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PEP小学四年级英语下册Unit5 My clothes 教学设计

发表于 2016-5-18 13:29:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
PEP小学四年级英语下册Unit5 My clothes 教学设计
Part A Let’s talk, let’s learn, let’s play
一、       教材分析
2.本课通过Amy 和Sarah逛服装店的情景,呈现了五个服装名称的词形和词意,并能表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。
3.本课通过体育课结束时Amy与老师间对话的情景,学习问答确认衣物主人的句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. Is this John’s? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.名词所有格的表达也是本节课学习的重点。
二、       学情分析
1. 四年级学生经过三年级一年的英语学习,学生学习两级分化较为严重,有些孩子因英语基础不扎实,不敢开口,也不愿意开口,更不愿意举手回答问题,教师需要一些破冰活动,拉近和学生之间的距离。
2. 服装名称对学生来说是新知,但与它相关性很强的颜色,大小等形容词在上册教材中已经有过认知,可以以此为切入点展开对服装名称的学习。四年级的学生已经开始对服装话题感兴趣了,本课的重点句子Is this  …? Are these ...? 在前面已经学习并操练过,学生能够正确认读。本课替换服装名称操练学生就能熟练掌握。而名词所有格的表达句型对学生来说是新知,可以在学生理解后着重操练。
1.听、说、认读五个关于衣物的单词:clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress.
2.听、说、认读句型:Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s.
3.学习表达喜好的句型:I like ….

1.能够通过图片、实物、情景等提示听懂单词clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress的意义。
3.能够正确模仿对话的语言、语调朗读对话,并能在情景中恰当运用句型Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s. 进行交际活动。
4.能够运用句型:I like…简单表述自己对衣物的喜好。
1.能够在具体的语境中听懂所学新单词clothes , hat, pants, skirt, dress和对话大意,并获取关键信息,完成相关听力练习。
2.能够正确模仿对话的语音、语调朗读对话,并能在情景中恰当运用句型Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. They are Chen Jie’s. 进行交际活动。
2.能够在真实的情景中恰当运用句型Are these yours?Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 和Is this John’s? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s …’s. They are …’s. 进行拓展练习。

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-18 13:29:46 | 只看该作者

Step 1  Warm-up & Revision ( 2’ )
Let’s watch the fashion show.(播放儿童服装走秀视频)
Question: Do you like their clothes?
T: Today, we’re going to learn Unit5 My clothes.
Step 2  Presentation & practice ( 10’ )
Lead in ( 呈现教具穿着五颜六色的衣物照片)  
T: I have a friend here. She is Amy.  
Learn the new words (教师拿帽子,裙子等实物,以旧带新,自然拼读)
T: What’s this?                    Ss: A cat. A bag.  It’s a hat.
T: I like the hat. What about you?   Ss: I like the hat.
T: Is this yours? (板书教具卡片)
Ss: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is. (板书教学卡片)
T: It’s Miss Yi’s. ( 板书卡片)
T: What’s this?                    Ss: It’s a dress.
It’s my dress.
T: Is this yours?                  Ss: No, it isn’t.
It’s Miss Yi’s.
T: What’s this?                   T: It’s a skirt.
Whose (谁的)dress is it?  Is it yours?  Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s Amy’s.
T: What are these?               T: They are pants.
T: Are these yours? (板书)          Ss: No, they aren’t.
T: Whose (谁的) pants are these? They are…’s. 它们是…的。
3. Practice
(1) Read the words after the tape.
(2) Read the patterns: --- Is this yours?  ----Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
---Are these yours? --- Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
(3) Work in groups: Let’s play. Ask and answer ( 开火车)
Step 3  Listen and match ( 2’ )

1.This is Mike’s hat.

2. Those are my pants.
3. I like the yellow dress.
4. This is Amy’s skirt.  

5. This is a clothes shop.                  

(设计意图: 根据课标听力一级目标要求,呈现图片和句子,通过设计听力练习检测学生是否已经掌握前面所学新单词。)
Step 4  Listen and guess ( 4’ )
Lead in :
T: Today, Amy is in the PE class.
When the PE class is over, what will happen ?
Guess : What clothes are they talking about?(课件展示)
Listen and choose :show a video about Amy’s PE class.
What are they talking about when the PE class is over?)(播放视频录音1遍)
They are talking about the              ②   


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-18 13:29:48 | 只看该作者

Step5  Listen and choose  (从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话)( 2’ )
(Let’s continue listening,and  choose the correct answers.)
         :Amy, are these yours?
          My shoes are green.
A.    They’re Chen Jie’s.
B.    Is this John’s?
C.    No, they aren’t.
         : What about this hat?   
         : No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.
1 ._______    2 .________   3 .________

Step6  Listen 、imitate and practice.  ( 8’ )
(过渡语:Now let’s listen to the tape and imitate the conversation.词句可以呈现在幻灯片上,并注解汉语,强调学生模仿对话中人物的语气语调去读)
1.Read after the tape. 必要时老师示范领读,让学生基本掌握对话语音、语调和语气。
2.Work in pairs .
3.Act out. (分角色朗读表演展示,强调看哪一组模仿的最像,读得最好,并评价奖励。)
(设计意图: 通过听音模仿、角色扮演,使学生熟练掌握并运用本课句型,培养学生的口头表达能力。)
Step 7  Practice & Extension       ( 10’ )
1.pair work 根据图片,同桌完成对话练习
2.Make a new dialogue. 根据所给情景创编新对话
3.  Act out.(Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class)
Step8  Sum-up ( 1’ )
Ask one of the Ss what they have learned in this class.
Remind the Ss to form good habits of taking care of their belongings.
Step9  Homework ( 1’ )
1.Read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
2.Express actively to your family or friends using the patterns learned in this class.
Unit 5 My clothes
(图片)clothes        Is this yours? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
(图片)hat             It’s Mike’s.
(图片)skirt          Are these yours? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t
(图片)dress          They are Chen Jie’s.
(图片)pants         I like the green skirt. / I like those pants.      

使用道具 举报

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