These tigers _____ _____ China.
  4. 请保持安静.                ______ ______ very quiet.
  5.我喜欢和同学一块儿打篮球。 I ______ ____play basketball ______ my classmates .

三. 选择填空:
  1. Let’s ______ a game.                       A. play                B. to play                    C. playing
  2. I like this story-book because it’s very _____.   A. cute                B. interesting                C. smart
  3. ____ do you like pandas? Because they’re cute.  A. When                B. How                    C. Why
  4. ______ are Koala bears from ? Australia.       A. When                B. What                    C. Where
  5. My mother ______ run.                     A. like                B. likes                    C. likes to
  1. you, like, what, do, other animals ?          _____________             _______________
  2. like , I , tigers , don’t , scary , because , they’re .      
_________________________                         ___
  3. dolphins , the , because , kind of , are , interesting     
______________________                     ______
  4. 20 hours,he,sleeps,relaxes,usually,and,every day?   
________________________                    ____
  5. see,why,do,want to,you,the lions                 ____________________________
6. want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see ____________________________________________?
7. giraffe, South, smart, the, does, Africa, not, from, come


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 08:07:00 | 只看该作者
8. see, first, dolphins, the, let’s   ________________________________________________.
9. do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to

1. She likes dogs too.?(改为否定句)            She ______ ________ dogs, either.
2.I like koala bears because they are very friendly. (就划线部分提问)?
______ do you ______ koala bears?
3.The big tiger comes from China.(就划线部分提问)?
4.He usually gets up and eats leaves at night.(就划线部分提问)?
______ does he usually ______ at night?
5. A koala comes from Australia.   (变否定句)   
A koala ________  ________ from Australia.
6. He likes dolphins very much.   (变一般疑问句)
________ he ________ dolphins very much?
7. The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel.  (划线提问)    ________  ________ the zoo?
8. I like Tom because he is very friendly.   (划线提问)      ________ do ________ like Tom?
9. The shy girl wants to see giraffes.   (对划线部分提问)
________  ________ does the shy girl want to see?
6. Do you have lots of clever friends?    (变陈述句)
________  ________ lots of clever friends.
7. Pandas are from China.   (同义句转换)           Pandas _______  ________ China.
8. She doesn’t want bananas at all.   (变肯定句)      She ________ bananas very ________.

Unit 4      I want to be an actor
1. a movie actor       2. a sports coach      3. a library assistant     4. shop assistant
5. an interenational school                  6. pop star             7. bank clerk        
8. TV/ police station    9. work with sb. 和……工作                 10. work for 为……工作  
11. work hard 努力工作(学习)              12. get their money from me
13. work in the day / at night / in the night      14. want ads      15. have a job for sb.
16. call sb. at …       17. work for a magazine                18. work as a …  
19. be in             20. go out to dinners 出去吃晚饭        21. in a hospital 在医院
22.write stories 写故事       23. school play                 24. an interesting job         
25. What do you do?     What does he do?   What is he?  What’s his job?     
26. What do you want to be?               27. Where does your sister work?      
28. Does she work late?                   29. That sounds really interesting.
30. He always has a lot of new things to learn.

