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Book6 Module6 War and Peace (高三英语一轮复习)教学设计和反思

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Book6 Module6 War and Peace (高三英语一轮复习)教学设计和反思
                                                                By  Kong Guanji
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Review the key words, phrases and sentence patterns in this module.
2.Enable the students to master the important language points reviewed.
●Words to review:
abandon, arm, condemn, drown, invade, liberate, memorize, occupy, overlook, rescue, sacrifice, shock, unload, wound,  mess, despite
●Phrases to review:
declare war on,  make a breakthrough, pick up, be/get involved in,  to one’s astonishment,  drink to,  in return (for),  be at war with,  draw attention to, owe…to,  in the face of,  in years to come
●Sentence patterns to review:
  ○ The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.
○ The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.
○ It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.

Teaching Procedure:
Section I   Lead-in
Play a song written for the children who suffered from war.

Section II   Revision
1)     Show the important words on the screen and get the students to translate them into English.
2)     Summarize some phrases related to the words.
3)     Get the students to translate the sentences on the Exercise Paper into English.
○ Words to explain:
abandon  v.  抛弃,放弃         abandon oneself to
   occupy   v.  占领,占据         occupy oneself with/in       be occupied with/in
   rescue    v.&n.  营救,救援       come to one’s rescue
   wound    v.  使受伤    n. 伤口,创伤    wound sb in the shoulder
   sacrifice   v.&n.  牺牲,献祭              make sacrifices
   shock     v.&n.   使震惊;震惊           a shock to sb.
   mess     v.&n.   弄乱,弄糟              in a mess
   despite   prep.   尽管                    despite the fact that…
1.Phrases (Show the important phrases on the screen and get the students to translate them into English.)
○Phrases to explain
owe … to…   把…归功于…    owe sb. sth./owe sth. to sb.  欠…
   to one’s +n.    令某人…
   pick up   捡起,学会,接收(节目),收拾,恢复,顺便搭载某人
   in years to come  在未来的几年里
1.Sentence patterns  (Show some sentences and get the students to summarize them.)
○It’s worthwhile to do sth./It’s worthwhile doing sth.
  be worth doing sth.
  be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done       值得做…
○The soldier lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.   形容词做状语
○ Before I could get in a word, he had rushed out.    还没来得及… 就…
  It was/will be +时间段+before +一般过去时/一般现在时    过了…/要过…,才…
  It is/has been +时间段+since + 一般过去时               自从…以来有多久了
  It was +时间点+when+一般过去时                    
  It was +介词+时间点/时间段+that…   (强调句)

Section  III  Practice
1.Get the students to complete the exercises on the Exercise Paper.
2.Get some individuals to write their answers on the blackboard.
3.Check the answers and get some students to explain them.

Section  IV  Conclusion
What have we learned today?
Words:  …
Phrases:  …
Sentence patterns:  …

Section V  Homework
1.Memorize      the words, phrases, and sentence patterns reviewed today.
2.Complete      the exercises on pages 142-143 in the Guide Book.
I. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 战斗之后,海滩一片狼藉。
2. 子弹(bullet)击伤了这个战士的肩膀。
3. 他的父母为确保他得到良好的教育而作了很多牺牲。
4. 当我处于危险的时候,他们都来营救我。
5. 他死亡的消息让我们震惊。
6. 在他父亲去世后,他陷入悲痛(grief)中。
7. 她照顾三个孩子,忙得不可开交。
8. 尽管(despite)医生已经嘱咐她休息,但她还是去上班。

II. Multiple choices.
1. The fire spread fast. Luckily, the local government had brought it under control _________ the situation got worse.
A. though          B. until         C. before       D. since
2. Try to spend your time just on the things you find __________.
A. worth doing them          B. worth being done
C. them worth doing          D. worth doing
3. My car was stolen last year and it was found _______ two months later.
A. to be abandoned   B. abandoning   C. abandoned   D. being abandoned
4. The similarities between identical twins often cause us to _____ their personal differences.
A. arrest           B. betray          C. overlook         D. condemn
5. --- What will today’s talk be about?
--- In the lecture _____, the professor will tell us something about modern English usage.
A. following       B. followed       C. to follow       D. to be followed
6. His spirits ___________ when he heard the good news.
A. kept up         B. picked up      C. held up        D. put up
7. Our government has taken some measures to overcome the lack of electricity, but it may take some time ________ we have enough power.
A. since           B. after          C. unless         D. before
8. They returned home, _______________.
A. safely and sound          B. safely and soundly  
C. safe and sound            D. safe and soundly
9. --- Is it for two months _______ they have stayed here?
--- No, it is only three weeks ________ they arrived here.
A. that; since   B. that; when    C. when; that    D. since; before
10.________________all the shortcomings you mentioned,he is a man to be depended on.
A. In spite        B. Despite         C. Although      D. While

III. Correct the following sentences.
•Occupying in writing a report last night, I didn’t attend my best friend’s wedding.
•To my delighted, I passed the driving test.
•It is shocked that they involved children in the crime.
•He got badly wound in action.
•How did you get into such mess?

      2. 在翻译检测环节,如果能够评完一个句子,紧接着呈现该句答案比全部评完在呈现答案效果更佳。

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