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发表于 2013-1-20 15:46:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

六年级英语  (201201)
(总分100分  考试时间60分钟)
题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 积分人 核分人
一 二 三 四 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九   
卷首寄语: 同学们,今朝扬帆远航,你们准备好了吗?让我们朝着心中的梦想,勇敢闯关吧!别忘了挑战的途中,书写要规范、整洁、美观哦!
(    ) 1. A. carrot            B. camp            C. calculator   
(    ) 2. A. litter               B. late               C. little      
(    ) 3. A. water            B. watch            C. wallet
(    ) 4. A. popular          B. people            C. police
(    ) 5. A. March           B. match             C. mean
(    ) 6. A. get off           B. keep off           C. take off
(    ) 7. A. at weekend       B. at the camp         C. at Christmas
(    ) 8. A. the eighth of October       B. the twentieth of November      
C. the eighteenth of December  
二、听录音,判断图意是否与所听内容相符,相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。 (听两遍)(每小题1分,共6分)
1.                    2.                     3.

(     )               (     )                 (     )
4.                    5.                     6.

         (     )               (     )                 (     )
(    )1. A. Yes, you can’t.      B. Yes, I can.       C. No, you can’t.
(    )2. A. Only three.     B. I can see three.    C. It’s over there.
(    )3. A. Buy some new clothes. B. Eat some moon cakes.  C. Make some kites.
(    )4. A. Yes, she did.        B. She did her homework.  C. Yes, he did.
(    )5. A. Sure, here you are.   B. It’s from Nancy.      C. Perhaps it’s Mike’s.
(    )6. A. I like a CD Walkman.            
B. I’d like a CD Walkman.
C. I don’t like a CD Walkman.
It was Liu Tao’s          last week. It was on the          of          . Liu Tao and his friends          to a farm and          a party there. It was the          time for them to have a party on a farm. They          very         . Liu Tao         a lot of food and his friends          it very much. They had lots of fun there.
(    )1. dear   bear               (    )2. three    there        
(    )3. ask      March               (    )4. bread    read   
(    )5. teapot    got                (    )6. comb     come
(    )7. blow     cow               (    )8. tonight    light
(    )9. milked   collected            (    )10. cartoon   bedroom
1. smoking (原形)                     2. nine(序数词)                     
3. didn’t (完全形式)                   4. take(现在分词)                    
5. party (复数)                        6. say(第三人称单数)               
7. fun (形容词)                       8. after(反义词)                     
9. their(名词性物主代词)              10. see(过去式)                     
1. 回答问题                         2. 在六月                        
3. 早早地去上学                     4. 拉出,拔出                        
5. 儿童节                           6. 在......前面                     
7. her hairdryer                       8. the twentieth day               
9. pick it up                         10. before New Year               
(    )1. Mike’s earphones          new. But mine          old.
A. are; are      B. is; are          C. are; is   
(    )2. -What would you like to         ? -I like          orange juice.
  A. drink; drinking     B. drink; drink       C. drink; drinks
(    )3.         your cousin          a farm last Sunday?
A. was; visit           B. Did; visit        C. Did; go
(    )4. People usually eat moon cakes         .
A. on May Day     B. on New Year’s Day   C. at Mid-Autumn Festival
(    )5. -Where           you go last week?
-I          to my grandparents’ house.
A. were; go           B. did; went          C. do; went
(    )6. Here’s a cake          Ben . It’s          his father.
A. from; to           B. to; from           C. for; from
(    )7. Dragon Boat Festival is          May          June.
       A. in; or             B. at; or              C. in; and
(     )8. -          is your favourite holiday? - Christmas Day.
       A. When             B. What             C. Whose
(    )9. -Where are our combs? - _________
A. Here there are.      B. Here they are.      C. Yes, there are.
(    )10. There are          public signs in the park, but I don’t know         
about them.
       A. a lot of; a lot of     B. a lot; a lot          C. a lot of; a lot  
1. Helen is a friend of __________ (I).
2.          (be) there any parks in the town in 1950?
3. I’d like             (come) to your home.
4. My sister and I _____________ (water) the flowers last Friday.
5. He always          (have) a lot of questions.
6. There are two new ____________ (watch) on the table.
7. The boy ________________ (listen) to the teacher carefully now.
8. There are lots of ____________ (people) in the supermarket at Christmas.
9. She shouldn’t         (go) to the zoo now, she must         (stay) at home.
六、情景搭配。 (每小题1分,共8分)
Ⅰ                                     Ⅱ
(    )1. Who’s the skateboard from?               A. It’s Liu Tao’s.
(    )2. Don’t walk on the grass.                   B. It’s from my father.
(    )3. When can we watch ‘Aladdin’?             C. I’d like a mirror.
(    )4. Whose teapot is this?                     D. Let’s wait and see.
(    )5. What would you like as a birthday present?   E. I’m sorry.
(    )6. What date is it today?                     F. Yes, they were.
(    )7. Were the films in your bag just now?         G. It’s the 16th of May.
(    )8. Did you visit your relatives last holiday?      H. No, I didn’t.
1. 这个是妈妈给的。请帮我打开它。
This one is          Mum. ________it for me, please.
2. -你的生日在11月吗?-不,我的生日在12月3日。
-         your birthday in November? -No, my birthday’s ______ the      
of December.
3. 你的眼镜刚才在电话机旁边。
  Your                   beside the telephone just now.
  -________ you visit your Grandparents last _________ ________ Day?  
5. 昨天你在干什么的?我在农场挤牛奶的。
  - What did you _________ yesterday? I ________ cows on the farm.
6. 那个标志意思是保持安静。
   That sign __________ ‘Be __________ ’!
People Christmas Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival
Nancy buy a Christmas tree watch a dragon boat race eat moon cakes
Liu Tao go to a party watch a dragon boat race play with lanterns
Helen sing and dance eat rice dumplings watch the moon
Mike go to the park play games have a big dinner
(    )1. -What did Nancy buy last Christmas? -              
A. Moon cakes.       B. A Christmas tree.     C. Rice dumplings.
(    )2. Helen           at Mid-Autumn Festival.
A. watched the moon   B. went to a party      C. had a big dinner
(    )3. Did Liu Tao eat rice dumplings last Dragon Boat Festival? -            
A. Yes, he did.        B. No, he didn’t.       C. He ate a lot.
(    )4.          watched the dragon boat race with Liu Tao.
A. Helen            B. Mike              C. Nancy
(    )5. -Where was Mike at Christmas? -            
A. At home.         B. In the park.         C. At school.
     Last Saturday was a funny day. Nancy came to my home in the morning. We studied Chinese together. We read some funny Chinese stories. At about eight fifty o’clock, we went to Dongfeng Park by bus. And we flew kites and fished there. It was very interesting. Then we went home and cooked lunch at about one o’clock and it was very nice. We watched TV after lunch. At about four thirty, we played the piano.
(    )1. Helen and Nancy studies English together last Saturday.
(    )2. Mike went to Dongfeng Park by bus.
(    )3. Helen and Nancy fished in Dongfeng Park.
(    )4. They cooked lunch at about four thirty.
(    )5. Helen can play the piano.

请你以“My last birthday”为题写一篇小短文。
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