1. He sleeps ______ the day and works______ night.
   A. in; in       B. on; at       C. in; at       D. during; in
2. Tony works ______ a magazine. He likes working_______ young people.
   A. for; with     B. with; for    C. on; with    D. for; on
3. It is ________ animal. It is _______ scary.
   A. a kind of; a kind of     B. a kind of; kind of    C. a kind of; kinds of
4. She _______ just now.
   A. gives a book to me   B. gave me a book      C. gave me it
5. Let him _______ you.
   A. help       B. to help     C. helping       D. helps
6. Look! Mary is talking _______ her two good friends.
   A. about      B. to         C. on          D. for
7. 他们喜欢出去吃晚饭。
   They like___________  ___________  __________  _________.
8. 他在医院工作。
    He works __________  ________   ____________.
9.  杰克学习很努力。
    Jack _________  ___________.
10. 这只狮子来自南非。
This lion __________  __________  __________  ___________.
11. 昨天我儿子从我这拿走了100美元。
     My son ________ 100 dollars _________ me yesterday.
1.What does his brother do?
        A. He’s OK.                B. He’s thirteen.        C. He’s in the bank.                D. He’s a football player.
2. He ________ works in that book shop.
        A. too                                B. also                        C. does                                 D. is
3. Andrew is a businessman. He ________ every month.
        A. make money                B. makes moneys                C. make many         D. makes a lot of
4. Do you want ________?
        A. to be a actor                B. to be an actor                C. be an actor                D. be a actor
5. __________ does your mother do?
        A. Who                                B. Where                                C. What                        D. How
6. What about ________?
        A. go shopping        B. go to shop                C. to go shopping                 D. going shopping
7. Do you like ________ people?
        A. work with                B. working                C. work for                        D. working with
8. My father sometimes works ________ the day and sometimes _______ night.
A. in, at                        B. at, in                        C. on, at                                D. in, on
9. May I ask _________?
          A. they, question                B. their question        C. theirs question         D. them, questions
10. We like _________ basketball. We play it ___________.
        A. playing, everyday        B. play, every day        C. playing, every week.        D. play, every week
11. I ________ around but _________ nothing..
        A. look, see                        B. see, look                C. look, look                        D. see, see
12. I have two bikes. ________ is new and ________ is old.
        A. one, other                B. one, the other                C. The one, the other        D. one, other
13. I ________ my book everywhere, but I can’t ________ it.
        A. find, find                B. look for, look at                C. look for, find                D. look at, look for
14. He is an English ________. He teaches ________ English.
        A. student, our                B. teacher, us                        C. speaker, we                D. waiter, ours
15.I am  ________ in music. I think it is an _________ subject.
        A. interesting, interesting                                B. interested, interested               
C. interesting, interested                                        D. interested, interesting

1.  father   what  your   do   does
2.  John’s  in  mother  the  work  hospital
3.  Mary  to  reporter  want  be  a
___________________________________________________________________________ .
4.  is  a  dangerous  it  job
5.  I  because  want  it  to  is  a  be  policeman  exciting  an  job
________                           _______

