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发表于 2011-6-13 18:35:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


绿色 圃中小学教育网ht tp: //w w w.l s p j y.c om分站www.fy daxue.c om
1. I’m busy today. I have lots of things      .
A. do B. to do C. does D. doing
2. It’ll take you half an hour    the station.
A. get to B. to get C. to get to D. getting to
3. Yesterday I went to the park            .
    A. on a bicycle B. by the bicycle
C. in a bicycle D. by bicycles
4. I have          money in my pocket.
A. any B. not C. none D. no
5. How many girls are there in the classroom?
A. Not any B. None C. No D. Nobody
6. There isn’t any bread on the table. There is no rice,         .
A. too B. either C. also D. all
7.          milk do you need?
A. How many B. How
C. How much D. How long
8. The new bicycle          me 300 yuan.
A. spent B. took  C. left  D. cost
9. Mr Hu showed us           their school.
A. with  B. around  C. in D. to
10. There are many            in town.
A. friendly peoples    B. friend people
C. friendly people     D. friend peoples
11. Tom wants     you     the story of “Animals”.
A. telling;/   B. to tell; about  C. tell; about  D. tell;/
12. Lin Tao is happy to live in   tall building.
A. so a   B. such a    C. so   D. such
13. Let’s go       in the park.
A. walk  B. walks  C. walking   D. walked
14. The pollution here    becoming more and more serious(严重).
A. an   B. is   C. are   D. be
15. I’ll take it      home.
A. to   B. at   C. for   D./
16. If you are in the right place, you can choose     food you like in Sunshine Town.
A. any   B. no   C. some   D. not
17. —Let’s go and visit the museum.
—That sounds       .
A. good   B. well   C. bad  D. badly
18. The boy will stay with you for     .
A. full day  B.full a day  C.a full day  D. fill day
19. There isn’t any milk in the bottle,      ?
A. is there  B. isn’t it   C. is it   D. isn’t there
20. Chinese people are more friendly     I think.
A. because   B. that   C. before   D. than
21. The bag     Mike’s. Are you sure about it?
A. maybe   B. may be   C. may is   D. may
22.        of them      in the city.
    A. No one, are     B. None, is  
C. No,  is        D. No one, is
23. They didn’t leave       ten last night.
A. when   B. to   C. until   D. after
24. Millie is a good swimmer, and can swim     a fish.
A. likes   B. is like   C. like   D. is likes
25. Yesterday they had lots of      in the park.
A. funs   B. times   C. funny    D. fun
26. I will teach     if you want to learn it.
A. your Beijing Opera   B. you Beijing Opera
C. Beijing Opera to your  D. Beijing Opera for you
27. Please say hello     your parents     me.
A. to, to    B. for, for   C. to, for   D. for, to
28. Would you please help me    my homework?
A. to do  B. do   C. with   D. A, B and C
29. The woman enjoys         .
A. sing and dance     B. sings and dances
C. singing and dancing  D. singing and dances
30. What about          ?
A. go swimming    B. going swim
C. go swim        D. going swimming

1. Please ask him        (call)me this evening.
2. Jim is a           (wait) of the restaurant.
3. We’d better go for a walk on such a       (sun) day.
4. Our family have two        (loaf) of bread every morning.
5. Let’s do some      (shop)tomorrow.
6. Yesterday he      (see) a film. He often     (see) a film on Sunday.
But next Sunday he       (not see) a film.
7. How many          (piece) of bread do we have?
8. We have a         (wonder) time today.
9. When      you       (tell) them the news, today or tomorrow?
10. What about     (go) for a walk?

1.     Changjiang River is     longest river in    China.
2.      shorter boy is my cousin. He is     middle school student. He is interested in   Chinese.
3. We live in      flat. We are on      third floor.
4. He loves playing       volleyball, but his sister loves playing       piano.

1. I bought something else.(划线提问)
  2. There is no chicken.(改为同义句)
3. This is such a tall building. (改为同义句)
4. Everyone in England speaks English.(改为一般疑问句)
5. Why don’t you go with us? (改为同义句)
6. There are two apples in the basket. (划线提问)
7. I’d like to eat something different. (改为一般疑问句)
8. There will be an English party next Sunday. (划线提问)
9. Simon sits between Jim and me. (划线提问)
10. It took us half an hour to get to the zoo.(改为否定句)

1. Please be quietly. It’s time for class.
2. How many fruit do we have?
3. There are lots of dog food in the fridge.
4. How many building are there in your home town?
5. Look! There have some apples on the table.
6. Simon lives in a place likes this.
7. His mother teaches him cook.
8. Do you find a work in this city?
9. My favourite sport is fish.
10. The group of English students is going to New York.

1. 到北京市中心乘地铁只有40分钟的路程。
  2. 大多数学生喜欢住在像这样的大楼里。
  3. 你可以在购物中心顶楼玩到晚上10点。
4. 你要等汽车停了才能开门。
5. 你何不与我们一起唱京剧?
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-13 18:36:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-13 18:36:00 | 只看该作者
一. 1—5 BCADB    6—10 BCDBC    11—15 BBCBD    16—20 AACAD
20—25 BBCCD   26—30 BCBCD
二. 1. to call                2. waiter                3. sunny                4. loaves                5. shopping  
6. saw, sees, won’t see                7. pieces                8. wonderful                9. will tell                 10. going  
三. 1. The, the , /                2. The , a ,/                3.a, the                4./, the
四.1. What else did you buy?       
  2. There isn’t any chicken.
  3. This is so tall a building.
  4. Does everyone in England speak English?
  5.Why not go with us?
  6.How many apples are there in the basket?
  7.Would you like to eat something different?
  8.What will there be next Sunday?
  9. Where does Simon sit?
  10.It didn’t take us half an hour to get to the zoo .
五. 1.quietly—quiet  2.many—much  3. are—is  4.building—buildings  5. have—are
6.likes –like  7.cook—to cook  8.a work—work  9.fish—fishing  10.is—are
六. 1. It’s only forty minutes from the center of Beijing by underground.
2. Most of the students like living in the buildings like this .
3. You can play on the top floor of the shopping mall until ten o’clock at night.
4. You can’t open the door until the bus stops.
5. Why don’t you sing Beijing Opera with us ?

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