Unit5     I’m watching TV
1. talk on the phone 打电话        2. wait for 等待     3. talk about 谈论关于……的事情  
4. read the newspaper 看报      5.TV show 电视节目             6. on vacation 在度假   
7. take a photo=take photos 照相        8. look at 看    9. have a good time 玩得高兴   
10. pretty good 相当不错            11. a little bit 一点儿            
12. look like 看起来像              13. medium height 中等个子      
14. medium build 中等身材 (体格)
15. stop doing sth 停止做某事(注: stop to do sth停下来做另一件事)      
16. pop singer 流行歌手                 17. house of dumplings 饺子店
18. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事           19. green tea 绿茶      
20. remember doing sth “记得做过某事”,此动作已经发生(注: remember to do sth “记得做某事”,即此动作还没有发生)
21. watch TV           22. do homework           23. eat dinner   
24. write a letter         25. red a book              26. at school/home/the pool play soccer              27. talk on the phone     28. thanks for              29. sound terrible
30. I am not talking.      31. What are you doing。    32. Are you playing soccer?
练习题: 用所给词语的适当形式填空.
1. – Is that Peter speaking?   
  –No, this is David. Peter _________________ (read) the newspaper.
2. We _______(take) many ________(photo) when we went to the Great Wall.
3. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students __________ (stop)
  ___________ (talk).The teacher said, “Boys and girls, _________ (stop)
  ___________ (write) a letter to your parents.”
4. Jenny ___________ (look) like her aunt.        5. I’d like ___________ (buy) a pair of sunglasses.
6. I_____________ (wait) for a bus in the bus stop.  7. Mona ____________ (talk) on the phone now.
8. We __________ a good time in Chengdu one week ago.
9. Our geography teacher is medium _______________ ( high).
10. Jay is a pop ___________ (sing).
11. Listen! Lily and Lucy____________ (talk) about their PE teacher.
12. Please _________ (look) at the blackboard.   13. There are many TV __________ (show) in CCTV.
14. This morning I had breakfast at a house of _____________ (dumpling).
15. I’m so hungry now. I want ___________ (order) something to eat.
16. I remember __________ (tell) you about it.
17. Peter, remember _________ (take) a shower before you go to bed.
1. A boy _______ in the river.         A. swimming       B. is swimming         C. is swim
2. Look, the cat _______ up the wall.   A. running         B. runs          C. is running
3. _______ are they doing? They are _______.  A. What, singing      B. What, sing     C. Who, singing
4. She _______ the window.          A. is opening       B. are opening     C. open
5. Two women _______ near the house.     A. is sitting      B. is sit           C. are sitting
6. My brother _______ homework.        A. is doing his     B. doing his       C. is do his
7. _______ the children _______ a kite?    A. Is, making     B. Are, making     C. Are, make
8. What are the two boys doing? They _______ their yo-yos.
   A. playing     B. are playing with     C. are playing
9. Look, Lucy _______ a red blouse. She looks nice today.
   A. is putting on     B. wearing      C. is wearing
10. They _______ stay a home.        A. aren’t want      B. don’t want     C. don’t want to
Choose the words and phrases in the box to complete the sentences.
wait for   movie   be   talk about   of   read   swim    boring    shopping   write
1. Bob is _______ a letter to his mother.
2. Where _______ the boys playing basketball?
3. My parents are _______ my study now.
4. Do you want to go to the _______?        5. Who are you _______?
6. This TV show is too _______. Let’s go _______ and buy some books.
7. Here is a photo _______ my family.
8. Look! Jerry is _______ in the pool.        9. Tom often _______ English in the morning.
1. I doing my homework. _____________________________________________________
2. Jim is puting on his clothes. ________________________________________________
3. Look! They play games. ____________________________________________________
4. What do you do these days? _________________________________________________
5. Now I am wanting to go with you. ____________________________________________
6. Don’t worry, I come. _______________________________________________________
A: Linlin, what are you   1  ?
B: I’m   2   a picture.
A: Could you come here please? I want some   3  .
B: Certainly. I’m   4  .
A: I can’t find my cat. Do you know   5   it is?
B: Is it a white one   6   a black one?
A: It’s a black one. It’s   7   a bell(铃).
B:   8      9  . Let’s go and   10   it.
A: Thank you.

Unit 6
take a photo/ photos       lie on the beach        
look at / for …   have a look at …        a group of…   
look cool     I’m surprised to do sth./ at sth. / + clause    in this heat   
be relaxed/ relaxing
How is the weather in Beijing?   It’s sunny/ fine/ cloudy/ windy …  It’s snowing/snowy…
Thank you for joining …      There are many people here on vacation.
Everyone is having a good time.
1. —______ is the weather like in Beijing?   —It’s raining from August to September.
A. How      B. What      C. How a       D. Why
2. —How’s the weather in Harbin?     —It’s ______.
A. snow      B. snowing     C. snows      D. to snow
3. —What’s Uncle Joe doing?       —He ______ computer games.
A. playing    B. is play     C. is playing     D. plays
4. —How’s it ______?   —It’s great!
A. go     B. going     C. goes     D. is going
5. Do you like ______ weather?
A. rainy     B. to rain     C. rain      D. rains
6. They’re in Egypt on vacation, ______ at five ______ years of history.
A. are looking; thousands        B. looking; thousand
C. are looking; thousand         D. looking; thousands
7. The people in Egypt are wearing a kind of scarf ______ their heads.
A. in     B. at      C. over       D. on
8. Look! The man is ______ photos of the Eiffel Tower.
A. having     B. taking     C. making     D. watching
9. Thank you for ______ me with my English.
A. help     B. helps     C. helping     D. helpful
10. It’s rainy. But everyone ______ a good time.
A. is having     B. are having     C. having      D. has
1. it, how,  going, is?    _____________________________________________
2. was,  the,  weather,  last,  how,  here,  Saturday?
3. brother,  games,  playing,  is,  my, computer.
4. you,  and,  like,  cold,  do,  weather,  rainy?
5. the,  he,  in,  is,  reading,  book,  classroom, his.

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